• French 業績/成果 brand Alpine 明かすs its new hot hatch EV - the A290
  • Has 1980 Renault 5 Turbo-奮起させるd looks and an EV 体制/機構 with 236 miles of 範囲
  • 申し込む/申し出s 220hp, 0-62mph in 6.4 secs and fun features like an '追いつく' button

French 業績/成果 brand Alpine has just 明かすd a game-changing EV that 約束s to bring fun to the electric car market.

The new A290 hot hatch 申し込む/申し出s compact 割合s and 運動ing thrills that will 誘発する warmth under the collars of 石油 長,率いるs - and without an 放出/発行 from a tailpipe.

殴打/砲列 範囲 is 概算の to be around 236 miles on a 選び出す/独身 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 and prices - though not yet 確認するd - are likely to hover just below the £40k 示す to 競争相手 its EV 競争, すなわち the?Abarth 500?and 小型の Cooper SE.

The French marque says the A290 is designed 'to attract a new 範囲 of male and 女性(の) 顧客s'. But does it take your fancy?

Alpine has revealed its new A290 hot hatch EV that's expected to land with 220hp, 0-62mph in 6.4s and fun track features including circuit telemetrics and an Overtake button

Alpine has 明らかにする/漏らすd its new A290 hot hatch EV that's 推定する/予想するd to land with 220hp, 0-62mph in 6.4s and fun 跡をつける features 含むing 回路・連盟 telemetrics and an 追いつく button

Alpine is a racing brand from the 1950s with plenty of rallying heritage. Today, it's best known for having its own F1 team and selling the A110 sports coupe that the A290 takes inspiration from

Alpine is a racing brand from the 1950s with plenty of 決起大会/結集させるing 遺産. Today, it's best known for having its own F1 team and selling the A110 sports クーデター that the A290 takes inspiration from

Alpine - which was 設立するd in the 1950s as a sports car 製造者 and racing brand which now has a 目だつ place in 決まり文句/製法 One - is 申し込む/申し出ing the sporty little hatchback as 'an 入ること/参加(者) point into the Alpine world'.

It is 広範囲にわたって considered the spiritual 後継者 to the Renault 5 Turbo - one of the iconic hot hatches of the 1980s that was made famous racing in the fearsome Group B World 決起大会/結集させる 選手権.?

As a hot hatch, 業績/成果 is 決定的な and the French car 会社/堅い?says 'the A290 会社にする/組み込むs all the sensations?so 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がるd behind the wheel of the A110 クーデター?into an 都市の sportscar'.

Its 明かすing comes almost 12 months after the?概念 A290 was first showcased?and - like the Renault 5 EV it is based on - is easily one of the most hotly 心配するd new arrivals of the year.

The Alpine A290's shape is heavily influenced by the boxy proportions of the original 1980s 5 Turbo (pictured)

The Alpine A290's 形態/調整 is ひどく 影響(力)d by the boxy 割合s of the 初めの 1980s 5 Turbo (pictured)

The 5 Turbo was produced by Renault during the 1980s as its contender in the infamous - and ferocious - Group B rally period

The 5 Turbo was produced by Renault during the 1980s as its 競争相手 in the 悪名高い - and ferocious - Group B 決起大会/結集させる period

The 5 remains one of Renault's most iconic cars, while the Turbo is fondly remembered for its on-track performance

The 5 remains one of Renault's most iconic cars, while the Turbo is 情愛深く remembered for its on-跡をつける 業績/成果

The Alpine A290's two biggest EV hot hatch 競争相手s. Read the reviews...?

While the A290 is compact and agile, the 目的(とする) is to 申し込む/申し出 平易な-to-use high 業績/成果 while 保証(人)ing comfortable everyday use.?

It uses the 最新の 'AmpR Small 壇・綱領・公約' from Renault, which is a skateboard-style architecture with the 殴打/砲列 pack spread across the chassis 床に打ち倒す.

This should 高める its electric sportiness, thanks to the optimal 負わせる 配当 and low centre of gravity.?

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The short wheelbase, compact 前線 end and wide 姿勢 (which 許すs for fatter tyres) is 始める,決める to 申し込む/申し出 'greater liveliness', the company says.

And it doesn't just look like a souped-up 見解/翻訳/版 of the Renault electric hatch - it will go like one too.

Alpine's tuning department has upped 力/強力にする from 148hp in the 5 EV to a 最小限 of 180hp. Go for the most expensive 見解/翻訳/版s and you'll have 220hp to play with.

It has also 昇格d the ブレーキs to regenerative and hydraulic Brembo 構成要素s, used stickier tyres and 任命する/導入するd a more 業績/成果-焦点(を合わせる)d torque 管理/経営 system.?

With the car 重さを計るing just 1,479kg, drivers should be able to 加速する from 0-to-62mph in 6.4 seconds.?

The engineers have also been busy developing 'Alpine Torque Precontrol', which 'finely adjusts the 配達/演説/出産 of optimum torque, in 新規加入 to the 活動/戦闘 on the ブレーキs to maximise traction,' the brand 誇るs.

The A290's unveiling at the 24 Hours of Le Mans on Thursday comes almost 12 months after the concept car was first showcased
Like the Renault 5 EV it is based, this has to be among the most hotly-anticipated new EVs of the year

The A290's 明かすing at the 24 Hours of Le Mans on Thursday comes almost 12 months after the 概念 car was first showcased. Like the Renault 5 EV it is based, this has to be の中で the most hotly-心配するd new EVs of the year

The short wheelbase, compact front end and wide stance (which allows for larger tyres) is set to offer 'greater liveliness'

The short wheelbase, compact 前線 end and wide 姿勢 (which 許すs for larger tyres) is 始める,決める to 申し込む/申し出 'greater liveliness'

All versions come with launch control, four regenerative power levels and two Alpine Drive tones for engine-inspired EV sound

All 見解/翻訳/版s come with 開始する,打ち上げる 支配(する)/統制する, four regenerative 力/強力にする levels and two Alpine 運動 トンs for engine-奮起させるd EV sound

The A290 will also have multi-link 後部 中断 (rare in this 部類) to 'give the A290 最高の,を越す-of-the-範囲 扱うing', high 速度(を上げる) cornering 安定 and drag 削減. 加える there's 前線 and 後部 anti-roll 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s for 罰金 balance.?

The chassis '目的(とする)s to 再度捕まえる the sporty feel that is part of Alpine's デオキシリボ核酸' but the brand is also very (疑いを)晴らす that the A290 will be hot hatch all can tame - にもかかわらず the 速度(を上げる) in bends, the A290 will 配達する 'the feeling of safety and 支配(する)/統制する'.

There will be four 運動ing models to choose from: Save (for 殴打/砲列 範囲 拡張), Normal, Sport and Personal.?

活動させる/戦時編成する personal and you can adjust the level of steering 援助, throttle 返答, lighting ambience and Alpine 運動 Sound. If you want you can deactivate Electronic 安定 支配(する)/統制する (ESC).

All 見解/翻訳/版s come with 開始する,打ち上げる 支配(する)/統制する, four regenerative 力/強力にする levels and two Alpine 運動 トンs.

There's also a 特許d 追いつく button that's been 奮起させるd by the F1 team's DRS system. This can be 活動させる/戦時編成するd 経由で the steering wheel to 即時に 配達する the 最大限 220hp, and animate the 審査する and driver's 陳列する,発揮する.?

And you can get (競技場の)トラック一周 times and keep 記録,記録的な/記録するs of your 運動ing data using the plug-in telemetrics data that you can then 蓄える/店 on your smartphone.

Can you spot the Alpine A290's party trick that's located on the steering wheel...

Can you 位置/汚点/見つけ出す the Alpine A290's party trick that's 位置を示すd on the steering wheel...

The electric hot hatch has a patented 'Overtake' button (very F1 DRS) on the steering wheel. Press this and it will instantly deliver the maximum 220hp in a short burst

The electric hot hatch has a 特許d '追いつく' button (very F1 DRS) on the steering wheel. 圧力(をかける) this and it will 即時に 配達する the 最大限 220hp in a short burst

Engine 選択s are: 180hp in the GT and GT 賞与金 見解/翻訳/版s and 220hp in the GT 業績/成果 and GTS.?

As 基準 there's a 52kWh 殴打/砲列 with a 範囲 of 380km (around 236 miles), an 11kW on-board charger, 100kW DC 早い 非難する capacity and a heat pump.

The 早い 非難する will take the 殴打/砲列 from 15 to 80 per cent in 30 minutes, or 最高の,を越す up 90 加える miles in 15 minutes. AC 11kW home 非難する will take 3 hours and 20 minutes to go from 10 to 80 per cent.

Handily, the A290 will also have bi-directional 非難する or 乗り物-to-負担 (V2G) which will 許す you to 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 electronics from the car, and save money.

The rapid charging will take the battery from 15 to 80 per cent in 30 minutes, or top up 90 plus miles in 15 minutes

The 早い 非難する will take the 殴打/砲列 from 15 to 80 per cent in 30 minutes, or 最高の,を越す up 90 加える miles in 15 minutes

It's a muscular little urban car with a very wide stance, and all the tradition of Alpine founder Jean R?d?l?'s vision

It's a muscular little 都市の car with a very wide 姿勢, and all the tradition of Alpine 創立者 ジーンズ R?d?l?'s 見通し

Alpine's used upholstery from 15 per cent recycled plastic and hemp fibre and 100 per cent recycled fabric for the silica stitching. The Nappa leather option is sourced in Europe and processed sustainably, and tanned from coffee bean pods

Alpine's used upholstery from 15 per cent 再生利用するd plastic and hemp fibre and 100 per cent 再生利用するd fabric for the silica stitching. The Nappa leather 選択 is sourced in Europe and 過程d sustainably, and tanned from coffee bean pods

And what about chic French style?

It's a muscular little 都市の car with a very wide 姿勢, and all the tradition of Alpine 創立者 ジーンズ R?d?l?'s 見通し.

It's incredibly characterful with a unique lighting 署名 構成するd of four headlamps (as per all Alpine models), which in this 事例/患者 have X-形態/調整d 決起大会/結集させる car motifs which welcomes you as you approach.

The boldness continues in the wide wings and 団体/死体-coloured 辛勝する/優位ing on the 味方する skits, the aluminium roof 辛勝する/優位, the 黒人/ボイコット lacquered 団体/死体 surround and wings and the diffused 後部 bumper.?

Aerodynamics 形態/調整 the car, with 空気/公表する intakes molded to create 有益な 空気/公表する flow and drag 減ずるd 後部 lights, 味方する skirts and diffuser 形態/調整s. And instead of a spoiler you get a 'ducktail' to 妨げる 後部 flow disruption.

Alpine is spelt out across the 前線, but there's also a subtle snowflake motif in the sports bumper and if you want it an optional French 旗 on the C-中心存在.

The standard 19-inch alloys come in two designs: A Alpine A310 reference alloy and a Snowflake allo
y to hark back to the Alpine name reference. Callipers will come in Racing Red or Alpine Blue

The 基準 19-インチ alloys come in two designs: A Alpine A310 言及/関連 alloy and a Snowflake alloy to hark 支援する to the Alpine 指名する 言及/関連. Callipers will come in Racing Red or Alpine Blue

There will be four 団体/死体 colours 含むing new Alpine 見通し Blue, but for the 限られた/立憲的な Premi?re 版 開始する,打ち上げる each 見解/翻訳/版 will have its own colourway ? 申し込む/申し出ing you four verities: 深い 黒人/ボイコット, Beta in Nival White, La Bleue in Alpine 見通し Blue and La Grise in トルネード,竜巻 Matte Grey.

The 基準 19-インチ alloys come in two designs.

Antony Villain, VP Alpine Design said: 'We conceived the A290 as an ultra-compact variation of the A110, in the purest style of small sports cars or hot hatches.?

'A small Alpine with a character that, at first ちらりと見ること, 表明するs its 可能性のある for 運動ing 楽しみ to 控訴,上告 to styling fans and 業績/成果 熱中している人s alike.'

The driver gets a 10.25-インチ 審査する and 乗客s get a 10.1-インチ central 審査する, but it's still orientated to the driver with their 明確な/細部 graphics, interfaces and 機能(する)/行事s

内部の - is it comfortable inside?

Inside it's all about the 深い blue トンs, with a sporty ambience from the driver and 乗客 味方する lights in the 操縦室, the backlight Alpine 指名する and the complimentary ambient lighting throughout the cabin.

Drivers get a three-spoke steering wheel with a flattened 中央の-point, with aluminium buttons and that 即時に recognisable OV (追いつく) red button.

It's a very modern motorsport 内部の with a high centre console 奮起させるd by the A110, 会社にする/組み込むing RND 伝達/伝染 支配(する)/統制するs.

The driver gets a 10.25-インチ 審査する and 乗客s get a 10.1-インチ central 陳列する,発揮する, but it's still orientated to the driver with their 明確な/細部 graphics, interfaces and 機能(する)/行事s.?

Instead of circular 数字表示式の dials, the driver will have a triangular 主題, with geometric symbols, red lines for 速度(を上げる) 限界s and a blue background with Alpine's hallmark mountain silhouettes.?

You can adjust the driver 主題 between three 選択s too.

The car will be 'a small Alpine with a character that, at first glance, expresses its potential for driving pleasure to appeal to styling
 fans and performance enthusiasts alike?, the brand says

The car will be 'a small Alpine with a character that, at first ちらりと見ること, 表明するs its 可能性のある for 運動ing 楽しみ to 控訴,上告 to styling fans and 業績/成果 熱中している人s alike', the brand says

It?s a five-door, five-seater hatchback with a 326-litre boot and reinforced seats for extra comfort.

It's a five-door, five-seater hatchback with a 326-litre boot and 増強するd seats for extra 慰安.

Alpine wants practicality and 慰安, so にもかかわらず the small 割合s (length 3,990 mm, width 1,820 mm, 高さ 1,520 mm, so smaller than a Hyundai Ioniq 5) it's a five-door, five-seater hatchback with a 326-litre boot (same as a Renault 5) and 増強するd seats for extra 慰安.

And Alpine's used upholstery from 15 per cent 再生利用するd plastic and hemp fibre and 100 per cent 再生利用するd fabric for the silica stitching.?

The Nappa leather 選択 is sourced in Europe and 過程d sustainably, and tanned from coffee bean pods.

Of course the A290 will come with endless tech: Apple CarPlay and Android 自動車, Google 地図/計画するs 航海, My Alpine smartphone 統合,差別撤廃, and 26 driver 援助 systems.?

But Alpine has cleverly brought in a new My Safety Switch button on the left-手渡す 味方する of the steering wheel to 許す you to quickly select your preference and switch 機能(する)/行事s on and off.

Once UK 配達/演説/出産 schedules and pricing is 確認するd, we'll update you with how much it will cost.?