Samantha Markle 計画(する)s to ask Kate Middleton for a 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 as she 公式に とじ込み/提出するs 控訴,上告 against 裁判官's 解雇/(訴訟の)却下 of her defamation 事例/患者 against half-sister Meghan but says: 'Her 回復 is a 優先'

  • Last month, Florida 裁判官 Charlene Edwards Honeywell said that the 事例/患者 should be 解任するd because Samantha 'failed to identify any 声明s that could support a (人命などを)奪う,主張する for defamation?

Samantha Markle's 合法的な team will ask the Princess of むちの跡s??for a 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 as the estranged half-sister of Meghan 試みる/企てるs to continue her defamation 訴訟 against the Duchess of Sussex in a Florida 法廷,裁判所.?

It was earlier 報告(する)/憶測d that Samantha's lawyer, Peter Ticktin, had とじ込み/提出するd an 控訴,上告 to 裁判官 Charlene Edwards Honeywell's March 判決,裁定 that Meghan's comments during the couple's 2021 interview with Oprah Winfrey did not 長所 defamation.?

The 控訴 was 解任するd with prejudice, meaning that it cannot 簡単に be refiled.?

にもかかわらず the request, Samantha, 59, has 強調する/ストレスd that the Kate Middleton's ' 回復 is 優先.'

'I think it's important everyone know that this was out there by my 弁護士/代理人/検事 before anyone was aware of her health challenges,' Samantha told former GB News host Dan Wootton.?

On March 18, Ticktin told Wootton during an episode of his Outspoken online talk show that he felt as though the princess would be able to 供給する a useful 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 in the 裁判,公判.??

'I felt that Catherine might have some very important light to shed on what had occurred because 明白に something is really really wrong between these two.'?

That (機の)カム just four days before the princess shocked the world by 公表する/暴露するing that she was?戦う/戦いing 癌.?MailOnline has reached out to Kensington Palace and Samantha Markle's 合法的な team for comment.?

A judge's decision in March saved Meghan from a lawsuit that was set to begin in November 2024

A 裁判官's 決定/判定勝ち(する) in March saved Meghan from a 訴訟 that was 始める,決める to begin in November 2024

Samantha Markle is seen in November outside a courtroom in Tampa, Florida, where she was trying to convince a judge to allow her defamation case against Meghan Markle to proceed

Samantha Markle is seen in November outside a courtroom in Tampa, Florida, where she was trying to 納得させる a 裁判官 to 許す her defamation 事例/患者 against Meghan Markle to proceed

Just after Samantha's lawyer disclosed that he wanted a witness statement from Kate Middleton, the Princess of Wales shocked the world by announcing her cancer diagnosis

Just after Samantha's lawyer 公表する/暴露するd that he 手配中の,お尋ね者 a 証言,証人/目撃する 声明 from Kate Middleton, the Princess of むちの跡s shocked the world by 発表するing her 癌 diagnosis

It wasn't until this week when it was 発表するd that Samantha was still 戦う/戦いing in 法廷,裁判所 to continue her 訴訟 against Meghan.?

裁判官 Honeywell said that the 事例/患者 should be 解任するd because Samantha 'failed to identify any 声明s that could support a (人命などを)奪う,主張する for defamation.'?

'Notice is hereby given that the 原告/提訴人, Samantha M. Markle, by and through her undersigned counsel, 控訴,上告s to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 法廷,裁判所 of 控訴,上告s for the Eleventh 回路・連盟 from the Order 認めるing 被告s, Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, 動議 to 解任する entered by the Honorable Charlene Edwards Honeywell on March 12, 2024,' the 控訴,上告 文書 reads.?

There have been no 公式の/役人 updates on the Princess of むちの跡s' 条件 since her earth-粉々にするing 告示 last month.??

Princess Catherine had what was 述べるd as 復部の 外科 on Jan. 16. The news wasn't 発表するd until the next day, when Kensington Palace 明らかにする/漏らすd that she was 回復するing from a planned 操作/手術.

At the time, 公式の/役人s said her 条件 wasn't cancerous but did not 明示する what 肉親,親類d of 外科, 説 only that it was successful.?

During the ビデオ 告示, the princess said: '実験(する)s after the 操作/手術 設立する 癌 had been 現在の,' and that she was in the 早期に 行う/開催する/段階s of 治療.

She didn't say what 肉親,親類d of 癌 was 設立する, nor did she give 詳細(に述べる)s of her chemotherapy. The 声明 from Kensington Palace said the princess 設立する out about the 癌 after 地位,任命する-外科 実験(する)s were done.?

The palace 声明 said no 詳細(に述べる)s would be 供給するd about her 癌 or her 治療, other than she started it in late February.

'We will not be 株ing any その上の 私的な 医療の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状). The Princess has a 権利 to 医療の privacy as we all do,' the 声明 said.

The appeal filed by Samantha Markle's lawyer this week

The 控訴,上告 とじ込み/提出するd by Samantha Markle's lawyer this week?

Samantha's lawyer, Peter Ticktin, pictured with longtime Donald Trump activist Roger Stone in 2022

Samantha's lawyer, Peter Ticktin, pictured with longtime Donald Trump 行動主義者 Roger 石/投石する in 2022

The March 決定/判定勝ち(する) spared Meghan from a 裁判,公判 which was 始める,決める to take place at the 法廷,裁判所 in Tampa in November.

Samantha has been 捜し出すing at least $75,000 for defamation and defamation by 関わりあい/含蓄 for Meghan 示唆するing to Oprah that she grew up as an only child.

Meghan also said that Samantha only changed her 指名する 支援する to Markle after she began dating Harry.

によれば Samantha, Meghan made 類似の (人命などを)奪う,主張するs in the Netflix series and the 主張s 支配するd her to 'humiliation, shame and 憎悪 on a 世界的な 規模'.

In her 58-page 判決,裁定, 裁判官 Honeywell said that Meghan's 声明s could not be defamatory because they are '大幅に true based on judicially noticed 証拠' or 'not 有能な of 存在 considered defamatory.'?

Samantha had failed to 'plausibly 主張する that they are defamatory in the first place', the 裁判官 said.

The 裁判官 公式文書,認めるd that Meghan's comments about her childhood was her '単に opining' that she d id not have a の近くに 関係 with Samantha, her half sister with whom she 株 a father.

裁判官 Honeywell said that Samantha's (人命などを)奪う,主張する that Meghan '暗示するd that (she) was a liar and a fame-探検者', was an '妥当でない mischaracterization' of what the Duchess said.

A judge dismissed Samantha Markle's defamation suit against her sister Meghan. Samantha was seeking damages in excess of $75,000

A 裁判官 解任するd Samantha Markle's defamation 控訴 against her sister Meghan in March. Samantha was 捜し出すing 損害賠償金 in 超過 of $75,000

The decision in March saved the Sussexes, pictured here at the recent NAACP awards, from a trial in Florida that was set to begin in November 2024

The 決定/判定勝ち(する) in March saved the Sussexes, pictured here at the 最近の NAACP awards, from a 裁判,公判 in Florida that was 始める,決める to begin in November 2024

Pictured: Meghan Markle at Samantha's graduation in 2008.?Samantha, 59, has accused her famous sister of defamation by implication for Meghan suggesting to Oprah that she grew up as an only child

Pictured: Meghan Markle at Samantha's 卒業 in 2008.?Samantha, 59, has (刑事)被告 her famous sister of defamation by 関わりあい/含蓄 for Meghan 示唆するing to Oprah that she grew up as an only child?

Turning to Meghan's 声明 that Samantha changed her 指名する from Rasmussen, her married 指名する, 支援する to Markle after the Duchess began dating Harry, the 裁判官 said that 'the gist was true'.

She wrote: 'That 原告/提訴人 used one last 指名する and then the 指名する Markle soon after 報告(する)/憶測s of 被告's re lationship with Prince Harry were published is 大幅に true, based on the 展示(する)s in the 記録,記録的な/記録する, of which the 法廷,裁判所 has taken judicial notice.'?

の中で the 声明s in Samantha's (人命などを)奪う,主張する was one by Harry in the Netflix series in which he said: 'Perhaps the most troubling part of this is the number of British 新聞記者/雑誌記者s interacting with and amplifying the hate and the lies'.

But 裁判官 Honeywell said: 'That this 声明 was 含むd in the (民事の)告訴 is perplexing and 示唆するs haste, a 誤解 of the 法律, or a 欠如(する) of diligence on the part of 原告/提訴人's counsel.?

'It is 不明瞭な how this 声明 could be defamatory に向かって 原告/提訴人, as it does not 言及/関連 her'.

In her 結論, 裁判官 Honeywell wrote: '原告/提訴人's (人命などを)奪う,主張するs will be 解任するd with prejudice, as she has failed to identify any 声明s that could support a (人命などを)奪う,主張する for defamation or defamation-by-関わりあい/含蓄 by this point, her third try at 修正するing her (民事の)告訴, in either the 調書をとる/予約する Finding Freedom, the Netflix series Harry & Meghan, or 被告 and her husband's hour-long テレビ放送するd CBS Interview'.

The 事例/患者 was 初めは とじ込み/提出するd in March 2022 and in 合法的な filings Samantha 詳細(に述べる)d at length how she was 'very の近くに' to Meghan when they grew up in Los Angeles.?

Samantha helped Meghan with her homework, took her shopping and had a 'wonderful 関係' with her, it was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

But once Meghan began to become famous on the TV series 控訴s, she 'no longer had time' for Samantha and by 2016 they had stopped visiting each other, it was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

The 訴訟 (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that once Meghan met Harry she became '敵意を持った' to Samantha 同様に as the 残り/休憩(する) of her family.

The 'defining moment' of Meghan's 'unwarranted 敵意' に向かって Meghan happened in 2017 when the Duchess 恐らく 'hung up the phone すぐに' upon 審理,公聴会 Samantha's 発言する/表明する.

?Samantha called 支援する but 'to this day Meghan has never returned Samantha's phone call', she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.

Since then Meghan has 'belligerently 試みる/企てるd to malign Samantha and other family members', the 訴訟 明言する/公表するs.

Meghan's method is to '終結させる friendships, rather than save them, and for her to become 敵意を持った', the 訴訟 (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

Before her wedding in 2018, Meghan and Samantha's father Thomas Sr 苦しむd two heart attacks but instead of showing him 'grace and compassion, she 効果的に 終結させるd her 関係'.

Thomas Sr had been caught 提起する/ポーズをとるing for photos with a paparazzi 機関 and Meghan has 公然と (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that she did not believe he was telling her the truth.

After that it is 申し立てられた/疑わしい that Meghan 'started her smear (選挙などの)運動をする and 現在進行中の deluge of distorted facts and stories, 完全にする with 偽の 引用するs about and 'by' Samantha'.

The 訴訟 even (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that Meghan has 'encouraged 憎悪 of Samantha through a bot 網状組織 which 原因(となる)d 広大な/多数の/重要な 害(を与える) to Samantha'.

Samantha and Meghan have had a difficult 関係 for year s which 爆発するd into public 見解(をとる) after Meghan's 約束/交戦 to Harry was 発表するd in 2017.

Samantha was 引用するd by 新聞記者/雑誌記者s as 説 that 'The Queen would be appalled' and called her a 'ducha**' on Twitter.

In her memoir, 肩書を与えるd 'The Diary of Princess Pushy's Sister', Samantha (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that Meghan ordered their father to disown his children from his first marriage if he 手配中の,お尋ね者 an 招待 to her wedding.

によれば the 調書をとる/予約する, Meghan told Thomas Sr to 離婚 himself from her and her brother Thomas by 説: 'You don't need them!'

Thomas Sr 辞退するd and 恐らく said: 'I love you all 平等に' to which Meghan replied: 'Why can't you just 従う?'