Drake is 解任するd from 訴訟 over 2021 Astroworld festival 鎮圧する that left 10 fans dead

  • The Hotline Bling singer 成し遂げるd with Scott at the end of the concert on Nov. 5, 2021, as the (人が)群がる 殺到するd and attendees were packed so tightly that many could not breathe or move their 武器 or 脚s?

Drake has been 除去するd from the 訴訟s relating to the 2021 Astroworld 災害 that led to the deaths of ten fans who were 鎮圧するd as the Canadian rapper took the 行う/開催する/段階 と一緒に Travis Scott.?

The Hotline Bling singer?成し遂げるd with Scott at the end of the concert on Nov. 5, 2021, as the (人が)群がる 殺到するd and attendees were packed so tightly that many could not breathe or move their 武器 or 脚s.?

当局 and festival 組織者s were trying to shut 負かす/撃墜する the show.

The families of the 10 people who died during the concert, 同様に as hundreds who were 負傷させるd, 告訴するd Drake, Scott and Live Nation ― the festival's promoter ― 同様に as dozens of other individuals and (独立の)存在s.

Many of those who were 告訴するd, 含むing Drake and Scott, have asked 明言する/公表する 地区 裁判官 Kristen Hawkins to 解任する the 訴訟s against them. On Wednesday, Hawkins 解任するd Drake from the 事例/患者 in a 簡潔な/要約する order.

The Hotline Bling singer performed with Scott at the end of the concert on Nov. 5, 2021, as the crowd surged and attendees were packed so tightly that many could not breathe or move their arms or legs

The Hotline Bling singer 成し遂げるd with Scott at the end of the concert on Nov. 5, 2021, as the (人が)群がる 殺到するd and attendees were packed so tightly that many could not breathe or move their 武器 or 脚s

The families of the 10 people who died during the concert, as well as hundreds who were injured, sued Drake, Scott and Live Nation ? the festival's promoter ? as well as dozens of other individuals and entities

The families of the 10 people who died durin g the concert, 同様に as hundreds who were 負傷させるd, 告訴するd Drake, Scott and Live Nation ― the festival's promoter ― 同様に as dozens of other individuals and (独立の)存在s

Drake was appearing alongside fellow rapper, headliner Travis Scott, at the doomed festival

Drake was appearing と一緒に fellow rapper, headliner Travis Scott, at the doomed festival?

Lawyers for Drake, whose 十分な 指名する is Aubrey Drake Graham, had argued during a 法廷,裁判所 審理,公聴会 April 1 in Houston that he was not 伴う/関わるd in putting the concert together so was not liable for the deaths and 傷害s that had occurred.??

During a deposition he gave in November in Toronto, the Canadian rapper said in the moments before he took the 行う/開催する/段階, no one told him that people in the (人が)群がる were 苦しむing cardiac 逮捕(する)s or other 傷害s.?

He said when he was on 行う/開催する/段階, the (人が)群がる looked like a blur and he couldn't make out any 詳細(に述べる)s.

In the deposition, Drake was shown a ビデオ that the youngest 犠牲者, Ezra Blount, 9, took as he sat on his father's shoulders.

'Do you see the panic in those people's 注目する,もくろむs?' an 弁護士/代理人/検事 asked Drake about the ビデオ.

'I do, sir,' the rapper 答える/応じるd.

Late r, when asked by an 弁護士/代理人/検事 for Blount's family about whether it would be important for him to hear from those who put the concert together about why Blount died, Drake said, 'I think I would want answers for what happened, yes.'?

Emergency personnel are seen here responding to the festival in November 2021

緊急 職員/兵員 are seen here 答える/応じるing to the festival in November 2021

?On Monday, Hawkins 解任するd seven companies and individual people who had been 告訴するd.?

But she 否定するd 動議s to 解任する that were とじ込み/提出するd by 10 other companies and individuals, 含むing Apple Inc., which produced a livestream of the concert, and two companies associated with Scott.?

Hawkins was 始める,決める to hear other 動議s to 解任する, 含むing one 関係のある to Scott as an individual, on Monday.

に引き続いて an 調査 by Houston Police, no 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金s were とじ込み/提出するd against Sc ott. A 大陪審 in June 拒絶する/低下するd to 起訴する him and five other people on any 犯罪の counts 関係のある to the deadly concert.?

Police 長,指導者 Troy Finner 拒絶する/低下するd to say what was the 全体にわたる 結論 of his 機関's 調査.

In July, the police department made public its nearly 1,300-page investigative 報告(する)/憶測 in which festival 労働者s 最高潮の場面d problems and 警告するd of possible deadly consequences.

Those killed, who 範囲d in age from 9 to 27, died from compression asphyxia, which an 専門家 に例えるd to 存在 鎮圧するd by a car.

The first 裁判,公判 from the 訴訟s is scheduled for May 6.

Some of the 訴訟s have since been settled, 含むing those とじ込み/提出するd by the families of four of the people killed during the concert.?

The most 最近の 解決/入植地 関係のある to a person who was killed was 発表するd in 法廷,裁判所 filings on Feb. 5, with lawyers for the family of 23-year-old Rodolfo 'Rudy' Pe?a 説 they had settled their 事例/患者.


Ten people died at Travis Scott's music festival in Houston, Texas, with the 犠牲者s 範囲ing in age from 9 to 27.

John Hilgert, 14?

John Hilgert, 14

John Hilgert, 14?

John Hilgert, of Hunters Creek Village, was identified as one of the concert fatalities on Saturday by 公式の/役人s at 記念の High School, where he was a freshman student.

Hilgert …に出席するd the concert with his long-time friend Robby Hendrix, 15.

Henrdix's mother, Tracy Faulkner, bought her son's ticket for his birthday and '最終的に 悔いるs the 決定/判定勝ち(する)'.

'Everything about that night was a 悲劇,' Faulkner told the Houston Chronicle. 'They were both in the same place at the same time and one (機の)カム home and one we will never see.'

She said Hilgret and Hendrix had known each other for years and played football together.

'John was a good student and 競技者 and so polite. He was the sweetest and smartest young man,' she 株d.

Brianna Rodriguez, 16?

Brianna Rodriguez, 16

Brianna Rodriguez, 16

Brianna Rodriguez?was a ダンサー and junior in high school. Her family 確認するd that she was one of the 犠牲者s who died.

A GoFundMe account 始める,決める up by her family 述べるd her as a 'beautiful vibrant 16-year-old'.

'Dancing was her passion and now she's dancing her way to heaven's pearly gates.'?

Jacob Jurinek, 20

Jacob Jurinek …に出席するd the concert with his best friend フランス系カナダ人 Patino when both were trampled to death. The pair grew up in the same Illinois town of Naperville.??

A friend, going by the 指名する Ana Lissa Marie, was distraught at the death of Jurinek, who was 熟考する/考慮するing art and マスコミ at Southern Illinois University, and had traveled to Houston with Patino to celebrate Jurinek's birthday.

'I lost all my 尊敬(する)・点 for Travis Scott,' she tweeted.

'What happened was 絶対 disgusting. RIP to all the ones that lost their lives. To Jacob Jurinek, you will be 行方不明になるd kid. thank you for all the laughs.

'My 弔慰s go to all the families that lost lives.'

Jacob Jurinek, 20
Franco Patino, 21

Other 犠牲者s 含むd University of Dayton student フランス系カナダ人 Patino (権利), 21, who was …に出席するing the event with his best friend, 20-year-old Jacob Jurinek, when both were trampled to death?

フランス系カナダ人 Patino, 21????

The University of Dayton 確認するd to DailyMail.com that student フランス系カナダ人 Patino of Naperville, Illinois, …に出席するd the concert in Houston.

The mechanical 工学 科学(工学)技術 major was 伴う/関わるd in several campus extracurriculars and had most recently been working in a co-op プロの/賛成の gram in Mason, Ohio.

University 大統領,/社長 Eric F Spina 延長するd his sympathy and 祈りs to Patino's loved ones and the campus community.

Patino's fraternity, Alpha Psi Lambda, also 問題/発行するd 弔慰s to his friends and family.

'It is with a very 激しい heart, Alpha Psi Lambda 国家の, Inc 株 that our brother, フランス系カナダ人 'Cuauhocelotl' Patino, has passed on to Omega 一時期/支部,' the organization wrote on Facebook.

'We 延長する our 弔慰s to his family, friends, Alpha Nu 一時期/支部 and all that 株 in this loss. May his memory be eternal.'

The college 上級の joined the fraternity's University of Dayton 一時期/支部 a year earlier.

Patino (left) and Jurinek grew up in the same Illinois town and were best friends

Patino (left) and Jurinek grew up in the same Illinois town and were best friends

Axel Acosta, 21??

Edgar Acosta held a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 with Texas 弁護士/代理人/検事 Tony Buzbee to 発表する he was 告訴するing over the death of his son Axel Acosta, who had traveled from Washington to …に出席する the festival - his first concert.

Axel Acosta, 21

Axel Acosta, 21

'They need to make things change in these type of events,' he said.

'Today it was me. I lost my son. It could've been you,' Acosta said.

'When you send your kid to have some fun, because somebody else is not 供給するing the 権利... I don't know I can explain. The 権利 安全.

'Because it is not the first time that he has been in big events, 権利?

'You can go to Disneyland and have fun. You can go to a baseball game and have fun. Because they have the 権利 安全, the 権利 people, some people 補助装置ing those 負傷させるd.

'It's hard to explain.'

Rodolfo 'Rudy' Pe?a, 23?

Pe?a, of Laredo, Texas, died of cardiac 逮捕(する) after 存在 負傷させるd at the show.

He was a 医療の assistant and 犯罪の 司法(官) major with aspirations to become a model and dreamed of one day 存在 a US 国境 Patrol スパイ/執行官.??

'What happened this past 週末 is a direct result of what happens when th e 追跡 of 財政上の 伸び(る) and fame take 優先 over 保護するing the lives of the innocent,' said Almaraz 法律 会社/堅い, 代表するing the Pe?as, in a 声明.

'It is a testament to the 現在の 明言する/公表する of live events and the greed that runs はびこる in this 産業.

'Nobody should feel 危険な enjoying something they love, and unfortunately this is 正確に/まさに what has transpired.

'We 公約する to work diligently and responsibly to bring 司法(官) to the Pe?a family and to all afflicted, and we will not 残り/休憩(する) until these 発言する/表明するs have been heard loud and (疑いを)晴らす.

'We will 持つ/拘留する responsible parties accountable and fight to 確実にする that something 肯定的な comes of this unmitigated 災害. Something must change. Something will change.'?

Rodolfo 'Rudy' Pe?a, 23

Rodolfo 'Rudy' Pe?a, 23

Madison Dubiski, 23

Madison Dubiski of Cypress, Texas, was identified as one of the 犠牲者s.

The former Ole 行方不明になる student was yanked from her brother Ty, who tried to pull her to safety, in the 殺到する and disappeared in the (人が)群がる.

Dubiski 熟考する/考慮するd at the University of Mississippi between 2016 and 2017 and worked in advertising and marketing. She went to Cy-Fair High School, where she was a Varsity cheerleader and member of 国家の Charity League, a community service organization for mothers and their daughters in middle and high school.

Friends said that her mother Michelle was her best friend and that she was very の近くに with Ty, who 卒業生(する)d from Cy-Fair in 2019.

Madison Dubiski, 23

Madison Dubiski, 23

Danish Baig, 27??

Basil Mirza Baig took to Facebook Saturday 発表するing that his brother, Danish Baig also died at Astroworld.

'My brother was killed in this horrendous event that was managed 貧しく and 監督するd by such horrible people,' Baig wrote.

'People were trampled, walked and stomped on. My brother tried to save my sister-in-法律 from these horrendous 行為/法令/行動するs that were 存在 done to her in the 過程 he lost his life.'

Baig 述べるd Danish as a beautifu l soul who put everyone before himself.

'Last night he showed his 勇敢な 行為/法令/行動する to save my sister-in-法律 from those horrendous things that were 存在 done. I am lost of words and in true 外傷/ショック from this event,' he 追加するd.

'I was there and I wasn't able to save my brother. People were hitting 押し進めるing and 押すing and did not care for anyone's life.'

Baig also (刑事)被告 the rapper of 刺激するing the 大混乱 by 'calling people to the 行う/開催する/段階 to jump into the (人が)群がる' and for 'not stopping the show'.

'This is not the end,' Baig 警告するd. 'My family and I will go to the 十分な extent to make sure he is brought to 司法(官).'

Danish Baig, 27

Danish Baig, 27

Bharti Shahani, 22

Bharti Shahani, a senior at Texas A&M, died from injuries sustained at Astroworld

Bharti Shahani, a 上級の at Texas A&M, died from 傷害s 支えるd at Astroworld

Shahani, a Texas A&M 上級の, was 批判的に 負傷させるd at Astroworld and was on a ventilator at Houston Methodist Hospital, where she was taken after the concert.

She was 宣言するd brain dead and was taken off the ventilator すぐに thereafter.?She was the ninth person to die from the (人が)群がる 殺到する.?

It was the first festival Shahani had ever …に出席するd, her family said.??

Her family's 弁護士/代理人/検事, James Lassitier, said: 'Bharti was a 向こうずねing 星/主役にする in the community.'

'She was a sister, a daughter, a high-達成するing college student about to 卒業生(する) from Texas A&M University with high, high grades.'?

Ezra Blount, 9

Blount was the tenth - and youngest - person to die from 傷害s 支えるd at Astroworld Festival.

He had been trampled at the concert, placed in a medically induced 昏睡 and was on life support for a week before he succumbed to his 傷害s.

The young boy had spent the concert seated on the shoulders of his father, Treston Blount.

Treston passed out from 欠如(する) of oxygen and, once we 回復するd consciousness, was unable to 位置を示す his son.

By the time the father-son pair were 再会させるd, Blount had 苦しむd??swelling in his brain 同様に as '外傷/ショック in nearly all 組織/臓器s.'?

Ezra Blount (right) and his father, Treston Blount (left), are pictured at Astroworld

Ezra Blount (権利) and his father, Treston Blount (left), are pictured at Astroworld