Russia uses North Korean ミサイルs in 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国 for first time in 'desperate' show of 孤立/分離

  • Move was 非難するd as desperate and 調印する of 孤立/分離 by UK Foreign Office
  • 武器s have a 範囲 of around 550 miles, によれば defence sources
  • 明言する/公表する マスコミ 引用するd the 知事 of the eastern Ukrainian 地域 of Kharkiv?

Russia is using North Korean 弾道学の ミサイルs in its 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国, it 現れるd last night.

The move was 非難するd as desperate and a 調印する of 孤立/分離 by the UK Foreign Office.

Mykhailo Podolyak, a Ukrainian 大統領の 補佐官, said: 'There is no longer any disguise as part of its 完全な genocidal war ? the ロシアの 連合 for the first time struck at the 領土 of ウクライナ共和国 with ミサイルs received from North Korea.

'Russia is attacking Ukrainians with ミサイルs received from a 明言する/公表する where 国民s are 拷問d in 集中 (軍の)野営地,陣営s for having an unregistered 無線で通信する, talking to a tourist, watching TV shows.'

North Korea is understood to have 供給(する)d several 発射台s and ミサイルs, one of which was 解雇する/砲火/射撃d into Ukrainian 領土 on December 30.

The move was condemned as desperate and a sign of isolation by the UK Foreign Office

The move was 非難するd as desperate and a 調印する of 孤立/分離 by the UK Foreign Office

North Korea is understood to have supplied several launchers and missiles, one of which was fired into Ukrainian territory on December 30

North Korea is understood to have 供給(する)d several 発射台s and ミサイルs, one of which was 解雇する/砲火/射撃d into Ukrainian 領土 on December 30

The weapons have a range of around 550 miles and, according to defence sources, represent a significant escalation of North Korea's support for Russia's illegal invasio
n of Ukraine

The 武器s have a 範囲 of around 550 miles and, によれば defence sources, 代表する a 重要な escalation of North Korea's support for Russia's 違法な 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国

The 武器s have a 範囲 of around 550 miles and, によれば defence sources, 代表する a 重要な escalation of North Korea's support for Russia's 違法な 侵略 of ウクライナ共和国.

明言する/公表する マスコミ 引用するd the 知事 of the eastern Ukrainian 地域 of Kharkiv as 説 ミサイルs produced outside Russia had been 解雇する/砲火/射撃d into the 州 at the end of December and beginning of January.

Kharkiv 地域の 検察官,検事s said they were also 調査/捜査するing the country of origin of three ミサイルs used by Russia to 攻撃する,衝突する the 地方の 資本/首都 on Tuesday. Their 声明 did not 指名する North Korea.

The attack on the city of Kharkiv killed two people and 負傷させるd 62, the 検察官,検事's office said.

North Korea is 推定する/予想するd to receive ロシアの 軍の 金物類/武器類 and training in 交流 for the 弾道学の ミサイルs, which could have major 安全 関わりあい/含蓄s for South Korea and the Indo-太平洋の 地域.

The Foreign Office said: 'The UK 堅固に 非難するs Russia's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to use these 弾道学の ミサイルs. This is symptomatic of Russia's 孤立/分離 and a 調印する of its desperation.'

The 準備/条項 of ミサイルs and 発射台s by Pyongyang 示唆するs the West's worst 恐れるs have come true に引き続いて ロシアの 大統領,/社長 Vladimir Putin's 会合 with Kim Jong-un in September.

The UK, the US and ウクライナ共和国 have held their breath since the North Korean leader 誓約(する)d 十分な support to Russia in its 'sacred fight' against the West.?

It is 不明瞭な how many ミサイルs North Korea has transferred to Russia.?

安全 sources say they will be used to attack 非軍事の 的s and Nato is 調査/捜査するing the 有効性 of the 武器s.

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