JEFF PRESTRIDGE: The winter 燃料 得る,とらえる was so 汚い... and this 戦う/戦い isn't over

Although 13 long days (and nights) have passed since (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Rachel Reeves 選ぶd the pockets of pensioners to help 基金 インフレーション-破産した/(警察が)手入れするing 支払う/賃金 増加するs for public 部門 労働者s, 怒り/怒る over her spiteful move has yet to abate. It 激怒(する)s like an 爆発するing 開始する Etna.

In the past week or so, readers have 接触するd me in their hundreds to say that they are spitting 血 over her 決定/判定勝ち(する) to end すぐに the 全世界の/万国共通の 権利 for pensioners to receive a 税金-解放する/自由な 年次の winter 燃料 支払い(額) 価値(がある) up to £300 (£200 for most).

And the emails keep 雷鳴ing into my inbox (thank you, please keep 雷鳴ing away).

Chancellor Rachel Reeves announces the controversial change at a press conference three weeks ago

(ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Rachel Reeves 発表するs the 議論の的になる change at a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 three weeks ago

Having decamped to the other 味方する of the 大西洋 for a few days to 促進する the UK to 可能性のある international 投資家s, I’m not sure Reeves realises the hornet’s nest her 活動/戦闘s have stirred up.

Without 存在 melodramatic (Me? Never), readers are apoplectic. Some even want to take to the streets and march on 負かす/撃墜するing Street to 最高潮の場面 (平和的に, of course) their 敵意 に向かって the 迅速な and 汚い 利益 得る,とらえる.

And if they do, I will be there by their 味方する.

To summarise, readers believe the 制限 of the winter 燃料 支払い(額) to those in 領収書 of 年金 credit has been introduced too quickly ? and does not give many financially challenged pensioners 十分な time to adjust their 世帯 予算s to account for the 攻撃する,衝突する on their income.

As charity Age UK 警告するs, up to two million 年輩の 国民s will struggle to keep warm this winter because of Reeves’ heartless move. These are pensioners, says Age UK, whose 財政/金融s are tight, but either just fail to qualify for 年金 credit or have not 適用するd for it.

They struggle financially, day from day. So why 港/避難所’t 880,000 適格の pensioners 適用するd for 年金 credit, you may 井戸/弁護士席 ask? There are several 推論する/理由s: they don’t know how to, are not internet-savvy or else stoically 辞退する to be a 重荷(を負わせる) on the 明言する/公表する.

Many readers now 恐れる for their 財政上の 未来. They believe this 粉砕する and 得る,とらえる by Reeves 示すs the beginning of a 財政上の 強襲,強姦 on pensioners as the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 looks after her masters (the unions) and panders to the public 部門. They are 権利 to be 関心d.

同様に as ending winter 燃料 支払い(額)s for millions, Reeves has 発表するd the axing of the £86,000 social care cap that was scheduled to come in late next year. This could mean pensioners having to sell their homes to 基金 支えるd long-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 care 料金s.

The 予算, in late October, will also be painful for the 年輩の. Having boxed herself in by 約束ing not to 増加する 所得税 率s, 付加価値税 or 国家の 保険 出資/貢献 率s, Reeves is likely to bring in a more draconian 相続物件 税金 政権.

This will 限界 the ability of grandparents to pass on wealth to loved ones without their 広い地所s taking a big 税金 攻撃する,衝突する.

In the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長’s defence, she 示すd last week she has no 計画(する)s to 要求する pensioners to 支払う/賃金 国家の 保険 出資/貢献s on any 収入s they 生成する from working (thank goodness for that).

But having done the ‘dirty’ on the winter 燃料 支払い(額), she might be minded to clamp 負かす/撃墜する on other pensioner-friendly 利益s (such as 解放する/自由な prescriptions, 注目する,もくろむ 実験(する)s and bus passes).

Late last week, Baroness Altmann, an 熱心な 選挙運動者 for the 年輩の, 勧めるd Reeves to 一時停止する her changes to winter 燃料 支払い(額) 未解決の a 徹底的な review of their 衝撃 on the most 貧困の pensioner 世帯s.

同様に as sparing many pensioners a 潜在的に 冷淡な winter as they pare 支援する on heating, Altmann says it would give the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 the 適切な時期 to come up with some fairer changes.

Charity Age UK warns up to two million elderly citizens will struggle to keep warm this winter because of Reeves' heartless move

Charity Age UK 警告するs up to two million 年輩の 国民s will struggle to keep warm this winter because of Reeves' heartless move

For example, 身を引くing the 燃料 支払い(額) for pensioners who are higher or 付加 率 taxpayers, a move which I am sure many ‘wealthier’ pensioners would not 反対する to. At the very least, Reeves should consider what Altmann has to say.

Many readers have called upon this newspaper to 開始する,打ち上げる a 嘆願(書) against Reeves’ savage 強襲,強姦 on the winter 燃料 支払い(額).

It’s a good call and we have thought long and hard about it, but our considered 見解(をとる) is that you should support the online 嘆願(書) already 開始する,打ち上げるd by Age UK.

This 勧めるs the (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 to 逆転する her 決定/判定勝ち(する) to means-実験(する) the 支払い(額).

Nearly 350,000 people have already 調印するd the 嘆願(書). If you 港/避難所’t done so, go to You can request a paper copy by emailing (選挙などの)運動をする or 令状ing to Freepost Age UK (選挙などの)運動をするs (no expensive stamp needed). I have 追加するd my 署名 to the (選挙などの)運動をする.

My take is simple. Wrongs should be 権利d ? and this vicious 制限 of an important pensioner 利益 is a political bloomer of monumental 割合.