活動/戦闘 計画(する): CIAR BYRNE's 必須の 職業s for your garden this week


One of my earliest memories is sitting on a doorstep in the 日光 爆撃する peas, popping as many into my mouth as I put into the bowl.?

If you want to enjoy the taste of your own fresh peas this summer, now is the time to (種を)蒔く them.?

Place the seeds into modules or into a length of guttering filled with peat-解放する/自由な compost leaving around 7.5cm between them, which 許すs you to slide the whole lot into a 用意が出来ている ざん壕 in one go. 工場/植物 them out when they reach 20cm tall.?

Alternatively, you can (種を)蒔く them 直接/まっすぐに, although they won’t germinate until the 国/地域 reaches 10c.?

There are many different varieties of peas in all 形態/調整s and sizes, but most need some support, so it is a good idea to get this in the ground at the same time.?

If you want to enjoy the taste of your own fresh peas this summer, now is the time to sow them

If you want to enjoy the taste of your own fresh peas this summer, now is the time to (種を)蒔く them

少しのd the ground where you are going to grow them and 会社にする/組み込む some 井戸/弁護士席-rotted 有機の 事柄 into the 国/地域, ideally a few days or weeks before 工場/植物ing.?

Then either use individual pea sticks made from hazel or make a でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる from bamboo 茎s and hang netting over it for your 工場/植物s to climb up.?

Kelvedon Wonder is a good 早期に variety that grows to about 60cm high. Hurst Green 軸 climb to around 1m.


When it comes to mowing, use the highest setting to take off the top third of grass. Scarify and remove moss and thatch

When it comes to mowing, use the highest setting to take off the 最高の,を越す third of grass. Scarify and 除去する moss and thatch

Tulip fire has returned due to the wet weather

Tulip 解雇する/砲火/射撃 has returned 予定 to the wet 天候

I’ve put off mowing so far as the ground has been so wet, but it’s time for that first 削減(する). Use the highest setting to take off the 最高の,を越す third of grass. Scarify and 除去する moss and thatch. Aerate with a fork then 料金d your lawn if you have any 明らかにする patches. Spread grass seed, then 圧力(をかける) lightly with your foot or a roller.


Our 記録,記録的な/記録する wet 天候 has seen the return of tulip 解雇する/砲火/射撃, the RHS 報告(する)/憶測s. Pocket plum which produces hollow plums and damsons is also on the rise. The RHS says the 最高の,を越す three 病気s were honey fungus, apple and pear scab and rose 黒人/ボイコット 位置/汚点/見つけ出す. Mulch and fork the ground to help drainage and 削減(する) 病気 危険s.?


White Comfrey?

I don’t have to try hard to grow white comfrey (Symphytum orientale) in my garden as it is 井戸/弁護士席 設立するd as a wildflower, even though it was introduced to Britain from the eastern Mediterranean.?

It is 類似の to ありふれた comfrey (Symphytum officinale), known in folk 薬/医学 as ‘knitbone’ for its 傷をいやす/和解させるing 所有物/資産/財産s, but with more leaves that continue 負かす/撃墜する the 工場/植物.?

In spring and summer, it 耐えるs white flowers, and likes a sunny 位置/汚点/見つけ出す, growing to 40-60cm. After flowering, 削減(する) leaves and 法外な in water to make comfrey tea, a 広大な/多数の/重要な fertiliser.?

In spring and summer, white comfrey bears white flowers, and likes a sunny spot, growing to 40-60cm

In spring and summer, white comfrey 耐えるs white flowers, and likes a sunny 位置/汚点/見つけ出す, growing to 40-60cm


How should I repot my orchids??

Jill Leadbetter, Pershore?

Orchids need to be repotted 定期的に. The best time to do this is in the spring, just after flowering. Ideally, use a (疑いを)晴らす plastic マリファナ so you can see the roots. The マリファナ should have plenty of 穴を開けるs for aeration. Bark is the best growing medium, as compost 保持するs too much moisture, and these 工場/植物s need to 乾燥した,日照りの out between watering. Make sure your new マリファナ 許すs for a couple of centimetres of growing room ― but not too much, as this can lead to water retention. Growing Orchids at Home by Manos Kanellos and Peter White (Kew Publishing, £10) is an excellent guide for beginners.?