A flight from Manchester to Turkey was 軍隊d to コースを変える to Serbia after an unruly 乗客 原因(となる)d 大混乱 on board.

SunExpress flight XQ505 took off from Manchester Airport at 7:30pm on April 9 運命にあるd for?Dalaman, but circled over Serbia and 最終的に landed in the 資本/首都 ベオグラード に引き続いて the 中央の-flight 騒動.

(映画の)フィート数 snapped and 株d on social マスコミ by shocked 顧客s showed how one man appeared to yell at another 乗客, pointing his finger and shouting expletives.

A woman can be heard barking 支援する and the pair went 支援する and 前へ/外へ, with the 容積/容量 and 侵略 増加するing as other 乗客s tried in vain to 静める the 状況/情勢.?

It is 不明瞭な to what extent the argument 増大するd but another clip filmed once the 計画(する) was on the tarmac in ベオグラード showed how police burst into the cabin to 運ぶ/漁獲高 one of the 乗客s away.

A struggle 続いて起こるd and (映画の)フィート数 shows how the police officers bundled the unruly 乗客 to the 床に打ち倒す before dragging them out of the cabin door.??

Footage snapped and shared on social media by shocked customers showed how one man appeared to yell at another passenger, pointing his finger and shouting expletives

(映画の)フィート数 snapped and 株d on social マスコミ by shocked 顧客s showed how one man appeared to yell at another 乗客, pointing his finger and shouting expletives

SunExpress flight XQ505 took off from Manchester Airport at 7:30pm on April 9 destined for Dalaman, but circled over Serbia and ultimately landed in the capital Belgrade following the mid-flight disturbance

SunExpress flight XQ505 took off from Manchester Airport at 7:30pm on April 9 運命にあるd for Dalaman, but circled over Serbia and 最終的に landed in the 資本/首都 ベオグラード に引き続いて the 中央の-flight 騒動

ベオグラード is more than 700 miles away from Dalaman, with the detour 原因(となる)ing a two-hour 延期する.?

SunExpress said: 'Our flight XQ505, which was scheduled from Manchester to Dalaman on April 9, had to コースを変える to ベオグラード 予定 to an unruly 乗客.

'Upon arrival, the 乗客 was 除去するd from the 航空機 by 地元の police and the 航空機 continued to Dalaman after the 乗客's disembarkation.

'The safety and 安全 of our 乗客s and 乗組員 is of the highest 優先 to SunExpress.'

The 出来事/事件 comes just days after?a 乗客 who 報道によれば drank a 瓶/封じ込める of Disaronno on a Ryanair flight from Manchester to Alicante was marched off the 計画(する) by police having 軍隊d an 緊急 上陸.?

The 転換 meant the flight, which left the UK at 6:08pm on Friday, April 5, arrived in Alicante at 11:28pm 地元の time after a 75-minute stop in Barcelona.

The 旅行 ended up taking four hours and 20 minutes - around two hours longer than normal.?

A clip, filmed about ten 列/漕ぐ/騒動s from the 前線 of the cabin, showed how a police officer in 黒人/ボイコット uniform suddenly appeared on the 計画(する) to the 集団の/共同の gasps of dozens of holidaymakers.

A member of the cabin 乗組員 then 急ぐd 負かす/撃墜する the aisle to point out the 違反者/犯罪者, seated about five 列/漕ぐ/騒動s ahead.?

The male 乗客 got up and shuffled に向かって the police officer before 存在 排除する/(飛行機などから)緊急脱出するd to the 元気づけるs of his fellow 乗客s.?

Another 乗客 then appeared to get his 捕らえる、獲得する f rom the 総計費 compartment and followed the policeman out, 原因(となる)ing other 顧客s to 推測する about the 推論する/理由s for the pair's ejection.

A passenger had to be escorted off a Ryanair flight from Manchester to Alicante by police after 'drinking a bottle of Disaronno'

A 乗客 had to be 護衛するd off a Ryanair flight from Manchester to Alicante by police after 'drinking a 瓶/封じ込める of Disaronno'

The 転換 meant the flight, which left the UK at 6.08pm on Friday, arrived in Alicante at 11.28pm 地元の time after a 75-minute stop in the Catalonian city

Ryanair's alcohol 支配するs?

Ryanair's 支配するs 明言する/公表する that 乗客s may buy 義務-解放する/自由な alcohol at the airport before a flight but they must 蓄える/店 it 安全に in a suitable 捕らえる、獲得する in the cabin during the trip.

乗客s are not 許すd to drink alcohol bought from 義務-解放する/自由な during a flight.

Ryanair's 条件 and 条件s also say the 航空機による may 辞退する to carry a 乗客 if their 'mental 明言する/公表する, physical 明言する/公表する, 態度, behaviour or 外見, 含むing the 影響s of alcohol or 麻薬s, 現在のs a 危険 to them, other 乗客s or 乗組員 members, or any 所有物/資産/財産'.

?Source: Ryanair.com


One woman said: 'A few too many drinks but they didn't do really anything.'

In 返答, a man turned around to 直面する the camera and says: 'All they did was drink a 瓶/封じ込める of Disaronno,' to which another woman replied, 'give over...is that all they've done?'

Another 追加するd: 'This is ridiculous. A flight to Alicante stopped in Barcelona because someone drank a 瓶/封じ込める of Disaronno, lovely.

'How many police cars are outside? Two and a 暴動 先頭 because two lads have drunk a 瓶/封じ込める of Disaronno.'

In the 合間, the man was 護衛するd off the 航空機 and out of sight, while two more police officers could be seen at the 前線 of the cabin.

Ryanair's 支配するs 明言する/公表する that 乗客s may buy 義務-解放する/自由な alcohol at the airport before a flight but they must 蓄える/店 it 安全に in a suitable 捕らえる、獲得する in the cabin during the trip.

乗客s are not 許すd to drink alcohol bought from 義務-解放する/自由な during a flight.?

Ryanair's 条件 and 条件s also say the 航空機による may 辞退する to carry a 乗客 if their 'mental 明言する/公表する, physical 明言する/公表する, 態度, behaviour or 外見, 含むing the 影響s of alcohol or 麻薬s, 現在のs a 危険 to them, other 乗客s or 乗組員 members, or any 所有物/資産/財産'.

A spokesperson from Ryanair said: 'This flight from Manchester to Alicante (5 Apr) コースを変えるd to Barcelona 予定 a 破壊的な 乗客 onboard.?

'The 乗客 was 除去するd, and this flight continued to Alicante.'

MailOnline approached Greater Manchester Police for comment.?