Tony Burke's VERY cruisy $57,000 overseas trip to the US paid for by YOU is laid 明らかにする in bombshell diary 入ること/参加(者)s 詳細(に述べる)ing a dinner and a BBQ (and not much else...) - as he 攻撃する,衝突するs out

最高の,を越す Labor 大臣 Tony Burke (人命などを)奪う,主張するs his $57,000 taxpayer-基金d, four-day trip to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs was much busier and high-力/強力にするd than his low-重要な 大臣の diary 示唆するs.?

Mr Burke, the arts and workplace relations 大臣 and Leader of the House, is at the centre of 論争 after he was called out for the cost of his trip to Washington.

His sparse diary shows only a handful of trip 入ること/参加(者)s - and even 含むs a 15-minute 旅行 from his accommodation as one of three 公式の/役人 pieces of 商売/仕事 that day.?

But Mr Burke now (人命などを)奪う,主張するs he was also 伴う/関わるd in important 重要な 会合s which were not 含むd in his 公式の/役人 diary 入ること/参加(者)s.?

He jetted over to the US with a スタッフの一員 - travelling 商売/仕事 class - as part of a 代表 with 副 総理大臣 Richard Marles for the Australian American Leadership 対話.

His 公式の/役人 diary for the event - from July 11 to 15, 2022 - 示唆するs the trip wasn't 極端に onerous with just a handful of かかわり合いs, 含むing a barbeque breakfast, a three hour dinner, and two 20 minute Microsoft Teams 会合s.?

の中で the handful of 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d かかわり合いs 含むd 15-minute time slot 献身的な to '出発/死ing' his accommodation to 長,率いる to another 演説(する)/住所 - one of just three pieces of 公式の/役人 商売/仕事 he 成し遂げるd that day.?

Mr Burke had one 公式の/役人 会合 in his diary over the four days. It was a 会合 with Wisconsin 上院議員 Tammy Baldwin, who is a member on a 委員会 for labor and 年金s in the US.

Mr Burke (right), the arts and workplace relations minister and Leader of the House, is at the centre of controversy after he was called out for the cost of his trip to Washington

Mr Burke (権利), the arts and workplace relations 大臣 and Leader of the House, is at the centre of 論争 after he was called out for the cost of his trip to Washington

Mr Burke's 2022 diary kept track of all his commitments from July 11 to July 15, when he joined Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles in Washington for the Australian American Leadership Dialogue

Mr Burke's 2022 diary kept 跡をつける of all his かかわり合いs from July 11 to July 15, when he joined 副 総理大臣 Richard Marles in Washington for the Australian American Leadership 対話

Mr Burke is minister for the arts and attends plays and musicals in that capacity. Pictured with his wife and former staff member, Skye Laris

Mr Burke is 大臣 for the arts and …に出席するs plays and musicals in that capacity. Pictured with his wife and former staff member, Skye Laris

But beyond that, Mr Burke's usually jam-packed schedule was almost 完全に (疑いを)晴らす.

He had a 解放する/自由な day on Tuesday wi th no かかわり合いs scheduled, nothing beyond his 20 minute Teams 会合 and a dinner on the Wednesday, and only 3.5hours of 約束/交戦s on the Friday.

But Mr Burke has since argued that it was a 決定的な trip for him to …に出席する, and that it 'was in the 国家の 利益/興味'.

Speaking at a doorstop after the Daily Telegraph 明らかにする/漏らすd?he spent $57,000 of taxpayer money on the trip, Mr Burke said: 'There are 面s of the story today that have been left out that 現実に explain the importance of that trip.'

Under-fire Minister for the Arts Tony Burke has justified his $57,000, four-day trip by insisting he held several meetings which were not included in his professional diary

Under-解雇する/砲火/射撃 大臣 for the Arts Tony Burke has 正当化するd his $57,000, four-day trip by 主張するing he held several 会合s which were not 含むd in his professional diary

Mr Burke has since argued that it was a vital trip for him to attend, and that it 'was in the national interest'

Mr Burke has since argued that it was a 決定的な trip for him to …に出席する, and that it 'was in the 国家の 利益/興味'

'We have very important 法律制定 that has now passed to do with AUKUS that there had to be 会合s that would take place about. The article today has not referred to the 会合s that were held at the White House.?

'It hasn't referred to the 会合s that were held with the AUKUS (政党の)幹部会,党集会, which goes across the aisle, and it has only referred to one of the 会合s with individual congress people.?

'I'm not precious about that, but only to say it was an important trip in the 国家の 利益/興味. My 決定/判定勝ち(する) when I spoke to the 総理大臣 was to make sure that both the Defence 大臣 and myself as Leader of the House were there, and that was the 権利 thing to do.'?

A graphic shows how much Tony Burke spent while in America

A graphic shows how much Tony Burke spent while in America

While Mr Marles was 定期的に snapped speaking at and …に出席するing formal events, Mr Burke was 大部分は inconspicuous on the trip. Only one photo 存在するs on the public 記録,記録的な/記録する of him overseas.?

Mr Burke has a 批判的な 役割 in the passage of 法律制定 as Mr Albanese's 最高の,を越す 中尉/大尉/警部補 in the 衆議院 - where he 持つ/拘留するs a 大多数 - but his 大臣の地位s are not the 長,指導者 ones 運動ing the 政府's AUKUS 政策.??

Mr Burke still 法案d taxpayers 二塁打 the 量 Mr Marles did, 含むing $44,000 on return 商売/仕事 class flights for he and one staff member, and more than $8,000 on 雇う cars.

An 付加 $4,000 was spent on food and accommodation, while both Mr Burke and his staff member 要求するd 優先 委任する/代表 パスポートs, at a cost of $533 each.

Below, Daily Mail Australia takes a closer look at what work Mr Burke undertook during those four days, based on the contents of his own diary that week.


On July 11, Mr Burke left Sydney on a 9.30am 部隊d 航空機によるs flight, seated in 商売/仕事 class with one personal スタッフの一員.

He arrived in Los Angeles at 11pm, and traveled onward to Washington.

The first 十分な day of his trip was Tuesday, July 12.

On this day, Mr Burke had no events scheduled in his 公式の/役人 diary.?

On July 11, Mr Burke left Sydney on a 9.30am United Airlines flight, seated in business class with one personal staffer

On July 11, Mr Burke left Sydney on a 9.30am 部隊d 航空機によるs flight, seated in 商売/仕事 class with one personal スタッフの一員


Wednesday, July 13, 示すd the 公式の/役人 start of the 形式順守s for Mr Burke.

He 行為/行うd a 20 minute 要点説明 with his department 経由で Teams from 7am until 7.20am Sydney time - about 3pm - 3.20pm in his timezone.

His next 公式の/役人 約束/交戦 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d in the diary wasn't until 5pm, 地元の time, when he joined Richard Marles for dinner at the Australian 外交官/大使's 住居.?


Mr Burke's work かかわり合いs - によれば his diary - kicked off again about 3pm 地元の time on day three, July 14.

He met with Wisconsin 上院議員 Tammy Baldwin, who is on a US 委員会 for Labor and 年金s.

From there, he …に出席するd a three-hour dinner at the US 学校/設ける of Peace to celebrate the 会議's 30th 周年記念日.?


On Mr Burke's final day in the US, he again held another departmental 要点説明 経由で Microsoft Teams in the afternoon.

From there, he joined 同僚s at a の近くにing BBQ at the 外交官/大使's home. Then 出発/死d toward the Jefferson Hotel with his driver.

He flew out on Saturday, returning home on a 部隊d 航空機によるs flight.

He arrived at Sydney Airport at 7am, where he had a 政府 Comcar waiting to take him home.?

He joined colleagues at a closing BBQ at the Ambassador's home (pictured)

He joined 同僚s at a の近くにing BBQ at the 外交官/大使's home (pictured)

大臣 直面するd (激しい)反発 for previous taxpayer 法案s?

大臣 Burke has 以前 直面するd 激しい scrutiny for his spending habits.

In 2020, it was 明らかにする/漏らすd he had 静かに paid 支援する taxpayers $8,600 for a much-criticised trip to Uluru he took with his family in 2012.

He 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d the taxpayer for 商売/仕事 class tickets for himself and four 'family travellers'.

He also 法案d taxpayers for travel allowances of $1,497 and $463 for a 雇う car, taking the total expense for the trip to $12,707.

During Labor's last stint in 政府, Mr Burke's taxpayer 法案 for travel costs was の近くに to $2.2million between 2008 and 2015.?

This is にもかかわらず never serving in the 大臣の地位s with the most 推論する/理由 to travel - 外務, 貿易(する), 財務省 or defence.

非,不,無 of these trips 違反d 議会's code of 行為/行う.?