NHS spends more than £4MILLION of taxpayers' money on gift cards and 保証人/証拠物件s for staff as thank yous... while waiting times reach 記録,記録的な/記録する highs

  • 51 out of 200 NHS 信用s approached said they had spent 基金ing on 保証人/証拠物件s?

NHS 信用s have spent more than £4million on gift 保証人/証拠物件s for staff as '記念品s of 感謝', an 調査 has 設立する.

It comes as NHS waiting times reach 記録,記録的な/記録する highs and critics have questioned the 転換 of 決定的な 基金s from frontline 薬/医学.

Out of more than 200 NHS 信用s in England approached, 51 明らかにする/漏らすd they had spent 基金ing on gift 保証人/証拠物件s and cards for staff.

In 2020-21, these 信用s spent £1.7million on rewards, 示唆するing this type of spending could have reached £5million across the NHS.???

By 2022-23, the 人物/姿/数字 was £4.3million, 示すing total NHS spending of の近くに to £13million, the 調査 by The Sunday Telegraph 設立する. Jonathan Eida, of the TaxPayers' 同盟, said: 'Health bosses should 反映する on whether these 基金s could be better spent どこかよそで.'

NHS trusts have spent more than £4million on gift vouchers as tokens of gratitude, an investigation has found

NHS 信用s have spent more than £4million on gift 保証人/証拠物件s as 記念品s of 感謝, an 調査 has 設立する

University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust spent £303,000 on Love2Shop vouchers, which can be used for brands including John Lewis and Argos, for its staff in Christmas 2021

University Hospital Southampton NHS 創立/基礎 信用 spent £303,000 on Love2Shop 保証人/証拠物件s, which can be used for brands 含むing John 吊りくさび and Argos, for its staff in Christmas 2021

Across three years, East London NHS 創立/基礎 信用 was the highest spender ? with £752,000 used for staff gift cards.

University Hospital Southampton NHS 創立/基礎 信用 spent £303 ,000 on Love2Shop 保証人/証拠物件s, which can be used for brands 含むing John 吊りくさび and Argos, for its staff in Christmas 2021.

NHS England said the 決定/判定勝ち(する)s were made by 地元の organisations but that taxpayers' money should not be used for such 保証人/証拠物件s.

East London 信用 said it rewarded staff for 'their 絶対の かかわり合い to 患者 care'.?

University Hospital Southampton 信用 said: 'In the 支配する of the Covid pandemic, gift cards were sent to each and every one of our 13,000 members of staff as a small 記念品 of thanks.'

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