JK Rowling's 魔法 circle of 信用: Who 支援するd author during bitter trans 列/漕ぐ/騒動 and who 捨てるd her - as Harry Potter creator says she won't 許す Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson

Harry Potter author JK Rowling's women's 権利s crusade has lost her the support of many 星/主役にするs whose careers were 開始する,打ち上げるd by the boy wizard - but she can count on a の近くに 網状組織 of 支持者s to 支援する her up.

The 小説家, 58, who also 令状s 罪,犯罪 novels under the male pen 指名する Robert Galbraith, has 組み立てる/集結するd a squad of 同盟(する)s who 恐れる 付加 合法的な 権利s for transgender people will (規則などを)破る/侵害する on the 権利s of women.


Her years-long (選挙などの)運動をする for what she labels 'sex-based 権利s' has seen former Potter 星/主役にするs distance themselves from the multimillionaire writer - and 直接/まっすぐに 表明する explicit support for transgender?権利s.

The 出版(物) of the Cass Review, which 結論するd that gender services for children were not making 決定/判定勝ち(する)s based on 支援するd 医療の 証拠, 誘発するd her to say she was ありそうもない to 許す 星/主役にするs such as Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for their 見解(をとる)s.

But she has also won support from other 選挙運動者s who (人命などを)奪う,主張する that giving trans people 付加 権利s will put women at 危険 - from academics to lawyers, some of whom have fought 合法的な 戦う/戦いs on their 見解(をとる)s.

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson and Rupert Grint (pictured left-to-権利 with Rowling in 2010) have all spoken out against JK Rowling's 見解(をとる)s on trans 権利s
Rowling has said she is ありそうもない to 許す Radcliffe and Watson for taking the 姿勢 that they have on trans people
She spoke out after the 出版(物) of the Cass Review - led by Dr Hilary Cass (pictured) - into gender-断言するing care for children in England
Daniel Radcliffe has 以前 called adults 'condescending' for 表明するing 関心s over children 移行ing. Pictured: The Harry Potte r actor in New York on March 28, this year
Emma Watson has also spoken out in the past in 対立 to JK Rowling's 見解(をとる)s on trans people (pictured in Paris in 2022)
Watson has 繰り返して spoken out in favour of trans 権利s both before (最高の,を越す) and after (底(に届く)) Rowling's comments in June 2020
Rupert Grint, who played Ron Weasley in the Potter films, has 表明するd support for trans people but said he 見解(をとる)d Rowling as an 'auntie' which made his 関係 with her 'difficult'

Rowling was criticised in 2018 after she liked a tweet 述べるing trans women as 'men in dresses'. Her spokesperson at the time said the like was a 'mistake', calling it a 'clumsy middle-老年の moment'.

But the author has since 乗る,着手するd on a (選挙などの)運動をする 捜し出すing to 保護する what she 述べるs as women's 権利s, fuelled by her own experiences of 国内の 乱用.

That (選挙などの)運動をする has seen her …に反対する 法律制定 in Scotland that sought to make it easier for trans people to change their 合法的な gender, and she has 供給するd 財政上の support to those fighting 法廷,裁判所 事例/患者s challenging the 合法的な status of trans people.

READ MORE: JK Rowling says she WON'T 許す Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson for their 姿勢 in the trans 審議


Rowling later 基金d and opened Beira's Place, a women's 避難 in Edinburgh that 除外するs trans women from its services under the Equality 行為/法令/行動する.

She has 繰り返して deliberately misgendered trans women in 地位,任命するs on social マスコミ, 含むing high-profile 人物/姿/数字s such as newsreader India Willoughby, 同様に as a number of 罪人/有罪を宣告するd sex 違反者/犯罪者s 含むing rapist Isla Bryson.


Rowling has 否定するd 告訴,告発s she is transphobic, and police said 最近の tweets in which she misgendered trans women did not 落ちる foul of Scotland's new hate 罪,犯罪 法律s, which 無法者 'stirring up' hate against transgender people.

In a 非常に長い 3,600-word 声明 on her website published in 2020, she said her 姿勢 on trans 権利s was drawn from her experiences of 乱用 and 性の 強襲,強姦.

She wrote: 'When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman... then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside. That is the simple truth.'

But her June 2020 comments drew 怒らせる from many of the actors whose careers were 開始する,打ち上げるd by starring in the Harry Potter film series as children - 同様に as those who have appeared in the spin-off series Fantastic Beasts.

Daniel Radcliffe, 34, who began playing boy wizard Potter at 12, wrote a blog for LGBTQ+ charity The Trevor 事業/計画(する)?に引き続いて Rowling's comments?in which he explicitly said: 'Transgender women are women.'

He 追加する d: 'Any 声明 to the contrary erases the 身元 and dignity of transgender people and goes against all advice given by professional health care 協会s who have far more 専門的知識 on this 支配する 事柄 than either Jo (Rowling) or I.'

Radcliffe also apologised to those who he said may feel as though their enjoyment of the Harry Potter series had been '(名声などを)汚すd or 減らすd'.?

Bonnie Wright - pictured here in Aberdeen last month - 表明するd support for trans women 存在 recognised as women in 2020
Katie Leung (pictured here と一緒に Radcliffe in one of the Harry Potter films) also distanced herself subtly from Rowling's comments
Eddie Redmayne - seen here as tr ansgender artist Lili Elbe in The Danish Girl - said he '同意しないd' with Rowling's comments
Some Potter 星/主役にするs, such as Robbie Coltrane (pictured) have defended Rowling's 姿勢 on trans 権利s
Jason Isaacs, who played Lucius Malfoy in the Harry Potter series, said she had 注ぐd much of her fortune into 'making the world a better place'
Ralph Fiennes, who played Potter saga-spanning villain Lord Voldemort, said he could not understand why Rowling received so much vitriol

Emma Watson, who played school chum Hermione Granger, said in a tweet liked 842,000 times: 'Trans people are who they say they are and deserve to live their lives without 存在 絶えず questioned or told they aren’t who they say they are.'


The 33-year-old 以前 株d an image of herself in a t-shirt reading: 'Trans 権利s are human 権利s.'?

Rupert Grint, 一方/合間, told The Times: 'I stand 堅固に with the trans community and echo the 感情s 表明するd by many of my peers.'

Grint, best known for his 役割 as Potter's best friend Ron Weasley, later 述べるd Rowling as an 'auntie', 令状ing in 2022: 'I don’t やむを得ず agree with everything my auntie says, but she’s still my auntie. It’s a tricky one.'

An array of other Potter 星/主役にするs, from Bonnie Wright (Ginny Weasley) and Chris Rankin (Percy Weasley) to Eddie Redmayne and Katie Leung (Cho Chang) have also spoken out against Rowling's comments.

Wright said 簡単に in a tweet に引き続いて Rowling's comments: 'Transwomen are women. I see and love you.'?

Leung started a thread on Twitter in 2020 that 趣旨d to 申し込む/申し出 her thoughts on Cho Chang's character - before 株ing links to a number of organisations supporting transgender people of colour.

Redmayne, who played protagonist イモリ Scamander in spin-off series Fantastic Beasts, said: 'I 同意しない with Jo’s comments. Trans women are women, trans men are men and 非,不,無-binary 身元s are valid.??

'They 簡単に want to live their lives 平和的に and it’s time to let them do so.'

He played transgender artist Lili Elbe, believed to be one of the first people in history to を受ける sex-reassignment 外科, in the film The Danish Girl.?

答える/応じるing to the reactions to her 初期の comments from some of those 大(公)使館員d to her creative endeavours, Rowling said at the time it was 'nonsense' to 示唆する she 'hated' trans people.?


She 追加するd: 'I 尊敬(する)・点 every trans person’s 権利 to live any way that feels authentic and comfortable to them.?

'I’d march with you if you were 差別するd against on the basis of 存在 trans. At the same time, my life has been 形態/調整d by 存在 女性(の). I do not believe it’s hateful to say so.'

Rowling said last night on X that she was ありそうもない to 許す those who had spoken out in support of trans people after her 2020 comments.

答える/応じるing to a tweet that asked whether the likes of Radcliffe and Watson would apologise to the author, '安全な in the knowledge that you will 許す them', she said: 'Not 安全な, I'm afraid.'

Rowling now counts many 支持するs for what they say are 'sex-based 権利s' の中で her 同盟(する)s, 含むing those who gathered for a boozy lunch in London in 2022 (above)
JK Rowling with 労働 MP Rosie Duffield at the 2022 event at a cafe in Fulham, west London
Ms Rowling with Allison Bailey, the former barrister and 創立者 of the LGB 同盟. She 告訴するd her former 議会s and Stonewall for 差別, winning against the 議会
Rosie Duffield with Joanna Cherry QC, Member of 議会 for Edinburgh South West, who counts herself の中で Rowling's 同盟(する)s

'Celebs who cosied up to a movement 意図 on eroding women's hard-won 権利s and who used their 壇・綱領・公約s to 元気づける on the 移行ing of minors can save their 陳謝s for traumatised detransitioners and 攻撃を受けやすい women reliant on 選び出す/独身 sex spaces,' the writer 追加するd.

But while Rowling has lost the support of many of those whose careers she 間接に helped to 開始する,打ち上げる, she has 保持するd 同盟(する)s の中で other Potter 星/主役にするs?含むing Jason Isaacs and Ralph Fiennes.

In 2022, Isaacs told The Telegraph: 'There’s a bunch of stuff about Jo… I don’t want to get drawn into the trans 問題/発行するs, talking about them, because it’s such an 驚くべき/特命の/臨時の minefield.

READ MORE: It's taken 20 years of women like me 直面するing 脅迫 for the 発言する/表明する of sanity to finally be heard, 令状s Julie Bindel?



'One of the things that people should know about her too - not as a 反対する-argument - is that she has 注ぐd an enormous 量 of her fortune into making the world a much better place... through her charity Lumos.


'And that is 明白な ly good. Many of us Harry Potter actors have worked for it, and seen on the ground the work that they do.'

Fiennes, 一方/合間, said in 2021 he could not understand the 'level of 憎悪' directed に向かって the author, 追加するing that he 設立する it '乱すing'.

He later told The New York Times: '(The) 言葉の 乱用 directed at (Rowling) is disgusting, it’s appalling. I mean, I can understand a viewpoint that might be angry at what she says about women.

'But it’s not some obscene, uber-右翼 国粋主義者/ファシスト党員. It’s just a woman 説: "I'm a woman and I feel like I'm a woman and I want to be able to say that I'm a woman".'

The late Robbie Coltrane, who played the half-巨大(な) gamekeeper Rubeus Hagrid in the Potter films, also defended Rowling before his death in October 2022.

He told the 無線で通信する Times in 2020 that the author's critics 'hang around waiting to be 感情を害する/違反するd', 追加するing: 'They wouldn't have won the war, would they?'

Evanna Lynch, who played Luna Lovegood in the Potter films, 最初 said Rowling was on 'the wrong 味方する of this 審議', but later 列/漕ぐ/騒動d 支援する on some of her comments in February 2023.

She 賞賛するd Rowling for amplifying the 発言する/表明するs of those who choose to detransition after believing they were trans - but 追加するd to the Telegraph?that she did not want to 追加する to trans people's '苦痛'.?

And Tom Felton, who played Harry Potter's school nemesis Draco Malfoy, appeared to 避ける 選ぶing a 味方する in a 2020 interview with BBC 無線で通信する 4.?


He said: 'I am quick to remind myself and others that Potter for some 推論する/理由 has brought more people together across the world and more 世代s than probably anything else has in the past 20 years and I'm quick to celebrate that.

'It (機の)カム from one person and that's her so I'm very 感謝する.'

Rowling has 交流d tweets with some of her 同盟(する)s, 含むing Joanna Cherry and Helen Joyce (above)
Self-布告するd 過激な feminist Julie Bindel (pictured) is の中で those Rowling counts as 支持者s

Outside of the realms of the boy wizard, Rowling has also 組み立てる/集結するd a squad of 選挙運動者s who say they 支持する for 'sex-based 権利s'.?

She 組み立てる/集結するd with many of them in Fulham, west London in 2022 for a self-自白するd boozy lunch, with pictures 株d by many of those 現在の online.

の中で those in Rowling's sex-based 権利s squad are Julie Bindel, the self-述べるd '過激な feminist' and 研究員 into 暴力/激しさ against women, 同様に as several members of the (選挙などの)運動をする group Sex 事柄s and some MPs.

READ MORE: Judy Murray 支援するs JK Rowling in trans 権利s 列/漕ぐ/騒動 as tennis coach 発言する/表明するs her support after author 警告するd against '取り去る/解体するing' women's 権利s


Bindel said this week?the Cass Review gives 'validation... to 選挙運動者s who have pleaded so long for sanity' on transgender 問題/発行するs.

Helen Joyce, the gender-批判的な 行動主義者 and author of 非,不,無-fiction 調書をとる/予約する Trans, is also の中で those counting themselves as an 同盟(する) of the Harry Potter author.

Joyce, who 述べるd herself in a February 声明 as '反対するing the pernicious 影響(力) of gender-身元 ideology', tweeted Rowling last month to 申し込む/申し出 激励 after the writer 最高潮の場面d abusive comments she received.

Joyce said: 'it's not about what you say - it's because you're speaking at all. Keep going! xx.' She has 否定するd previous 告訴,告発s of transphobia.

の中で those also pictured ワインing and dining with Rowling were Professor Kathleen 在庫/株 - an academic who やめる her position at the University of Sussex after students and a 貿易(する) union called for her to leave.


在庫/株 has 支持するd for many years against 許すing trans women to 接近 women's spaces, and has 持続するd a position that men cannot become women by を受けるing sex reassignment 外科. She 否定するs she is transphobic.

Other 同盟(する)s 含む Allison Bailey, the lesbian barrister who 設立するd LGB 同盟, a charity that has 直面するd 告訴,告発s of transphobia; it says it is not 排除, but that its '焦点(を合わせる) is 簡単に on lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people'.

Bailey crowdfunded a £550,000 法廷 事例/患者 after her 法律 会社/堅い, Garden 法廷,裁判所 議会s, 発表するd an 調査 into her social マスコミ use まっただ中に 告訴,告発s of transphobia; she was awarded £22,000 in 損害賠償金.??

ペルシャ湾岸協力会議 was 設立する to have 差別するd against her by tweeting it would 調査/捜査する her tweets; but she?lost her 事例/患者 against LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall, whom she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd had unduly 影響(力)d the 議会s in 事実上の/代理 against her.

She no longer practises as a lawyer, quitting the 妨げる/法廷,弁護士業 in 2023.

Rowling also has political 同盟(する)s, 含むing 労働 MP for?Canterbury Rosie Duffield - who speaks out on women's 問題/発行するs 定期的に.

In January, Duffield was (疑いを)晴らすd of 告訴,告発s of transphobia に引き続いて an 内部の 労働 Party 調査 that was 開始する,打ち上げるd after she liked a tweet from one-time comedy writer Graham Linehan.?

The MP has 'strenuously 否定するd' 主張s she is transphobic and said the 調査(する) had '完全に exonerated' her of any such (人命などを)奪う,主張するs.

Some of the 地位,任命するs made by JK Rowling on X/Twitter on transgender women, which police say did not 会合,会う the 犯罪の threshold when 査定する/(税金などを)課すd under Scotland's new hate 罪,犯罪 法律s

どこかよそで on the political spectrum, Rowling also counts SNP MP Joanna Cherry as an 同盟(する). Cherry is a lesbian and a 最高の,を越す lawyer, taking silk as a then-Queen's Counsel in 2009.


The Harry Potter author wished the Edinburgh South West 代表者/国会議員 a happy birthday on X last month, calling her a '勇敢に立ち向かう and brilliant friend'.

Cherry 答える/応じるd: 'Thank you! So proud to call you a friend for so many 推論する/理由s but おもに for your courage & tenacity xxx.' She has 否定するd 存在 …に反対するd to the 存在 of trans people.

Rowling has also given her support to former tennis 星/主役にする Martina Navratilova, considered one of the greatest players of all time, who has (選挙などの)運動をするd against 許すing trans people to compete in professional sports 競争s.

In 2023, Navratilova 答える/応じるd to a tweet that 示唆するd she had 'above 普通の/平均(する) testosterone levels for a woman' during her career in the 1970s and 1980s, 令状ing: 'My ovaries beg to 異なる.'

Rowling 答える/応じるd: 'I f****** love you,' to which the tennis player replied: 'This means a lot - thank you Queen :)'.?

Many of Rowling's 同盟(する)s also 定期的に 株 one another's tweets on Twitter, now known as X under the 所有権 of Elon Musk.

And aside from her famous friends, Rowling also 誇るs an army of pseudonymous 支持者s on X who hang on her every word. Some (人命などを)奪う,主張する that to 地位,任命する under their real 指名するs would put them at 危険.

One said earlier this year: 'We’re all fighting the same fight. Shaming women who for very good 推論する/理由s remain 匿名の/不明の doesn’t help us.'

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