Taylor Swift-支援するd 投票(する).org in 危機 as nearly half the staff is 突然の FIRED and others やめる in 抗議する after 基金ing 乾燥した,日照りのs up まっただ中に (人命などを)奪う,主張するs new CEO spends more time 促進するing herself than getting 投票者s to 登録(する)

  • Nonpartisan 投票者 登録 壇・綱領・公約 投票(する).org began the year with up to 20 paid positions and has lost nearly half its staff since February
  • The COO 辞職するd in 早期に March?and late last week five 従業員s were let go, DailyMail.com can 明らかにする/漏らす
  • Sources told DailyMail.com that CEO Andrea Hailey's '焦点(を合わせる) is that the organization 促進するs her' rather than running the company?

One of the nation's most 目だつ get-out-the-投票(する) groups ? which Taylor Swift 是認するd ? is experiencing a 集まり exodus of staff as it 直面するs a 会計の and leadership 危機 in the middle of a 大統領の 選挙 year, DailyMail.com can 排他的に 明らかにする/漏らす.

投票(する).org, which began the year with up to 20 paid positions, has lost nearly half its staff since February, when the communications director やめる while 表明するing 失望/欲求不満 with 管理/経営, insiders tell DailyMail.com.


The 長,指導者 operating officer 辞職するd in 早期に March and late last week five 従業員s were let go 含むing the 副/悪徳行為 大統領,/社長 of 開発, director of 共同s, program 経営者/支配人, a ソフトウェア engineer and a junior スタッフの一員, sources said.

Now sources 非難する 管理/経営 for loss of 基金ing, pointing to CEO Andrea Hailey who, they say, is more 焦点(を合わせる)d on 促進するing herself than the organization.??

Nonpartisan 投票者 登録 壇・綱領・公約 投票(する).org began the year with up to 20 paid positions and has lost nearly half its staff since February
Swift has 支援するd 投票(する).org and has been using her 影響(力) to get people out to the 投票s since 2018
Sources told DailyMail.com that CEO Andrea Hailey's '焦点(を合わせる) is that the organization 促進するs her' rather than running the company

The layoffs couldn't have come at a worse time.?

'It's bad for 僕主主義 when the largest 投票者 登録 organization in the country is 直面するing 内部の problems in an 選挙 year and can't take advantage of what should be a fertile period for fundraising,' one insider said.

'It's also troubling for people who are really 焦点(を合わせる)d on 保存するing 僕主主義 with this 選挙 coming up.'

CEO Hailey, 43, 警報d the 影響する/感情d スタッフの一員s herself 経由で email.

'We 悔いる to 知らせる you that your 雇用 with 投票(する).org is 終結させるd, 効果的な Thursday, March 21, 2024,' reads Hailey's message, 得るd by DailyMail.com.

'予定 to the 極度の慎重さを要する nature of your 事前の 範囲 of work, we have 終結させるd 接近 to email and our systems.'

'We'll arrange for your laptop and 独房 phones to be returned to the organization,' she continued, and directed staff to 接触する HR to '調整する your final salary 支払い(額) and COBRA, によれば 投票(する).org 政策, should you be 適格の to 参加する.'

'We wish you the best of luck for your 未来 努力するs,' she の近くにd. 'Respectfully Yours, Andrea.'

Reached this week by DailyMail.com, Hailey 明言する/公表するd, 'Unfortunately, 投票(する).org's ability to 持続する our staff and the innovative programs that make this work possible depends on the pace of philanthropic giving which often comes closer to the 選挙.


'Like other 非,不,無-利益(をあげる)s, we have had to make difficult 決定/判定勝ち(する)s to 確実にする we are in a strong position to 達成する our 使節団 in this 批判的な 大統領の 選挙 season.'

The terminations followed months of mixed messages from higher-ups. At the beginning of the year, the group 地位,任命するd several 職業 開始s and in 早期に March flew 上級の 従業員s from around the country to Los Angeles for a 退却/保養地 焦点(を合わせる)d on team building and 社債ing, sources said.

But the 希望に満ちた 調印するs obscured a grim reality. Staff had been told in 最近の months that they were not 会合 fundraising goals.?

One major 攻撃する,衝突する (機の)カム from the Silicon Valley group Mind the Gap, which 与える/捧げるd a 連合させるd $21million for 無線で通信する (選挙などの)運動をするs in 2020 and 2022, but 除去するd 基金ing for 2024, 非難するing poor 管理/経営 and high 行政の costs at 投票(する).org, sources said.

'The 寄贈者s saw some struggles with their ability to manage the program,' one source explained. 'Also, 行政の costs were surprisingly high.'

Hailey 'aspired to be another Stacey Abrams' によれば 投票(する).org's former communications director
Abrams is a renowned 投票(する)ing 権利s 行動主義者 from Georgia with a 国家の profile
In September the CEO of 投票(する).org 株d the numbers that resulted from the link in Swift's 声明 encouraging her fans to 投票(する), which 含むs 調印 up over 35,000 登録s and 50,000 people 確認するing that they were 登録(する)d
Hailey rakes in a salary of about a 4半期/4分の1-million dollars.?'Her 焦点(を合わせる) is that the organization 促進するs her,' one insider told DailyMail.com. 'The organization is supposed to be about the work. That's not her 戦略の 使節団'
の中で the events Hailey (left) has …に出席するd in the past couple of months are SXSW, the 年次の arts festival in Austin, Texas, and the NBA All 星/主役にする Game in Indianapolis

投票(する).org 述べるs itself as the largest nonprofit, nonpartisan 投票者 登録 壇・綱領・公約 in America. It drew more than 14 million visits in the 2022 選挙 cycle, 供給するing 道具s for 投票者s to 登録(する), request mail-in-投票(する)s, find 投票ing places and le arn about applicable 法律s.

促進するd in past 選挙s by Barack Obama, Beyonc? and Kim Kardashian, the group received a fresh 上げる in September when Taylor Swift directed fans to 投票(する).org and got 35,000 to 登録(する).

But internally, staff 関心s were growing as 基金s 乾燥した,日照りのd up. Some 非難するd 管理/経営, 描写するing Hailey ? who rakes in a salary of about a 4半期/4分の1-million dollars ? as more 焦点(を合わせる)d on 支持する/優勝者ing herself than the organization.


'Her 焦点(を合わせる) is that the organization 促進するs her,' one insider told DailyMail.com. 'The organization is supposed to be about the work. That's not her 戦略の 使節団.

'She has a personal stylist who dresses her and somebody who does her hair and 構成 for Zoom and every public event she goes to.

'I've never seen anything like it, and I've worked for pretty high-level elected 公式の/役人s,' the source 追加するd.

の中で the events Hailey has …に出席するd in the past couple of months are SXSW, the 年次の arts festival in Austin, Texas, and the NBA All 星/主役にする Game in Indianapolis.

'She's not the First Lady of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs. It is a very high level she spends on 外見 and travel, and she feels the need to travel with 安全 wherever she goes,' the source said.?

A 投票(する).org spokesperson said the 安全 is necessary because Hailey has been the 的 of thousands of 脅しs, 含むing death 脅しs and 人種差別主義者 screeds, with repeated use of the 'N' word. She's also had her hotel room broken into.?

The spokesperson 追加するd that Hailey 支払う/賃金s for some of the 安全 herself, 同様に as her own stylist. 'Hair and 構成 for マスコミ interviews and public 外見s is a ありふれた expense for high profile women leaders in the public 注目する,もくろむ,' the spokesperson 追加するd.

投票(する).org's former communications 経営者/支配人 Lauren Brown told DailyMail.com that she was 雇うd in July 2021 まず第一に/本来 to 'elevate Andrea's profile'.

She said her boss aspired to be another Stacey Abrams, a renowned 投票(する)ing 権利s 行動主義者 from Georgia with a 国家の profile.


'That was what Andrea 手配中の,お尋ね者,' said Brown, who やめる the に引き続いて year. 'Stacey Abrams had a 抱擁する profile in the space. Andrea 完全な said she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be everywhere Stacey was.'

'It felt like Andrea really enjoyed the 高級なs of 存在 a CEO, but it did not seem like I was working with someone who was living, dying, breathing to make sure people could 投票(する),' Brown 追加するd.

Others have 非難するd Hailey's 管理/経営 style.

'Andrea spends her days pitting team members against each other so she can become the hero and save the day,' one insider told DailyMail.com. 'It's a very unhealthy workplace 環境.'

Debra Cleaver, 投票(する).org's 創立者, had run the group for over a 10年間 before the board ? on which Hailey sat ? 投票(する)d to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 her

Hailey was 任命するd CEO in 2019 after the board she sat on 投票(する)d to 解雇する/砲火/射撃 Debra Cleaver, 投票(する).org's 創立者 who had run the group for over a 10年間.

The move 誘発するd a bitter 反目,不和 between Cleaver's 寄贈者s and her former board, 原因(となる)ing millions of dollars in 心配するd 出資/貢献s to 落ちる through.

In 2022, Cleaver 告訴するd for wrongful termination in an 試みる/企てる to 奪い返す 支配(する)/統制する, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing she'd been 解雇する/砲火/射撃d for 告発する/非難するing the board of misappropriating $40,000 in severance to an 従業員 who 辞職するd 任意に.

投票(する).org 否定するd 悪事を働くこと and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd Cleaver was 終結させるd for erratic and abrasive 行為, Time Magazine 報告(する)/憶測d at the time.

But Cleaver's 訴訟 also took direct 目的(とする) at Hailey, 告発する/非難するing her of embellishing and lying about her 信任状 to become CEO.

She 特記する/引用するd several examples 含むing Hailey's (人命などを)奪う,主張する to have worked on 得点する/非難する/20s of congressional (選挙などの)運動をするs and advised two U.S. 大統領,/社長s. An FEC database shows she had 現実に worked, 簡潔に, for just one congressional (選挙などの)運動をする, the 控訴 明言する/公表するs.


The 訴訟 also (人命などを)奪う,主張するs Hailey had a checkered 財政上の history 含むing 多重の 税金 liens and an eviction from a $7,000-a-month 高級な Georgetown 賃貸しの for purportedly failing to 支払う/賃金 four months' rent in 2019, の直前に she was 雇うd.

The 投票(する).org spokesperson told DailyMail.com that Hailey worked for House 大多数 PAC and other 協議するing 会社/堅いs 補助装置ing dozens of (選挙などの)運動をするs. Regarding the Georgetown 事例/患者, the spokesperson said that 伴う/関わるd a broader 論争 with the landlord over requested 修理s and that the eviction order was later 孤立した.

Under Hailey's 任期, 投票(する).org raised $22.3 million and spent $20.6 million from Jan uary 2020 to June 2022, when it had $4.7 million in reserve, によれば the most 最近の public 税金 filings.

She told DaiyMail.com that she has proudly 統括するd over a 270 パーセント 増加する in 基金s raised, a 257 パーセント 増加する in 場所/位置 visits, a 220 パーセント 増加する in new 投票者 登録s and a 5000 パーセント 増加する in 投票者 接触するs, while 安全 new 共同s and 開拓するing innovative programs to reach 攻撃を受けやすい communities.

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