EXCLUSIVEElon Musk is 指名するd for Nobel Peace Prize by Norwegian MP who 賞賛するs him for 存在 a 'stout proponent of 解放する/自由な speech' and 'enabling' ウクライナ共和国 to communicate after Russia's 侵略

  • A Norwegian MP has 指名するd Elon Musk for his work to 支持する/優勝者 解放する/自由な speech?

Elon Musk has been 指名するd for the Nobel Peace Prize as a 'stout proponent for 解放する/自由な speech', joining conservationists, 新聞記者/雑誌記者s, 宗教的な leaders and political 行動主義者s in an 排除的 group of the world's 真っ先の actors for change.

Marius Nilsen, MP for Norway's libertarian 進歩 Party, (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have put 今後 the X owner and Tesla?創立者 for his '毅然とした 弁護 of 対話, 解放する/自由な speech and [enabling] the 可能性 to 表明する one's 見解(をとる)s' in a 'continuously more polarized world'.

Nilsen also credited Musk's 衛星 internet 星座 Starlink, operated by SpaceX, in his 決定/判定勝ち(する), 公式文書,認めるing its use in ウクライナ共和国 for 抵抗 闘士,戦闘機s to 'communicate, 調整する and withstand the attack from Russia' as the war 激怒(する)s on.

Last week, Starlink won a license for 類似の use in イスラエル and parts of Gaza, with timely and diverse (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) from the 衝突 zone 証明するing evermore challenging to gather.

'The multitude of tech companies Musk has 設立するd, owns or runs, 目的(とする)d at bettering societies, 増加するing knowledge of both earth and space, in 新規加入 to enabling communication and connectivity globally...?has helped make the world a more connected and safer place,' Nilsen said.

The award 受託するs 指名/任命s from anyone who 落ちるs within 確かな 基準, 含むing work in academia or 政府 - and past 受取人s of prizes. A shortli st will then be drawn together through March before 裁判官s review the 指名された人s for 告示 in October.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk gets in a Tesla as he leaves a hotel in Beijing, China on May 31, 2023

Tesla CEO Elon Musk gets in a Tesla as he leaves a hotel in Beijing, 中国 on May 31, 2023

A SpaceX rocket carrying 23 Starlink satellites takes off from?Kennedy Space Center on January 28

A SpaceX ロケット/急騰する carrying 23 Starlink 衛星s takes off from?Kennedy Space 中心 on January 28

The 勝利者 of the 2024 Nobel Peace Prize is selected by the Norwegian Nobel 委員会, an 匿名の/不明の group of five 任命するd by the country's 議会.?

Nominators are 推定する/予想するd to 服従させる/提出する their 入ること/参加(者)s by January 31 for consideration, before a shortlist is 用意が出来ている in March.

The 入ること/参加(者)s are then considered in an 助言者 review in the summer before 裁判官s can 発表する the 大多数 投票(する) in October. A Nobel Prize award 儀式 is 推定する/予想するd to follow at the end of the year.

Mr Nilsen 明らかにする/漏らすd to DailyMail.com today that he had entered Musk for his かかわり合い to 解放する/自由な speech and 全世界の connectivity.

'This 連合させるd with connecting the whole world to internet, enabling all parts of the world to discuss, to 交流 ideas, to learn and to get to know- and understand each other is a very 価値のある 出資/貢献 to world 繁栄 and peace,' he said.?

'The value of freedom of speech is of 最大の importance when its under 圧力, as it is today. 軍隊s from all different political viewpoints wants to silence opinions they 同意しない with, either by 取り消し, by 脅しs or by other means. Mr. Musk 決意 to keep a 壇・綱領・公約 open where differences of opinions can be 発言する/表明するd is, 無視(する)ing the political 見解(をとる)s is 肯定的な In todays world of 不信,' he told DailyMail.com.

His 進歩 Party identifies itself with classical-自由主義の 見解(をとる)s, espoused by the likes of John Locke and Adam Smith. Some have 述べるd the party as standing for both '保守的な liberalism' and '右翼 populism'.

The 指名/任命 階級s Musk の中で 目だつ 行動主義者s 争う for this year's Peace Prize.?

指名された人s 含む British 環境保護主義者 David Attenborough, Australian 行動主義者 Julian Assange, ローマ法王 Francis, UN 長,指導者?Ant?nio Guterres, Palestinian 新聞記者/雑誌記者 Hind Khoudary, 北大西洋条約機構 長官 general Jens Stoltenberg, Colombian 大統領,/社長 Gustavo Petro and former US 大統領,/社長 Donald Trum p.

The prize is one of five Nobel Prizes 始める,決める up in the 指名する of Swedish inventor and industrialist Alfred Nobel in 1901.

The most 最近の 受取人 is Narges Mohammadi, an Iranian human 権利s 行動主義者,?'for her fight against the 圧迫 of women in Iran and her fight to 促進する human 権利s and freedom for all'.

In 2022, Belarusian 行動主義者 Ales Bialiatski, 記念の and the 中心 for Civil Liberties 株d the award.

The organisation said:?'The Peace Prize laureates 代表する civil society in their home countries. They have for many years 促進するd the 権利 to criticise 力/強力にする and 保護する the 根底となる 権利s of 国民s.?

'They have made an 優れた 成果/努力 to 文書 war 罪,犯罪s, human 権利 乱用s and the 職権乱用. Together they 論証する the significance of civil society for peace and 僕主主義'.

Elon Musk, the owner of social media site X, was heralded as a 'stout proponent of free speech'

Elon Musk, the owner of social マスコミ 場所/位置 X, was 先触れ(する)d as a 'stout proponent of 解放する/自由な speech'

NYT Columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin and Elon Musk speak during the New York Times annual DealBook summit on November 29, 2023 in New York City

NYT Columnist Andrew Ross Sorkin and Elon Musk speak during the New York Times 年次の DealBook 首脳会議 on November 29, 2023 in New York City

In his arguments for Musk's 2024 指名/任命, Mr Nilsen said:?'Man can, and will only 発展させる and find together when difference of opinions are sharpened in 対話 with 批判的な thinkers and …に反対するing 見解(をとる)s.

'Echo 議会s and yes-people do not bring 前へ/外へ the best ideas and 協調, but 拒絶する/低下する and regression. Complementary 見解(をとる)s, opinions and 過程s of thoughts 打ち明けるs the best ideas.'

He argued Musk's 出資/貢献s to 解放する/自由な speech and 全世界の connectivity were 'enabling all parts of the world to discuss, to 交流 ideas, to learn and to get to know- and understand each other is a very 価値のある 出資/貢献 to world 繁栄 and peace'.

'Misinformation online is a problem, but I still believe in 解放する/自由な speech and open 円形競技場s to discuss these. さもなければ you will (種を)蒔く the fruits of 不信 and 共謀 theories,' he told DailyMail.com.

The South African entrepreneur began his 引き継ぎ/買収 of Twitter in April 2022 with 予備交渉s to 保護するing 解放する/自由な speech, 布告するing himself an 'absolutist' on the 事柄. A month before the 取得/買収, he 投票d 使用者s and 報告(する)/憶測d 70 per cent believed Twitter did not believe the 場所/位置 - under its old owners - 'rigorously 固執するd' to 解放する/自由な speech.

Musk went on to 回復する a number of banned accounts 含むing Andrew Tate and Donald Trump, 法案ing the 場所/位置 as a 解放する/自由な and open marketplace of ideas online.

Still, he received some (激しい)反発 after banning a 使用者 for 株ing the 場所 of Musk's jet - after 説 that he would 許す the account to stay, 特記する/引用するing 解放する/自由な speech.

The EU also stepped in when Musk 発表するd he would 禁止(する) tech 新聞記者/雑誌記者s who had 株d his 場所. And the 億万長者 received 批評 for 示唆するing he would 禁止(する) accounts with a '最初の/主要な 目的' of 促進するing competitor 場所/位置s.

In 2022, X 従業員s (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d for 表明するing 反対/詐欺 cern about 同僚s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d after 非難するing Musk. Insider sources said at the time the company was still 事実上の/代理 名目上 under old 政策 that 許すd for 批評 of leadership.

事前の to his Twitter 取得/買収, Musk's car company Tesla was (刑事)被告 of calling on the Chinese 政府 to use its 検閲 力/強力にするs to 封鎖する critics online.

And by the end of 2021, Tesla had とじ込み/提出するd two defamation 事例/患者s against 国民s raising 関心s about the safety and 質 of its 乗り物s, 解放する/自由な 圧力(をかける) 報告(する)/憶測d last year.

Musk's Starlink 終点s have 一方/合間 許すd Ukrainian 指揮官s and 部隊s to communicate on the 戦場 when their usual 網状組織s have been taken 負かす/撃墜する by Russia, and have 証明するd 決定的な to the war 成果/努力.

They have also helped Ukrainian 軍隊/機動隊s 支配(する)/統制する drones which 補助装置 with 偵察, attacks on enemy 戦車/タンクs, and directing 大砲 解雇する/砲火/射撃.

ウクライナ共和国's 軍の 秘かに調査する 機関 申し立てられた/疑わしい this month that ロシアの 軍隊s have also been buying up Starlink 衛星 部隊s from Arab countries in a 企て,努力,提案 to 回避する western 許可/制裁s.

But the SpaceX 創立者 has 明言する/公表するd 完全な: 'SpaceX said it 'does not do 商売/仕事 of any 肉親,親類d with the ロシアの 政府 or its 軍の'.

'The company said: 'Starlink is not active in Russia, meaning service will not work in that country.

'SpaceX has never sold or marketed Starlink in Russia, nor has it shipped 器具/備品 to 場所s in Russia.'?

In 2022, Musk was awarded with the Order of Defence 長所 by Brazil after 交渉するing the 開始する,打ち上げる of Starlink in the アマゾン rainforest.

He was also 指名するd Time's Person of the Year in 2021 and awarded the Oslo 商売/仕事 for Peace Award in 2017.

Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk visits the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death camp in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, January 22, 2024

Tesla and SpaceX's CEO Elon Musk visits the 場所/位置 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi German death (軍の)野営地,陣営 in Oswiecim, Poland, on Monday, January 22, 2024

Elon Musk visited the site of the Auschwitz-Birkenau World War II Nazi German death camp after facing criticism for subscribing to an antisemitic conspiracy theory and allowing hate messages on his social media platform, X

Elon Musk visited the 場所/位置 of the Auschwitz-Birkenau World War II Nazi German death (軍の)野営地,陣営 after 直面するing 批評 for subscribing to an antisemitic 共謀 theory and 許すing hate messages on his social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約, X

The Nobel Peace Prize has attracted some 論争 over the years.?

Ethiopian 首相 Abiy Ahmed was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 after reaching an armistice with Eritrean leader Isaias Afwerki - but 開始する,打ち上げるd a 破滅的な 軍の (選挙などの)運動をする into the northern Tigray 地域 just months later in November 2020.

'He felt he had a lot of international support, and that if he went to war in Tigray, nothing would happen. And he was 権利,' former administrational 公式の/役人 Gebremeskel Kassa 反映するd, 引用するd in a New York Times article after the 侵略.

In 2012, デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s in Norway marched on Oslo to 抗議する the 決定/判定勝ち(する) to 手渡す the EU the award at a time of 負債 危機.

The?'Nobel Peace Prize 率先 for 2012' 抗議する joined 軍隊s with Noway's euroskeptic 'No to EU' group and members of Left-wing parties, 貿易(する) unions and charities to argue the award was unjustified and 平価を切り下げるd the award.

Heming Olaussen, leader of No to EU, 非難するd the 決定/判定勝ち(する) given social and 経済的な 不安 in the EU, growing 青年 失業 in southern Europe, addressive 貿易(する) 政策 に向かって 発展途上国s and its 武器 profile.

Henry Kissinger was awarded the 1973 Peace Prize for his 役割 in 交渉するing the end of the Vietnam War. Historians have 非難するd Kissinger for his 影響(力) on 政策s that led to the deaths of millions of people while he was in office, and the perpetuation of foreign wars.

Pictured: SpaceX Falcon 9 carries Starlink satellites on January 28. Starlink has proven a lifeline for Ukrainian forces fighting the Russian invasion in eastern Europe

Pictured: SpaceX Falcon 9 carries Starlink 衛星s on January 28. Starlink has proven a lifeline for Ukrainian 軍隊s fighting the ロシアの 侵略 in eastern Europe

Pictured: alleged Starlink terminal unboxing by Russian military bloggers. Russian pro-war fanatics claim the Starlink technology is also in use by Russian armed forces in occupied zones

Pictured: 申し立てられた/疑わしい Starlink 終点 unboxing by ロシアの 軍の bloggers. ロシアの プロの/賛成の-war fanatics (人命などを)奪う,主張する the Starlink 科学(工学)技術 is also in use by ロシアの 武装した 軍隊s in 占領するd zones

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