EXCLUSIVEShould Prince Harry be 国外追放するd from the U.S? DailyMail.com 投票 明らかにする/漏らすs whether Americans think the Duke of Sussex should have his ビザ 取り消すd

Americans 全体にわたる do not think Prince Harry should be 国外追放するd if he is 設立する to have lied about 麻薬-taking on his ビザ 使用/適用, によれば an 排除的 Dailymail.com 投票.

Upon entering America, ビザ applicants have to fill out a form 説 whether they have taken 麻薬s.

Sources の近くに to Harry have 示すd he answered 'truthfully' when he moved to the U.S. with wife Meghan Markle in 2020.

But a Washington, D.C.-based think 戦車/タンク is 現在/一般に 告訴するing the Department of 母国 安全 (DHS) for 接近 to his 記録,記録的な/記録するs.

Donald Trump has hinted he could 国外追放する the 王室の if he is 設立する to have not given the 権利 (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状).

An 排除的 Dailymail.com 投票 設立する 44 パーセント of Americans thought the Harry should be 許すd to stay in the U.S. even if it is later discovered he did not fill out the ビザ form 正確に.

A Dailymail.com poll asked Americans what they think about Prince Harry's visa status

A Dailymail.com 投票 asked Americans what they think about Prince Harry's ビザ status

The 投票 showed 33 パーセント said he should be 国外追放するd under those circumstances, and 24 パーセント said they didn't know.

共和国の/共和党のs said Harry should be 国外追放するd if he lied on the form, with 42 per cent 説 he should be 排除する/(飛行機などから)緊急脱出するd and 35 パーセント not.

Both 民主党員s, by 56 パーセント to 24 パーセント, and 独立した・無所属s, by 40 パーセント to 32 パーセント, said he should be 許すd to stay.

Hispanic Americans said he should be 国外追放するd if he was not truthful on the form, by 41 パーセント to 37 パーセント.

White and 黒人/ボイコット Americans said he should be 許すd to stay h owever he answered on the form, the 投票 showed.

The poll results showed Republicans and Hispanic Americans less favorable towards the royal

The 投票 results showed 共和国の/共和党のs and Hispanic Americans いっそう少なく 都合のよい に向かって the 王室の

James Johnson, cofounder of 世論調査員s JL Partners, said: 'Some might be furious about Harry’s 行為/行う, but the American public are 反応するing with a shrug.

'They 概して do not want to see him 国外追放するd, even if he lied on his 移民/移住 forms. Their 態度 seems to be live and let live, even if you are a British prince from across the pond.'?

Anyone 適用するing for a ビザ to live and work in America has to answer 'yes' or 'no' to the question: 'Are you or have you ever been a 麻薬 abuser or (麻薬)常用者?'

Harry lives in a nine-bedroom mansion in Montecito, California, with his wife and their two children.

In his autobiography 'Spare' - published in 2023 - he 明らかにする/漏らすd he 以前 took 麻薬s.

That can be grounds for a ビザ 使用/適用 to be 拒絶するd.

In the 調書をとる/予約する, he 認める to using to c ocaine, cannabis and 幻覚的な mushrooms.

He has said that cannabis helped 傷をいやす/和解させる the 外傷/ショック of his mother's death.

And he said that he used the 幻覚的な 麻薬 ayahuasca, which helped him to realize that his late mother 手配中の,お尋ね者 him to be 'happy.'

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex speaks on stage during the closing ceremony of the Invictus Games

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex speaks on 行う/開催する/段階 during the の近くにing 儀式 of the Invictus Games

Donald Trump discussed Prince Harry's visa with Nigel Farage

Donald Trump discussed Prince Harry's ビザ with Nigel Farage

In a 最近の interview with TV presenter Nigel Farage on GB News, Trump 示唆するd the 王室の would not get 'special 特権s' if he 安全な・保証するs a second 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語.

Trump said: 'We'll have to see if they know something about the 麻薬s, and if he lied they'll have to take appropriate 活動/戦闘.'

Farage asked: 'Appropriate 活動/戦闘? Which might mean…not staying in America?'

'Oh I don't know,' Trump 答える/応じるd. 'You'll have to tell me. You just have to tell me. You would have thought they would have known this a long time ago.'

以前, Trump has said he 'wouldn't 保護する' Harry because he had 'betrayed the Queen.'

In February, Harry was asked on Good Morning America about whether he would 捜し出す U.S. 市民権.

'The American 市民権 is a thought that has crossed my mind but certainly not something that's a high 優先 for me 権利 now,' he said.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex live in Montecito, California

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex liv e in Montecito, California?

Recently, Joe Biden's 外交官/大使 to the UK 示すd the 王室の can stay in America as long as Biden remains 大統領,/社長.

Jane Hartley was asked about Trump's comments and laughed off the suggestion Harry could be 国外追放するd, telling Sky News: 'It's not gonna happen in the Biden 行政.'

A Washington, D.C.-based think 戦車/タンク, the 遺産 創立/基礎, is 現在/一般に 告訴するing for the 解放(する) of the 王室の's 移民/移住 記録,記録的な/記録するs.

The Biden 行政 is fighting the 事例/患者 on the basis that ビザ applicants have a 権利 to privacy.

But the 創立/基礎 has 反対するd by 主張するing Harry 土台を崩すd his 権利 to privacy in the 調書をとる/予約する by 'selling every 面 of his 私的な life.'

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex on November 10, 2021 in New York City

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex on November 10, 2021 in New York City

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex attend the cycling medal ceremony at the Cycling Track during day six of the Invictus Games on September 15, 2023 in Dusseldorf, Germany

Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex …に出席する the cycling メダル 儀式 at the Cycling 跡をつける during day six of the Invictus Games on September 15, 2023 in Dusseldorf, Germany

U.S. 移民/移住 当局 routinely ask about 麻薬 use on ビザ 使用/適用s.

British celebrities 含むing singer Amy Winehouse and model Kate Moss ran into difficulties in the past.

However, 認めるing past 麻薬 use does not やむを得ず result in (a)自動的な/(n)自動拳銃 拒絶.

The 遺産 創立/基礎 とじ込み/提出するd a Freedom of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) request last year in an 試みる/企てる to discover whether Harry was given any special 治療.

Nile Gardiner, who is spearheading the (選挙などの)運動をする, said recently: 'Harry has 公然と 認める to 広範囲にわたる 違法な 麻薬 use.

'What do we 服従させる/提出する this means? That Harry seems to have received special 治療: the DHS looked the other way if the Prince answered truthfully, or it looked the other way if the Prince lied on hi s ビザ 使用/適用.'