I'm proud to be a 有毒な boss - it's my secret for getting the best out of people and lazy 労働者s 扱う/治療する the office as a playground or therapy

There is a 説 in the City and the world of 財政/金融, where I have (1)偽造する/(2)徐々に進むd a career over three 10年間s.

People don’t leave a 職業 because they don’t like the work, but because they don’t like the boss.

We all know there is plenty of truth in that. One tell-tale 調印する of a 有毒な 長,指導者 is a 早い turnover of staff who can’t wait to 殺到 for the door.

The only problem is, in today’s woke, 地位,任命する-Covid workplace, pampered 従業員s seem to label any boss who does not 即時に pander to their every 需要・要求する as ‘有毒な’.

And with an economy blighted with 不足s of good staff in every 部門 含むing 財政/金融, staff know they can walk out with 近づく impunity, easily finding another 職業. Then if the boss there doesn’t 控訴 them either, やめる かもしれない just repeat the 過程 all over again.

I am sure female bosses such as Miranda Priestly, a ruthless editor in The Devil Wears Prada played by Meryl Streep, are more likely to be called toxic than their male counterparts

I am sure 女性(の) bosses such as Miranda Priestly, a ruthless editor in The Devil Wears Prada played by Meryl Streep, are more likely to be called 有毒な than their male 相当するものs

The tide will no 疑問 turn at some point and the 勢力均衡 will 転換 支援する に向かって 雇用者s.

Until then, if you’re an (n)役員/(a)執行力のある, 特に a 女性(の) one like me, then watch out.

I would 自由に 自白する that by some of the 鮮明度/定義s used by young staff today, I AM a 有毒な boss.

Not that I think I’m poisonous. My staff may not realise it, but I genuinely care for them and make 広大な/多数の/重要な 成果/努力s on their に代わって. I have had sleepless nights more than once. Genuinely, I want them to 後継する: apart from anything else, for selfish 推論する/理由s ? because when they do 井戸/弁護士席, so do I. When any of them are having difficulty, I help.

I don’t 特に 推定する/予想する 感謝, though it would be nice. But what I will never do is turn a blind 注目する,もくろむ to poor 業績/成果. I have high 期待s, and that in itself, in today’s 気候, seems to 感情を害する/違反する some younger staff.

‘有毒な boss’ has become a catch-all 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 young people use for anyone 上級の to them in the office who won’t let them do 正確に/まさに what they want and won’t let them get away with poor 質, half-hearted work.

I can’t help noticing the description is 手渡すd out far more readily to women bosses than to men.

従業員s, many of whom have become lazy and selfish through ‘working’ at home during and after the pandemic, patently think the office is a cross between a playground and a therapy centre.

The idea of putting in any actual 成果/努力 is low on the 優先 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる).

Reading the 最新の 相反する 報告(する)/憶測s of Harry and Meghan’s 治療 of their staff 始める,決める me thinking about what 存在 a good boss 現実に means these days.

Meghan is said to have been a 需要・要求するing and capricious tyrant, and to have dealt with some 従業員s as if they were tradesmen.

I don’t know about you but when I を取り引きする tradesmen, I lavish them with boundless consideration because it is so hard to find good ones.

Whatever. It was the defence of H&M I 設立する really troubling.

When she was ill, the Sussexes’ 現在の PR 長,指導者 says, they 扱う/治療するd her with ‘the 肉親,親類d of 関心 and care a parent would 表明する if it were their own child’.

Women of course, are expected to be nurturing and to put others ahead of ourselves in any setting including the boardroom, this writer says

Women of course, are 推定する/予想するd to be 養育するing and to put others ahead of ourselves in any setting 含むing the boardroom, this writer says

And here is the problem in a nutshell. Any decent boss would show an appropriate level of 関心 to a sick member of staff. But as ‘if it were their own child’ ? really?

This 示唆するs a good boss, in particular a 女性(の) one, has to be somewhere between an anxious mother and a 十分な-blown saint.

Sorry, but I’m an (n)役員/(a)執行力のある, not Mother Theresa ? and if that makes me a 有毒な boss, so be it. I couldn’t かもしれない 扱う/治療する all my team as my children, even if I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to ? I don’t have time and it would do them no good.

It’s dangerous to blur the lines between professional and personal lives. ‘Work family’ is another 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 I hate almost as much as ‘有毒な boss’.

I try my 最大の to be decent to 従業員s. 最終的に, though, they are there to do a 職業, not to be petted like five-year-olds.

As a 女性(の) boss, I am aware that some staff, かもしれない unconsciously, think I will be softer on them than a man and therefore they try it on.

Some of them ? not all young ? do 行為/法令/行動する as if I am their mum, 誤った imagi ning I will indulge them, as a mother would, and seem to think it is my 職業 to (疑いを)晴らす up their mistakes and messes.

Guess what: I don’t find these antics 削減(する) or lovable, just annoying.

They need to know the 境界s, and to realise I am not their mum, or even their friend ? I’m the boss.

The first few times they get things wrong, for instance if they mess up on a 事業/計画(する) or a (弁護士の)依頼人 pitch, I will 保護する them.

But if they don’t listen and 改善する, I will then stand 支援する and let them fail. The only way people learn is by 直面するing consequences ? if I 保釈(金) them out every time, they will never 改善する. I won’t do their 職業s for them either ? and if that means it ends in what people in the City call ‘a hard conversation’, so be it.

I’m sure some would see this as symptom of a 有毒な boss.

I would say it is not doing people any favours to 支え(る) them up and 許す them to continue with a 誤った idea of their own 能力s.

Most people on my teams over the years have been 広大な/多数の/重要な. They understand that my 役割 is to 配達する 業績/成果, to 満足させる 顧客s and 投資家s, not to cater endlessly to the 需要・要求するs of a spoiled 少数,小数派 of disaffected 従業員s.

I don’t have any problems with anyone who 成し遂げるs 井戸/弁護士席, and I 疑問 they have a problem with me.

As for the others ? I don’t want them to see me as a 有毒な boss either. Shouting, ranting and 断言するing is not my style, but even if it were, I wouldn’t give in to the 勧める ? it would be just asking for HR trouble.

Instead, I use more subtle methods. The strategically raised eyebrow. The long silence. The searching look. The 法廷の 尋問. An 空気/公表する of 失望. An audible sigh.

I have always 避けるd overt 衝突 at work. It’s far better not to get into a fight with anyone, because usually both 味方するs 結局最後にはーなる 損失d to a degree.

I try to steer people to their own 結論s as to whether they are going to 栄える.

Genuinely toxic bosses wreak great harm to their staff, their businesses and ultimately themselves

Genuinely 有毒な bosses wreak 広大な/多数の/重要な 害(を与える) to their staff, their 商売/仕事s and 最終的に themselves

Maybe the woke 旅団 would call that gaslighting, I would say it’s a sensible and 円熟した approach.

In any 事例/患者, it’s the safest way in a 気候 where any form of 批評 seems to be 扱う/治療するd like a war 罪,犯罪.

I am not even sure what a 有毒な boss is. It is one of those 条件 like ‘narcissist’ bandied about without too much thought.

I often think it is weaponized by untalented and lazy staff to 正当化する their own shortcomings.

Rather than 直面する their faults, it’s so much easier to 非難する the boss. This 態度 is 補佐官d and abetted by a 補償(金) 産業 and a cadre of self-任命するd workplace gurus who have never had a real 職業 in their life.

Women of course, are 推定する/予想するd to be 養育するing and to put others ahead of ourselves in any setting, 含むing the boardroom. When we deviate from that model of perfect self-sacrifice, we are seen as 有毒な.

There is still an outmoded and sexist 態度 in some 4半期/4分の1s that having a successful career is tantamount to a character defect for a woman.

I certainly think it is impossible for any woman to reach the 最高の,を越す of her profession without 存在 portrayed as a tyrant, deservedly or not.

My first inkling I myself might be seen as a 有毒な boss (機の)カム when my mum and I watched The Devil Wears Prada, which has now been turned by Sir Elton John into a West End musical 開始 this autumn.

Discussing the film, Mum suddenly asked me: ‘You do realise you’re not supposed to be on Miranda’s 味方する?’

井戸/弁護士席, I could see she was over-需要・要求するing, but still I was 全く Team Miranda. I groaned on her に代わって at the parade of 無資格/無能力 that 直面するd her on a daily basis. I admired how she instilled 恐れる with an icy glare and a 脅迫的な ‘that’s all.’

And Andie: what a simpering, self-righteous drip. Who turns up at 滑走路 magazine in a 恐ろしい ill-fitting jumper and frumpy skirt?

I am 絶対 sure 女性(の) bosses such as Miranda are more likely to be called 有毒な than their male 相当するものs. If she had been male, there would have been no movie.

Men are still held to lower 基準s of boss behaviour as they are of every other 肉親,親類d. To be branded a 有毒な boss as a man, you have to 攻撃する,衝突する the level of Mohamed Al 妖精/密着させるd. For a woman, all you need do is fail to send flowers if a junior’s pet dies.

When I entered the workplace, a na?ve young woman in the nineties, nothing could hav e 用意が出来ている me for the male ogres who unashamedly infested the upper echelons of banking and 財政/金融.

We called the (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 控訴 at one 会社/堅い where I worked Jurassic Park because their behaviour was 先史の even by the 基準s of the time.

I never worked with Fred Goodwin, the ferocious boss who brought 王室の Bank of Scotland to its 膝s in the 財政上の 危機.

He was a few years ahead of me at one 会社/堅い where I worked, and I met him several times on the 産業 回路・連盟.

Goodwin, who at RBS was known for 持つ/拘留するing morning 会合s to berate his 同僚s to within an インチ of their lives, was 有毒な. He 衝突,墜落d the bank, his own career, and nearly the entire UK economy.

The vain and 無謀な 銀行業者s 支援する then got away with it for a time because they seemed to be geniuses at making money. The 財政上の 危機 debunked that delusion.

The culture has changed and rightly so ? the prejudices and the いじめ(る)ing taken for 認めるd in my 早期に career are no longer 許容するd.

Genuinely 有毒な bosses wreak 広大な/多数の/重要な 害(を与える) to their staff, their 商売/仕事s and 最終的に themselves. I don’t believe they 後継する in the long 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語. But we have swung much too far the other way.

Let’s not mistake a 堅い 経営者/支配人 for a tyrant.

I don’t think my approach makes me a 有毒な boss ? just a boss.

Yet I worry that, based on the ridiculous mentality that has a stranglehold on the modern workplace, I might 井戸/弁護士席 be branded that way.