DAILY MAIL COMMENT: 労働's 共謀 of silence goes on

More than six weeks on, 主張s of impropriety hang over Angela Rayner like a malodorous cloud.?

Since The Mail on Sunday first published 証拠 of 財政上の 不正行為s around the sale of her ex-会議 house, the 副 労働 leader has done nothing but stonewall.

同僚s trying to make excuses for her silence are becoming desperate. 影をつくる/尾行する Foreign 長官 David Lammy 攻撃する,衝突する new 高さs of absurdity by 示唆するing she was 存在 smeared because she was 'northern'.

Just to remind him, the 鮮明度/定義 of a smear is to 損失 someone's 評判 with 誤った 告訴,告発s. There are no 誤った 告訴,告発s here, only simple facts and 合法的 questions.

First, was the house in Vicarage Road, Stockport, Ms Rayner's 主要な/長/主犯 住居 when she sold it, or was she really living with her children and husband at his house in nearby Lowndes 小道/航路, as her 隣人s and social マスコミ 地位,任命するs 堅固に 暗示する?

More than six weeks on, allegations of impropriety hang over Angela Rayner like a malodorous cloud

More than six weeks on, 主張s of impropriety hang over Angela Rayner like a malodorous cloud

Since The Mail on Sunday first published evidence of financial irregularities around the sale of her ex-council house, the deputy Labour leader has done nothing but stonewall

Since The Mail on Sunday first published 証拠 of 財政上の 不正行為s around the sale of her ex-会議 house, the 副 労働 leader has done nothing but stonewall

If the latter, three more 決定的な questions flow. Did she 避ける 支払う/賃金ing 資本/首都 伸び(る)s 税金 on her £48,500 利益(をあげる) from the sale? Why was she on the 選挙(人)の roll at that 演説(する)/住所 when living どこかよそで? And did she wrongly (人命などを)奪う,主張する 選び出す/独身 person's 会議 税金 disco unt?

Yesterday, Sir Keir Starmer continued with his preposterous 'nothing to see here' narrative. 'Angela Rayner has been asked no end of questions about this. She's answered them all,' he said. No, she hasn't. She's batted them all away in the hope they'll go away. But they won't.

With delicious irony, 影をつくる/尾行する (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 Rachel Reeves 発表するd 計画(する)s yesterday to 'take on the 税金 ペテン師'. She might start by having a 静かな 雑談(する) with Ms Rayner. Maybe she'll get some answers where everyone else has failed.


Airbrushing history

Whether seen as hero or villain, there's no 否定するing Sir Robert Clive had a unique 影響(力) on this country's 外交政策. After vanquishing the French at Plassey, he 安全な・保証するd British 支配(する)/統制する over India ? making himself fabulously 豊富な in the 過程.

His statue outside the Foreign Office serves as a potent symbol of 皇室の 力/強力にする. Often ruthless and exploitative by today's 基準s, the empire is part of our コンビナート/複合体 island story. We can't change or excise it, nor should we try. We can only learn from it.

However, a group of former 蜜柑s wants to give history the airbrush 治療. They recommend 取って代わるing the Foreign Office with a new Department for International 事件/事情/状勢s and moving it from its grand Whitehall setting to modern 前提s with 'より小数の 植民地の pictures on the 塀で囲むs'.

A group of former?mandarins have recommended replacing the Foreign Office?with a new Department for International Affairs

A group of former?蜜柑s have recommended 取って代わるing the Foreign Office?with a new Department for International 事件/事情/状勢s

There have also been calls to remove 'colonial era pictures' from the walls. Pictured:?Britannia Pacificatrix, one of the five Foreign Office murals by Sigismund Goetz

There have also been calls to 除去する '植民地の 時代 pictures' from the 塀で囲むs. Pictured:?Britannia Pacificatrix, one of the five Foreign Office murals by Sigismund Goetz

'The very 指名する of the Foreign, 連邦/共和国 and 開発 Office is 錨,総合司会者d in the past,' they say. Maybe so, but it's far いっそう少なく pretentious than their 代案/選択肢, which sounds like some 恐ろしい 権利-on think-戦車/タンク. And if the 連邦/共和国 is so outdated, why do so many nations, some of which weren't even British 植民地s, still want to be members?

On any given day more th an half of Foreign Office 労働者s are 明らかに working from home. If these pompous chin-strokers really want to 改善する 基準s, they should stop obsessing about the past and tell 現在の staff to get 支援する to their desks.


Barely a day goes by without 地元の 当局 pleading poverty. One in five say they are at 危険 of 破産, most are 引き上げ(る)ing up 会議 税金 while cutting services and all want more 政府 money.?

Yet somehow, 会議s managed to 支払う/賃金 salaries of above £100,000 to a 記録,記録的な/記録する number of 公式の/役人s last year. Are they really 利益/興味d in serving the public, or themselves?