Canadian Football League 一時停止するs Toronto Argonauts exec 無期限に/不明確に for slapping …に反対するing fan and 'using homophobic 中傷する' during altercation

  • The Canadian Football League has 一時停止するd a Argonauts (n)役員/(a)執行力のある 無期限に/不明確に after he was seen slapping a fan and (刑事)被告 of using a homophobic 中傷する
  • The 出来事/事件 took place after a 最近の プレーオフ loss to the Hamilton Tiger-Cats?
  • ビデオ of the 出来事/事件 went viral on Sunday, showing Argos 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 John Murphy getting into a 地位,任命する-game altercation with both male and 女性(の) fans
  • によれば several 報告(する)/憶測s, the 小競り合い began after a Hamilton fan spit beer at an Argonauts player. An 怒った Murphy was seen arguing with fans afterwards
  • The 状況/情勢 増大するd when a Hamilton fan 叫び声をあげるd and gestured に向かって Murphy, who 答える/応じるd by slapping the man's arm and 叫び声をあげるing in his 直面する
  • The man tried slapping Murphy before flipping off the Argos 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長?
  • The CFL is also 調査/捜査するing other 'player altercations with fans' from that game after another ビデオ went viral, showing 観客s attacking the Argos
  • One ビデオ shows a TiCats fan getting into a 押すing match with two Argonauts?
  • Hamilton (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域 Toronto, 27-19, to 前進する to the Grey Cup, the CFL's 肩書を与える game?