万引 grandmother, 51, in the 支配するs of the menopause tried to でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる village postmaster and his wife as gun-走者s and child abusers after she was banned from their 蓄える/店

  • ?Rachel McKee, 51, 誤って told police there was a gun hidden in the 地位,任命する office

A 万引 grandmother in the 支配するs of menopause tried to でっちあげる,人を罪に陥れる a village postmaster and his wife as gun-走者s and child abusers after she was banned from their 蓄える/店.

Rachel McKee, 51, made two 匿名の/不明の calls to police 誤って (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Alan and Lisa Bolshaw were hiding a firearm at their 地位,任命する office after she was (刑事)被告 of 繰り返して stealing from them.

Officers later …に出席するd Sutton General 蓄える/店s and 地位,任命する Office 近づく Macclesfield, Cheshire and asked the innocent couple, both 45, to 証明する there were no 小火器 on the 前提s.?

It also 現れるd that McKee had made 11 誤った 報告(する)/憶測s of child 乱用 to social services, which led to the couple's daughter 存在 taken out of class and questioned.

When quizzed McKee apologised for the smears but 非難するd her behaviour on mental health 問題/発行するs she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd were 誘発する/引き起こすd by her going through the menopause.

And the 裁判官 told McKee that her mental health, which she has been '苦しむing' with over a long period, 'took a downward turn' when she committed the offence.

Grandmother Rachel McKee, 51, pictured outside of Chester Crown Court

Grandmother Rachel McKee, 51, pictured outside of Chester 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所

Picture: Alan Bolshaw (middle) with wife Lisa and their local MP David Rutley at the Countryside Alliance Awards in 2019

Picture: Alan Bolshaw (middle) with wife Lisa and their 地元の MP David Rutley at the Countryside 同盟 Awards in 2019

Rachel McKee was banned from Sutton General Stores and Post Office for shoplifting

Rachel McKee was banned from Sutton General 蓄える/店s and 地位,任命する Office for 万引

McKee made 11 false reports of child abuse to social services, which led to the couple's daughter being taken out of class and questioned

McKee made 11 誤った 報告(する)/憶測s of child 乱用 to social services, which led to the couple's daughter 存在 taken out of class and questioned

In a 声明 Mrs Bolshaw who with her husband were 高度に commended in the 国家の Countryside 同盟 Awards in 2019 said: 'Though there was no physical 傷害, I do worry if I see Rachel in my 地元の area, whether there will be 言葉の or physical 乱用.?

'I do feel 攻撃を受けやすい and 脅迫してさせるd if I see Rachel. Our daughter was 衝撃d by 存在 questioned at school about her worries and home life.'

At Chester 栄冠を与える 法廷,裁判所 McKee, who was 以前 twice 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of 万引, 認める perverting the course of 司法(官) and was 宣告,判決d to 10 months in 刑務所,拘置所 一時停止するd for 18 months.?

She was also ordered to がまんする by a night-time 外出禁止令 for four months and 完全にする 25 rehabilitation activity days.

She was その上の 問題/発行するd with a 10-year 抑制するing order 禁じるing her from 接触するing or approaching the Bolshaw family, and also not to place anything on social マスコミ that 直接/まっすぐに or ind irectly 言及するs to any member of the family or their 商売/仕事.

She was told that 'placing' 含むs commenting on other people's 地位,任命するs online.

宣告,判決ing McKee, 裁判官 Simon Berkson said the grandmother's mental health had taken a 'downward turn' at the time of the offence.?

The 裁判官 said: 'The 行為/法令/行動する you did 原因(となる)d Alan and Lisa Bolshaw, hardworking people who work in their own 地位,任命する office, to have to open up the 地位,任命する office to 証明する that what you were doing was lying to the police because they had no such gun.?

'Neither had they done any of the other things you (刑事)被告 them of doing over a period of time. This was a type of 罪,犯罪 that can get people into a lot of trouble and it has 原因(となる)d 肯定的な 苦しめる to people. It is a serious offence of its type.

'As far as this 事例/患者 is 関心d, it is (疑いを)晴らす to me that at the time you were behaving as has been 述べるd you were 苦しむing because of your mental health.?

'In fact, you have been 苦しむing over a long period of time but 特に over this period of time the offence took place your mental health took a downward turn.?

'Since this offence you have had the good sense to 捜し出す help and you are now receiving 治療.

'It seems to me that 即座の 保護/拘留 would have a 重要な harmful 衝撃 on your son and the granddaughter you take time to care for in さまざまな ways.'???

The 出来事/事件 occurred on February 7 last year when police officers were ordered to …に出席する the 地位,任命する office at 5pm over malicious 報告(する)/憶測s the couple were '蓄える/店ing and selling 小火器 and 麻薬s.'

検察官,検事 Peter Hussey said: 'An 匿名の/不明の call had been made to police (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that members of staff at the 地位,任命する office were hiding 小火器.?

'As a result Mr and Mrs Bolshaw were 召喚するd to …に出席する the 前提s and an officer had to explain what he was there for.

'He 述べるd how they were shocked by what he had to tell them. They 結局 gave them this explanation and it seems this was not the first 誤った 報告(する)/憶測 that they had received.

'There were 問題/発行するs with a 女性(の) who used to work or had some previous 関与 with the 前提s 隣接するing the 地位,任命する office.?

'They were 気が進まない to give her 指名する but did 結局 and that was the 指名する of the 被告.?

'A search was made of the 前提s and no 武器 was 設立する. The Bolshaws said the 被告 had been a 顧客 of their 前提s.

'On a number of occasions she has been 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd of stealing so she was banned from the 前提s. She had returned later in the course of the year and committed その上の 嫌疑者,容疑者/疑うd offences, which 原因(となる)d her to be banned again.

Rachel McKee made two anonymous calls to police falsely claiming Alan and Lisa Bolshaw were hiding a firearm at their post office

Rachel McKee made two 匿名の/不明の calls to police 誤って (人命などを)奪う,主張するing Alan and Lisa Bolshaw were hiding a firearm at their 地位,任命する office

Postmaster Alan Bolshaw and wife Lisa on their wedding day

Postmaster Alan Bolshaw and wife Lisa on their wedding day?

Rachel McKee intially denied wrongdoing after she was arrested

Rachel McKee intially 否定するd 悪事を働くこと after she was 逮捕(する)d

'に引き続いて that there were a number of 誤った 報告(する)/憶測s made, the worst 存在 in particular when social services were 接触するd 不明な.?

'Social services …に出席するd the school and the couple's daughter had to be taken out of the class. It was upsetting for their daughter.'

'With regards to 害(を与える), the Bolshaws both discuss the 苦しめる that they felt. They would have felt 攻撃を受けやすい.?

'They were running a busine ss, something open to the public. There has not been any actual 影響 to their 評判 but they would have 熱心に felt it.'

When 逮捕(する)d McKee 最初 否定するd 悪事を働くこと but later gave a 用意が出来ている 声明 説: 'I want to say that I was upset at the Bolshaws for the way I thought they spoke to me so I 報告(する)/憶測d them to social services and police about things that are not true.?

'I 完全に made up the 主張s about the daughter or that I saw them with a gun. It was 簡単に not true.

'I have struggled to 受託する that I have got 問題/発行するs and I want to say how sorry I am to the Bolshaw family. It was very wrong.'

McKee, from Macclesfield was 以前 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of stealing nasel spray from a 化学者/薬剤師 in 2018 and in 2019 was 罰金d £80 for stealing かみそりs and a shaver from a Boots 蓄える/店.

Her counsel 行方不明になる Maria Masselis said in mitigation: 'She has made it (疑いを)晴らす that she 受託するs what she did was terrible and she does not 捜し出す to 正当化する it in any way. She was recently separated from an 極端に long marriage having been together for 30 years.

After the false reports of a firearm being kept in Mr Bolshaw's post office (pictured), police asked him to prove there was no gun on the premises

After the 誤った 報告(する)/憶測s of a firearm 存在 kept in Mr Bolshaw's 地位,任命する office (pictured), police asked him to 証明する there was no gun on the 前提s

McKee, who was previously twice convicted of shoplifting, admitted perverting the course of justice and was sentenced to 10 months in prison suspended for 18 months

McKee, who was 以前 twice 罪人/有罪を宣告するd of 万引, 認める perverting the course of 司法(官) and was 宣告,判決d to 10 months in 刑務所,拘置所 一時停止するd for 18 months

'The marriage broke 負かす/撃墜する some 12 months ago and there was some 言及/関連 to 仲直り but that 簡単に is not going to work.?

'That is not something on the cards. She is a woman who has 明確に struggled for a long time with her mental health.

'More importantly she has struggled to 認める the difficulties she was experiencing with her mental health, to the extent that it 衝撃s on her daily behaviour in the family home and に向かって other people.?

'She has struggled for many many years with 苦悩 and 不景気. There is 言及/関連 to the menopause かもしれない 与える/捧げるing to those 問題/発行するs.'