I left my £30,000 BMW with Manchester airport 会合,会う-and-迎える/歓迎する staff - when I got 支援する it was written off after they 衝突,墜落d it in multi-storey car park

  • Andrew Swindells, 47, was 通知するd through his phone of a serious 衝突/不一致?

A man's £30,000 BMW was written off after it was 衝突,墜落d by Manchester Airport parking staff in a multi-storey car park.

Andrew Swindells, 47, 手渡すd over the 重要なs to his BMW One Series after 支払う/賃金ing just short of £100 for the airport's valet-style '会合,会う and 迎える/歓迎する' parking service before jetting off to the US for a 商売/仕事 trip.

However, while having dinner in Chicago just days later his car's on-board telemetry system 警報d him 経由で his 動きやすい phone to a 'serious 衝突/不一致'.

完全に unaware of what was happening, he was then called by BMW to ask him if he was all 権利 and tell him to pull over すぐに.

On arrival 支援する to Manchester, the father-of-two from Widnes, Cheshire, said he was taken up to the 最高の,を越す 床に打ち倒す of a multi-story car park where he saw the BMW 衝突,墜落d into a 固める/コンクリート bollard.?

He said the airport has now settled with his 保険会社s and apologised to him.?

Here is a look at the damage that was caused to?Andrew Swindells' £30,000 BMW
Here is a look at the damage that was caused to?Andrew Swindells' £30,000 BMW

Here is a look at the 損失 that was 原因(となる)d to?Andrew Swindells' £30,000 BMW

On a business trip to the US, his phone received an emergency alert notifying a collision

On a 商売/仕事 trip to the US, his phone received an 緊急 警報 通知するing a 衝突/不一致

The car itself - bought second-手渡す by Mr Swindells 12 months ago at three months old - was left up on the car park for weeks because it couldn't be moved, he 追加するd. He was also 批判的な of the level of 顧客 service he got from the airport.

The IT 製品 経営者/支配人, who 定期的に 飛行機で行くs abroad on 商売/仕事, に例えるd the scenes at the airport to 'something out of Only Fools and Horses'.

He said: 'It all happened at the end of January, but it has taken ages for the airport to sort the 保険 out. It dragged on and on.

'It's valet parking and they move the car to another 場所/位置 on the airport. It ended up within the 境界s of the airport on the 最高の,を越す storey of a seven-storey multi-storey.

'During the trip I received notifications from the in-car telemetry to tell me it had been 伴う/関わるd in an 事故. Upon returning, I 設立する the car had been driven into a 固める/コンクリート 封鎖する, whilst 存在 moved by the airport driver.

'The airport team told me the car was 存在 driven slowly and 安全に, however the car has been written off by the 保険 company. They managed to 完全に 令状 it off by 衝突,墜落ing it into a 固める/コンクリート 封鎖する.

'I just thought the sensors had gone at first and ignored it, then I got a call from BMW about 20 minutes later. They phoned me to ask me if I was ok - I was 完全に unaware of what was going on. I tried to phone the airport but couldn't get an answer.'

He said he 結局 got through on the phone from America and was told by the airport the car had been in an 事故, but given no 詳細(に述べる)s.

'I landed 支援する in Manchester on January 27 and went to the 会合,会う and 迎える/歓迎する 歓迎会,' he said. 'There were two 経営者/支配人s waiting for me. I have to say they were really good. They said "yes, your car has been in a 衝突,墜落. We need to show you what happened".

The car itself was left up on the car park for weeks because it couldn't be moved

The car itself was left up on the car park fo r weeks because it couldn't be moved

'We went up to the car park and it was 粉砕するd into a 地位,任命する. I was just 完全に surprised. They said the driver misjudged a turn.

'The telemetry said it was 存在 driven between 20 and 30mph at the time. They had to leave it in situ for the 保険 査定/評価. It was up there for weeks.'

Mr Swindells said he was given a 雇う car while the 状況/情勢 was dealt with by his 保険会社s and the airport's.

He said: '結局 they (機の)カム 支援する and said the car's a 令状-off. They 申し込む/申し出d to 支払う/賃金 me market value and we went 支援する and 今後 for weeks. 結局 they made me an 申し込む/申し出 which I agreed to.

'Apart from when I met with the 経営者/支配人s on the Saturday, I have had no 接触する from the airport. I had to chase them.'

A Manchester Airport spokesperson told the Manchester Evening News: 'We apologise to Mr Swindells for the 損失 to his car and have worked with his 保険 company to 確実にする he is fully 補償するd.

'Thousands of 乗客s use our 会合,会う and 迎える/歓迎する 製品s every week and 出来事/事件s 主要な to any 肉親,親類d of 損失 are 極端に rare.'