罪人/有罪を宣告するd rapist Danny Masterson is moved from California 刑務所,拘置所 that housed Charles Manson to a 'penal 植民地' that 申し込む/申し出s academic classes and 実体 乱用 助言

  • That 70's Show 星/主役にする Danny Masterson has been moved from his 最大限 安全 刑務所,拘置所 to a いっそう少なく 厳しい 施設 in San Luis Obispo, California?
  • The 不名誉d TV actor and Scientologist was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd last May of 強姦ing two women in the 早期に 2000s?
  • His new home,?California Men's 植民地 申し込む/申し出s self-help and academic programs such as?乱用 助言, mental health 治療 and 怒り/怒る 管理/経営

That 70's Show 星/主役にする Danny Masterson?has been moved from 最大限 安全 刑務所,拘置所?Corcoran 明言する/公表する 刑務所,拘置所 to the いっそう少なく 厳しい California?Men's 植民地 in San Luis Obispo, によれば 報告(する)/憶測s.?

The 不名誉d TV actor was 罪人/有罪を宣告するd last May of 強姦ing two women in the 早期に 2000s.

He was 宣告,判決d in September by a Los Angeles?陪審/陪審員団 to 30 years to life behind 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s with the 可能性 of 仮釈放(する)?for two counts of 強姦 with 軍隊, 暴力/激しさ or 恐れる of bodily 傷害.?

He was 以前 始める,決める to serve his 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 at Corcoran 明言する/公表する 刑務所,拘置所, which famously housed Charles Manson.?

That 刑務所,拘置所, which was built in 1988, houses some of California's most dangerous 囚人s and has a sizable 全住民 of Level 4 inmates in need of extra 保護 and 監督.

That 70's Show star Danny Masterson has been moved from his maximum security prison to a less harsh facility in Obispo, California

That 70's Show 星/主役にする Danny Masterson has been moved from his 最大限 安全 刑務所,拘置所 to a いっそう少なく 厳しい 施設 in Obispo, California

Corcoran State Prison houses some of California's most dangerous prisoners

Corcoran 明言する/公表する 刑務所,拘置所 houses some of California's most dangerous 囚人s

Masterson's?new home, California Men's colony, offers self-help and academic programs such as abuse counseling, mental health treatment and anger management

Masterson's?new home, California Men's 植民地, 申し込む/申し出s self-help and academic programs such as 乱用 助言, mental health 治療 and 怒り/怒る 管理/経営

California Men's 植民地, however, is a medium- to 最小限-安全 刑務所,拘置所?申し込む/申し出 self-help and academic programs for inmates to learn vocational 技術s.?

The courses 含む 実体 乱用 助言, mental health 治療 and 怒り/怒る 管理/経営.? ?

記録,記録的な/記録するs 示す that the once-目だつ member of the Church of Scientology?will first be 適格の for 仮釈放(する) in 2042, when the now-42-year-old is 66.?

に引き続いて Masterson's 宣告,判決ing, it was 報告(する)/憶測d that he was under 一連の会議、交渉/完成する-the-clock 監視 予定 to 潜在的に showing 調印するs of 'mental 苦しめる.'?

副s would come by his 独房 every half hour to?check on him 'with the goal of keeping tabs on his mental 明言する/公表する and making sure he's 安全な.'

Masterson's 合法的な team is 現在/一般に 試みる/企てるing to 控訴,上告 his 有罪の判決.

Los Angeles Superior 法廷,裁判所 裁判官 Charlaine Olmedo said in January that Masterson will 'likely remain in 保護/拘留 for 10年間s, and perhaps the 残り/休憩(する) of his life' if his 宣告,判決 is upheld on 控訴,上告.?

The 裁判官, who oversaw his 裁判,公判 and subsequently 否定するd him 保釈(金), 明言する/公表するing that he is a flight 危険 in part because his now-ex-wife Bijou Phillips とじ込み/提出するd for 離婚 に引き続いて his 有罪の 判決 last year.

Masterson has been moved to a maximum-security facility that was the longtime holding place of Charles Manson

Masterson has been moved to a 最大限-安全 施設 that was the longtime 持つ/拘留するing place of Charles Manson

In addition to cult leader Charles Manson (pictured), Corcoran was also the prison where Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated RFK was held

In 新規加入 to 教団 leader Charles Manson (pictured), Corcoran was also the 刑務所,拘置所 where Sirhan Sirhan, who assassinated RFK was held

Masterson?was previously set to serve his term at Corcoran State Prison, which famously housed Charles Manson

Masterson?was 以前 始める,決める to serve his 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 at Co rcoran 明言する/公表する 刑務所,拘置所, which famously housed Charles Manson

The 裁判官's order read: 'In light of the fact that 被告 has no wife to go home to, 被告 now has every incentive to 逃げる and little 推論する/理由 to return to 明言する/公表する 刑務所,拘置所 to serve out the 残りの人,物 of his 非常に長い 宣告,判決 should his 控訴,上告 be 不成功の.'?

The 否定 comes after Masterson's 弁護士/代理人/検事s Clifford Gardner and Eric Multhaup wrote in a 動議 on January 17 asking for the 法廷,裁判所 to 認める the 不名誉d actor 保釈(金).

'被告 requests that this 法廷,裁判所 認める 保釈(金) on 控訴,上告, and 申し込む/申し出s to 従う with any 関連した 条件 and 条件s 課すd by the 法廷,裁判所 that enable him to be an at-home parent and 財政上の provider for his family, 含むing 自宅監禁 and/or 参加 in an electronic 監視するing program 治めるd by the 保護監察 department' the 動議 read.

After Masterson' 有罪の判決 for the two 強姦s, he was expelled from the Church of Scientology and 宣言するd a 'suppressive person' - or an 'SP' - which the church defines as someone whose 行為 捜し出すs to 妨げる the spiritual 進歩 of those around him.?

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