Charlotte Church told to 'hang her 長,率いる in shame' for singing 'from the river to the sea' at プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ concert as Welsh singer 誘発するs fury for 主要な chorus of '集団殺戮' song

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Charlotte Church has been slammed for singing 'from the river to the sea' at a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ concert with all those who followed her lead in the 'genocidal song' 存在 told to 'hang their 長,率いるs in shame'.

(映画の)フィート数 that 現れるd from Saturday night showed the 38-year-old 星/主役にする lead a choir in the 抗議する 詠唱する at a Sing for パレスチナ event in Caerphilly, south むちの跡s. The song is みなすd anti-Semitic and a direct call for the 明言する/公表する of イスラエル to be destroyed.

The Welsh singer, who was draped in a keffiyeh scarf in 団結 with those in パレスチナ, was also caught singing 'Stop the 占領/職業' as she …に出席するd the event at the Bedwas Workmen's Hall.?

The 出来事/事件 has 誘発するd fury amongst those within the ユダヤ人の community, with the advocacy group the (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism 告発する/非難するing her of using her 'stardom to teach kids to sing 極端論者 lyrics in a village hall.'

一方/合間 ユダヤ人の MP Andrew Percy 爆破d the 出来事/事件 as '深く,強烈に 関心ing', 追加するing that all of those who joined in Charlotte's sing-along 'should hang their 長,率いるs in shame'.

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Charlotte Church was seen singing 抗議する song 'from the river to the sea' at a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 決起大会/結集させる in むちの跡s on Saturday

The 38-year-old was seen posing for photos after the concert, in which she sang the tune 'Stop the Occupation'

The 38-year-old was seen 提起する/ポーズをとるing for photos after the concert, in which she sang the tune 'Stop the 占領/職業'

The choir held up a sign saying 'Let Gaza Live' during the event held at Bedwas Workman's Hall

The choir held up a 調印する sa ying 'Let Gaza Live' during the event held at Bedwas Workman's Hall

What does 'From the River to the Sea' mean??

The song 'From the River to the Sea' is 抗議する 詠唱する sung by 支持者s of パレスチナ.

In English the 十分な lyrics are 'From the river to the sea, パレスチナ will be 解放する/自由な', a 言及/関連 to the land between the Jordan River which 国境s eastern イスラエル and the Mediterranean Sea to the west.

The 詠唱する has become a 戦う/戦い cry in 最近の months, 一般的に heard at プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 決起大会/結集させるs in Britain and across the West.

Many ユダヤ人の people see the song as a call for 集団殺戮 and the 廃止 of the Israeli 明言する/公表する.

The Anti-Defamation League says it is 'fundamentally a call for a Palestinian 明言する/公表する 延長するing from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea, 領土 that 含むs the 明言する/公表する of イスラエル, which would mean the 取り去る/解体するing of the ユダヤ人の 明言する/公表する'.

It 追加するs: 'It is an antisemitic 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 否定するing the ユダヤ人の 権利 to self-決意, 含むing through the 除去 of Jews from their ancestral 母国.'

However, 支持者s of パレスチナ say the 詠唱する is a call for peace and equality, and an end to the Israeli dominance over the 領土s of Gaza and the West Bank.

They argue it is a cry for Palestinian people to be able to l ive 解放する/自由な and 平等に across the whole 地域 that used to be known as British パレスチナ, not to 支配する the 地域.


The popstar has been outspoken in her support for 領土, having 解放(する)d an Instagram ビデオ in November calling for the '解放 of パレスチナ'.

During the event on Saturday, which was …に出席するd by 150 people, Church told the (人が)群がる it was a '安全な space to just breath and sing and get it all out', The Sun 報告(する)/憶測s.

She then led a choir, which 含むd some children, in a seven-minute rendition of the 議論の的になる song as part of her 40-minute 始める,決める.

Church was given a 瓶/封じ込める of シャンペン酒 at the end of the event, which was 存在 held to raise money for the Middle East Children's 同盟 charity.

It has 誘発するd calls from the (選挙などの)運動をする Against Antisemitism for an 調査 by the Charity (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限.?

It told MailOnline: 'The genocidal 詠唱する 'From the River to the Sea' 言及するs to the Jordan River and Mediterranean Sea, and only makes sense as a call for the 破壊 of the world's only Jewis h 明言する/公表する - and its 交替/補充 with a Palestinian 明言する/公表する. It is a call for the annihilation of half the world's Jews, who live in イスラエル.

'Since 7th October, when Hamas committed their 野蛮な テロリスト 行為/法令/行動するs, we have heard this 詠唱する on the streets of Britain during anti-イスラエル marches, …を伴ってd by all manner of anti-ユダヤ人の 人種差別主義.

'Singing 'From the River to the Sea' is not standing up for human 権利s. At best Charlotte Church has been トン deaf, but at worst she is using the 発言する/表明する for which she is so 井戸/弁護士席 known to fan the 炎上s of 憎悪. You cannot stoop lower than using your stardom to teach kids to sing 極端論者 lyrics in a village hall.

'We will be 令状ing to the Charity (売買)手数料,委託(する)/委員会/権限 to ask them to 調査/捜査する how this was 許すd to take place on a charity's 前提s.'

There was 乱暴/暴力を加える last week after 行動主義者s 事業/計画(する)d the words 'From the River to the Sea' on the outside of Big Ben's tower in London during a プロの/賛成の-パレスチナ 決起大会/結集させる.

The stunt was pulled off in 十分な 見解(をとる) of dozens of police 監視するing a 抗議する outside 議会 on Wednesday night, with Scotland Yard 説 officers could not 行為/法令/行動する because it was 'not a 犯罪の offence'.

Charlotte Church reportedly led the choir in a seven-mi
nute rendition of the song which many Jews see as a call for genocide

Charlotte Church 報道によれば led the choir in a seven-minute rendition of the song which many Jews see as a call for 集団殺戮

The Welsh singer was heard telling the crowd the concert was a 'safe space to just breath and sing and get it all out'

The Welsh singer was heard telling the (人が)群がる the concert was a '安全な space to just breath and sing and get it all out'

The slogan which is seen by many Jews as anti-Semitic was projected onto the Elizabeth Tower, better known as Big Ben, during a protest on Wednesday

The スローガン which is seen by many Jews as anti-Semitic was 事業/計画(する)d の上に the Elizabeth Tower, better known as Big Ben, during a 抗議する on Wednesday

A 広報担当者 from the Board of 副s, which 代表するs the ユダヤ人の community, said at the time: 'From the river to the sea is seen by many Jews as a hate スローガン.

'For it to be 事業/計画(する)d on to Big Ben is a demonstration of the utter contempt these extreme 選挙運動者s have not only for the 関心s of the ユダヤ人の community, but for our 議会.'

Andrew Percy, a Tory former 大臣 who is ユダヤ人の, said: 'For months I've been standing up here talking about the people on our streets 需要・要求するing 'death to Jews', 需要・要求するing jihad, 需要・要求するing intifadas as the police stand by and 許す that to happen.

'A genocidal call of 'From the river to the sea, パレスチナ will be 解放する/自由な' was 事業/計画(する)d on to this building. That message says no Jew is welcome in the 明言する/公表する of イスラエル or in that land. This is going to continue happening because we're not 取引,協定ing with it.'

Church has been supportive of パレスチナ since the war in Gaza began last Autumn に引き続いて Hamas's surprise terror attack in southern イスラエル which killed more than 1,000 people.

In November the popstar choked 支援する the 涙/ほころびs in a ビデオ 地位,任命するd on Instagram as she implored her 信奉者s to (問題を)取り上げる the 苦境 of innocent Palestinians caught up in the 暴力/激しさ.

Church, who started out as a classical singer at just ten, has shifted her focus to politics in recent years, supporting the Labour party and causes such as remaining in the EU and Welsh independence

Church, who started out as a classical singer at just ten, has 転換d her 焦点(を合わせる) to politics in 最近の years, supporting the 労働 party and 原因(となる)s such as remaining in the EU and Welsh independence

The popstar, 37, said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to show her support and 団結 with the Palestinian people, as she 勧めるd listeners 'don't look away'.

Church referred to the '集団殺戮' which has so far seen nearly 30,000 Palestinians killed, two-thirds of them women and children, によれば Palestinian health 当局.

'Go with what your heart is 説, go with what your soul knows is the 権利 thing to do,' she said.?

MailOnline has 接触するd Charlotte Church's 代表者/国会議員s for comment.

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