Liz Truss 明らかにする/漏らすs the advice Queen Elizabeth gave her before she died which the former PM now wishes she had listened to

  • Liz Truss In her own words, the 劇の inside story of how she was driven out of 負かす/撃墜するing Street starts 排他的に in Saturday’s Mail?
  • Liz Truss was advised by Queen Elizabeth II to 'pace' herself before she died

Liz Truss was advised by the late Queen to 'pace' herself, the former 首相 has 明らかにする/漏らすd.

Ms Truss met the 君主 at Balmoral just two days before her death in September 2022.

In her 近づいている memoir, the ex-PM 収容する/認めるs she did not listen to the Queen's 下落する advice, in a 20-minute discussion between the pair.

Ms Truss's 49 days in 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金 were 示すd by 経済的な 騒動 ? 含むing 改革(する)s that sent the 続けざまに猛撃する 宙返り/暴落するing ? before her 追い出すing from 負かす/撃墜するing Street.

She 令状s of the late Queen in the 調書をとる/予約する, Ten Years To Save The West, which will be serialised 排他的に in the Mail from Saturday: 'She was 完全に attuned to everything that was happening, 同様に as 存在 typically sharp and witty.

Liz Truss meets Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral Castle two days before the monarch's death

Liz Truss 会合,会うs Queen Elizabeth II at Balmoral 城 two days before the 君主's death

'Ten Years to Save the West': Former Prime Minister Liz Truss's new book

'Ten Years to Save the West': Former 総理大臣 Liz Truss's new 調書をとる/予約する

'に向かって the end of our discussion, she 警告するd me that 存在 首相 is incredibly 高齢化. She also gave me two words of advice: "Pace yourself." Maybe I should have listened.'

召喚するd to Scotland 予定 to the Queen's poor health, Ms Truss 述べるd her as 'frail' but '警報', '絶対 on 最高の,を越す' of things and seemed 意図 on 会合 again.

Liz Truss: A political memoir like no other

In her own words, the 劇の inside story of how she was driven out of 負かす/撃墜するing Street.

Starts 排他的に in Saturday's Daily Mail.

Liz Truss delivers a speech on her last day as PM, outside No 10 on October 25, 2022

Liz Truss 配達するs a speech on her last day as PM, outside No 10 on October 25, 2022


Upon news of the Queen's death ? which (機の)カム just days after Ms Truss entered No 10 ? the former 首相 解任するs thinking: 'Why me? Why now?'

The 明言する/公表する 儀式 and 議定書 that followed left her 'a long way from my natural 慰安 zone', she 令状s. Ms Truss said she broke 負かす/撃墜する 'into floods of 涙/ほころびs on the sofa'. She 追加するd: 'Once again the grief was mixed with a feeling of awe over the sheer 負わせる of the event, and the fact that it was happening on my watch.'

Ms Truss 認める previous 首相s may have been better ふさわしい to the events by 供給するing 'the 急に上がるing rhetoric and performative statesmanship necessary'.

She said that, にもかかわらず 存在 under 大規模な political 圧力, her first 会合 with King Charles 誘発するd 'a bizarre sense of camaraderie between us, with both starting out in our new 役割s and having to navigate unfamiliar 領土'. At the time, Tory MPs had already begun making moves to relieve Ms Truss of her 義務s. As she curtseyed to Charles, he said: 'So you've come 支援する again?'

Ms Truss replied: 'It's a 広大な/多数の/重要な 楽しみ,' but the King 追加するd: 'Dear, oh dear. Anyway…'

In an interview about her 調書をとる/予約する last year with The Mail on Sunday, Ms Truss 明らかにする/漏らすd her former friendship with Kwasi Kwarteng is 効果的に over.

Ms Truss 解雇する/砲火/射撃d Mr Kwarteng as (ドイツなどの)首相/(大学の)学長 in a last-溝へはまらせる/不時着する 試みる/企てる to 回避する her demise.

Asked whether they are are still in 接触する, she said: 'Occasionally. I'm not speaking to him that much.'