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賠審員s?have been shown the first (映画の)フィート数 of a newborn baby whose 団体/死体 was later 設立する inside a Lidl '捕らえる、獲得する for life' after her aristocrat mother and partner went on the run.?

Constance Marten, 36, and 示す Gordon, 49, are (刑事)被告 of 原因(となる)ing the death of baby Victoria by living in a テント 'off grid' in the middle of winter so she would not be taken away from them by social services.

A placenta was 設立する in a burnt-out car on a Manchester motorway on January 5 2023 誘発するing a 抱擁する police 追跡(する) as the couple 横断するd the country trying to find an escape 大勝する from the UK, the Old Bailey has heard.

The 被告s spent hundreds of 続けざまに猛撃するs on taxis taking them from the North West to Essex and on to east London. Last February, the couple were 逮捕(する)d in East Sussex and the 団体/死体 of baby Victoria was 設立する in a Lidl supermarket 捕らえる、獲得する covered in rubbish inside a disused shed after she 恐らく froze to death.

以前, CCTV of the couple appeared to show a bulge where the baby had been bundled up beneath Marten's coat and wrapped in a 一面に覆う/毛布 or towel.

However, 賠審員s were today shown (映画の)フィート数 of the 悲劇の newbor n for the first time as her parents, wrapped in 抱擁する jackets and hoodies, 輸送(する)d her around the UK in a babygrow on January 7 2023.

賠審員s saw Victoria 存在 解除するd out of a taxi by the aristocrat and her lover before they sat 負かす/撃墜する in a kebab shop and placed her in a large buggy.

Jurors were shown little Victoria's face (centre) for the first time as her parents Constance Marten (right) and Mark Gordon (left) sat inside a kebab shop

賠審員s were shown little Victoria's 直面する (centre) for the first time as her parents Constance Marten (権利) and 示す Gordon (left) sat inside a kebab shop

In other footage, Marten is seen keeping the baby under her coat before unzipping it and exposing her

In other (映画の)フィート数, Marten is seen keeping the baby under her coat before unzipping it and exposing her

This video shows the baby arriving on East Ham High Street with Gordon, who then passes Victoria to Marten

This ビデオ shows the baby arriving on East Ham High Street with Gordon, who then passes Victoria to Marten

Jurors were told the couple went on to Whitechapel (pictured) where Gordon bought a tent at Argos before heading to Newhaven in East Sussex

賠審員s were told the couple went on to Whitechapel (pictured) where Gordon bought a テント at Argos before 長,率いるing to Newhaven in East Sussex

Constance Marten (left), 36, and Mark Gordon (right), 49, are accused of causing the death of baby Victoria

Constance Marten (left), 36, and 示す Gordon (権利), 49, are (刑事)被告 of 原因(となる)ing the death of baby Victoria?

It comes after cab driver Colette Franklin, who took the 被告s from Harwich to Colchester for £30, told the 法廷,裁判所 how Gordon 'slid 負かす/撃墜する his seat' when a police car (機の)カム に向かって them. She told the 法廷,裁判所 she could not take them on to London.

Taxi driver Razvan Palcu was then approached by Marten in Colchester and asked if he would take her to East Ham, with her 支払う/賃金ing more than £100 upfront for the trip, the 法廷,裁判所 heard.

Mr Palcu said: 'The 女性(の) told me to pull over as we needed to 選ぶ her husband up from the 城 Pub.

'A male (機の)カム and got inside. He unzipped his jacket, took a baby out and 手渡すd it to the 女性(の).'

On arriving at East Ham, ビデオ shows Gordon passing the tiny baby out of another cab to Marten, who was standing 近づく the door 持つ/拘留するing a Lidl 捕らえる、獲得する.

(映画の)フィート数 明確に showed the dark-haired child dressed in a babygrow, with her 手渡すs, fingers and 武器 moving around.?

その上の ビデオ shown to 賠審員s today showed Marten?standing outside a shop called Special 関係 with the baby under her coat while Gordon went inside. She is then seen unzipping her jacket to 明らかにする/漏らす baby Victoria's 直面する again.

She appeared to cradle the child in her 武器 to 慰安 her as members of the public walked past.

賠審員s then 見解(をとる)d a clip of Gordon buying a buggy in Argos while Marten sat at a (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する in a German doner kebab shop.

When Gordon returned, Marten in seen putting baby Victoria in the large buggy. Victoria's 長,率いる appears to 激しく揺する 支援する as her mother 解除するs her up by her 支援する.

Constance Marten (pictured) and her partner have been accused of killing Victoria by taking her on the run in January last year to prevent her from being taken away by soci
al services

Constance Marten (pictured) and her partner have been (刑事)被告 of 殺人,大当り Victoria by taking her on the run in January last year to 妨げる her from 存在 taken away by social services

Marten, dressed in a big coat and scarf, takes the baby off Gordon from the taxi in East Ham

Marten, dressed in a big coat and scarf, takes the baby off Gordon from the taxi in East Ham

The couple then walk away from the taxi and later visit a kebab shop on January 7 2023

The couple then walk away from the taxi and later visit a kebab shop on January 7 2023

The couple are seen sitting in a German doner kebab shop, putting the baby in a new buggy

The couple are seen sitting in a German doner kebab shop, putting the baby in a new buggy

Jurors were for the first time shown baby Victoria's face, weeks before she was found dead

賠審員s were for the first time shown baby Victoria's 直面する, weeks before she was 設立する dead

Once they put the baby in the buggy, they are then seen covering it

Once they put the baby in the buggy, they are then seen covering it

Baby Victoria is kept zipped up inside Marten's jacket as she waits outside a shop in East Ham

Baby Victoria is kept zipped up inside Marten's jacket as she waits outside a shop in East Ham

Marten then unzips the jacket and exposes the baby who is dressed in just a babygrow to the cold

Marten then unzips the jacket and exposes the baby who is dressed in just a babygrow to the 冷淡な

The couple are seen walking through Whitechapel late at night on January 7 2023

The couple are seen walking through Whitechapel late at night on January 7 2023

検察官,検事 Joel Smith told 賠審員s: 'You can see while Ms Marten is 組み立てる/集結するing the buggy the baby's 武器 moving to her left.'

Gordon sat in the ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる and covered his 直面する with his 手渡す as the (映画の)フィート数 was shown in 法廷,裁判所.

His defence barrister, John Femi-Ola KC, spoke 簡潔に to him and asked for a short break as his (弁護士の)依頼人 was finding it 'やめる stressful'.

Marten, who was later 逮捕(する)d on camera buying a 模造の in Boots, has not …に出席するd 法廷,裁判所 for her 裁判,公判.

賠審員s were told the couple went on to Whitechapel where Gordon bought a テント at Argos before 長,率いるing to Newhaven in East Sussex.

Last January 12, Marten was 逮捕(する)d on film at a Texaco garage in East Sussex, 賠審員s were told.

After that the '追跡する went 冷淡な' until last February 20 when they were spotted 近づく a ゴルフ course club house, Mr Smith said.

A pictures shows the inside of the couple's burnt out car.?The baby's placenta was found in the vehicle, the Old Bailey heard

A pictures shows the inside of the couple's burnt out car.?The baby's placenta was 設立する in the 乗り物, the Old Bailey heard

The couple's burnt out car on the M61. The car was?found burning on the M61 near Manchester

The couple's burnt out car on the M61. The car was?設立する 燃やすing on the M61 近づく Manchester

An image dated January 5, 2023 from the Metropolitan Police of Mark Gordon and Constance Marten's burning Peugeot 206 on the M61, which was played in court during their trial

An image 時代遅れの January 5, 2023 from the 主要都市の Police of 示す Gordon and Constance Marten's 燃やすing Peugeot 206 on the M61, which was played in 法廷,裁判所 during their 裁判,公判

Marten's mother Virginie de Selliers (pictured on 25 January) was in court today

Marten's mother Virginie de Selliers (pictured on 25 January) was in 法廷,裁判所 today

He told 賠審員s that by then Gordon was using a 支店 as a 一時しのぎの物,策 walking stick and the 被告s were 'rummaging through 貯蔵所s'.

T hey were finally 跡をつけるd 負かす/撃墜する in the 郊外s of Brighton where they were 逮捕(する)d last February 27.

Dog walker Paul Rogers told the the 法廷,裁判所 he saw the 被告s 近づく Hollingbury ゴルフ course in Brighton.

He said: 'As I got closer to them I noticed they looked a bit dishevelled, a bit dirty, かもしれない homeless people.

'The man was carrying plastic 捕らえる、獲得するs, a 捕らえる、獲得する in each 手渡す. The woman was 押し進めるing a buggy. They didn't have anything else with them.

'I do not 解任する whether there was anything in the buggy.'

Mr Smith asked: 'At any point, did you see or hear a baby?'

Mr Rogers said: 'I didn't, no.'

運転者 Tim Morris was on Coldean 小道/航路, Brighton, on the morning of last February 18 when he saw a couple he thought were the 被告s, the 法廷,裁判所 was told.

He told 賠審員s: 'The thing I noticed about the lady was she had a big coat on with something underneath. The coat was done up.

'I straight away thought there was a child under the coat and it was 存在 kept warm.

'It seemed やめる 半端物 she was やめる far behind (the man) and almost dragging her heels. It didn't seem 権利.

'I said to my partner 'they look like that couple in the news' and she said 'yes there's definitely something beneath the coat and it could be a little'un'.'

A court artist's sketch of prosecutor Tom Little KC making his opening statement while being watched from the dock by defendant Ma
rk Gordon at the Old Bailey in London last Thursday

A 法廷,裁判所 artist's sketch of 検察官,検事 Tom Little KC making his 開始 声明 while 存在 watched from the ドッキングする/減らす/ドックに入れる by 被告 示す Gordon at the Old Bailey in London last Thursday

Earlier, taxi driver Ms Franklin explained how she had taken the couple from Harwich to Colchester on January 7.

She said: 'I told them I would take them to Colchester and they could get a train from there. But the 女性(の) asked to be dropped off in the town centre instead.

'I noticed at one point when a police car was coming に向かって us on the road the male slid 負かす/撃墜する in his seat.

'At first I thought this was strange but as he stayed in this position after the police car passed through so I thought he must have been more comfortable sitting that way.'

She said that 20 minutes later she got a call from the police asking her about the couple she had dropped off.

The driver was told to 研究 the 指名する 示す Gordon and she 即時に recognised him and Marten as the pair who were in her car.

They were 結局 taken to East Ham by another taxi driver, Mr Palcu.

Nicola Hutton was on a bus in East Ham when she saw Marten walking 負かす/撃墜する the High Street around midday.

She said Marten was alone loitering looking into a window of a shop selling 'red skimpy dresses'.

'I saw her looking into the shop window for about a minute before she moved on. She was slowly ambling, not in a hurry to get anywhere and was moving around.

She would take steps 今後 here and there and her 団体/死体 language led me to believe she didn't have any 目的 at that moment in time.

Teddy bears, cards, flowers and candles are left in Brighton in March last year

Teddy 耐えるs, cards, flowers and candles are left in Brighton in March last year?

'Based on the way she was dressed I thought she might be homeless. She looked very scruffy and was looking at dresses in the shop window that would look やめる unusual for someone homeless.

'I remember thinking 'Oh, there are some 半端物 people in London.'

'I'm not the sort of person who would phone the police about something like this unless I'm sure about it.'

In a 声明 read to the 法廷,裁判所, Valentina Burley said she saw the couple when she was jogging in Harwich Park on 7 January 2023.

'I didn't think they were waiting for the フェリー(で運ぶ) because of the time,' she said.

'As I was approaching I could hear a baby crying loudly.

'I wondered why they were outside in the 冷淡な with a baby and thought if they were waiting for a train they would wait inside.'

The 被告s, of no 直す/買収する,八百長をするd 演説(する)/住所, 否定する 過失致死 by 重過失 of the little girl between January 4 and February 27 last year.

They are also 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d with perverting the course of 司法(官), 隠すing the birth of a child, child cruelty and 原因(となる)ing or 許すing the death of a child.

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