Live-in carer who 'kept 無能にするd man in slavery while having 事件/事情/状勢 with his wife' tells 陪審/陪審員団 'we all make mistakes' over the fling

  • Carer George Webb said 事件/事情/状勢 with wife of man he looked after was a 'mistake'
  • Webb and Sarah Somerset-How (刑事)被告 of?持つ/拘留するing her husband Tom in slavery

A live-in carer (刑事)被告 of keeping a 無能にするd man in slavery while having an 事件/事情/状勢 with his wife today told a 陪審/陪審員団 'we all make mistakes' when asked about the fling.

George Webb said starting a 関係 with Sarah Somerset-How while she was still married to husband Tom was one of his 'biggest mistakes ever', and that he did not want to get 伴う/関わるd in the 関係 because he is 'not Jeremy Kyle'.

But he said the couple were 'very unhappy' when he first met them and that Mrs Somerset-How had told him she had 疑問s about marrying the cerebral palsy 苦しんでいる人 'from the start'.

As a result, he said he tried to give them both advice on their 関係, which 含むd telling her to 'find herself 'a man'.

Webb and his lover are (刑事)被告 of 拘留するing her husband in the house the three 株d, barely keeping him alive as she spent his money while 扱う/治療するing him 'like a piece of 所有物/資産/財産'.

Live-in carer Geo rge Webb (pictured outside Portsmouth 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所) who is?(刑事)被告 of keeping a 無能にするd man in slavery while having an 事件/事情/状勢 with his wife today told a 陪審/陪審員団 'we all make mistakes' when asked about the fling

Tom Somerset-How, who suffers with cerebral palsy, with his mother, Helen, who was awarded an MBE for charity work, and sister Kate

Tom Somerset-How, who 苦しむs with cerebral palsy, with his mother, Helen, who was awarded an MBE for charity work, and sister Kate

Sarah Somerset-How, pictured outside Portsmouth 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所, is 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have 扱う/治療するd her husband Tom 'like a piece of 所有物/資産/財産'

Mrs Somerset-How is (刑事)被告 of using her 40 year old husband - who 要求するs 24 hour care - as a 'cash cow' to 搾取する him out of his 相続物件.

Today, Webb, 50, told the 法廷,裁判所 he didn't want to get '伴う/関わるd' in the married couple's 関係 but gave 'advice' to them both - recommending Mrs Somerset-How 'get rid' of her 無能にするd husband.

Somerset-How and Webb are 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 持つ/拘留するing a person in slavery and ill-治療 by a care 労働者.

Webb 直面するs a 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 of ABH against Mr Somerset-How after an 出来事/事件 in which he is (刑事)被告 of hitting him with a shoe.

Mrs Somerset-How also 直面するs 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s of 詐欺 and 窃盗.

Webb, who began caring for the 'intelligent' history 卒業生(する) in 2016, today told 賠審員s about his 認める 事件/事情/状勢 with his 雇用者's wife.

Under cross-examination from 検察官,検事 Paul Cavin KC, the carer was asked about texts where he told Mrs Somerset-How: 'Get rid of him. Go find yourself a man. I think you need to leave Tom and get your life 支援する.'

This was すぐに after he started his 雇用 with the couple in 2016.

Webb told the 陪審/陪審員団: 'At that time, Tom and Sarah were 支援する and 前へ/外へ with each other. Sarah was telling me she had 疑問s about marrying him from the start. I knew there were problems when I first started.

'They were both very unhappy at that point. I didn't see the point of Sarah 存在 somewhere she didn't want to be. They were arguing daily.

'They both 認める to me the very first night of me 存在 there they had a 計画(する), and they were going to end on good 条件.

'I'm not Jeremy Kyle. I didn't know how to を取り引きする their 問題/発行するs. I gave them both advice.'

When the 起訴 示唆するd he was 'happy to get 伴う/関わるd', Webb said '絶対 not'.

Tom Somerset-How, 40, has spoken for the first time since his wife and her lover were convicted of slavery charges last week

Tom Somerset-How (pictured) has cerebral palsy and 要求するs 一連の会議、交渉/完成する-the-clock care

Somerset-How (foreground) and Webb (background) are charged with holding a person in slavery and ill-treatment by a care worker

Somerset-How (foreground) and Webb (background) are 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 持つ/拘留するing a person in slavery and ill-治療 by a care 労働者

The 起訴 asked: 'This wasn't a 状況/情勢 where you were working closely together and fell in love over a long period of time. So why did you think it wa s appropriate to start having sex with the spouse of a (弁護士の)依頼人?'

Webb replied: 'I know it wasn't appropriate. We all make mistakes. It is one of my biggest mistakes ever.'

The 法廷,裁判所 has heard that while the pair bought themselves lingerie and DJ 器具/備品 with cash Mr Somerset-How had been given by 親族s, he was left as a '囚人 in his own home'.

They 恐らく left 車椅子-bound Mr Somerset How - who is almost blind and needs 24-hour care - in bed for 90 per cent of the time, 許すd him a にわか雨 once a week and went for a whole year without 小衝突ing his teeth.

For food he would be left with only a packet of crisps and a 挟む, the 法廷,裁判所 was told, while Webb and Somerset-How carried out their 計画(する) to 'ostracise' him from his family.

The 陪審/陪審員団 was told that 結局 Mr Somerset-How managed to raise the alarm about how he was 存在 扱う/治療するd with a friend who 警報d his parents.

They then 行う/開催する/段階d a 救助(する) with police and social services, 'an 操作/手術 that had the 示すs of 抽出するing someone as a 人質' from his home in Chichester, West Sussex, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

Mrs Somerset-How and Webb 否定する the 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s.

The 裁判,公判 at Portsmouth 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所 continues.

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