Fifth of drivers unwittingly breaking the 法律 by using a phone at 確かな times during 旅行s

  • Some 19% of drivers 投票d said they use a phone at 確かな points in 旅行s
  • 政府's 2022 無-寛容 支配するs 禁止(する) touching phones when 運動ing

A fifth of drivers are unwittingly breaking the 法律 by using a 動きやすい phone at a time when they think they can't be caught, によれば a new 報告(する)/憶測.

A 熟考する/考慮する of 2,003 Britons 設立する that 19 per cent 収容する/認める they 扱う their phone when the 乗り物 is 静止している at traffic lights or in a 列 of 乗り物s.

Yet this is still a 違反 of the 法律, with 支配するs dictating that 運転者s can only touch a 装置 when they are making a call to 緊急 services or to tap-and-支払う/賃金 on their smartphones at 運動-thru restaurants and (死傷者)数s.

The 熟考する/考慮する's findings come as drivers are 存在 警告するd that the 最新の 速度(を上げる) camera 科学(工学)技術 is now 有能な of catching them breaking other 法律s, 含むing 持つ/拘留するing a phone, not wearing a seatbelt and even tailgating other 運転者s.

A fifth of drivers are breaking laws around using a mobile phone behind the wheel possibly out of ignorance, a new study has suggested. It comes as experts warn motorists that speed cameras are now capable of catching them handling a device
< p class="imageCaption">A fifth of drivers are breaking 法律s around using a 動きやすい phone behind the wheel かもしれない out of ignorance, a new 熟考する/考慮する has 示唆するd. It comes as 専門家s 警告する 運転者s that 速度(を上げる) cameras are now 有能な of catching them 扱うing a 装置

The 研究, (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限d by 保険会社 Aviva, 設立する 事例/患者s of drivers breaking other モーターing 支配するs out of ignorance.

For instance, a third?(32 per cent) 投票d 認める to using their horn out of 怒り/怒る at other road 使用者s にもかかわらず rule 112 of the 主要道路 Code 明言する/公表するing that it should only be used when your 乗り物 is moving and you 'need to 警告する other road 使用者s of your presence'.?

It 追加するs that you should 'never sound your horn 積極性'.

Other habits 明らかにする/漏らすd by 回答者/被告s which may also result in 運動ing 法律s 存在 broken ? if みなすd to have 妨げるd a driver 存在 in 十分な 支配(する)/統制する of a 乗り物 when 伴う/関わるd in a 衝突,墜落 ? 含む 運動ing barefoot (10 per cent), while eating or drinking a 非,不,無-アル中患者 drink (34 per cent) and while smoking or vaping (15 per cent).

A third of motorists say they've aggressively used their horn to show frustration at other road users, despite the Highway Code suggesting against this

A third of 運転者s say they've 積極性 used their horn to show 失望/欲求不満 at other road 使用者s, にもかかわらず the 主要道路 Code 示唆するing against this

Aviva モーター (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 経営者/支配人 ツバメ Smith said: 'Our 研究 shows that a large 部分 of drivers are taking dangerous 危険s while behind the wheel of a car.

'Not only does this 増加する the chance of a 衝突/不一致, it means that you could receive a 罰金 and/or points on your licence which may 影響する/感情 how much you 支払う/賃金 for car 保険 in the 未来.

'No 事柄 how tempting, it's important that drivers 除去する any 可能性のある distractions in their car and make sure they are 適切な dressed for 運動ing ? which 含むs footwear too.

'Changing a few of your 運動ing habit s only takes a few minutes and can 妨げる an 出来事/事件 from occurring.'

Department for 輸送(する) 人物/姿/数字s show 22 people were killed and a その上の 148 were 本気で 負傷させるd in 衝突,墜落s on Britain's roads in 2022 in which a driver using a 動きやすい phone was a contributory factor.

Official figures also show that the number of convictions for using a phone at the wheel reached a seven year high in 2023

公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s also show that the number of 有罪の判決s for using a phone at the wheel reached a seven year high in 2023

公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s also show that the number of 有罪の判決s for using a phone at the wheel reached a seven year high in 2023.

省 of 司法(官) stats say 13,332 drivers were 設立する 有罪の at 法廷,裁判所 for the offence last year, up from 6,990 運転者s in 2022 - meaning a year-on-year spike of 90 per cent.

法律制定 banning 手渡す-held 動きやすい use while 運動ing was introduced in December 2003.

However, 予定 to a high 割合 of road 使用者s using a variety of (法などの)抜け穴s in the 法律, the 政府 moved to a '無 寛容' approach to 手渡すing a 装置 when 運動ing 同様に as 増加するing 罰 for the offence in March 2022, meaning 違反者/犯罪者s now 直面する six 刑罰,罰則 points and a £200 罰金 for 扱うing a phone in any way,

Drivers 攻撃する,衝突する with 最小限 £200 罰金 and 6 points for 扱うing a phone for any of the に引き続いて 推論する/理由s

- illuminating the 審査する

- checking the time

- checking notifications

- 打ち明けるing the 装置

- making, receiving, or 拒絶するing a telephone or internet-based call

- sending, receiving or uploading oral or written content

- sending, receiving or uploading a photo or ビデオ

- utilising camera, ビデオ, or sound 記録,記録的な/記録するing functionality

- 草案ing any text

- 接近ing any 蓄える/店d data such as 文書s, 調書をとる/予約するs, 音声部の とじ込み/提出するs, photos, ビデオs, films, playlists, 公式文書,認めるs or messages

- 接近ing an 使用/適用

- 接近ing the internet

Source: Department for 輸送(する)?

This 含むs touching the 審査する to scroll a music playlist, browse the internet, take a photograph or play a 動きやすい game is now 厳密に 禁じるd, and these 支配するs 適用する when stopped at a red light or stuck in traffic.

The only exceptions are for making calls to 緊急 services when there is no 安全な place to pull over and to use contactless 支払い(額)s like Apple 支払う/賃金 at 急速な/放蕩な-food 運動-throughs and to 支払う/賃金 (死傷者)数s, while 手渡すs-解放する/自由な calls are also still permitted.

The AA says the rise in 有罪の判決 率s for 扱うing phones is thanks to the inception of new 道端 cameras.

It also believes fresh 策略 (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd by police 軍隊s and 地元の 当局 across the country - such as covert HGV's prowling motorways for drivers using phones and 的d periods of 施行 - have 与える/捧げるd to the rise.

Jack Cousens, 長,率いる of roads 政策 for the AA, told This is Money: 'にもかかわらず a high-profile change in the 法律, it seems many drivers are still 落ちるing foul when it comes to using a 動きやすい phone behind the wheel.

'Better cameras that can (悪事,秘密などを)発見する more offences is a good thing as it 強化するs up the 支配するs of the road.

'However, 科学(工学)技術 can only do so much and is unable to stop someone in the 行為/法令/行動する.'

The RAC's road safety 広報担当者, 棒 Dennis, says that にもかかわらず the 刑罰,罰則s for using a handheld phone having 二塁打d to six 刑罰,罰則 points and a £200 罰金, it's (疑いを)晴らす far too many drivers are 'still 用意が出来ている to put lives at 危険 by engaging in this dangerous practice'.?

He 追加するd : 'We 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑う a major 推論する/理由 for this is a 欠如(する) of 施行, meaning many drivers have no 恐れる of 存在 caught.

'AI-equipped cameras that can automatically (悪事,秘密などを)発見する drivers breaking the 法律 申し込む/申し出 a chance for the tide to be turned.?

'The police can't be everywhere all of the time, so it makes sense that 軍隊s look to the best 利用できる 科学(工学)技術 that can help them catch drivers 事実上の/代理 不法に.?

'What's more, we know from RAC 研究 that drivers are 広範囲にわたって supportive of tougher 施行 of the 法律 around handheld 動きやすい phone use, with nearly half of these (47 per cent) 説 that camera 科学(工学)技術 like this is the best way of doing so.'

We detail below the three types of advanced speed camera currently in use that can snare drivers who make calls or text at the wheel...

We 詳細(に述べる) below the three types of 前進するd 速度(を上げる) camera 現在/一般に in use that can snare drivers who make calls or text at the wheel...

道端 cameras that can catch drivers on the phone

現在/一般に, there are at least 18 different types of 速度(を上げる) camera used across Britain.?

Some of these are not only 有能な of catching 運転者s over the 速度(を上げる) 限界, they can also (悪事,秘密などを)発見する other offences 含むing 扱うing a phone, not wearing a seatbelt, running a red light and even tailgating another road 使用者.

Here's what three of the cameras 有能な of catching drivers on the phone look like and how each 作品...?

1. Jenoptik VECTOR-SR 速度(を上げる) camera

The VECTOR-SR has been dubbed an 'ultra' 速度(を上げる) camera 予定 to it 存在 the most 前進するd of its 肉親,親類d yet.

Having received 是認 for use in Britain 支援する in 2019, it looks and 作品 very 異なって to typical 道端 cameras.

The cameras are elevated high up on a long 政治家 designed to 阻止する vandals from attacking them - however many have already been 削減(する) 負かす/撃墜する by angry 運転者s.?

The VECTOR-SR speed camera has been?dubbed an 'ultra' speed camera due to it being the most 
advanced of its kind yet. They are elevated high up on a long pole designed to deter vandals from trying to destroy them - though that hasn't worked

The VECTOR-SR 速度(を上げる) camera has been?dubbed an 'ultra' 速度(を上げる) camera 予定 to it 存在 the most 前進するd of its 肉親,親類d yet. They are elevated high up on a long 政治家 designed to 阻止する vandals from trying to destroy them - though that hasn't worked

It can 二塁打 as both a 速度(を上げる) camera and one that can 記録,記録的な/記録する 運転者s committing other offences.

It uses a ビデオ-based system that 作品 in tandem with an intelligent 事実上の grid to 裁判官 if a driver is スピード違反. This means there is no need for sensors to be dug into the road, which is 高くつく/犠牲の大きい and 要求するs road 終結s for their 取り付け・設備. Yet another 推論する/理由 why it is very attractive to cash-strapped police 軍隊s and 地元の 当局.

測定s from the レーダ 科学(工学)技術 is then 実証するd by 第2位 独立した・無所属 and image-based 証拠.

That means there is no need for road 場内取引員/株価s - which have typically been one of the biggest tell-tale 調印するs to let drivers know the どの辺に of 速度(を上げる) cameras - いつかs making them difficult to 位置/汚点/見つけ出す.

The system uses infra-red 科学(工学)技術 which 許すs images to be 逮捕(する)d 経由で still photos and ビデオ recordings, which 除去するs the need for a camera flash, even at night and in bad 天候.

Unlike previous cameras which only 逮捕(する) 乗り物s travelling in left-手渡す 小道/航路s, the new model 逮捕(する)s up to three lan es of traffic going in both directions. This means one 取り付け・設備 can 施行する an entire section of road.

It will also be able to identify スピード違反 乗り物s and their owners quickly, too, as it has built-in (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 Number Plate 承認 (ANPR) tech. Police and 当局 can use this to request (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) about the 登録(する)d keeper 経由で the DVLA's database.

And because the camera 記録,記録的な/記録するs (映画の)フィート数 of a driver breaking the 限界, any visual 証拠 showing 運転者s 運動ing without a seatbelt or using a 動きやすい phone can be used to 施行する these offences too.

2. Aecom 動きやすい AI camera

The Aecom is a 動きやすい camera that is very different to the 従来の police camera 先頭 at the 味方する of the road. The 'Big Brother' 乗り物 is the brainchild of 国家の 主要道路s.

It is designed in a way that it can catch a multitude of offences - but not スピード違反.

It was first trialled by Warwickshire Police in 2022 with 広大な/多数の/重要な success, and is 存在 put through its paced by a number of different constabularies.

Durham, Greater Manchester Police, Humberside, Staffordshire, West Mercia, Northamptonshire, Wiltshire, Norfolk, Thames Valley Police and Sussex and all using the Aecom in 2024.?

The 先頭 can travel to offence hotspots and pull up at the 道端. A large metal structure then 延長するs from the roof to create a 動きやすい 総計費 gantry with cameras and the 最新の in 監視 tech at an elevated position.

It can also be 輸送(する)d on the 支援する of a custom trailer, which is then 直す/買収する,八百長をするd to the 道端 to 許す 先頭 to 運動 away to 行為/行う other 義務s.?

Humberside Police and 軍隊s in?East Yorkshire and Northern Lincolnshire have (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd this tra ilered 見解/翻訳/版 this year.?

This next-generation mobile camera has its own overhead gantry structure that can capture photographic evidence of drivers using a phone at the wheel or not using their seatbelt

This next-世代 動きやすい camera has its own 総計費 gantry structure that can 逮捕(する) photographic 証拠 of drivers using a phone at the wheel or not using their seatbelt

The Aecom camera technology can also be transported to the roadside via a trailer

The Aecom camera 科学(工学)技術 can also be 輸送(する)d to the 道端 経由で a trailer

The system uses 多重の cameras with high shutter 速度(を上げる)s, an infra-red flash and a レンズing and filtering system that can 記録,記録的な/記録する high-鮮明度/定義 images of passing 乗り物s.

These cameras - using 人工的な 知能 (AI) - can 決定する if 運転者s are using a handheld 動きやすい phone at the wheel or if a driver - or 乗客 - isn't wearing a seatbelt.

The 先頭 is also 有能な of 存在 kitted with 付加 科学(工学)技術 to (悪事,秘密などを)発見する tailgating offences, although this system does not form part of the 裁判,公判s in Warwickshire and across other parts of the country.

The 政府's major roads department says the hi-tech 先頭 is first 存在 used to 'understand the 規模 of the problem around these dangerous モーターing offences', though 示唆する 類似の 科学(工学)技術-packed 乗り物s could be 分配するd across the country to '上げる road safety'.

3. Long 特別奇襲隊員 動きやすい 速度(を上げる) camera?

Police 軍隊s since 2018 have been using a new long-範囲 camera that can catch 運転者s 速度(を上げる) from over half a mile away. It's been dubbed the 'Long 特別奇襲隊員' but some constabularies.

It can 逮捕(する) スピード違反 drivers at one kilometre (0.6 miles), making it the longest distance 速度(を上げる) enforcer 現在/一般に in use.

The long-ranger camera can snap drivers speeding from half a mile away
It can also be used to enforce dangerous driving, seatbelt and mobile phone offences

The long-特別奇襲隊員 camera can snap drivers スピード違反 from a mile away. It can also be used to 施行する dangerous 運動ing, seatbelt and 動きやすい phone offences

Because of its 狙撃者-like long-distance 能力s, it could be too late for drivers to 位置/汚点/見つけ出す one 存在 used in a 道端 camera 先頭 その上の up the road.

And it's not just 速度(を上げる) that the long 特別奇襲隊員 can (悪事,秘密などを)発見する.

It's also used for catching tailgaters, middle-小道/航路 hoggers, drivers not wearing seatbelts and anyone using a phone behind the wheel.

運動ing without 税金 also at an 史上最高

分析 of the MoJ 人物/姿/数字s by the AA also identified that 運動ing without 乗り物 税金 rose to an 史上最高 of 99,694 有罪の判決s, a year-on-year 増加する of 94 per cent.?

'It is 関心ing that 運動ing without 税金 almost 二塁打d in a year,' Cousens said.

'While too 早期に to tell if this rise is 関係のある to the cost of living, the high 有罪の判決 率s should serve as a deterrent not to dodge 支払う/賃金ing for a 事実上の 税金 レコード.'

類似して, drivers failing to 従う with red lights and 調印するs were at a 12-year high of 1 1,940 有罪の 判決s.

どこかよそで, 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者s for スピード違反 offences fell by 8 per cent with more than 203,500 有罪の 判決s 手渡すd to drivers.?

When looking at モーター 保険 事例/患者s, 運動ing a 乗り物 without 保険 fell to 71,458 last year (76,390 in 2022), but keeping a 乗り物 without 保険 reaching a four-year high (58,690 in 2023 vs 40,392 in 2022).

Drink and 麻薬 運動ing 関係のある 事例/患者s, seatbelt offences and 運動ing whilst disqualified also remained at 類似の levels to 2022.

In total, 732,758 drivers were in the ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる for モーターing 関係のある offences with 672,901 存在 設立する 有罪の ? a 有罪の判決 率 of 92 per cent, showing that drivers sat in 前線 of a 裁判官 or 治安判事 are ありそうもない to get away with it.?

モーターing offences also took up the lion's 株 of the 法廷,裁判所s time, with three in every five 事例/患者s 存在 for 運動ing misdemeanours, the MoJ stats 示唆する.


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