Are electric cars 責任がある Britain's pothole problem?

  • The Asphalt Group and 影をつくる/尾行する 大臣 for Roads have 演説(する)/住所d the (人命などを)奪う,主張するs
  • 報告(する)/憶測s have 示唆するd EV 本体,大部分/ばら積みの is a major contributor to crumbing roads?
  • RAC …に出席するd 10% more pothole-関係のある 決裂/故障s this March versus 2023

A 主要な road surface company wants to put an end to 憶測 as to whether electric 乗り物s are the 原因(となる) of an 増加する in potholes 苦境ing the nation's roads.???

The Asphalt Group - one of the UK's largest road surface 治療 companies - has called for a better long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 解答 to the on-going 問題/発行する of Britain's 崩壊するing road 網状組織.

It comes after some have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that the 付加 本体,大部分/ばら積みの of EVs - 特に hulking SUV 見解/翻訳/版s - are the biggest contributor to our 噴火口,クレーターd 大勝するs.?

The Asphalt Group - one of the UK's largest road surface treatment companies - wants to put an end to speculation as to whether electric vehicles are the cause of an increase pothole plighting the nation's roads

The Asphalt Group - one of the UK's largest road surface 治療 companies - wants to put an end to 憶測 as to whether electric 乗り物s are the 原因(となる) of an 増加する pothole 苦境ing the nation's roads

A recent report by the trade body Asphalt Industry Alliance (AIA) put the bill for pothole-related payouts at £15.2million

A 最近の 報告(する)/憶測 by the 貿易(する) 団体/死体 Asphalt 産業 同盟 (AIA) put the 法案 for pothole-関係のある payouts at £15.2million

The group is categorically (疑いを)晴らす that the switch to electric is not 責任がある the poor 質 of our roads.

Taking a fighting 姿勢 on the 支配する,?Stephen Cooke, Asphalt Group MD, said:? 'Let's be 水晶 (疑いを)晴らす, EVs are not the 原因(となる) of the 現在の 明言する/公表する of the UK's roads.'

So what is 原因(となる)ing the embarrassingly poor 条件 of our streets and busy 大勝するs??

'The real 推論する/理由 is a 欠如(する) of 投資 in the 解答s of the 未来, and a 欠如(する) of 認識/意識性 of what's 利用できる,' Cooke explains.?

'伝統的な 'sticky plaster' pothole 解答s are 簡単に 容認できない, we need to be thinking bigger picture. 妨げる, 増強する and spray 治療 is the way 今後 ? not just filler and hope.'

The group believes a more affordable, lower 環境の 衝撃 and longer 継続している road 網状組織 can be 得るd if road surface and 維持/整備 companies and the 政府 work together.

Road surface 改良 is one of the biggest モーターing talking points in the run up to the 選挙, with each party trying to 始める,決める out its way to 演説(する)/住所 the 現在進行中の 問題/発行する.?

But to do this the 現在の 非難する narrative needs to move away from EVs - something?法案 Esterson, 影をつくる/尾行する Road and 運輸大臣 繰り返し言うs: 'There are 100 times as many potholes as there are 噴火口,クレーターs on the moon.?

'Rather than looking for 共謀 theories and scapegoats, we need a 計画(する) to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the roads. That means 取って代わるing the sticking plasters and gimmicks with a su stainable approach and long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 resurfacing and 予防 in their place.?

'The UK has a £16.3billion backlog of 修理s, this is 簡単に 容認できない.'

A recent investigation found no consistency with how local authorities determine when a pothole needs to be fixed. A variety of different approaches were given by 206 local councils when identifying and repairing potholes

A 最近の 調査 設立する no consistency with how 地元の 当局 決定する when a pothole needs to be 直す/買収する,八百長をするd. A variety of different approaches were given by 206 地元の 会議s when identifying and 修理ing potholes

This is Money recently 報告(する)/憶測d how the UK's pothole 疫病/流行性の is 強めるing with the RAC …に出席するing 10 per cent more 決裂/故障s resulting from 運転者s 運動ing through potholes than a year ago.

Some 27,205 callouts to 決裂/故障s 予定 to poor road surfaces in the UK were received by the RAC in the year to the end of March. That compares with 24,906 during the previous 12 months.

On 最高の,を越す of this, Channel 4's 派遣(する)s programme and the RAC 設立する that 地元の 当局 are taking wildly polarised approaches to 分類するing potholes, and what 決定するs whether they get 直す/買収する,八百長をするd or not.?

The 調査(する) 設立する that a third of 会議s will only 直す/買収する,八百長をする potholes when they reach a 明確な/細部 depth, irrelevant of how wide they are.

This means many dangerous potholes go unrepaired, 提起する/ポーズをとるing a continuous 危険 to road 使用者s.

And a 報告(する)/憶測 this week 示唆するd Britain's pothole problem could be up to five times worse than 以前 believed, 示唆するing there is a remarkable 11.5 million 噴火口,クレーターs in roads to date.

Data collected by 動きやすい app Stan the App, which uses AI to identify potholes scattered through British roads, 暗示するs the 問題/発行する is far greater than 最初 thought.

Out of 206 councils approached by the RAC and Dispatches, just 76 (37%) take a 'risk-based approach' to deciding which potholes to fix and how quickly

Out of 206 会議s approached by the RAC and 派遣(する)s, just 76 (37%) take a '危険-based approach' to deciding which potholes to 直す/買収する,八百長をする and how quickly

While the problem with UK roads is nothing new, myths put the 非難する on electric 乗り物s - 特に their 負わせる.

A combination of 誤って導くing 国家の 憶測 from the 圧力(をかける) about how the 負わせる of EVs will 影響する/感情 roads and 橋(渡しをする)s and MP's querying the need for 実験(する)s to 決定する this has led to a general 関心 that our roads won't be able to を取り引きする the uptake in EVs.

The RAC 中和する/阻止するd 'misguided' (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), 明言する/公表するing: 'Any 試みる/企てる to say the 負わせる of EVs is 責任がある a 拒絶する/低下する in the 質 of our roads is a distraction from the reality that our roads have been neglected for too long.'?

In 2022 University of Edinburgh published a 研究 paper called?Hidden cost of road maintenanc e 予定 to the 増加するd 負わせる of 殴打/砲列 and hydrogen トラックで運ぶs and buses ? a 視野.

Earlier this year, The 後見人 pointed out that Edinburgh University's 分析 didn't carry out real-world 実験(する)s, and the paper 明言する/公表するd any extra wear is '圧倒的に 原因(となる)d by larger 乗り物s - buses, 激しい goods 乗り物s' and that road wear from cars and motorcycles 'is so low that this is immaterial'.?

Today FairCharge 創立者 Quentin Willson said: '非難するing EVs for potholes is laughable since they're only around 3 per cent of all 乗り物s on UK roads.?

'I'm pleased that road 修理 専門家s, Asphalt Group, and the 影をつくる/尾行する 大臣 for Roads, 法案 Esterson, have joined FairCharge's calls for facts and 正確 in the 誇張するd マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測s linking the 負わせる of EV 殴打/砲列s to road 損失.?

'Instead, we should 焦点(を合わせる) on how to create long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 解答s for 直す/買収する,八百長をするing the worst levels of potholes that the asphalt 産業 has seen for 29 years.'

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