ALEX BRUMMER: Reeves is 権利 to 的 house building - but I 恐れる that she underestimates the 難破させるing 力/強力にする of Nimbys and green 行動主義者s

The elegant Churchill Room at His Majesty's 歳入 & Customs is used by the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 of the 国庫 only on the grandest of occasions. The new 現職の at Number 11, Rachel Reeves, Britain's first 女性(の) (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長, lost no time in taking advantage of one of Whitehall's finest 背景s.

Silhouetted against a red-for-労働 審査する, she 選ぶd for a sober 黒人/ボイコット 控訴, forgoing the colourful outfits of the 選挙運動. Reeves portrayed herself as a woman of 活動/戦闘 as she 明かすd her 計画(する)s to '直す/買収する,八百長をする the 創立/基礎s of the economy' just 72 hours after taking over the 会計の hot seat. Her 財務省 team had 組み立てる/集結するd an audience of City grandees and 重要な 商売/仕事 leaders in an 成果/努力 to 勝利,勝つ their support from the 手始め.

At the 核心 of her 使節団 is a new approach to growth. She and 労働 are to 引き裂く up planning 法律s and regulatory 保護s as the first step in an 協議事項 to get the economy moving faster.

Silhouetted against a red-for-Labour screen, in a sober black suit, Rachel Reeves unveiled her plans to ?fix the foundations of the economy?

Silhouetted against a red-for-労働 審査する, i n a sober 黒人/ボイコット 控訴, Rachel Reeves 明かすd her 計画(する)s to '直す/買収する,八百長をする the 創立/基礎s of the economy'

Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner joined the gathering in Whitehall for Reeves's speech

副 総理大臣 Angela Rayner joined the 集会 in Whitehall for Reeves's speech

She is 公約するing to break through the status quo when it comes to 住宅 and construction. As she unsheathed her ambitious 計画(する) you could almost feel the 血 圧力 of those who 投票(する)d 労働 in the shires rising.

The prospect of a 政府 willing to 固める/コンクリート over parts of the Green Belt, to despoil the pastoral beauty of Britain with onshore windfarms and 巨大(な) pylons for a new, more powerful 国家の grid may in time fill them with 悔いる.

Joining the 集会 in Whitehall was 副 総理大臣 Angela Rayner who managed a wave and a smile to the audience.

の中で the rich and powerful who had (疑いを)晴らすd their (人が)群がるd Monday morning calendars was the tall, 支配するing 人物/姿/数字 of Richard Gnodde, international 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Goldman Sachs and arguably the most 影響力のある person in the City after the 知事 of the Bank of England.

Also pre sent was the chairman of the 保険 behemoth Prudential and former 労働 大臣 Baroness (Shriti) Vadera, と一緒に 示す Wild, the new boss of the HS2 high 速度(を上げる) rail link between London and Birmingham and the brightly attired entrepreneur Martha 小道/航路 Fox.

Reeves 辞退するd to let the reality of an 改善するing 経済的な 状況/情勢 get in her way, and opened her 発言/述べるs with a caustic demolition of her Tory 前任者s. She 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d them with leaving the economy in its worst 明言する/公表する since the Second World War. Over the 週末 she had asked the 財務省 to 査定する/(税金などを)課す the '悲惨な' 遺産/遺物 and their instant 報告(する)/憶測, によれば the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長's 高度に politicised 分析, 確認するd the 状況/情勢.

All of this is going to change, she 主張するs, by way of a 抱擁する 押し進める to build more houses, an end to 不安定 and the 創造 of a 国家の Wealth 基金 to 打ち明ける billions in 商売/仕事 投資 which will lead to millions of 職業s.

Nowhere in her account was any 承認 of the fact that the past 14 years have been の中で the most difficult of modern times to navigate, as a succession of Tory (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長s were 直面するd with the once-in-a-世代 大災害 of Covid-19 同様に as the cost of living 危機 原因(となる)d by Russia's 血まみれの 強襲,強姦 on ウクライナ共和国.

Nor did she point out that her 前任者s as 労働 (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長s - Gordon Brown and the late Alistair Darling - left office in 2010 bequeathing an appallingly moribund economy after the 広大な/多数の/重要な 財政上の 危機 of 2008-9.

The fact is that the 経済的な 遺産/遺物 Rachel Reeves has 相続するd is much better than she could have been imagined, with インフレーション on 的 at 2 per cent and with growth of 0.7 per cent in the first 4半期/4分の1 of the year the fastest の中で the G7 group of countries. 利益/興味 率s, too, are all but 確かな to 落ちる from their 現在の 5.25 per cent level as soon as next month.

These better-than-推定する/予想するd 経済的な circumstances を強調する why Reeves and 労働 are 押し進めるing for house-building and construction, which are recognised as 重要な drivers of 経済成長. Every time a house is 完全にするd and bought, 消費者s up their spending on decorations, white goods and furnishing, 追加するing to 小売 sales and 上げるing the broader economy.

In her speech yesterday, the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 発表するd she would 回復する '義務的な' house-building 的s to galvanise 地域の, 地元の and community 当局 into 建設するing 1.5m homes over the 現在の five-year 議会.

Reeves seems 納得させるd that new 国家の 力/強力にするs and 義務的な 的s will make a difference. But she has a formidable 仕事 ahead because house building and construction are fraught with problems.

No 政府 has managed to build more than 300,000 new homes a year in 最近の times. Moreover, her inten tion to 打ち明ける planning 制限s is going to 証明する 極端に difficult.

It is a noble 原因(となる), and Reeves is 権利 to embrace it. But I 恐れる she 大いに underestimates the problem. Planning and 環境の 必要物/必要条件s, 規則s and 障害s have for many years 敗北・負かすd the 政府's greatest ambitions.

The main 推論する/理由, for example, why the northern 脚s of HS2 to 物陰/風下d and Manchester had to be axed was that planning 制限s made 建設するing the line too expensive. 類似して, after more than three 10年間s, Heathrow still has no prospect of getting its third 滑走路 because of planning and 環境の 反対s. Its 競争相手, Frankfurt airport, has four.

Moreover, building houses on brown field and grey field 場所/位置s, as Reeves 提案するs, sounds terrific. But 私的な 部門 建設業者s, upon whom the 政府 will be relying, steer (疑いを)晴らす of these 場所/位置s because of the 広大な 可能性のある clean-up costs of working on abandoned 産業の 場所/位置s and wasteland.

Better-than-expected economic circumstances underline why Reeves and Labour are pushing for house-building and construction

Better-than-推定する/予想するd 経済的な circumstances を強調する why Reeves and 労働 are 押し進めるing for house-building and construction

Every time a house is completed and bought, consumers up their spending on decorations, white goods and furnishing adding to retail sales and boosting the broader economy

Every time a house is 完全にするd and bought, 消費者s up their spending on decorations, white goods and furnishing 追加するing to 小売 sales and 上げるing the broader economy

My own belief is that Reeves, with her 狭くする 焦点(を合わせる) on 上げるing 住宅 and onshore 勝利,勝つd - which will again run into 抱擁する planning difficulties - is 行方不明の areas where Britain has a real 競争の激しい 辛勝する/優位.

The (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 is 権利 to point out that 騒動 inside the Tory 政府 has been detrimental to 生産(高). What she has failed to embrace, however, by 焦点(を合わせる)ing on 住宅, is what a former 労働 首相 Harold Wilson famously 述べるd as the 'white heat' of 科学(工学)技術. Britain is the 製薬の, the AI and 財政上の 科学(工学)技術 powerhouse of Europe, and competes in these 前進するd 産業s on the world 行う/開催する/段階.

Anyone hoping to hear the new (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 しっかり掴む this 適切な時期 to 上げる such 産業s was d isappointed. Yes, she would makes (疑いを)晴らす that tomorrow she is 会合 former 知事 of the Bank of England 示す Carney who is the brains behind the 国家の Wealth 基金 which will doubtless 支援する some of the UK's cutting-辛勝する/優位 科学(工学)技術s.

But as Mrs Thatcher's favourite think-戦車/タンク, the 解放する/自由な-market 学校/設ける for 経済的な 事件/事情/状勢s points out, bureaucrats 施し物ing out 比較して small 量s of money are ありそうもない to make any difference.

One cannot but admire the dynamism which the nation's first 女性(の) (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 is going about her work. She is (疑いを)晴らす, enthusiastic and 決定するd, and 努力する/競うs to 伴う/関わる 商売/仕事 and 財政/金融 in her changes and carry them along with her.

But I 恐れる she underestimates the sheer 力/強力にする of nimbyism, of 地元の people who understandably don't want 住宅 広い地所s in their 支援する yard, and the 難破させるing 力/強力にする of green and 環境の 行動主義者s 決定するd to see off every 選び出す/独身 住宅, science or 商業の 開発 that is 提案するd. Everyone in the UK wants to see faster growth, stronger public 財政/金融s and いっそう少なく borrowing and 負債.

To 達成する these, we need lower 税金s and いっそう少なく intrusive 規則 which 打ち明けるs 資本/首都 for 投資. On her first big 遠出, our freshly 造幣局d and 行動主義者 (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 設立する no 役割 for any of that.