Constance Marten's estranged father asks police to 'look into the Nigerian 教団 she joined before disappearing'

  • Napier Marten called on police to look into the?Synagogue Church of All Nations??
  • The Lagos church is where Constance lived for six months, it has been said

The estranged father of a 行方不明の aristocrat Constance Marten has 勧めるd the police to 調査/捜査する a Nigerian 教団 に引き続いて (人命などを)奪う,主張するs she was 'brainwashed', it was 報告(する)/憶測d last night.

Napier Marten, who was a Page to the Queen, has called on officers to look into the Synagogue Church of All Nations in Lagos, where she lived for six months under TB Joshua, a 牧師 he believes to be a 'phoney prophet'.

Ms Marten, 35, pictured, and 示す Gordon, 48, were last seen on January 7 buying (軍の)野営地,陣営ing gear from an Argos 蓄える/店 in east London with their newborn baby after abandoning their car on the M56 近づく Bolton. Mr Marten said he hopes 'the police can now 調査/捜査する 可能性のある links between any 会・原則 伴う/関わるd in making Constance and others 苦しむ at the 手渡すs of the phoney prophet in his Lagos Synagogue'.

Mr Marten, who has 以前 控訴,上告d for his daughter's 安全な ret urn, told the 独立した・無所属: 'I remain 深く,強烈に 関心d for Constance, some five weeks after she and her baby went on the run. I just want them to be 安全な. I 勧める Constance, once more, to find the courage to turn herself in to the police.'

Ms Marten 削減(する) all 関係 with family and friends after 会合 American-raised Gordon, who committed two 武装した (警察の)手入れ,急襲s at the age of 14, 強姦ing a woman at knifepoint and 乱打するing a man with a shovel in 1989.

Constance Marten?was last seen pushing her child in a new buggy at 10pm on January 7

Constance Marten?was last seen 押し進めるing her child in a new buggy at 10pm on January 7

Ms Marten, 35, pictured, and Mark Gordon (pictured), 48, were last seen together buying camping gear from an Argos store in east London with their newborn baby after abandoning their car on the M56 near Bolton

Ms Marten, 35, pictured, and 示す Gordon (pictured), 48, were last seen together buying (軍の)野営地,陣営ing gear from an Argos 蓄える/店 in east London with their newborn baby after abandoning their car on the M56 近づく Bolton

The last known CCTV sighting of the pair was in Whitechapel at 6.19pm on January 7 ? when they bought gear 含むing a blue two-man テント, pillows 同様に as two sleeping 捕らえる、獲得するs.

Ms Marten was last seen 押し進めるing her child in a new buggy at 10pm that night.

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