Another 大打撃を与える blow for Argos as Sainsbury's 明らかにする/漏らすs 計画(する)s to shut two 倉庫・駅s with 1,400 職業s at 危険 after retailer 発表するd 企て,努力,提案 to shut up to 50 high street 支店s this year

  • Sainsbury's will also の近くに its office in Milton Keynes 予定 to rise in WFH?

Supermarket 巨大(な) Sainsbury's?today 発表するd 計画(する)s to の近くに two Argos?倉庫・駅s over the next three years in a move that will 衝撃 1,400 職業s.?

The supermarket 巨大(な) has 確認するd it is 目的(とする)ing to shut its Argos 倉庫/問屋 in Basildon, Essex, and a 倉庫・駅 in Heywood, Greater Manchester, by 2026.?

Bosses said staff losing their 職業s would have the '適切な時期 to find 代案/選択肢 役割s' どこかよそで in the 商売/仕事.?

The retailer is の近くにing 50 larger Argos 蓄える/店s before the end of the 財政上の year in favour of 投資するing in more small 支店s inside Sainsbury's supermarkets.??

Today, Sainsbury's also said it will shut its Milton Keynes office after a rise in staff working from home, with only 11% of 利用できる desk space 存在 used 定期的に by staff on the 場所/位置. It 強調する/ストレスd no 職業s will be lost 予定 to the move.?

The supermarket giant has confirmed it is aiming to shut its Argos warehouse in Basildon, Essex, and a depot in Heywood, Greater Manchester, by 2026. File pic

The supermarket 巨大(な) has 確認するd it is 目的(とする)ing to shut its Argos 倉庫/問屋 in Basildon, Essex, and a 倉庫・駅 in Heywood, Greater Manchester, by 2026. とじ込み/提出する pic?

However, it 発表するd と一緒に the changes that its three remaining Habitat showrooms will の近くに later this year as it 計画(する)s to 開始する,打ち上げる a 交替/補充 数字表示式の showroom, which will see a small number of Habitat 労働者s 影響する/感情d.?

The 職業 削減(する)s come まっただ中に a wider cull in the supermarket 部門, with Tesco and Asda also recently 発表するing moves to axe 役割s as they 削除する costs in the 直面する of stiff 競争 from discounters Aldi and Lidl, 同様に as 殺到するing インフレーション and 消費者 spending cutbacks.

研究 by the Centre for 小売 研究 recently 明らかにする/漏らすd that UK retailers have 削除するd almost 15,000 職業s since the start of 2023 after a raft of 崩壊(する)s and 再編成s on the high street.

Simon Roberts, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Sainsbury's, said: 'As with any major change to our 商売/仕事, we have not taken the difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する) to start this 協議 lightly.

'As part of our 計画(する) to create a simpler 商売/仕事, we 以前 始める,決める out our 意向 to 統合する our Argos and Sainsbury's 兵たん業務 網状組織s.

'Over the last few years, we've been working hard to transform this 網状組織 as we make our 商売/仕事 simpler, more efficient and more 効果的な for 顧客s.

'This also 許すs us to 減ずる costs, so we can 投資する where it will make the most 衝撃 for our 顧客s.'

Sainsbury's also said it will close its Milton Keynes office in response to flexible working across the group, but stressed no jobs would be impacted by the decision

Sainsbury's also said it will の近くに its Milton Keynes office in 返答 to 柔軟な working across the group, but 強調する/ストレスd no 職業s would be 衝撃d by the 決定/判定勝ち(する)

He 追加するd: 'We understand that this will be an unsettling time for 影響する/感情d 同僚s, and we will support them however we can throughout this 過程.'

Sainsbury's said it would 強固にする/合併する/制圧する its five 存在するing Sainsbury's and Argos 倉庫・駅s into three, with its Daventry 場所/位置 also 存在 その上の 自動化するd with a £90 million 提案するd 投資, although it does not at this 行う/開催する/段階 推定する/予想する any 役割s at Daventry to be 影響する/感情d.

How the Argos 目録 went from 存在 in most UK at its 頂点(に達する) to 存在 canned after 47 years?

Argos 先触れ(する)d the end of an 時代 in July 2020 when it 発表するd it would no longer print its iconic 目録 after 47 years.

Instead the retailer said it would 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) 製品s online 予定 to a '転換 in 顧客s' shopping habits'.?

Almost one billion were printed since it was first 開始する,打ち上げるd in 1972.

The first Argos catalogue in 1973

The first Argos 目録 in 1973?

At its 頂点(に達する), the Argos 目録 was?Europe's most 広範囲にわたって-printed 出版(物), with only the Bible in more homes across the UK.?

示す Given, 長,指導者 marketing officer at Sainsbury's - which owns Argos - said at the time: 'Over the 10年間s the Argos 目録 has charted the nation's changing tastes and 傾向s in everything from must-have toys to the 最新の gadgets and 装置s.

'Just as our 顧客s' tastes have changed over the years, so have their shopping habits. We're seeing an 増加するing 転換 に向かって 数字表示式の shopping, using our 動きやすい app, website and in-蓄える/店 browsers.


It said that 労働者s 衝撃d by the 決定/判定勝ち(する) will be able to '調査する 代案/選択肢 役割s' within the group.

貿易(する) union 部隊 said that there was no '経済的な justification' for the 終結s.

部隊 国家の officer Matt Draper said: '管理/経営 at Argos/Sainsbury's has yet to 供給する any form of 商売/仕事 事例/患者 for the loss of these 職業s.

'部隊 will be fighting to 保存する every 職業 and will put 今後 an 代案/選択肢 商売/仕事 事例/患者 to the company to 保存する 雇用 at these two 場所/位置s.

'This is an incredibly 豊富な company which should be 投資するing in its loyal 全労働人口 rather than ダンピング 労働者s in 追跡 of short-称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 利益(をあげる)s.

'If Sainsbury's doesn't 減少(する) its 終結 計画(する)s then 部隊 will 追求する all avenues to 保存する 雇用 at these 場所/位置s.'

But Sainsbury's 主張するd the changes, together with the 現在進行中の 拡大 of its 地元の 倉庫/問屋 網状組織 across the UK, would 改善する availability, 減ずる 在庫/株 and 許す faster 顧客 配達/演説/出産s.

'The new three-場所/位置 general 商品/売買する 網状組織 will 改善する 生産性 and the working 環境, 同様に as 増加するing resilience and 柔軟性 for the 未来,' it said.

Last month, Argos 発表するd 計画(する)s to の近くに all its 蓄える/店s in the 共和国 of Ireland, where it 現在/一般に 雇うs 580 people in 34 支店s.?

Argos said it arrived at the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to leave I reland に引き続いて a long period of 'careful consideration' and a '徹底的な review' of its 商売/仕事 and 操作/手術s in the country.

Sainsbury's 購入(する)d Argos, which sells toys, 科学(工学)技術 and 消費者 electronics, for £1.1bn in 2016.

Its 戦略 in the UK has been to の近くに most standalone Argos 蓄える/店s, while 開始 出口s within Sainsbury's supermarkets, but the group does not have supermarkets in Ireland.

一方/合間, LloydsPharmacy 発表するd last month that it will の近くに its 237 pharmacy 場所/位置s within Sainsbury's supermarkets just seven years after buying them for £125million.

It said the move was a 戦略の review 'in 返答 to changing market 条件s'.

LloydsPharmacy 追加するd it's '調査するing 選択s' for each 場所/位置 個々に and will 確認する exact 終結 計画(する)s on a '支店-by-支店' basis. But it 推定する/予想するs to 完全にする the 過程 over the course of 2023.

It 強調する/ストレスd that it is working with all 同僚s 衝撃d by the 告示 but did not 公表する/暴露する how many 労働者s would be 影響する/感情d.

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