Meghan and Harry to wade into U.S. politics again ahead of the 2024 選挙: Duke and Duchess of Sussex working with 'Hollywood 力/強力にする players' to 戦闘 the 猛攻撃 of AI 'deepfakes'

  • Archewell 創立/基礎 is helping brainstorm new content for a (選挙などの)運動をする to 戦闘 misinformation in the 2024 選挙
  • In the 2020 選挙, Harry and Meghan 勧めるd Americans to 拒絶する hate speech
  • There has long been 憶測 that Meghan has political ambitions?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are once again wading into U.S. politics, joining a (選挙などの)運動をする to 警告する American 投票者s against misinformation in the 近づいている 大統領の 選挙.

Their?Archewell 創立/基礎 and other Hollywood political players are supporting an 率先 to 準備する U.S. 投票者s for a possible 猛攻撃 of AI?deepfake (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状), Axios?報告(する)/憶測d.

特に, the Archewell 創立/基礎 is helping brainstorm new content for the? (選挙などの)運動をする.

It is the second time around the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have gotten 伴う/関わるd in a 大統領の 選挙. In the 2020 contest, they 勧めるd Americans to 調印する up to 投票(する) and 拒絶する misinformation.

In the 影響, 共和国の/共和党のs and other critics called on the 王室の Family to (土地などの)細長い一片 the couple of their 肩書を与えるs, calling the 干渉,妨害 of the Duke and Duchess 不適切な.?

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are once again wading into U.S. politics - above the couple at the Invictus Games in Germany in September

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are once again wading into U.S. politics - above the couple at the Invictus Games in Germany in September

This year's (選挙などの)運動をする is 存在 連係させた by?Miles Taylor, 長,指導者 政策 officer of The 未来 US. Taylor was 長,指導者 of staff for the Department of 母国 安全 during Donald Trump's 大統領/総裁などの地位 and was the 匿名の/不明の author of a New York Times?op-ed 明らかにする/漏らすing the dangers of the Trump 大統領/総裁などの地位.

He's now (犯罪の)一味ing alarm bells about the use of 偽の ビデオs and images.

'This is a 災害 waiting to happen ― no one's doing the public inoculation,' he told Axios.

With the advent of cheap generative AI and a plethora of social マスコミ 壇・綱領・公約s 利用できる, 専門家s are 警告 manipulated images, edited ビデオs, and 誤って導くing robocalls could 支配する this year's politics.

構内/化合物ing 事柄s is a 欠如(する) of 規則 and 調整 between the 関連した 連邦の 機関s and social マスコミ companies.?

'The 政府 isn't talking to social マスコミ companies. Many of the social マスコミ companies don't want anything to do with the 政府 ― which means novel AI 脅しs could get 行方不明になるd,' Taylor 公式文書,認めるd.?

Google, Meta, and OpenAI have 誓約(する)d to 戦闘 deceptive AI 選挙 content, while two 宣伝s have been produced by 足緒 Dylan, (頭が)ひょいと動く Dylan’s son, to raise 認識/意識性 for the 問題/発行する. The 広告s will run this spring in battleground 明言する/公表するs.

The 関与 of the Sussexes will restoke questions about Meghan's political ambitions.?

A 代表者/国会議員 for the Duke and Duchess did not すぐに 答える/応じる to's request for comment.?

AI generated deep fake of Joe Biden
AI generated deep fake of Donald Trump

Both Joe Biden (left) and Donald Trump (権利) have been 犠牲者 of AI 生成するd 深い 偽のs

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spoke out about politics in the 2020 presidential election

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle spoke out about politics in the 2020 大統領の 選挙

But Meghan's ambitions have been talked about since she and Harry?emigrated from Britain during the 'Megxit' 危機, 含むing (人命などを)奪う,主張するs that she would '本気で consider' running for 大統領,/社長 if her husband dropped his 王室の 肩書を与える.?

The couple also 雇うd 最高の,を越す former 補佐官s to Barack Obama for their 創立/基礎, 燃料ing the 憶測 about their political 未来s.

And, a few years ago, a friend of the Duchess told Vanity Fair magazine that one of the 推論する/理由s Meghan did not give up her American 市民権 when she married into the 王室の Family was to 許す her to keep open the 選択 of entering politics.?

She has already gotten 伴う/関わるd in 政策 問題/発行するs.?

The Duchess was a 声の critic of the 最高裁判所's 決定/判定勝ち(する) to overturn 魚の卵 vs. Wade and 脅すd to go to Washington D.C. to march in the 抗議するs.?

She also ロビーd members of?議会?to 認可する 義務的な paid parental leave, 令状ing to then-(衆議院の)議長 of the House Nancy Pelosi and 上院 大多数 Leader Chuck Shumer, 同様に as 冷淡な-calling 上院議員s to ask them to support the 手段.

She 調印するd her letters to the 国会議員s with her 王室の 肩書を与える:?'Meghan, The Duchess of Sussex.'?

But, in 2020, the Sussexes were (刑事)被告 of '侵害する/違反するing' the 条件 of the 'Megxit' 取引,協定 after 繰り返して 勧めるing Americans to 投票(する) in the 大統領の 選挙s.?

In a ビデオ they 地位,任命するd online a few months before 投票者s went to the 投票s, Harry and Meghan 配達するd a message that was 広範囲にわたって 解釈する/通訳するd as an 裏書,是認 of Joe Biden.?

The Duke of Sussex 勧めるd people to '拒絶する hate speech' while the Duchess called it the 'most important 選挙 of our lifetime,' 勧めるing Americans to the 投票s.?

The comments 原因(となる)d a 動かす on both 味方するs of the 大西洋 although their spokespeople argued their message was not directed at any particular 候補者 but was the Sussex's way of 表明するing their 関心 about the トン in politics.?

Then-大統領 Trump wished Harry luck in 返答.

'I'm not a fan of hers,' Trump said of Meghan. 'I would say this - and she has probably heard that - I wish a lot of luck to Harry because he's going to need it.'??

Questions have arisen about the Duke and Duchess' political plans - above Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive at the United Nations headquarters in New York in July 2022

Questions have arisen about the Duke and Duchess' political 計画(する)s - above Prince Harry and Meghan Markle arrive at the 国際連合 (警察,軍隊などの)本部 in New York in July 2022

Some Republicans and critics of the couple have called on the Royal Family to remove their titles because of their interference in American elections - above Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge stand on the balc
ony of Buckingham Palace in July 2018 before they left the Royal Family

Some 共和国の/共和党のs and critics of the couple have called on the 王室の Family to 除去する their 肩書を与えるs because of their 干渉,妨害 in American 選挙s - above Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex, Prince William, Duke of Cambridge and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge stand on the balcony of Buckingham Palace in July 2018 before they left the 王室の Family

王室の insiders 発言する/表明するd 関心 in Britain where the 王室の family are 推定する/予想するd to remain 政治上 中立の at all times, with one 説 that Harry and Meghan had 'crossed a line'.?

Buckingham Palace also distanced itself from Harry's 発言/述べるs by 説 that 'the Duke is not a working member of the 王室の family' and 述べるing his comments as 'made in a personal capacity'.?

Although British 法律 does not explicitly forbid members of the 王室の family from 投票(する)ing, the 期待 that 王室のs remain apolitical is considered sacrosanct, and in practice they never 参加する in 選挙s, by 投票(する)ing or さもなければ.?

After the 出来事/事件, 下院議員 Jason Smith of Missouri sent a letter British 外交官/大使 to the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs, asking for Meghan and Harry to lose their 肩書を与えるs.

'As you know, the British 王室の Family has long 観察するd a 政策 of strict 中立 in regard to political 事柄s. I am therefore 関心d by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's 最近の comments regarding the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 大統領の 選挙, 特に given international conversations surrounding foreign 干渉,妨害 in our 選挙s and the Duke's status as a guest of the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs,' he 令状s in the letter, a copy of which was 得るd by

In 2020, Meghan Markle joined Gloria Steinem for a 'backyard chat' in
 which she indicated who she was supporting in the election

In 2020, Meghan Markle joined Gloria Steinem for a 'backyard 雑談(する)' in which she 示すd who she was supporting in the 選挙

King Charles 支配(する)/統制するs Harry and Meghan's 肩書を与えるs but 行為/法令/行動するs on the advice of the 政府 - meaning it would be up to him to 行為/法令/行動する against the couple, but would likely only make such a move on the advice of the 首相's office.

Also in the runup to the 2020 選挙,?feminist 行動主義者 Gloria Steinem 明らかにする/漏らすd that Markle had joined her in 冷淡な-calling Americans and 勧めるing them to 投票(する).

Steinem told?接近 Hollywood:?'She (機の)カム home to 投票(する).?The first thing we did, and why she (機の)カム to see me, was we sat at the dining room (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する where I am 権利 now and we 冷淡な-called 投票者s.'

'Said 'hello I'm Meg' and 'hello I'm Gloria' and 'are you going to 投票(する)?' That was her 率先.'

Before marrying Prince Harry in 2 018, Markle was no stranger to politics, ridiculing then-大統領の 候補者 Donald Trump during a 2016 外見 on The Nightly Show with Larry Wilmore.

She said Trump was 'misogynistic and 意見の不一致を生じる' and 示すd her support for Hillary Clinton.?

Harry is a friend of former 大統領,/社長 Barack Obama, interviewing him on a guest-edited episode of BBC 無線で通信する 4's Today Programme in 2017.??

'Part of my 役割 and part of my 職業 is to 向こうずね a スポットライト on 問題/発行するs that need that スポットライト, whether it's people, whether it's 原因(となる)s, 問題/発行するs, whatever it is,' Harry said at the time.

'So I will continue to play my part in society and do my 職業 to the best of my abilities so that I can wake up in the morning and feel energized.'