Fetterman 主張するs he is 'NOT woke' and 無断占拠者s have 'no 権利s': Pennsylvania 民主党員 涙/ほころびs into soft-on-罪,犯罪 政策s

  • '無断占拠者s have no 権利s,' the 自由主義の 国会議員 told the New York 地位,任命する. 'How can you even pretend that this is anything other than you're just breaking the 法律?'
  • 'It's wild, that if you go away on a long trip, for 30 days, and someone breaks into your home and suddenly they have 権利s,' he 追加するd

Pennsylvania 民主党員 Sen. John Fetterman 主張するd he is not 'woke' and that 無断占拠者s have 'no 権利s' まっただ中に 乱暴/暴力を加える over an 増加する in home break-ins that have led to 侵入者s (人命などを)奪う,主張するing residency.?

'無断占拠者s have no 権利s,' the 自由主義の 国会議員 told the New York 地位,任命する. 'How can you even pretend that this is anything other than you're just breaking the 法律?'

'It's wild, that if you go away on a long trip, for 30 days, and someone breaks into your home and suddenly they have 権利s,' he 追加するd. 'This is crazy. Like if somebody stole your car, and then they held it for 30 days, then somehow you now have some 権利s?'

'I am not woke,' Fetterman 主張するd.?

Pennsylvania Democrat Sen. John Fetterman insisted he is not ' woke ' and that squatters have 'no rights' amid outrage over an increase in home break-ins that have led to intruders claiming residency

Pennsylvania 民主党員 Sen. John Fetterman 主張するd he is not ' woke ' and that 無断占拠者s have 'no 権利s' まっただ中に 乱暴/暴力を加える over an 増加する in home break-ins that have led to 侵入者s (人命などを)奪う,主張するing residency

Recently a pair of New York City 無断占拠者s 告訴するd a woman whose home they had broken into?Last month, and 始める,決める up mattresses, a flat 審査する TV and a massage (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する inside the $530,000 house that they (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to have 合法的に 賃貸し(する)d months earlier and 辞退するd to leave.

Fetterman also tore into 自由主義の 罪,犯罪 政策s that 保守的なs have 非難するd for the 致命的な 狙撃 of NYPD 探偵,刑事 Jonathan Diller.?

'I have gone to police funerals,' Fetterman said. 'If this individual is 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, then he should spend the 残り/休憩(する) of his life and in 刑務所,拘置所, and never have an 適切な時期 to get out.'?

?Diller was 恐らく killed last month by a man who had 21 事前の 逮捕(する)s.?

A Texas couple is demanding lawmakers take action to mitigate squatting after the homeowners say they were abused by a contractor who refuses to leave their fixer-upper propert

A Texas couple is 需要・要求するing 国会議員s take 活動/戦闘 to mitigate squatting after the homeowners say they were 乱用d by a 請負業者 who 辞退するs to leave their fixer-upper propert

'If this individual is 罪人/有罪を宣告するd, then he should spend the 残り/休憩(する) of his life in 刑務所,拘置所, and never have an 適切な時期 to get out,' Fetterman 結論するd. 'If you have those 肉親,親類d of 設立するd 記録,記録的な/記録するs, it doesn't serve any greater goal to 許す people that are 感情を害する/違反するing, 感情を害する/違反するing, 感情を害する/違反する ing and 許す them to not be held accountable.'

Fetterman also broke with 上院 大多数 Leader Chuck Schumer over his call for new 選挙s in イスラエル.?

'It's reasonable if you want to 非難する, but to call for 効果的に like a 政権 change, I 同意しない,' Fetterman said. 'I didn't agree because イスラエル is a 僕主主義, it is our 重要な special 同盟(する). And our nation wouldn't 高く評価する/(相場などが)上がる any 肉親,親類d of foreign input. So why should we do that for イスラエル?'

Schumer last month said that 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu's 政府 'no longer fits the needs of イスラエル after October 7.'?

The New York 民主党員 said 'Netanyahu has lost his way by 許すing his political 生き残り to take the 優先 over the best 利益/興味s of イスラエル.'

進歩/革新的なs had celebrated Fetterman's 勝利,勝つ over Dr. Mehmet Oz, thinking the former 中尉/大尉/警部補 知事, a longtime 支持する of LGTQ 原因(となる)s and 合法化するd cannabis, would be a 支持する/優勝者 for their 原因(となる)s.?

But in 最近の days he's tacked to the 権利 on some 問題/発行するs, most 顕著に after the 突発/発生 of war between イスラエル and Gaza.?

On Thursday he 発言する/表明するd his 対立 to 大統領 Biden's 警告 that 未来 援助(する) to イスラエル could be 条件d.?

'In this war against Hamas ― no 条件s for イスラエル,' he said.?

Recently Fetterman lost three of his 最高の,を越す communications スタッフの一員s to other left-leaning offices.??