Britain's High Streets are 攻撃する,衝突する by a dozen more 終結s TODAY as B&Q, Boots and Argos shut 支店s - is your 地元の 蓄える/店 at 危険?

Britain's High Streets are 始める,決める to be 攻撃する,衝突する by more 終結s today as Argos, Boots and B&Q shut 支店s.?

Argos in Coatbridge, Lanarkshire, Scotland, will shut its doors as part of?Sainsbury's 計画(する)s to get rid of 50 standalone 支店s by the end of this month, によれば 報告(する)/憶測s.?

Boots will also get rid of two of its shops today: in?Church Street, Malvern, 近づく Worcester, and in Port Arcades Shopping Centre, Ellesmere Port, 近づく Chester.

These 終結s come on the same day B&Q says goodbye to eight of its 小型の 支店s seen inside Asda supermarkets, によれば the Sun.?

Instead, B&Q 目的(とする)s to 開始する,打ち上げる small 蓄える/店s on the High Street.?

Our 地図/計画する shows where B&Q, Argos and Boots 蓄える/店s are の近くにing across the country

B&Q will の近くに its 譲歩 today in the に引き続いて 場所s:?Sheffield Drakehouse, Dagenham, Roehampton, Edmonton, Thurmaston, 広大な/多数の/重要な 橋(渡しをする), Lancaster and Hartlepool.?

A B&Q 広報担当者 told MailOnline: 'To adapt to changing 消費者 需要・要求する for 速度(を上げる) and convenience, B&Q has been 実験(する)ing smaller 蓄える/店 判型s on high streets, on 小売 parks and in 譲歩 判型s within Asda 蓄える/店s.?

'Thanks to our "実験(する) and learn" approach, we're continually 集会 feedback from 顧客s and 同僚s, helping us 発展させる the shopping experience in these smaller 蓄える/店s.

'We have decided to 焦点(を合わせる) on developing our 詳細な計画 for smaller high street 判型s. We recently 開始する,打ち上げるd our new brand of small 判型 蓄える/店s, B&Q 地元の, with a 見解(をとる) to 拡大するing into more 場所s and, as a result, we will be の近くにing eight small 譲歩s within Asda 蓄える/店s.?

'All 従業員s have been 申し込む/申し出d 代案/選択肢 雇用 at nearby 蓄える/店s.'

A 広報担当者 for Boots told MailOnline: 'Boots has over 2,2 00 蓄える/店s across the UK.?

'We continually review 場所s to make sure they are where our 顧客s need us most and it is never a 決定/判定勝ち(する) we take lightly when looking to の近くに a 蓄える/店.'

The 声明 continued: 'Two 蓄える/店s ? Port Arcade 蓄える/店 in Ellesmere and Church Street 蓄える/店 in Malvern ? will の近くに tomorrow as part of 以前 発表するd 蓄える/店 終結s.?

'In all 事例/患者s there is an 代案/選択肢 Boots 蓄える/店 いっそう少なく than three miles away.?

'影響する/感情d team members have been 申し込む/申し出d 適切な時期s in other 蓄える/店s in the 地元の area.?

'Boots 蓄える/店s nearby will continue to 申し込む/申し出 pharmacy services and 顧客s can find their nearest 蓄える/店 at 蓄える/店 Locator ('

MailOnline has 接触するd Argos owner Sainsbury's for comment.?

The B&Q branch inside?Sheffield Drakehouse's Asda supermarket is one of the branches to get the cut

The B&Q 支店 inside?Sheffield Drakehouse's Asda supermarket is one of the 支店s to get the 削減(する)

The Argos in Coatbridge is also shutting its doors in fresh blow to the local economy

The Argos in Coatbridge is also shutting its doors in fresh blow to the 地元の economy?

Boot's Church Street store in Malvern will also close ? one of two that are shutting

Boot's Church Street 蓄える/店 in Malvern will also の近くに ? one of two that are shutting

示すs and Spencer is another 指名する の近くにing 蓄える/店s?across the country as it 戦う/戦いs?急に上がるing costs in?yet another blow to the 病んでいる British High Street.?

The department 蓄える/店 発表するd last year it would be の近くにing 67 larger 蓄える/店s as it looks to open more of its popular Foodhalls in a 押し進める to save £300million ? 含むing 減ずるing a £100million energy 法案.??

M&S 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある Stuart Machin said the retailer 目的(とする)s to have 180 '十分な-line' shops selling food, 着せる/賦与するing and homeware 製品s by 早期に 2028 ? 負かす/撃墜する from 247.

The first of the 蓄える/店s to shut, in East Kilbride Shopping Centre, の近くにd its doors on February 25, with other 終結s over the spring, some of which are still を受けるing 協議.?

Seven 'lower productivity, full line stores' are having the shutters pulled down for good? ? but the closures are still undergoing consultation

Seven 'lower 生産性, 十分な line 蓄える/店s' are having the shutters pulled 負かす/撃墜する for good? ? but the 終結s are still を受けるing 協議

一方/合間, 予算 chain?Poundland is 開始 12 new 蓄える/店s in a fresh にわか景気 for Britain's struggling High Streets.?

The retailer has 確認するd the dates of four new 開始s ? with the 残り/休憩(する) of the 蓄える/店s 始める,決める to open at some point next month.

の中で the new 場所/位置s will be the chain's Scottish 旗艦 蓄える/店 in 栄冠を与える Street,?Glasgow, which will become the country's largest 支店 at 18,380 square feet.??

The 開始s come as part of a wider 計画(する) to by the 割引 retailer to open or relocate 50 new shops by the end of the year.?

The 支店s will be across the High Street, shopping centres and 小売 parks.?

The budget retailer is set to open 12 shops across the UK over this and next month 18,380 square feet. here is where they will all be

The 予算 retailer is 始める,決める to open 12 shops across the UK over this and next month ? here is where they will all be

Last month,?Sainsbury's?発表するd 計画(する)s to の近くに two Argos?倉庫・駅s over the next three years in a move that will 衝撃 1,400 職業s.?

The supermarket 巨大(な) 確認するd it is 目的(とする)ing to shut its Argos 倉庫/問屋 in Basildon, Essex, and a 倉庫・駅 in Heywood, Greater Manchester, by 2026.?

Bosses said staff losing their 職業s would have the '適切な時期 to find 代案/選択肢 役割s' どこかよそで in the 商売/仕事.?

The retailer is の近くにing 50 larger Argos st 鉱石s before the end of the 財政上の year in favour of 投資するing in more small 支店s inside Sainsbury's supermarkets.??

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