The phone call that still haunts Queensland police officer who brings paedophiles to 司法(官): 'He could not speak at all for the first five minutes'

  • Officer spent 10年間s fighting child 乱用?
  • Det Insp Jon Rouse says problem is 抱擁する?
  • 悪党/犯人s are spread across the globe? ?

探偵,刑事 視察官 Jon Rouse has spent most of career 保護するing children but he remains haunted by a phone call that etched into his memory the 破滅的な consequences when there is no one to 保護する a youngster from a sex predator.

Det Insp Rouse said he received the call only a few days after starting work at Queensland's Taskforce Argos in 2000, which 調査/捜査するs child sex 乱用.

'The 報知係 could not speak at all for the first five minutes. There was just sobbing,' 探偵,刑事 視察官 Rouse told Queensland Police News.

'I waited 根気よく and 結局 he told me his story.

'He was in his 中央の-50s at the time of the call. He told me that as a young child he had been placed in an orphanage run by 修道女s.?

Recently retired Queensland Detective Inspector Jon Rouse has spent nearly 30 years fighting to protect children from abusers

Recently retired Queensland 探偵,刑事 視察官 Jon Rouse has spent nearly 30 years fighting to 保護する children from abusers

'On 週末s, as a "扱う/治療する" the groundsman would take some of the children to the 運動-in movies, where they would be sexually 乱用d.

'When he 召集(する)d the courage to tell the 修道女s what had happened, he said they '茎d his feet until they bled' and asked how could he 'say such terrible lies about this good man'.

'Apart from listening to his story, I soon (機の)カム to realise there was nothing I could do to get 司法(官) for this man as it had happened so long ago and I ascertained that the 悪党/犯人 and all the 証言,証人/目撃するs had passed away.'

The 上級の police officer, who is 存在 軍隊d into 気が進まない 退職 at age 60, said the most ありふれた question he is asked is 'how can you do this 肉親,親類d of work?'.

'My 返答 is always "how can you not?".

'In 法律 施行, everything we do has a 結合,連鎖 to 外傷/ショック. Whether it's road 事故s, 国内の 暴力/激しさ or 殺人s, everything we do as police officers has the 可能性のある to psychologically 損失 us.

'I 特に take my hat off to our officers across the 明言する/公表する and at the Child 外傷/ショック 仕事 軍隊 at (警察,軍隊などの)本部 調査/捜査するing 事例/患者s where children have died. Their singular 焦点(を合わせる) is to get 司法(官) for those 犠牲者s.

'At Argos, we have the 適切な時期 to 介入する. And in many 事例/患者s, we stop the 乱用 b efore children are old enough to ever remember what has happened to them.'

Det Insp Rouse said that he learnt from his time in a child protection taskforce that the hidden scale of child abuse was vast

Det Insp Rouse said that he learnt from his time in a child 保護 taskforce that the hidden 規模 of child 乱用 was 広大な

It 現れるd on Tuesday that a former Gold Coast childcare centre 労働者 has been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 1623 child 乱用 offences which 恐らく 伴う/関わるd 91 犠牲者s,?

The Gold Coast man, 45, has been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with 136 counts of 強姦 and 110 counts of 性の intercourse with a child under 10 in Brisbane, Sydney and overseas between 2007 and 2022.

Det Insp Rouse said his many years in Taskforce Argus and before that a four-year stint in Queensland's?the Child 乱用 and 性の 罪,犯罪 Group had shown him the 大規模な 規模 of the problem.?

'The only thing we seem to have really good at over that time is finding more (乱用), he told 無線で通信する 駅/配置する 2GB.

'I don't think you are ever going to see us 除去する this 問題/発行する because it is a p ercentage of humans.'

He has also learnt that child 乱用 crosses all international 境界s because there were?'dreadful people across the globe'.?

'When we go online you don't know where the 違反者/犯罪者 is and you don't know where the child 犠牲者 is,' he said

'いつかs they are in Australia and Queensland but probably in 80 90 per cent of the 事例/患者s they are overseas.

'I don't care where the child is, I will try to do something to make sure they are 除去するd from 害(を与える).'

He said with the 激励 of 上級の police Taskforce Argos has built a major 全世界の 網状組織 with other international 法律 機関s to 保護する children.?

'We could get a lead from anywhere in the world and have a child 除去するd from 害(を与える) いつかs in hours,' he said.

The foundation set up in the memory of murdered and abused Gold Coast 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe paid tribute to Det Insp Rouse

The 創立/基礎 始める,決める up in the memory of 殺人d and 乱用d Gold Coast 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe paid 尊敬の印 to Det Insp Rouse

Det Insp Rouse said that although he is leaving the 軍隊 he will continue the fight to 保護する children.?

He has taken up a professorship at Melbourne's Monash University where he will teach and 研究 the 役割 of AI plays in enabling or combatting child 乱用.

He also will continue as board member for International Centre for 行方不明の and 偉業/利用するd Children in Australia and working with the Daniel Morcombe 機関.

The 創立/基礎 that was 始める,決める up to 保護する children in memory of 殺人d Gold Coast 13-year-old Daniel Morcombe, recently paid 尊敬の印 to Det Insp Rouse.

'The Daniel Morcombe 創立/基礎 has a long-standing 関係 with 探偵,刑事 視察官 Jon Rouse APM, and we celebrate his life's work 献身的な to 保護するing children from 害(を与える) and as a 支持する/優勝者 to the 原因(となる) of keeping kids 安全な,' the 創立/基礎 said in an Instagram 地位,任命する.

'As a valued 外交官/大使 to the Daniel Morcombe 創立/基礎, we look 今後 to continuing and growing our 関係 with you.

'Congratulations on your 退職, we are 確信して that your energy and passion for 保護するing children from 害(を与える) will not 減ずる.'

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