Forget good taste, says the King's garden designer - as she 明らかにする/漏らすs how to discover your own horticultural style



by Jinny Blom (フランs Lincoln £35, 256pp)?

There are many different 推論する/理由s to 心にいだく your garden. It may be a 港/避難所 of tranquillity, a space for children to play, a place to 表明する your artistic talents, or a 野性生物 聖域.?

And then, as designer Jinny Blom 設立する out, it could also be the perfect place for an alfresco romp. When asked what she 手配中の,お尋ね者 from her garden, one of Blom's (弁護士の)依頼人s told her that 'my husband and I want to be able to make love in the garden without worrying about people seeing us'.?

Blom is an award-winning landscape designer who has made gardens at the Chelsea Flower Show for both King Charles and Prince Harry. For her, gardening is the highest of art forms, and in this 調書をとる/予約する she 診察するs the many different elements that need to work together when you are making a garden, while pondering why the compulsion to create a beautiful garden has been so 全世界の/万国共通の, even in times of war, 破壊, and 飢饉.?

And then, as designer Jinny Blom (pictured in the Laurent-Perrier garden she designed at Chelsea Flower Show 2006) found out, it could also be the perfect place for an alfresco romp

And then, as designer Jinny Blom (pictured in the Laurent-Perrier garden she designed at Chelsea Flower Show 2006) 設立する out, it could also be the perfect place for an alfresco romp

The question of what makes a garden is 特に pertinent at the moment because, as she 観察するs, gardens are 現在/一般に going through something of an 身元 危機.?

ますます, gardeners are 存在 challenged to consider whether their 陰謀(を企てる)s are 現実に 損失ing to the 環境. Is it 許容できる to use 不十分な water 資源s so that the flowers in your 国境s can 繁栄する? For the sake of insect life, should a lawn be left long and shaggy instead of neatly (土地などの)細長い一片d? Should we be choosing native flowers rather than exotics from far-flung places? Is rewilding - a 手渡すs-off approach which 伴う/関わるs letting land return to its natural 明言する/公表する - the 未来 of gardening, or is it 'puritanical nonsense', as Monty Don has called it??

Blom 述べるs this 調書をとる/予約する as 'a romp through the 広大な and コンビナート/複合体 星座s of what makes a garden' rather than a guide to garden design. Her 範囲 is 幅の広い, taking in art, architecture, history, culture and science, with 転換s along the way into 中世 tapestries, 疫病/悩ますs, the meaning of flowers and the importance of touch in the garden. There are plenty of useful practical tips to be gleaned along the way.?

(弁護士の)依頼人s who are bothered by traffic noise often ask her to put in a water feature to distract from the sound of cars, but Blom 警告するs: 'One noise seldom 首尾よく masks another… you run the 危険 of them 連合させるing to make a much bigger noise that becomes more 悪化させるing.'?

Be fearless with colour, she advises, and 'throw away the imaginary 'good taste' 支配する 調書をとる/予約する'. For inspiration, keep a scrapbook of any visual images that speak to you.?

Be 患者, because a garden takes at least five years to settle 負かす/撃墜する. And make sure you look after your 膝s, which take so much of the 緊張する when you are gardening - she recommends doing squats, and practising standing on 補欠/交替の/交替する 脚s to 高める your strength and 安定.?

Blom 最高潮の場面s that gardens can be 傷をいやす/和解させるing spaces for those 対処するing with 強調する/ストレス and 苦悩. Before becoming a landscape gardener she worked in the field of mental health, something of particular 利益/興味 to her as she had been いじめ(る)d at school and still 苦しむd from posttraumatic 強調する/ストレス disorder.?

Blom describes t
his book as 'a romp through the vast and complex constellations of what makes a garden' rather than a guide to garden design

Blom 述べるs this 調書をとる/予約する as 'a romp through the 広大な and コンビナート/複合体 星座s of what makes a garden' rather than a guide to garden design

Working in a horticultural therapy 部隊 made her realise how 有益な digging, pruning and 工場/植物ing were - not just for those in the 部隊 but for her 同様に.?

'The rhythm of the working day and gardening at home in the morning did a lot to mitigate my 高度に nervous 明言する/公表する,' she says. This is a highbrow 調書をとる/予約する, beautifully illustrated and elegantly written - although the print, 式のs, is 絶対 tiny.?

It won't be to everyone's taste but it's 十分な of 刺激するing ideas, and Blom puts up a stout defence of 伝統的な gardens, 含むing the 現在/一般に unfashionable 'gardens with 視野 and order'.?

Those who 支持する letting gardens run wild are making the mistake of 'thinking something is good just because it is natural', she says. Controlling nature is an 必然的な part of the 過程, however relaxed your style of gardening, even if 'the most successful landscape designs are those in which people 会合,会う nature more than halfway'.?

So, to answer the 調書をとる/予約する's central question, what does make a garden??

'The 現在の fashion for wild gardens and meadows is proof that our 鮮明度/定義 of what makes a gard en is changing and 拡大するing,' Blom 令状s. 'If you think it is a garden, it is a garden… the style you like is yours to discover.' And if that 含むs a garden where there is privacy to have outdoor sex - 井戸/弁護士席, as, she points out, that is a tradition dating 支援する to Adam and Eve.?

'Carnal 楽しみs,' she 宣言するs, 'are very welcome in my garden'.

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