専門家s 明らかにする/漏らす if you should buy or sell a house before the 選挙 - and you'll be surprised by their answers

Typically in the run-up to a 総選挙 所有物/資産/財産 買い手s and 販売人s sit on their 手渡すs. The market gets stunned into stagnation and 広い地所 スパイ/執行官s might 同様に take a month or two off. But with just over five weeks to go, this snap 選挙 has caught everyone by surprise.

There are short 半端物s on a change of 政府 so a far bigger question hovers over anyone ready to make a move: should they 持つ/拘留する 解雇する/砲火/射撃 now until September ? or 押し進める ahead?

One 推論する/理由 to strike while the アイロンをかける is hot ? or rather the garden is looking its loveliest ? is that the spring market has sprung into 活動/戦闘 late this year and there's only half a school 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 left before everyone jets off on their holidays, when they won't be scouring for a new home.

A cottage in Latimer, Buckinghamshire, with a lush spring garden that could make it more attractive to sell

A cottage in Latimer, Buckinghamshire, with a lush spring garden that could make it more attractive to sell

If your 所有物/資産/財産 is already for sale there is little 推論する/理由 to take it off the market, says Edward Church of スパイ/執行官 Strutt & Parker. 'It's 平易な to get caught up in the theatricality of politics but the 選挙 will be ove r in the blink of an 注目する,もくろむ, and you'll be 井戸/弁護士席-placed to catch any 上昇傾向 in activity that follows the 選挙.'

Dominic Agace, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Winkworth, also counsels homeowners to 掴む the day. '得る,とらえる the 現在の 勢い before the August holidays.' he says, 特記する/引用するing Winkworth's Highcliffe office in Dorset which has just sold a £1.675m house to the first テレビ視聴者s on the first day it was put up for sale.

The snap 選挙 will not produce the two-month hiatus, as in 2017 or 2019, says Roarie Scarisbrick of buying スパイ/執行官 所有物/資産/財産 見通し. 'The pre-選挙 住宅 market feels different this time because the 結果 appears to be more predictable, and the consequences of 税金 脅しs baked into the market.'

The pace and 規模 of 利益/興味-率 削減(する)s will have a more 重要な 衝撃 on the market than the タイミング or 結果 of the 総選挙, says Lucian Cook, 長,率いる of 居住の 研究 at Savills. 'With the prospect of lower borrowing costs as the year 進歩s there is more 適切な時期 for 買い手 需要・要求する to 伸び(る) traction over the autumn, with most of the 不確定 behind us.'

Markets do tend to 点火(する) after 選挙s, so should you try to (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 the 回復する?

If the 権利 所有物/資産/財産 現在のs itself, buy now, 示唆するs Jamie Freeman of Haringtons UK, a buying 助言者. '必然的に the sheep in all of us will mean the number of 買い手s will only 増加する when more clarity is 利用できる from a new 政府 in the autumn.'

Yet there's already been an 増加する in the number of 所有物/資産/財産s up for sale, によれば Matt Thompson, 長,率いる of sales at Chestertons. 'Don't 行方不明になる out by waiting. There's been an 増加する in house hunters eager to take advantage of the larger pool of 所有物/資産/財産s.'

To 追加する to these there may be a flurry of 私的な-school parents who need to move 近づく a 明言する/公表する school. A r eport by wealth 経営者/支配人 Saltus last week 設立する more than a 4半期/4分の1 of parents will 除去する their children from 私的な school and move them to a 地元の 明言する/公表する school if the 付加価値税 徴収する is 課すd by 労働.

によれば Zoopla the 住宅 sales pipeline is 'now 再構築するing after a period of lower sales'. Sales agreed are 12 pc higher year-on-year and mortgages in February were 32 pc higher than a year ago.

Yet in London 需要・要求する continues to はるかに引き離す 供給(する). The 選挙 won't alter the 欠如(する) of 供給(する) says buying スパイ/執行官 Henry Pryor, who is advising buying (弁護士の)依頼人s to '割れ目 on'.

'This summer we won't have built 意味ありげに more homes. We'll still have the cladding 危機, the leasehold 危機 and be waiting for a Renters 改革(する) 法案, and whoever 勝利,勝つs, house prices and rents will be わずかに higher come Christmas and just as unaffordable for most.'

In prime London, international 買い手s are 圧力(をかける)ing on before any その上の 不確定s, says Shaun Drummond of Harrods 広い地所s. 'These 含む 労働's everchanging 所有物/資産/財産 market 政策s and the 姿勢 on stamp 義務 for overseas purchasers.'

Encouraging インフレーション 人物/姿/数字s are now a driver for these, says Liam Monaghan, MD at LCP/PrivateOffice, a buying スパイ/執行官. 'Some are turning from an overinflated 賃貸しの market or want to take advantage of favourable 交流 率s.'

Even the US 選挙 is a 推論する/理由 to 圧力(をかける) ahead, says Jimmy Waight, 長,率いる of sales at John D 支持を得ようと努めるd & Co: 'Waiting until September introduces other 不確定s, 含むing the US 選挙. The stark contrast between Donald Trump and Joe Biden could have ramifications for the 全世界の economy ? a 重要な consideration for 買い手s in prime London.'

For those who are considering either buying or selling their holiday let, the 重要な 問題/発行する is 税金.

'動機づけるd 販売人s want to get out while the higher 率 of 資本/首都 伸び(る)s 税金 (CGT) is lower [since the 最近の 予算],' says Katie 過密な住居 of Fixer 管理/経営 Services, which acquires holiday lets for (弁護士の)依頼人s. ?資本/首都 伸び(る)s 税金 is a 税金 on the 利益(をあげる) when you sell an 資産 that has 増加するd in value. You are 税金d on the 量 you have 伸び(る)d ? so if a 所有物/資産/財産 was bought for £250,000 and you sold it later for £300,000 you have made a 伸び(る) of £50,000.?

'If a new 政府 proceeds with the 撤廃 of Furnished Holiday Lets (FHL) 税金 allowance, this would also be the last year of 伸び(る)ing those 利益s,' she 追加するs.

政府 計画(する)s 伴う/関わる 廃止するing the 有益な 税金 治療 for FHLs from April?6, 2025.

Owners will lose 税金 利益s on mortgage 利益/興味, 資本/首都 伸び(る)s 税金, allowable expenses and 年金 出資/貢献s.

Mortgage 利益/興味 on FHLs is 現在/一般に a deduction from 賃貸しの income. From April 2025, 救済 will instead be given as a 20 pc 税金 credit so for higher and 付加 率 taxpayers it will mean a 削減 in 税金 救済 from 40 pc and 45 pc それぞれ. From April 2025, 居住の 所有物/資産/財産 CGT 税金 率 of 24 pc will 適用する to FHLs. From April 2025, you will only be able to (人命などを)奪う,主張する a deduction for the cost of 取って代わるing 国内の items against your rents and FHL 利益(をあげる)s will no longer be 扱う/治療するd as 関連した 収入s.

追加するs Josephine Ashby of John Bray 広い地所s in Cornwall: '買い手s may use this period to 交渉する hard. There are some once-in-a-世代 所有物/資産/財産s on the market.'

Polperro in south Cornwall, which is a popular place for holiday lets

Polperro in south Cornwall, which is a popular place for holiday lets

Then there's the 会議 税金 on second homes that will 二塁打 next year, 追加するs Clare Coode of Stacks 所有物/資産/財産 Search. 'There aren't as many 買い手s as usual, and it is very much a 買い手s' market 負かす/撃墜する here in Cornwall.'

Yet Joanna Cocking, 長,率いる of 私的な office (country) at Hamptons, 勧めるs 警告を与える to country house 販売人s whose homes are in need of TLC. '所有物/資産/財産s that are "turnkey" or "move-in ready" are getting the most 利益/興味 and the best prices. 販売人s whose 所有物/資産/財産s could 利益 from enhancements should take the time to 改善する their home's 控訴,上告.'

For first-time 買い手s, it might not 支払う/賃金 to 圧力(をかける) pause, either, says Ben Thompson, 副 CEO at Mortgage Advice Bureau. 'They need to make their first 購入(する) as soon as possible so they can stop 支払う/賃金ing their landlord's mortgage and (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 rent 増加するs of の近くに to 10 pc [like last year]. 買い手s 延期するing can also be caught out if house prices start to rise again whilst they are renting.'

Any 未来 削減(する) in the bank base 率 is already 大部分は 定価つきの into 現在の mortgage 率s, he says. 'Even if this 減少(する)s a little in the months ahead, in today's volatile world, there are no 保証(人)s?? インフレーション could remain stubborn and mortgage 率s may not 落ちる by much.'

Those that 可決する・採択する a wait-and-see approach could 結局最後にはーなる 支払う/賃金ing more in stamp 義務, or if stamp 義務 is 削減(する) and there is a 解放(する) of years of pent-up 需要・要求する, 結局最後にはーなる 支払う/賃金ing higher 所有物/資産/財産 prices, says Andrew Montlake, MD of Coreco mortgage 仲買人s. 'Buy when it is 権利 for you. Waiting for a new 政府 could cost you just as much as it could save.'