行方不明になる フラン beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 becomes embroiled in bizarre 列/漕ぐ/騒動 after 裁判官s are (刑事)被告 of going 'woke' by 栄冠を与えるing 'androgynous' contestant with pixie 削減(する) hairstyle as 勝利者 for first time in history... with even French 政治家,政治屋s 重さを計るing in

  • Eve Gilles, 20, was 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン in 前線 of 7.5million TV テレビ視聴者s?

A bizarre woke 列/漕ぐ/騒動 has 爆発するd after a 行方不明になる フラン contestant with a pixie 削減(する) hairstyle won for the first time in the 野外劇/豪華な行列's history.

Eve Gilles, 20, from Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern part of the country was 栄冠を与えるd by previous 勝利者 Indira Ampiot in 前線 of 7.5 million TV テレビ視聴者s last night.?


But the beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 is now 直面するing peculiar (激しい)反発 that it has gone 'woke' after the 裁判官s chose 'androgynous' Ms Gilles as 行方不明になる フラン 2024 after all previous 勝利者s featured more 恐らく '伝統的な' long, flowing hair and curves.

'We're used to seeing beautiful 行方不明になるs with long hair, but I chose an androgynous look with short hair,' a 反抗的な Ms Gilles said.

She also 賞賛するd her 勝利,勝つ as a 勝利,勝つ for '多様制' and 追加するd: 'No one should dictate who you are,' she said after her victory Saturday night, 追加するing that every 'woman is different, we're all unique.'

Eve Gilles (pictured), 20, from Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern part of the country was 栄冠を与える ed 行方不明になる フラン last night in 前線 of 7.5 million TV テレビ視聴者s
Eve Gilles (left), is 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン 2024 by 行方不明になる フラン 2023 Indira Ampiot (権利), at the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 in Dijon
The 行方不明になる フラン contestants 成し遂げるd on 行う/開催する/段階 wearing matching bodysuits with golden tassels
Newly elected 行方不明になる フラン 2024 Eve Gilles 反応するs on 行う/開催する/段階 after winning the 肩書を与える
She 成し遂げるd in a 黒人/ボイコット 衣装 with red embellishments during the final of the beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列

The 野外劇/豪華な行列 勝利者 is chosen half by a public 投票(する) and half by a 陪審/陪審員団. While Ms Gilles only (機の)カム third in the public 投票(する), the パネル盤 of 裁判官s 押し進めるd her into first place.?

But Ms Gilles, who wants to be a statistician, is the first 勝利者 in the 103-year history of the 野外劇/豪華な行列 who doesn't have long hair - much to the 狼狽 of some テレビ視聴者s.

READ MORE:?Three failed 行方不明になる フラン 希望に満ちたs SUE the 野外劇/豪華な行列 for selecting beauty queen contestants based on their 外見