Home Office 誇るs that 20,000 亡命 探検者s and 難民s are 存在 moved out of hotels - but most are 存在 moved to 私的な rented homes as young families 戦う/戦い to get accommodation and communities 恐れる ghettos growing in their 中央

The Home Office 発表するd yesterday it had moved 20,000 亡命 探検者s out of hotels, with most moved into 私的な rented homes sourced by 公式の/役人s.?

Home 長官 James Cleverly (人命などを)奪う,主張するd the 終結 of 150 亡命 hotels shows the 政府 is '配達するing' on its 計画(する) to 段階 out their use and switch over to cheaper accommodation.?

Some 居住(者)s have moved into one of the 政府's two large accommodation centres, the Bibby Stockholm 船 and MoD Wethersfield in Essex, but given both 場所/位置s have a capacity of just 1306 most are now in 居住の homes.??

The Home Office has 安全な・保証するd around 16,000?賃貸しの 所有物/資産/財産s for 亡命 探検者s, 誘発するing 論争 予定 to the 激烈な/緊急の 不足 of homes for young Britons and families.?

公式の/役人s speaking to the Telegraph have also 警告するd that the move could create 'ghettos' as these 所有物/資産/財産s have been concentrated in areas where 所有物/資産/財産s are cheaper, such as?船体, Bradford and Teesside.

Asylum seekers leave a hotel in Walthamstow, London, earlier this year after being moved elsewhere

亡命 探検者s leave a hotel in Walthamstow, London, earlier this year after 存在 moved どこかよそで?

The Home Office has now secured around 16,000 rental properties for asylum seekers

The Home Office has now 安全な・保証するd around 16,000 賃貸しの 所有物/資産/財産s for 亡命 探検者s

請負業者s 雇うd by the Home Office, 含むing Serco, have been 申し込む/申し出d landlords?five-year 賃貸し(する)s with 'rent pai d in 十分な, on time, every month, with no arrears', 同様に as 十分な 修理 and 維持/整備, except for 構造上の defects, the newspaper 報告(する)/憶測d.?

A source at the Home Office 公式文書,認めるd that the department has a statutory?義務 to house 亡命 探検者s who would さもなければ be destitute.?

The homes come from the same pool as those in the 私的な and social rented 部門, and are 現在/一般に 存在 used to house more than 58,000 亡命 探検者s in 広大な/多数の/重要な Britain.

This is more than 二塁打 of those in rented '分散させるd accommodation' ten years ago.

住宅 亡命 探検者s in 分散させるd accommodation can 報道によれば cost as little as £30 every day, five times いっそう少なく than the £150 to put them up in hotels.

READ MORE -?More than a 4半期/4分の1 of Britain's foreign 援助(する) 予算 is spent on 住宅 亡命 探検者s and 難民s, new 人物/姿/数字s 明らかにする/漏らす

'These 終結s 配達する on the 政府's 計画(する) to 削減(する) the use of hotels in the 亡命 system and we will keep going until the last hotel is の近くにd.'

The 36 per cent 落ちる in the number of migrants in hotels is based on 一時的に data, with final 公式の/役人 人物/姿/数字s 予定 to be published at the end of next month, 公式の/役人s said.

Migrant hotels were costing the taxpayer more than £8million a day at their 頂点(に達する).

Last month a 報告(する)/憶測 by spending 監視者 the 国家の Audit Office said 大臣s' 計画(する)s to house migrants in basic accommodation will 現実に cost £46million more than hotels.

It said former 軍の bases and the 船 will carry a £1.2billion price tag.

'The Home Office 初めは 査定する/(税金などを)課すd that large 場所/位置s would be around £94million cheaper than hotels,' an NAO 広報担当者 said.

'Its 最新の 見積(る)s 示唆する they will cost £46million more than using hotels.' There was a number of 推論する/理由s for the 増加する, the NAO said, 含むing a 広大な underestimate of how much it would cost to 始める,決める up Scampton and another base at Wethersfield, Essex.

The Bibby Stockholm cost £14.5million to 始める,決める-up and 賃貸し(する), and - 含むing 維持費s - will have cost £35million in total by next March.

At the end of December there were still 48,500 migrants in hotels but the Home Office was also keeping a '衝撃を和らげるもの' of 18,000 empty hotel rooms.

In February it 現れるd that migrant hotels and other 亡命 support would cost the taxpayer £5.4billion in the 2023-24 財政上の year - a staggering £15million a day.

The Bibby Stockholm barge in Portland has a capacity of 506

The Bibby Stockholm 船 in Portland has a capacity of 506?

The sum 含むs those living in self-catering accommodation, who receive £49.18 a week for each person in their 世帯 to cover food, 着せる/賦与するing and other costs.

A Home Office spokesperson 以前 said: 'We have always been upfront about the 前例のない 圧力 存在 put on our 亡命 system, brought about by a 重要な 増加する in dangerous and 違法な 旅行s into the country over 最近の years.

'We continue to work across 政府 and with 地元の 当局 to identify a 範囲 of accommodation 選択s to 減ずる the 容認できない use of hotels which cost £8 million a day.

'The 政府 remains committed to engaging with 地元の 当局 and 重要な stakeholders as part of this 過程.'