EXCLUSIVEInside UK's saddest shopping centre: Eerie ghost 商店街 十分な of boarded up 蓄える/店s left to rot in hipster city where tiny terrace homes sell for nearly £500k

  • St Catherine's Place in Bristol is boarded up after all the 蓄える/店s の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する?
  • A centre was (ーのために)とっておくd for flats as part of the Bedminster Green 開発?
  • A new planning 使用/適用 has now been submitted to Bristol City 会議

This is a glimpse inside the 'UK's saddest shopping centre' that has been left to rot after all its 蓄える/店s の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する.?

St Catherine's Place in Bristol, is now an eerie ghost 商店街 - the result of a 安定した 拒絶する/低下する over the past 20 years.?

Five years ago just six 蓄える/店s remained open and in 2020 there were only three.??

Farm Foods, the final tenant, followed 控訴 and やめる the shopping centre last year, leaving the beleaguered 商店街 空いている with only pigeons left nesting there.??

St Catherine's then の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する 完全に with boards placed in windows and shutters going up 永久的に.?

Once home to high street 中心的要素s 含むing?Argos, アイスランド and Bon Marche, it is now covered in graffiti and street art.?

St Catherine's Place in Bristol, is now an eerie ghost mall - the result of a steady decline over the past 20 years

St Cath erine's Place in Bristol, is now an eerie ghost 商店街 - the result of a 安定した 拒絶する/低下する over the past 20 years

The once-thriving shopping centre saw all of the retail units pulling out leaving it an eyesore

The once-栄えるing shopping centre saw all of the 小売 部隊s pulling out leaving it an eyesore

Five years ago just six stores remained open in the mall and in 2020 there were only three

Five years ago just six 蓄える/店s remained open in the 商店街 and in 2020 there were only three

There have been a series of ambitious plans to regenerate the area, but several have failed to materialise due to the uncertain economic outlook and rising costs

There have been a 一連の ambitious 計画(する)s to regenerate the area, but several have failed to materialise 予定 to the uncertain 経済的な 見通し and rising costs?

The 明言する/公表する of St Catherine's Place is in stark contrast to Bristol's 評判 as one of Britain's hipster 資本/首都s.

The city has become renowned for its quaint bustling streets of 独立した・無所属 shops, trendy 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業s, specialist coffee shops and 最高の,を越す restaurants.?

研究 placed it as the fifth most expensive place to buy a home, (警官の)巡回区域,受持ち区域ing Edinburgh and Manchester.?

In April last year, Bristol was also 階級d the 13th most expensive city in the world to build in by consultancy 会社/堅い Arcadis.?

And the trendy 郊外 of Bedminster - where St Catherine's Place is 位置を示すd - is?quickly becoming a sought after area for Bristol's young professionals and first time 買い手s.

While the 普通の/平均(する) house price for a terraced house in the area last year was £432,606, によれば Zoopla.

Farm Foods, the final tenant, followed suit and quit the shopping centre last year, leaving the beleaguered mall vacant with only pigeons left nesting there

Farm Foods, the final tenant, followed 控訴 and やめる the shopping centre last year, leaving the beleaguered 商店街 空いている with only pigeons left nesting there

St Catherine's Place is in a story state with shuttered shops fronts and graffiti

St Catherine's Place is in a story 明言する/公表する with shuttered shops 前線s and graffiti?

Graffiti is daubed on the shutters and grime covers the m
asonry of St Catherine's Place

Graffiti is daubed on the shutters and grime covers the masonry of St Catherine's Place?

An aerial view of St Catherine's Place shopping centre in the Bedminster area of Bristol

An 空中の 見解(をとる) of St Catherine's Place shopping centre in the Bedminster area of Bristol

Planners want to demolish many other old structures and replace them with apartments

Planners want to 破壊する many other old structures and 取って代わる them with apartments?

New retail units and cafes are also planned as part of the major redevelopment

New 小売 部隊s and cafes are also planned as part of the major redevelopment?

One 地元の who moved to the area from London, 述べるd Bedminster as a 'bit like East London's Shoreditch'.

He told the Telegraph: 'I love all the 独立した・無所属 shops of Gloucester Road, 調査するing trendy 'Bedmo' [Bedminster] which is a bit like East London's Shoreditch, and the fact the train is only 1hr 15 to London ? I 減刑する/通勤する there once a week.'

But as the area becomes gentrified by 豊富な out of towners, the 未来 could be 有望な for its decaying shopping centre.?

計画(する)s to 変える the 場所/位置 into a 封鎖する of flats now appear to be 進行中で.??

The 最新の planning 使用/適用 put 今後 by Firmstone Consortia One 含むs transforming the shopping centre into 22 apartments. There are also 提案s to 変える other 空いている shops on East Street into flats.?

The 計画(する)s are part of the wid er Bedminster Green 開発 with the 砂漠d 商店街 and land next to it (ーのために)とっておくd for 180 apartments.?

St Catherine's Place is just one of a number of car parks, 産業の 広い地所s, empty land and shopping centres on either 味方する of the A38 that are 予定 to be 変えるd into 2,000 new homes.?

The road is one of Bristol's busiest and most important 大勝するs and links the city centre with the airport.??

The 抱擁する 変形 has been in the 作品 for nearly a 10年間 but 計画(する)s for the shopping centre 立ち往生させるd over the past two years.?

Bristol is known as one of the UK's hipster capitals with thriving independent shops and restaurants (pictured, the city's St Nicholas Market)

Bristol is known as one of the UK's hipster 資本/首都s with 栄えるing 独立した・無所属 shops and restaurants (pictured, the city's St Nicholas Market)

Bristol is known for its love of independent businesses rather than endless chains

Bristol is known for its love of 独立した・無所属 商売/仕事s rather than endless chains

Developers have plans to demolish much of the shopping centre and replace it with a mixture of apartments and retail units, although some locals are concerned about the lack of social and affordable housing in the plans

Developers have 計画(する)s to 破壊する much of the shopping centre and 取って代わる it with a mixture of apartments and 小売 部隊s, although some 地元のs are 関心d about the 欠如(する) of social and affordable 住宅 in the 計画(する)s

Firmstone 初めは submitted a planning 使用/適用 to 変える the empty shops inside the 商店街 into 居住の apartments.?The 初期の 計画(する)s 含むd a taller 封鎖する of flats, some of which were affordable, and a cinema inside the shopping centre 変形.?

But the 提案s were turned 負かす/撃墜する by 会議 planners on the basis the buildings were too big and too tall.?

A 規模d 支援する developement without the cinema and affordable homes was 認可するd in March 2021.?

An スパイ/執行官 for Firmstone said at the time that the?'high 質 都市の regeneration 計画/陰謀' would 'revitalise' St Catherine's Place and make a '抱擁する difference' to Bristol's economy.?

But 地元のs criticised the 計画(する)s, in particular the 欠如(する) of affordable 住宅.?

The 会議 received 59 反対s from members of the public and Green 議員 Stephen Clarke said he was 'very 関心d about the 高さ, 規模 of the main 封鎖する'.

Now the 最新の planning 使用/適用 has been submitted is to 決定する whether 事前の 是認 is needed to change the use of the building from 商業の 部隊s to homes.?

The 使用/適用 関心s seven 提案するd houses on the ground 床に打ち倒す of St Catherine's Place.?