Sainsbury's and Tesco both 苦しむ IT 炉心溶融s on the same day as many 蓄える/店s become cash only and online 配達/演説/出産s are 停止(させる)d just one day after McDonald's was 攻撃する,衝突する by 類似の computer 危機

  • Sainsbury's was unable fulfil online orders or 受託する contactless 支払い(額)s
  • Argos, owned by Sainsbury's, was also 影響する/感情d by the ソフトウェア update?
  • A?small 割合 of Tesco orders 予定 for 配達/演説/出産 had to be cancelled today

Tesco and?Sainsbury's?have both been 攻撃する,衝突する by an IT 炉心溶融 just that has 衝撃d home 配達/演説/出産s and stopped 顧客s from using contactless 支払い(額) at the tills?on one of the busiest shopping days of the week.

Tesco has cancelled some home 配達/演説/出産s today 予定 a 'technical 問題/発行する', a spokesperson told MailOnline, in a 状況/情勢 echoing the online shopping 大混乱 experienced by 競争相手 Sainsbury's this morning.

The Every Little Helps grocer?did not 明示する how 普及した the 問題/発行する is, but dozens of Tesco 顧客s complained online that their orders had been cancelled or 延期するd this morning.

Sainsbury's 顧客s were left ガス/煙ing after the supermarket 苦しむd?an 'error with an 夜通し ソフトウェア update' that 衝撃d its online ordering system and in-蓄える/店 支払い(額) 選択s.

失望させるd shoppers are 存在 軍隊d to wait in long 列s and 支払う/賃金 with cash while the company was 'experiencing 問題/発行するs with contactless 支払い(額)s'. 顧客s also complained that the grocer's ATMs ran out of money 予定 to the influx in 身を引くs.

The supermarkets' tech 問題/発行するs come just one day after McDonald's experienced an IT outage that left 顧客s unable to order food.?

Furious shoppers at a large west London Sainsbury's (pictured) told MailOnline that the store, which normally offers around 20 self-checkout tills, had only three counters operating, causing a 'meltdown' around the payment area

Furious shoppers at a large wes t London Sainsbury's (pictured) told MailOnline that the 蓄える/店, which 普通は 申し込む/申し出s around 20 self-checkout tills, had only three 反対するs operating, 原因(となる)ing a '炉心溶融' around the 支払い(額) area

Shoppers queue outside a Tesco store in London to withdraw cash, as the supermarket is hit with major technical glitch today

Shoppers 列 outside a Tesco 蓄える/店 in London to 身を引く cash, as the supermarket is 攻撃する,衝突する with major technical glitch today

An apparent security worker stands guard at the door of?the Sainsbury's store in Lyons Farm, Worthington this morning

An 明らかな 安全 労働者 stands guard at the door of?the Sainsbury's s tore in Lyons Farm, Worthington this morning

An ATM machine outside a Tesco store in London which has run out of cash, as the supermarket is hit with major technical glitch

An ATM machine outside a Tesco 蓄える/店 in London which has run out of cash, as the supermarket is 攻撃する,衝突する with major technical glitch

Shoppers have apparently abandoned their groceries at the?Sainsbury's on the 316 out near Richmond upon Thames after the cashpoint was not working

Shoppers have 明らかに abandoned their groceries at the?Sainsbury's on the 316 out 近づく Richmond upon Thames after the cashpoint was not working

There have been 大混乱/混沌とした scenes in Sainsbury's 蓄える/店s across the country today as a major IT fault left 顧客s unable to make contactless 支払い(額)s and receive online 配達/演説/出産s.

Furious shoppers at a large Sainsbury's supermarket in west London told MailOnline that the 蓄える/店, which 普通は 申し込む/申し出s around 20 self-checkout tills, had only three 反対するs operating, 原因(となる)ing a '炉心溶融' around the 支払い(額) area.

告訴する Mautner said that the shop had opened a separate 列 for people with only a few items but this had become packed as 顧客s 急ぐd in to 得る,とらえる 必須の 週末 供給(する)s.

She told MailOnline: 'I've had to walk a long way to get here and thank God I did my big shop in the week.

'I went into the shorter 列 which was still very busy and they said that people were having problems 支払う/賃金ing with card.

'I 申し込む/申し出d to walk to the cash point instead but then they said that that wasn't working either.?Even though I was in the short 列 I still had to wait a long time.

'The man in 前線 of me was just buying two beers and I couldn't understand why it was taking such a long time.

'In the end I just showed the person at the till my cards and just hoped that one would work. It had gone into 炉心溶融.'

Sue Mautner (pictured) said that a west London Sainsbury's had opened a separate queue for people with only a few items but this had become packed as customers rushed in to grab essential we
ekend supplies

告訴する Mautner (pictured) said that a west London Sainsbury's had opened a separate 列 for people with only a few items but this had become packed as 顧客s 急ぐd in to 得る,とらえる 必須の 週末 供給(する)s

Swathes of counters were empty with the till either closing or only offering to take cash. Paul Thompson (pictured) described the experience as 'painful'

列s of 反対するs were empty with the till either の近くにing or only 申し込む/申し出ing to take cash. Paul Thompson (pictured) 述べるd the experience as 'painful'

There were long queues today at the?Sainsbury's on the 316 near Richmond upon Thames as shoppers struggled to complete their purchases amid IT failures

There were long 列s today at the?Sainsbury's on the 316 近づく Richmond upon Thames as shoppers struggled to 完全にする their 購入(する)s まっただ中に IT 失敗s

Mauro (pictured) said: 'I only had to pay for a few items and even that took over 10 minutes'

Mauro (pictured) said: 'I only had to 支払う/賃金 for a few items and even that took over 10 minutes'

'All Jamin Hu, 26, said: 'We were waiting in line for around 10 minutes.' Vicarus, 23, added: 'There were very long queues in there'

'All Jamin Hu, 26, said: 'We were waiting in line for around 10 minutes.' Vicarus, 23, 追加するd: 'There were very long 列s in there'

The Argos inside the Cromwell Road, west London Sainsbury's has temporarily shut its doors today, with a sign on the door attributing the closure to a 'technical issue'

The Argos inside the Cromwell Road, west London Sainsbury's has 一時的に shut its doors today, with a 調印する on the door せいにするing the 終結 to a 'technical 問題/発行する'

Inside the 蓄える/店, 列s snaked into the aisles as 顧客s tried to 交渉する the self-checkout tills.

Some shoppers raced over to the two tills which had cashiers but these soon became packed.

緊張s ゆらめくd as 顧客s' cards, Apple 支払う/賃金 and Google 支払う/賃金 were 存在 拒絶する/低下するd with some tills seemingly shutting 負かす/撃墜する 完全に.

McDonald's IT outage left 顧客s unable to order food?

McDonald's 顧客s were unable to order food on Friday に引き続いて an IT system outage in its restaurants.

The outage appeared to 衝撃 顧客s in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Japan, all of whom complained about 問題/発行するs trying to buy from the 急速な/放蕩な food 巨大(な) on social マスコミ.

In the UK, a number of 顧客s said on social マスコミ that their 地元の restaurants were の近くにd although they were able to make orders through the company's app.

Most 蓄える/店s across the UK opened as usual on Friday morning にもかかわらず the problem.

The company 非難するd the 問題/発行する on a '科学(工学)技術 outage' and 強調する/ストレスd that it was not linked to any cybersecurity 問題/発行するs.

A McDonald's spokeswoman said: 'We are aware of a 科学(工学)技術 outage which 衝撃d our restaurants.

'The 問題/発行する h as now been 解決するd in the UK and Ireland. We thank 顧客s for their patience and apologise for any inconvenience this may have 原因(となる)d.

'The 問題/発行する is not 関係のある to a cybersecurity event.'


列s of 反対するs were empty with the till either の近くにing or only 申し込む/申し出ing to take cash.?

Paul Thompson 述べるd the experience as 'painful'.

He said: 'I had to wait in there for 15 minutes which is a lot longer than usual.

'I've 現実に been going to this shop for 15 years and I've never had to 列.

'It was really painful 列ing in there today.'

Some infuriated 顧客s went over to the 顧客 services section to 発言する/表明する their (民事の)告訴s.

Mauro said: 'I only had to 支払う/賃金 for a few items and even that took over 10 minutes.

'There's been さまざまな problems for a few weeks but this was to do with the contactless system not working.

'I 収容する/認める I don't really come much here any more as you can see.'

Outside Sainsbury's, hordes of angry shoppers shook their 長,率いるs and complained to their fellow 顧客s after their ordeal.

Others marched out of the supermarket looking for the nearest 代案/選択肢 after they realised Sainsbury's was no longer 受託するing contactless and that the 列s were 抱擁する.

A group of international students had had a 哀れな time nipping in for a few groceries.

'All these checkouts were out of order,' Jamin Hu, 26, said.

'We were waiting in line for around 10 minutes.'

Vicarus, 23, 追加するd: 'There were very long 列s in there.'

Christoph also had to wait for more than 10 minutes in the 大混乱/混沌とした shop.

He said: 'They weren't 受託するing any contactless cards and 現実に only one or two tills were working.

'And the place was only refurbished the other week.'

Matthew looked relieved as he darted out of the supermarket with a 捕らえる、獲得する of shopping. He said:?'There were lots of tills の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する that were not taking card.?

'I had to wait for five minutes. There weren't even many people there, there were just very few tills working.'

Christoph (pictured) also had to wait for more than 10 minutes in the chaotic shop. He said: 'They weren't accepting any contactless cards and actually only one or two tills were working'

Christoph (pictured) also had to wait for more than 10 minutes in the 大混乱/混沌とした shop. He said: 'They weren't 受託するing any contactless cards and 現実に only one or two tills were working'

Matthew looked relieved as he darted out of the supermarket with a bag of shopping. He said: 'There were lots of tills closed down that were not taking card'

Matthew looked relieved as he darted out of the supermarket with a 捕らえる、獲得する of shopping. He said: 'There were lots of tills の近くにd 負かす/撃墜する that were not taking card'

Customers are seen outside the Sainsbury's store in?Lyons Farm, Worthington on Saturday, where the shop is only accepting cash. Some appear to be withdrawing cash from the ATM

顧客s are seen outside the Sainsbury's 蓄える/店 in?Lyons Farm, Worthington on Saturday, where the shop is only 受託するing cash. Some appear to be 身を引くing cash from the ATM

There are long queues at?Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London today?as shoppers struggle to pay for their groceries due to technical difficulties

There are long 列s at?Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London today?as shoppers struggle to 支払う/賃金 for their groceries 予定 to technical difficulties?

The Sainsbury's Bank machine at a store near Richmond upon Thames was unavailable today

The Sainsbury's Bank machine at a 蓄える/店 近づく Richmond upon Thames was unavailable today

A shopper appears frustrated today during check out at the?Sainsbury's on 316 near Richmond upon Thames

A shopper appears 失望させるd today during check out at the?Sainsbury's on 316 近づく Richmond upon Thames

Self-service tills were closed today at a Sainsbury's in Richmond upon Thames

Self-service tills were の近くにd today at a Sainsbury's in Richmond upon Thames

Stephen Page said he walked 負かす/撃墜する to his 地元の Sainsbury's in Guilford this morning to 完全にする his Saturday shop after learning about the IT 問題/発行するs 衝撃ing 'online 配達/演説/出産s'.?

At this point, he (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, it wasn't (疑いを)晴らす that card 支払い(額)s had been 衝撃d by the tech 炉心溶融.

'After choosing my items from my shopping 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる), like many others, [I] 列d to be served as all the tills were dead,' Mr Page told MailOnline.

'However, when I was finally served I was told that they were 受託するing cash only.'

He said he went outside to use the supermarket's ATM, but it was 'also dysfunctional'. Mr Page 追加するd: 'I returned to the 反対する the Sainsbury’s 従業員 already knew that the ATM was not working but had failed to tell me.'

He then took a five-metre walk to the nearest ATM, withdrew cash, returned to Sainsbury's '列d up and collected my shopping', he said.

The shopper 繰り返し言うd that he is not 失望させるd with 蓄える/店 staff, but how Sainsbury's 管理/経営 has 扱うd the 状況/情勢.

He argues the company is putting 'their 利益/興味s' first and how the IT 失敗 '衝撃s them commercially, as …に反対するd to the 利益/興味 of their 顧客s'.

A handwritten sign outside a Sainsbury's store in Cobham informing customers of technical issues currently affecting the supermarket chain

A handwritten 調印する outside a Sainsbury's 蓄える/店 in Cobham 知らせるing 顧客s of technical 問題/発行するs 現在/一般に 影響する/感情ing the supermarket chain

Shoppers queue fo
r the cash machine outside?the Sainsbury's in Lyons Farm, Worthington

Shoppers 列 for the cash machine outside?the Sainsbury's in Lyons Farm, Worthington?

A?Sainsbury's Bank cash machine in London runs out of cash as the supermarket is suffering from IT technical issues

A?Sainsbury's Bank cash machine in London runs out of cash as the supermarket is 苦しむing from IT technical 問題/発行するs

A hand written notice informing customers technical issues at Sainsbury's at Salendine Nook in Huddersfield today
< noscript> A hand written notice informing customers technical issues at Sainsbury's at Salendine Nook in Huddersfield today

A 手渡す written notice 知らせるing 顧客s technical 問題/発行するs at Sainsbury's at Salendine Nook in Huddersfield today

The ShopSmart handsets at?a Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London appear to be inoperable today as they all display the message 'no internet connection'

The ShopSmart handsets at?a Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London appear to be inoperable today as they all 陳列する,発揮する the message 'no internet 関係'

One customer received an email from Tesco this morning indicating that they could not fulfil her home delivery order

One 顧客 received an email from Tesco this morning 示すing that they could not fulfil her home 配達/演説/出産 order

Sainsbury's 顧客s were unable to make contactless 支払い(額)s に引き続いて an 夜通し ソフトウェア update and the 会社/堅い was not able to fulfil the '広大な 大多数' of online 配達/演説/出産s.

一方/合間, Tesco had to 取り消す some online orders that were 予定 for 配達/演説/出産.

Both chains apologised to 顧客s and said they were working to solve the 問題/発行するs, which are not connected.

Sainsbury's told MailOnline in a 声明: '予定 to an error with an 夜通し ソフトウェア update, we are experiencing 問題/発行するs with contactless 支払い(額)s.

'All of our stor es are open as usual today, 受託するing 半導体素子 and pin and cash 支払い(額)s.

'Unfortunately, this also means we will not be able to 配達する the 広大な 大多数 of today's Groceries Online orders and we are 現在/一般に unable to 接触する 顧客s 直接/まっすぐに, but will 接触する them as soon as we can to rebook orders.

'We apologise to 顧客s for the inconvenience and are working hard to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する.'

It later said the online ordering system was 支援する up and running and that 顧客s can place orders for 配達/演説/出産 from Sunday.

Just before 5pm today a spokesperson told MailOnline: 'We can 確認する that contactless 支払い(額)s are now 支援する up and running in all our 蓄える/店s, と一緒に all other forms of 支払い(額).?

'Our Groceries Online ordering system is working as normal and 顧客s can place an order for 配達/演説/出産 anytime from tomorrow. We apologise to 顧客s for the inconvenience 原因(となる)d by technical 問題/発行するs today - thank you for 耐えるing with us.'

Tesco?told MailOnline that that the some online orders had been cancelled 予定 a 'technical 問題/発行する'.

A Tesco spokesperson said: 'We are working to 直す/買収する,八百長をする a technical 問題/発行する which has meant we have had to 取り消す some online orders that were 予定 for 配達/演説/出産 today. We're sorry for the inconvenience.'

Dozens of Tesco 顧客s have complained online that their orders have been cancelled or 延期するd this morning.

Tesco outages reported on Downdetector

Tesco outages 報告(する)/憶測d on Downdetector

顧客 Denise Salman said on Twitter/X this morning: '@Tesco thanks for cancelling my home 配達/演説/出産 tonight with no proper notice.

'On my way home from Gatwick Airport and not looking 今後 to going food shopping. I placed the order over a week ago so very shabby 顧客 service!! Not happy!!'

Another 顧客 Claire Graham, said her order had been cancelled too, replying to Denise with: 'Cancelled too - birthday party 廃虚d… no food. No time to get food.

'@Tesco just says "sorry"… not good enough.'

Another Tesco shopper, Mandy Friend said her click and collect order was cancelled this morning.

She said: 'My Tesco click and collect just got cancelled. Poor lady who phoned me was very frazzled and not looking 今後 to phoning lots of angry 顧客s!'

報告(する)/憶測s on Downdetector 示す a 頂点(に達する) of around 130 outages at Tesco at around 11am this morning.

It is understood that a small 割合 of Tesco 配達/演説/出産s 予定 today have 影響する/感情d.

Tesco 顧客s whose orders have been 衝撃d will received an email to 通知する them and will not be 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d.

Sainsbury's has said it is experiencing "technical issues" at some stores meaning it will not be able to fulfil the "vast majority" of online grocery deliveries. The supermarket chain said on Saturday morning it was "working hard to fix the issue" and apologised to customers affected

Sainsbury's has said it is experiencing 'technical 問題/発行するs' at some 蓄える/店s meaning it will not be able to fulfil the '広大な 大多数' of online grocery 配達/演説/出産s. The supermarket chain said on Saturday morning it was 'working hard to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する' and apologised to 顧客s 影響する/感情d

Frustrated customers say they cannot pay at the tills and are?'disappointed' that they will not be receiving their online delivery orders. Others have claimed they are now forced to turn to rival Tesco to complete their Saturday shop

失望させるd 顧客s say they cannot 支払う/賃金 at the tills and are?'disappointed' that they will not be receiving their online 配達/演説/出産 orders. Others have (人命などを)奪う,主張するd they are now 軍隊d to turn to 競争相手 Tesco to 完全にする their Saturday shop

Sainsbury's, replying to a X 使用者 who asked about refunds, also 確認するd that that 'once the systems are 直す/買収する,八百長をするd, your order will be cancelled'.?

One social マスコミ 使用者 questioned if 顧客 personal data has been 衝撃d by the technical outage. But Sainsbury's 安心させるd that shoppers' '詳細(に述べる)s will still be 安全な and 安全な・保証する even with the 問題/発行するs going on'.

The supermarket, in another tweet, apologised to a 顧客 for the 'inconvenience' 原因(となる)d by the 延期する in their 配達/演説/出産.

While the company has not 示すd when the 問題/発行する will be 解決するd, they told the shopper: 'We're working hard to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する ASAP. Please place a new order online from the 現在の 利用できる slots.'

にもかかわらず the supermarket 'working hard to 直す/買収する,八百長をする the 問題/発行する', the?have been 大混乱/混沌とした scenes in Sainsbury's 蓄える/店s across the country today.

Many have complained of?long 列s at the tills as they try to check out their order using only 半導体素子, pin or cash 支払い(額)s today.?

A Sainsbury's Bank cash machine at one 場所 in London has run out of cash as 顧客s were 軍隊d to make 身を引くs to 支払う/賃金 for their shopping.?

Argos, which is owned by Sainsbury's, has also been 影響する/感情d by the ソフトウェア update, meaning some 顧客s may have had 問題/発行するs ordering new items or collecting orders in-蓄える/店.

It said there may have been 延期するs in 実行するing orders placed.

The Argos inside the Sainbury's on Cromwell Road, west London?was 一時的に の近くにd today,?with a 調印する on the door せいにするing the disruption to a 'technical 問題/発行する'.

A furious shopper took to X this morning to complain about their experience with the chain's online ordering system. They wrote:?'配達/演説/出産 推定する/予想するd between 8am-9am. No communication what so ever!!! Can't get through Sainsbury's by phone or messenger? 極端に poor service.'?

Another 顧客 echoed: 'Why would I bother rebooking a 配達/演説/出産 with food meant for this 週末 on Monday?

'I'm popping out to a different supermarket instead and will be cancelling the 月毎の 配達/演説/出産 料金 with you, I think the online shopping experience with Sainsbury's not 価値(がある) the hassle.'

Another joked: 'Good 職業 I ordered this mornings 配達/演説/出産 from Tesco then, eh?'?

Some shoppers have complained that Sainsbury's is 供給するing 'mixed messages' to 顧客s about their online orders.

'Are any orders going out? I should have had a 配達/演説/出産 yesterday but the driver had an 事故 so was rebooked for today,' one (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

'Your tweet said "広大な 大多数" but your other tweet said all orders will be cancelled, so sending out mixed messages.'

A?Sainsbury's in London is instructing customers that tills are 'cash only' after having suffered?from IT technical issues overnight

A?Sainsbury's in London is 教えるing 顧客s that tills are 'cash only' after having 苦しむd?from IT technical 問題/発行するs 夜通し

There are long queues at the Sainsbury's in Wandsworth today as customers only can pay by cash as overnight software update is affecting contactless payments and are unable to deliver the online orders

There are long 列s at the Sainsbury's in Wandsworth today as 顧客s only can 支払う/賃金 by cash as 夜通し ソフトウェア update is 影響する/感情ing contactless 支払い(額)s and are unable to 配達する the online orders

Shoppers are struggling to pay at the tills at a Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London today

Shoppers are struggling to 支払う/賃金 at the tills at a Sainsbury's in Wandsworth, south London today

Another shopper 詳細(に述べる)d their 申し立てられた/疑わしい 'awful experience' at the supermarket's 場所 in the London 郊外 of North Finchley this morning and even (刑事)被告 the grocer of 存在 'happy to let old people 餓死する'.

The 顧客 said they were doing a £13 shop on に代わって of a 92-year-old woman this morning when they were 衝撃d by the outage.?

'Couldn't 支払う/賃金 by her contactless card and told to cross street and get cash out. Don't know her PIN number so couldn't do that,' the shopper said. '申し込む/申し出d to come 支援する later and 支払う/賃金 but told that's not 許容できる. Happy to let old people 餓死する.'

However, some shoppers have taken a bit more of a lighthearted 返答 to the inconvenience.?

'With the?M25 終結 大混乱 this 週末 and now the Sainsbury's?tech 問題/発行する looks like my shopping 配達/演説/出産 isn't going to arrive today,' one said. 'First world problems. We may have to 訴える手段/行楽地 to the pub for dinner.'

'Boy and Girls, in the world of 科学(工学)技術, things break, nobody is 免疫の,' another said, 支持するing for the supermarket.

'Sainsbury's?are 明確に in a 状況/情勢 where if they had the systems working to answer your questions, they would be able to 配達する your orders. Show some support x.'