Iranian 難民 who waved toy gun out of car window on night out and was caught with コカイン may lose chance of British 市民権 under new 支配するs on migrants

An Iranian 難民 who waved a toy gun out of a car window on a night out with friends 直面するs losing his chance of getting British 市民権 today under 堅い new 政府 支配するs on 犯罪の migrants.

Mohammed Tawfiqi, 20, hoped to stay in the UK after 逃げるing his native country four years ago 老年の 16 to escape 'political 迫害'.

But on November 5 last year he was 逮捕(する)d in Liverpool city centre after he was seen hanging out a car window and waving the 偽の silver gun as his friend drove him past a busy nightclub on 支持を得ようと努めるd Street at 1am.

Bouncers then saw Tawfiqi and his friends get out of the car and walk past people 負かす/撃墜する the street.

They 恐れるd the 武器 was real and 警報d the police who 設立する the car in a nearby 味方する street, 回復するd the plastic gun from the backseat and 跡をつけるd 負かす/撃墜する Tawfiqi,?who lives in the inner-city area of Toxteth.

Mohammed Tawfiqi, 20, pictured outside Sefton Magistrates' Court

Mohammed Tawfiqi, 20, pictured outside Sefton 治安判事s' 法廷,裁判所

He 主張するd that he had not behaved in a threa tening manner and said the gun formed part of a Halloween fancy dress 衣装 used a week earlier.?

Police searched him and 設立する a 包む of コカイン in his 所有/入手.

Tawfiqi 認める 所有/入手 of an imitation firearm and 所有するing a controlled 麻薬 at Sefton 治安判事s' 法廷,裁判所 and was ordered to 完全にする 100 hours 未払いの work under the 条件 of a 12 month community order.

The 有罪の判決s could now 害(を与える) his 適格(性) to become a UK 国民 under new 移民/移住 支配するs introduced last July by Home 長官 at the time Suella Braverman.

以前 亡命 探検者s would have had their 市民権 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 否定するd only if they received a 刑務所,拘置所 宣告,判決 of 12 months or more.

But under the new 支配するs, someone given a 非,不,無-custodial 宣告,判決 may also 行方不明になる out on the 権利 to become British.

The 厳格な人 and more 明確な/細部 支配するs 焦点(を合わせる) on いわゆる 'good character' 必要物/必要条件s which are a 重要な 条件 to 存在 認めるd British 市民権.

Tawfiqi admitted possession of an imitation firearm and possessing a controlled drug at Sefton Magistrates' Court

Tawfiqi 認める 所有/入手 of an imitation firearm and 所有するing a controlled 麻薬 at Sefton 治安判事s' 法廷,裁判所?

They look at whether an individual has 観察するd UK 法律 and shown 尊敬(する)・点 for the 権利s and freedoms of British 国民s, considering factors 含むing?犯罪の 有罪の判決s, 移民/移住 感情を害する/違反するing, war 罪,犯罪s, テロ行為 or 集団殺戮.

During?mitigation Tawfiqi's defence solicitor Danielle Gibbons said: 'He made 十分な and frank admissions in the interview and the reality is that it was a plastic toy gun and on の近くに 査察, it would have been obvious as such. It is not a 現実主義の imitation firearm.

'The 被告 at the time was not 申し込む/申し出ing any 暴力/激しさ or anything to 原因(となる) 恐れる of 暴力/激しさ. In fact he showed me ビデオs on his phone of the night in question. They are of people in the car laughing and joking, and laughing and joking with one of the door 安全 at a nearby nightclub.

'He does not appear to be 積極的な in those ビデオs.'

She 追加するd: 'The 被告 has no 前科s and has been in this country since he was 16 years old. He fled Iran に引き続いて political 迫害 and has 難民 status but 捜し出すs to 得る British 市民権 within the next five years.

'As part of the 被告's 使用/適用 for British 市民権 a 有罪の判決 of any 肉親,親類d will have an 衝撃 on his 適格(性). The 宣告,判決 he will receive today will pretty much 決定する his 適格(性) in 未来.'

Tawfiqi was also ordered to 支払う/賃金 £234 in costs and 犠牲者 割増し料金.

Pesheen Fatah, 25, from Runcorn, Cheshire, who drove the car on the night of the 出来事/事件 was 宣告,判決d to a six month 条件付きの 発射する/解雇する at an ear lier 審理,公聴会 after he 認める 所有/入手 of an imitation firearm.