行方不明になる フラン beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 becomes embroiled in bizarre 列/漕ぐ/騒動 after 裁判官s are (刑事)被告 of going 'woke' by 栄冠を与えるing 'androgynous' contestant with pixie 削減(する) hairstyle as 勝利者 for first time in history... with even French 政治家,政治屋s 重さを計るing in

  • Eve Gilles, 20, was 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン in 前線 of 7.5million TV テレビ視聴者s?

A bizarre woke 列/漕ぐ/騒動 has 爆発するd after a 行方不明になる フラン contestant with a pixie 削減(する) hairstyle won for the first time in the 野外劇/豪華な行列's history.

Eve Gilles, 20, from Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern part of the country was 栄冠を与えるd by previous 勝利者 Indira Ampiot in 前線 of 7.5 million TV テレビ視聴者s last night.?


But the beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 is now 直面するing peculiar (激しい)反発 that it has gone 'woke' after the 裁判官s chose 'androgynous' Ms Gilles as 行方不明になる フラン 2024 after all previous 勝利者s featured more 恐らく '伝統的な' long, flowing hair and curves.

'We're used to seeing beautiful 行方不明になるs with long hair, but I chose an androgynous look with short hair,' a 反抗的な Ms Gilles said.

She also 賞賛するd her 勝利,勝つ as a 勝利,勝つ for '多様制' and 追加するd: 'No one should dictate who you are,' she said after her victory Saturday night, 追加するing that every 'woman is different, we're all unique.'

Eve Gilles (pictured), 20, from Nord-Pas-de-Calais in northern p art of the country was 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン last night in 前線 of 7.5 million TV テレビ視聴者s
Eve Gilles (left), is 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン 2024 by 行方不明になる フラン 2023 Indira Ampiot (権利), at the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 in Dijon
The 行方不明になる フラン contestants 成し遂げるd on 行う/開催する/段階 wearing matching bodysuits with golden tassels
Newly elected 行方不明になる フラン 2024 Eve Gilles 反応するs on 行う/開催する/段階 after winning the 肩書を与える
She 成し遂げるd in a 黒人/ボイコット 衣装 with red embellishments during the final of the beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列

The 野外劇/豪華な行列 勝利者 is chosen half by a public 投票(する) and half by a 陪審/陪審員団. While Ms Gilles only (機の)カム third in the public 投票(する), the パネル盤 of 裁判官s 押し進めるd her into first place.?

But Ms Gilles, who wants to be a statistician, is the first 勝利者 in the 103-year history of the 野外劇/豪華な行列 who doesn't have long hair - much to the 狼狽 of some テレビ視聴者s.

READ MORE:?Three failed 行方不明になる フラン 希望に満ちたs SUE the 野外劇/豪華な行列 for selecting beauty queen contestants based on their 外見


'行方不明になる フラン is no longer a beauty contest but a woke contest which is based on i nclusiveness,' one 使用者 wrote on X, 以前は known as Twitter.

This was echoed by some others on Twitter, with one 告発する/非難するing Ms Gilles of 'instilling wokist values into society'.

Other 消極的な comments 含むd one who said that she 'doesn't look anything like 行方不明になる フラン' and that 'we don't care about her haircut but the androgynous 団体/死体 is 明白に there to serve as woke'.?

However, the 批判的な 発言する/表明するs were soon 溺死するd out by a wave of support for the newly 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン, who is 熟考する/考慮するing Maths and Computer Science at Lille University.?


One fan wrote: 'Maybe the new #MissFrance isn't gorgeous in your 注目する,もくろむs, but seeing wokeism in her because she has short hair.... It's just ridiculous.'

Another 追加するd: 'Eve Gilles is the new 行方不明になる フラン 2024, your malicious and useless 批評s won't change that, she's sublime.'?

'Eve Gilles isn't even trans, has never (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to be trans, but half of the comments about her are transphobic because she has short hair,' a third said.

MP Sandrinne Rousseau also (機の)カム to Ms Gilles' defence and said: 'So, in フラン, in 2023, we 手段 the 進歩 of 尊敬(する)・点 for women by the length of their hair?

Ms Rousseau also wears her hair in a pixie 削減(する), which has become an important symbol as part of フラン's MeToo movement.?

Eve Gilles during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 in Dijon, central-eastern フラン on December 16
Newly elected 行方不明になる フラン 2024 (centre left) 提起する/ポーズをとるs for a selfie with 大統領 of the 陪審/陪審員団 Sylvie Tellier (centre 権利)
She was congratulated for her 勝利,勝つ by 行方不明になる フラン 2023 Indira Ampiot, who compared to her wore her hair in long waves
Eve Gilles is pictured here with longer hair
Eve Gilles, 20, (centre) is pictured with longer hair. She was 栄冠を与えるd 行方不明になる フラン last night
Eve Gilles, 20, was 栄冠を与えるd as 行方不明になる フラン in 前線 of 7.5 million TV テレビ視聴者s last night
Eve Giles has been criticised since her 行方不明になる フラン victory 予定 to her short hair

Another MP, Karima Delli, wrote: 'Big support for ?ve Gilles, #MissFrance2024, in the 直面する of hateful tweets on social 網状組織s of incredible 暴力/激しさ!?

'Swallow your venom, she is not only superb, 行方不明になる Nord pas de Calais is intelligent in embracing her 多様制!'

READ MORE:?I'm the first 加える-size 行方不明になる Universe contestant - trolls labelled me a 鯨 but I got the loudest 賞賛 in the 競争


Fabien Roussel, 国家の 長官 of the 共産主義者 party, also jumped in and wrote: 'Support for Eve Gilles, elected 行方不明になる フラン, who is already 苦しむing the 暴力/激しさ of a society which does not 受託する that women define themselves in all their 多様制.'

Even 海洋 Le Pen congratulated Ms Gilles on her victory on X. 'Congratulations to Eve Gilles, 行方不明になる Nord-Pas-de-Calais who becomes our new 行方不明になる フラン!,' she said.

Ms Gilles, whose parents are from?R?union, an island in the Indian Ocean that is an overseas 地域 of フラン, had (選挙などの)運動をするd for 'diversified' beauty 基準s?in the lead up to the final of the 野外劇/豪華な行列, which has often been seen as sexist.?


'I would like to show that the 競争 is 発展させるing and society too, that the 代表 of women is diverse, in my opinion beauty is not 限られた/立憲的な to a haircut or 形態/調整s that we have... or not,' the contestant said during the final as the Telegraph 報告(する)/憶測d.

In November, she told French news 出口 BFM Grand Lille: 'I would 特に like to defend the image of women, that they can do what they want, that they can be what whatever she likes.

'I want to break the codes, to show that women can be diverse, that we don't need to be put in boxes. That's what I want to show.'?

Ms Gilles, who was born in Dunkirk and has an Instagram page for her cat Princess Heidi, is the youngest of three sisters and said it was her grandfather who encouraged her to enter the 競争.?

'My family is really very important. It's my little cocoon. We are very の近くに, we did everything together,' she said.?

Ms Gilles is 熟考する/考慮するing Maths and Computer Science at Lille University and travels 支援する to her family in?Qua?dypre, 近づく Dunkirk, every 週末.?

She had first started 熟考する/考慮するing 薬/医学 'so as not to 悔いる it la ter' but 'didn't like it', Ms Gilles said, 追加するing that she worked in a factory to earn money.

But during the 行方不明になる フラン 競争, Ms Gilles was?criticised for her hair, her '欠如(する) of 形態/調整' and 'thinness' online.

Ms Gilles had (選挙などの)運動をするd for 'diversified' beauty 基準s in the lead up to the final of the 野外劇/豪華な行列, which has often been seen as sexist (pictured: Ms Gilles in the final)
走者-up and Dauphine, 行方不明になる Guyane Audrey 売春婦-Wen-Tsai (pictured), 成し遂げるs on 行う/開催する/段階 during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列
Director of 行方不明になる フラン, Cindy Fabre (in white), and TV host ジーンズ-Pierre Foucault (権利) 発表する d the 選択 of the 半分-final contestants during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列
行方不明になる Limousin, Agathe Toullieu, 成し遂げるs on 行う/開催する/段階 during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 in Dijon
Contestants 成し遂げる on 行う/開催する/段階 during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列 in Dijon
Ms Gilles was beaming on 行う/開催する/段階 after she received her 栄冠を与える and a large bouquet of white flowers
Ms Giles (third from left) was the only contestant in this year's 競争 whose hair was cropped short
Some of the contestants 成し遂げるd a dance 決まりきった仕事 on 行う/開催する/段階 wearing neon-coloured skirts and socks
The 行方不明になる フラン contestants dazzled in sequinned dresses in the 半分-final

Actress Beatrice Rosen, who said she favoured another contestant, also jumped into the discussion online.?


'I understand that there is a real ambient fed up with the wokism that they are trying to make us swallow 24/7, BUT, in the same way that we can 非難する a 宗教 but NOT the faithful, I find the いつかs 汚い 批評s regarding Eve 不公平な and counterproductive.?

'Attacking the physical is an attack below the belt, and putting the 負わせる of the total 観念的な 批評 of Wokism on a young woman of 20 is 不公平な.

'This young woman is pretty, and feminine "にもかかわらず" her short hair. I was and still am an admirer of the singular beauty of Audrey Hepburn, Linda Evangelista, or ジーンズ Seberg, all 3 very thin with short hair, and who にもかかわらず are 女性(の) icons who have been adored in the whole world.'

Ms Gilles, who was already criticised for her look before 存在 栄冠を与えるd, said that she 'didn't want to look like a little girl anymore' and that she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to 始める,決める an example. 'But I'm not at all a tomboy. I feel like a woman,' she 追加するd.?

Her victory comes いっそう少なく than a week after a 法廷,裁判所 ordered a French 放送者 and tel evision 生産/産物 house to 補償する two previous 行方不明になる フラン finalists for 内密に filming them and showing their 明らかにする breasts on 空気/公表する.

行方不明になる Bourgogne Luna Lacharme 成し遂げるs on 行う/開催する/段階 wearing a colourful two-piece with long skirt
The 半分-final contestants 含むing Ms Gilles (third from left) 成し遂げるd a dance 決まりきった仕事 wearing gold sequinned dresses
Other contestants like?Second Dauphine (third place), 行方不明になる Provence Adelina Blanc, had long hair
行方不明になる Guadeloupe, Jalylane Maes, 成し遂げるs on 行う/開催する/段階 during 行方不明になる フラン 2024
Fourth Dauphine, 行方不明になる Languedoc Maxime Teissier, 成し遂げるs on 行う/開催する/段階 during the 行方不明になる フラン 2024 beauty 野外劇/豪華な行列
支持者s for Ms Gilles (pictured here during the 半分-final) 含む several French MPs

Both women, the 法廷,裁判所 設立する, had been filmed in changing rooms 'without their 存在 知らせるd'.

Alexia Laroche-Joubert, 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of Banijay フラン which owns the 行方不明になる フラン brand, defended the 野外劇/豪華な行列 as a symbol of 'success' and a 'social elevator' for contestants who have later become 'businesswomen, doctors or film directors'.


The contest's 基準 have been 'modernised', she said, in that there is no longer an age 限界 for 関係者s, who can now also be married or transgender.

To critics, however, the 野外劇/豪華な行列's 進化 has been insufficient.

Melinda Bizri of the Human 権利s League in Dijon, which called for a ボイコット(する) of the 儀式, called the cosmetic changes 'feminist-washing.'

'Women have been 乱用ing themselves all their lives to 達成する these phantasmagorical 基準, によれば patterns that take a very long time to deconstruct,' she said.

'行方不明になる フラン is still just as sexist in the way it 分類するs women によれば beauty 基準,' 追加するd Violaine de Filippis, spo kesperson the for Dare Feminism! 協会.

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