保釈(金) bondsman Scott Hall becomes first Donald Trump co-被告 to 罪を認める in the Georgia 選挙 事例/患者

  • Scott Hall was given five years 保護監察 for pleading 有罪の to five 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s?
  • He was (刑事)被告 of??違反ing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in 投票(する)ing machines in Georgia?

A 保釈(金) bondsman has become the first of?Donald Trump's 18 co-被告s to take a 嘆願 取引,協定 in a surprising 開発 in the?Georgia 選挙 干渉,妨害 事例/患者.

Scott Hall, 59, pleaded 有罪の on Friday to five 軽罪 counts of 共謀 to commit intentional 干渉,妨害 with the 業績/成果 of 選挙 義務s.

He made a を取り引きする?地区 弁護士/代理人/検事 Fani Willis to serve five years 保護監察 after he was 起訴するd last month.

Fulton 郡 Superior 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 Scott McAfee also 手渡すd him a $1,000 罰金 for each 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金.?

Hall was (刑事)被告 of unlawfully 違反ing (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in 投票(する)ing machines in Coffee 郡, Georgia in an 成果/努力 to 接近 投票者 data while Trump 同盟(する)s were 主張するing 大規模な 投票者 詐欺.

Bail bondsman Scott Hall has become the first Donald Trump co-defendant to take a plea deal in the election interference case

保釈(金) bondsman Scott Hall has become the first Donald Trump co-被告 to take a 嘆願 取引,協定 in the 選挙 干渉,妨害 事例/患者

The 申し立てられた/疑わしい 罪/違反 took place just a day after the (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 暴動.?

The no-刑務所,拘置所 取引,協定 raises the prospect that Willis can 得る 証言 from Hall as she 追求するs other 被告s in the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 共謀, which によれば a 非常に長い 起訴,告発 延長するs all the way to former 大統領 Donald Trump and some of his 最高の,を越す 助言者s in his 成果/努力 to overturn the 選挙.?

Already, several people 起訴するd in the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 共謀 have sought to 切断する their own 事例/患者s or move 起訴 into 連邦の 法廷,裁判所, as former White House 長,指導者 of Staff 示す Meadows has don.

Hall is 述べるd as taking part in 重要な episodes 輪郭(を描く)d in the 認める 陪審/陪審員団 起訴,告発 解放(する)d last month.

His 比較して small roll took place when a 共和国の/共和党の party 公式の/役人 phoned Hall 捜し出すing help with an errand.

Scott Hall with Donald Trump - Hall became the first of Trump's co-conspirators to surrender to authorities in Atlanta

Scott Hall with Donald Trump - Hall became the first of Trump's co-conspirators to 降伏する to 当局 in Atlanta

The indictment cited a November 20 email that said Hall 'has been looking into the election on behalf of the President at the request of David Bossie,' a key Trump advisor

The 起訴,告発 特記する/引用するd a November 20 email that said Hall 'has been looking into the 選挙 on に代わって of the 大統領 at the request of David Bossie,' a 重要な Trump 助言者

According to the indictment, Hall spoke with former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark for more than an hour amid the overturn effort

によれば the 起訴,告発, Hall spoke with former DOJ 公式の/役人 Jeffrey Clark for more than an hour まっただ中に the overturn 成果/努力

Hall called her 支援する hours later. What they spoke about, によれば 検察官,検事s, was a 計画(する) to 接近 投票(する)ing machines in 田舎の Coffee 郡, Georgia, to 支援する up wild (人命などを)奪う,主張するs by 'Kraken' lawyer Sidney Powell about 大規模な 選挙 詐欺 in the 2020 選挙.

Powell is also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d, and like others has pleaded not 有罪の.?

It wasn't part of any 法律 施行 調査 or an 公式の/役人 canvass or recount like the ones Georgia 選挙 公式の/役人s carried out. It was, 検察官,検事s said in a 素晴らしい 起訴,告発 非難する a 161-行為/法令/行動する 共謀, an 'unlawful 違反 of 選挙 器具/備品.'

The 公式の/役人, Cathy Latham, phoned a 法廷の data 会社/堅い to arrange transportation from the airport along with the 長,指導者 operating officer of the 会社/堅い.?

The に引き続いて day, January 7, when 修理 乗組員s were still 直す/買収する,八百長をするing 粉砕するd windows inside the U.S. (ワシントンの)連邦議会議事堂 に引き続いて a 暴動, Hall was soon joined by another 公式の/役人 ? now known only as 'Individual 24' ? to engage in what 検察官,検事s call '脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing activity' and an 'overt 行為/法令/行動する' in a コンビナート/複合体 共謀.

They 長,率いるd to the Coffee 郡 board of 選挙s. 選挙s director Misty Hampton was there while a computer 法廷のs team copied data and ソフトウェア from inside 郡 投票(する)ing machines and 器具/備品.

Collectively, these moves were part of 多重の 行為/法令/行動するs sketched out inside Fulton 郡 DA Fani Willis's 広範囲にわたる 起訴,告発, which 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s Trump, 上級の lawyers 含むing Powell and former New York 市長 Rudy Giuliani, and low-level henchmen of carrying out a 連係させた 共謀.?

Their 活動/戦闘s 構成するd a '犯罪の 脅迫者,不正手段で暴利を得る者ing 企業 to overturn Georgia's 大統領の 選挙 results,' she said.

Hall 証言するd before the special 大陪審 that first 調査(する)d the events. His presence was 逮捕(する)d on 監視 ビデオ.?

He was 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with a total of of seven counts, 含むing 選挙 詐欺 and 共謀 to commit computer 窃盗, 同様に as 侵害する/違反するing the 明言する/公表する's RICO 法令.

The 起訴,告発 特記する/引用するd a November 20 email that said Hall 'has been looking into the 選挙 on に代わって of the 大統領 at the request of David Bossie,' a 重要な Trump 助言者. It called the 接触する an 'overt 行為/法令/行動する' of the 共謀.?

It also 述べるs a January 2, 2021 phone call between Hall and former DOJ 公式の/役人 Jeffrey Clark of more than an hour.?

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