Major retailers 含むing Argos, Poundland and アイスランド are の近くにing their doors in June: 十分な 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) 明らかにする/漏らすd

  • Major retailers are 始める,決める to disappear from the high street in June 2023
  • Some 蓄える/店s will move to new 場所s while others will shut for good?

A number of major retailers are 始める,決める to の近くに their doors in June 2023, 含むing Argos and Poundland.

Some 支店s will be 取って代わるd by new 蓄える/店s in different 場所s while others are 始める,決める to leave the high street forever.?

The 終結s come after dozens of big retailers disappeared from the high street in April 2023.

Here is a 十分な 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of high street brands の近くにing in June 2023.?

Argos will close all stores in the Republic of Ireland in June 2023, the company currently employs 580 people across the country

Argos will の近くに all 蓄える/店s in the 共和国 of Ireland in June 2023, the company 現在/一般に 雇うs 580 people across the country?


Argos will の近くに all remaining 蓄える/店s in the 共和国 of Ireland on June 24.?

The major 目録 retailer 現在/一般に 雇うs 580 people across 34 蓄える/店s in the country.?

Argos will の近くに another two UK 蓄える/店s and 拡大する its presence within supermarkets.

Since March 2023 the retailer has opened 25 Argos 場所s in Sainsbury's 蓄える/店s and hopes to have 430 反対するs inside the supermarket by 2024.?

十分な 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of Argos 蓄える/店s の近くにing in the 共和国 of Ireland, June 2023

  • Athlone Argos Blanchardstown?
  • Ashbourne 小売 Park?
  • West End Argos
  • ?Carlow Argos?
  • Castlebar Argos?
  • Cavan Argos?
  • Clonmel Argos
  • Cork Mahon Argos?
  • Cork 小売 Park Argos?
  • Drogheda Argos?
  • Dun Laoghaire Argos
  • Dundalk 小売 Park Argos
  • Dundrum Argos?
  • Galway Argos
  • Ilac Centre (Dublin) Argos
  • Kilkenny Argos
  • Killarney Argos??
  • Letterkenny Argos?
  • Liffey Valley?
  • Argos Limerick?
  • Childers Road?
  • Argos Longford Argos?
  • Monaghan Argos?
  • Naas Argos?
  • Navan Argos?
  • Omni Park (Dublin) Argos
  • ?Portlaoise Argos
  • ?Rathfarnham Nutgrove Argos?
  • Sligo Argos?
  • 4146 St. Stephens Green (Dublin)
  • Tallaght Argos
  • Tralee Argos?
  • Tullamore Ar gos??
  • Waterford Argos
  • Wexford Argos


アイスランド 蓄える/店s have seen eleven 終結s this year, but more are 推定する/予想するd to shut in June 2023.

支店s in?Bromsgrove, Basingstoke and Rhyl の近くにd for good this year, 同様に as 蓄える/店s in?Newport, Berwick and Hexham.

アイスランド's Beccle 支店 in Suffolk is also scheduled to の近くに on June 17, 2023.

Lloyds Pharmacy?

Lloyds Pharmacy have begun の近くにing 負かす/撃墜する standalone 化学者/薬剤師s, 位置を示すd in Sainsbury's supermarkets.

The 化学者/薬剤師 発表するd 237 of its 蓄える/店s in Sainsbury's will の近くに by the end of the year.?

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) is said to have put more than 2,000 職業s at 危険.??

Several 蓄える/店s in Sainsbury's supermarkets are 推定する/予想するd to shut at the beginning of June 含むing Lloyds Pharmacies in Newport, Derby and Chesterfield.?

Two more 蓄える/店s 位置を示すd in Sainsbury's supermarkets in Kidlington and Gloucester will shut for good in July.

The pharmacy chain was sold to private equity firm Aurelius in 2022 in a deal worth £477 million, the closures will put more than 2,000 jobs at risk

The pharmacy chain was sold to 私的な 公正,普通株主権 会社/堅い Aurelius in 2022 in a 取引,協定 価値(がある) £477 million, the 終結s will put more than 2,000 職業s at 危険?


Poundland is の近くにing a 選び出す/独身 蓄える/店 on Churchill Way 小売 Park Leyland, after 存在 asked to move by the landlord.?

The one 蓄える/店 will の近くに June 23 as the 予算 retailer 作品 on a 50-蓄える/店 拡大 計画(する).?

The retailer will open two more shops in June 2023 and 計画(する) to open 15 more in August 2023.

Some 存在するing shops will move 場所s while some new shops will be 追加するd to the high street.

Poundland managing director Barry Williams told The Sun: "That 変形 means we have to step up our search for the best 場所s to bring the best of Poundland to 顧客s across the UK and that’s 正確に what we’ll do in 2023."?

Other places の近くにing in 2023

Aside from high street 蓄える/店s, other major retailers have 発表するd 終結s in 2023 同様に as a number of banks.?

Frankie and Bennie 明らかにする/漏らすd in March 2023 The Restaurant Group (TRG) is considering の近くにing 35 場所/位置s over the next two years.?

The Italian restaurant Prezzo has 発表するd it will の近くに its doors for good after 存在 影響する/感情d by the rising energy costs.

The restaurant's 46 支店s are 始める,決める to の近くに which 現在/一般に 雇う around 810 people.

  • An earlier 見解/翻訳/版 of this article 報告(する)/憶測d that Lloyds Pharmacy will be の近くにing 負かす/撃墜する 237 of its 支店s, and that in 2022, 76 pharmacies had の近くにd. We have since been 接触するd by a 代表者/国会議員 of Lloyds Pharmacy who has 確認するd that only 化学者/薬剤師s 位置を示すd in Sainsbury’s supermarkets will be の近くにing and that the 報告(する)/憶測d number of pharmacy 終結s in 2022 was incorrect. We have 修正するd the article to 反映する this.?

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