全世界の obesity deaths rise by 50 パーセント since 2000, major 報告(する)/憶測 shows - but how does the US compare to other nations?

The number of people dying from obesity-関係のある 病気s like heart 条件s and 一打/打撃 has risen by 50 パーセント over the last 20 years, a major 全世界の 報告(する)/憶測 has 明らかにする/漏らすd.

In the year 2000, high BMI was the 11th 主要な 危険 factor for 縮めるing a person's life. By 2021, it had jumped to the sixth 位置/汚点/見つけ出す, によれば the 全世界の 重荷(を負わせる) of 病気 熟考する/考慮する, published in the prestigious Lancet 定期刊行物.

The 条件s most often 苦しむd by people dying obesity-関係のある deaths 含むd?high 血 圧力, heart problems, 腎臓 dysfunction, and type 2?糖尿病.

However, the scientists 設立する that 空気/公表する 汚染 remains the 主要な contributor to 全世界の 病気 重荷(を負わせる) in 2021, over and above obesity.

Places with the highest prevalence of obesity are Tonga , American Samoa, Polynesia and Micronesia, Cook Islands and Niue. The availability of unhealthy food versus healthy food is thought to be behind the soaring obesity rates in many island nations

Places with the highest prevalence of obesity are Tonga , American Samoa, Polynesia and Micronesia, Cook Islands and Niue. The availability of unhealthy food versus healthy food is thought to be behind the 急に上がるing obesity 率s in many island nations

Dr Michael Brauer, (v)提携させる(n)支部,加入者 professor at the 学校/設ける for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), said the 危険 factors are becoming more 流布している in young people, but are also 'indicative of an 高齢化 全住民 that is more likely to develop these 条件s with time.'?

The 熟考する/考慮する,?published in The Lancet, looked at data from 204 countries and 領土s from 1990 to 2021.


団体/死体 集まり 索引 (BMI) is a 手段 of 団体/死体 fat based on your 負わせる in relation to your 高さ.?

基準 決まり文句/製法:

  • BMI = (負わせる in 続けざまに猛撃するs / (高さ in インチs x 高さ in インチs)) x 703

Metric 決まり文句/製法:

  • BMI = (負わせる in キログラムs / (高さ in メーターs x 高さ in メーターs))


  • Under 18.5: Underweight
  • 18.5 - 24.9: Healthy
  • 25 - 29.9: Overweight
  • 30 - 39.9:?Obese?
  • 40+: Morbidly obese?

Years of healthy life lost and 早期に death was also 予定 to particulate 事柄 空気/公表する 汚染, smoking, and low birthweight and premature births.

の中で the 危険 factors the 研究員s looked at, they 設立する that 空気/公表する 汚染 was the was the 主要な contributor to 全世界の 病気 重荷(を負わせる) in 2021, followed by high 血 圧力 and smoking.

For younger 全住民s - those 14 years and under - the biggest 危険s for poor health and 早期に death were low birthweight, premature birth and 危険な water, 衛生設備 and handwashing.

一方/合間 for older groups, high 血 圧力, high BMI, high 血 sugar levels and high LDL cholesterol levels had bigger 衝撃s on 縮めるing lifespans.

Between 2000 and 2021, 全世界の 率s of years lost 予定 to poor health and 早期に death 予定 to high BMI rose 16 パーセント.

This is 予定 '増加するing 危険 (危険などに)さらす', the 研究員s said, meaning an 増加するd chance of someone having a higher BMI,?同様に as 全住民 高齢化.

The rise of ultra-過程d food and more sedentary lifestyles are likely to 非難する.

Individuals' (危険などに)さらす to a 危険 of a high BMI 増加するd by 1.8 パーセント per year during 2000-2021.

The 研究員s also said that?全世界の life 見込み is likely to continue to 増加する between 2022 and 2050, but at a slower 率.

There were 重要な 拒絶する/低下するs in 病気 重荷(を負わせる) for 危険 factors 関係のある to child and mother 栄養不良, such as child growth 失敗, with the 率 of the years lost to poor health and 早期に death 減少(する)ing?by 72 パーセント between 2000 and 2021.

For low birthweight and premature births, the 率 減少(する)d by 33 パーセント.

Saudi Arabi, Egypt, Jordan and Turkmenistan are some of the countries with the highest share of deaths due to obesity

Saudi Arabi, Egypt, Jordan and Turkmenistan are some of the countries with the highest 株 of deaths 予定 to obesity

The obesity rate among American adults increased from 21.2 percent in 1990 to 43.8 percent in 2022 for women and 16.9 percent to 41.6 percent for men

The obesity 率 の中で American adults 増加するd from 21.2 パーセント in 1990 to 43.8 パーセント in 2022 for women and 16.9 パーセント to 41.6 パーセント for men

Between 1990 and 2022, the rate almost doubled from 11.6 percent to 19.4 percent among US girls and from 11.5 percent to 21.7 percent for boys

Between 1990 and 2022, the 率 almost 二塁打d from 11.6 パーセント to 19.4 パーセント の中で US girls and from 11.5 パーセント to 21.7 パーセント for boys

The authors 予報する that the main 推論する/理由s for poor health and 早期に death in 2050 will be?heart 病気, 一打/打撃, 糖尿病, and chronic obstructive pulmonary 病気 (COPD).


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In 2022, the main 原因(となる)s are?heart 病気, neonatal disorders, 一打/打撃,?and lower respiratory 感染s.

Previous 全世界の data from 2019 設立する that 13 パーセント of 全世界の deaths were attributable to obesity.

?The country with the highest 率 was Jordan with almost a 4半期/4分の1 (24 パーセント) of deaths 負かす/撃墜する to obesity.

Around 68 パーセント of Americans are overweight (BMI between 25 and 30) or obese (BMI above 30).

By comparison, in the UK, around 64 パーセント of adults 老年の 18 years and over in England were 概算の to be overweight or living with obesity.

While America is often thought of as the most obese country in the world, its 139million obese 全住民 pales in comparison to 中国's 200million, or India's 350million.?

The obesity 率 の中で American adults 増加するd from 21.2 パーセント in 1990 to 43.8 パーセント in 2022 for women and 16.9 パーセント to 41.6 パーセント for men.

In 2000, the 率 of obesity in America was 31 パーセント.?

Another 熟考する/考慮する published in The Lancet this month 宣言するd obesity a bigger health 脅し than hunger - with one billion people now too fat 世界的な.?

概略で 159 million children and adolescents and 879 million adults have a 負わせる that is so high 親族 to their 高さ that it 分類するs them as obese, the 同等(の) of around one in eight people.

一方/合間, 率s of underweight dropped の中で children and adolescents and more than halved の中で adults 世界的な.