EXCLUSIVEPrince Harry is »Ï¤á¤ë¡¤·è¤á¤ë for multi-million ³¤±¤¶¤Þ¤ËÌԷ⤹¤ë windfall from memoir Spare after raking in up to ¡ò22million from sales of the hardback, bestselling author Richard Osman ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ës

Prince Harry has already made ¡ò22million ($27million) from his Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë Spare ¤Ë¤â¤«¤«¤ï¤é¤º it only ¸ºß out in hardback, fellow bestselling author Richard Osman?has ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ëd.

The Duke of Sussex's µÄÏÀ¤ÎŪ¤Ë¤Ê¤ë memoir became the UK's fastest-selling Èó¡¤ÉÔ¡¤Ìµ-fiction Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë ever after ¸ºß published by Penguin ̵ºî°Ù¤Î House in January 2023.

Harry was understood to have clinched a ¡ò16million ($20million) Á°¿Ê¤¹¤ë as part of a ¡ ò32million ($40million) four-Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ìó¤¹¤ë ¼è°ú¡¤¶¨Äê in June 2021 ¤Ë°ú¤­Â³¤¤¤Æ a bidding war.

The 39-year-old ²¦¼¼¤Î's headline-grabbing Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë saw him ¹ðȯ¤¹¤ë¡¿ÈóÆñ¤¹¤ë his brother Prince William of ²¡¤·¿Ê¤á¤ëing him into a dog bowl in a Îó¡¿Á椰¡¿ÁûÆ° over his wife Meghan Markle.

It also ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ëd William teased Harry about his panic attacks, that King Charles put his own Íø±×¡¿¶½Ì£s above his second son and saw Harry ¸ÀµÚ¡¿´ØÏ¢ taking ¥³¥«¥¤¥ó, ¥Þ¥ê¥Õ¥¡¥Ê and ¸¸³ÐŪ¤Ê mushrooms and his enjoyment of the TV show Friends.

Now, Osman - author of ¹¶·â¤¹¤ë¡¤¾×Æͤ¹¤ë ºá¡¤ÈȺá novels ´Þ¤àing The Thursday »¦¿Í Club - has used his publishing »º¶È knowledge to ¸«Àѡʤë¡Ë Harry's income from the Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë.

Copies of Prince Harry's memoir 'Spare' are pictured at a book store in London in January 2023

Copies of Prince Harry's memoir 'Spare' are pictured at a Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ in London in January 2023

A customer holds copies of 'Spare' at a London book store during a midnight opening in 2023

A ¸ÜµÒ »ý¤Ä¡¿¹´Î±¤¹¤ës copies of 'Spare' at a London Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ during a midnight ³«»Ï in 2023

Speaking on his podcast?The »Ä¤ê¡¿µÙ·Æ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë Is Entertainment, Osman said: 'The Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë that Harry wrote, it's impossible to ²áÂçɾ²Á¤¹¤ë how much money that has made.?

'I mean, it's been one of the most successful Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ës. The fastest selling Èó¡¤ÉÔ¡¤Ìµ-fiction Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë of all time.

'I've done some »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë of the envelope ·×»»¡¿¸«ÀѤês because I like to. I know what you get paid per Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë. Got a $20million Á°¿Ê¤¹¤ë. Thing with an Á°¿Ê¤¹¤ë is, you get paid in Á°¿Ê¤¹¤ë, $20million in that »öÎã¡¿´µ¼Ô, you do not make a penny until your publisher makes »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë their $20million.

'And once they've made »Ù±ç¤¹¤ë their $20million, and there's all sorts of »ö¾ð¤Ë±þ¤¸¤ÆÊѤï¤ë µ¬ÌÏs about how that ºîÉÊ, what they get, what you get, once you've made the $20million, then you get your ²¦Â²s.

'I think - and his Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë has not come out in paperback yet. So this Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë is ½ã¿è¤Ë hardback. I reckon he's made $26, $27million. So he's earned out an Á°¿Ê¤¹¤ë of $20million on the hardback of his first Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë alone. Forget ¸¢Íøs to other things and audiobooks and what have you. He has earned that out already. When the paperback comes out, it's just money rolling into the Sussexes.'

A spokeswoman for Penguin ̵ºî°Ù¤Î House ³Îǧ¤¹¤ëd to MailOnline today that there is still no ²òÊü¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë date for the paperback ¸«²ò¡¿ËÝÌõ¡¿ÈÇ of Spare.

Osman Äɲ乤ëd that Spare had become the 'biggest ¹¶·â¤¹¤ë¡¤¾×Æͤ¹¤ë of the last ten, 20 years' and had 'made everybody an enormous ÎÌ of money'.

Bestselling author Richard Osman, pictured with his wife Ingrid Oliver in London in February 2024, has estimated that Prince Harry has already made ¡ò22million ($27million) from Spare

Bestselling author Richard Osman, pictured with his wife Ingrid Oliver in London in February 2024, has ³µ»»¤Î that Prince Harry has already made ¡ò22million ($27million) from Spare

Osman made the claim on his podcast The Rest Is Entertainment, with co-host Marina Hyde

Osman made the ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ë on his podcast The »Ä¤ê¡¿µÙ·Æ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë Is Entertainment, with co-host Marina Hyde

He also pointed out that people were wrong to ¼¨º¶¤¹¤ë the Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë was not a success because it was ¸ºß ¤Ò¤É¤¯ ³ä°úd or on the ê¾å¤²¤Ë¤¹¤ës of charity shops.

Osman Äɲ乤ëd: 'Harry is not making ¤¤¤Ã¤½¤¦¾¯¤Ê¤¯ money if it's half-price. He makes Àµ³Î¤Ë¡¿¤Þ¤µ¤Ë the same if you ¹ðȯ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¤¹ðÁʡʤ¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿ÎÁ¶â $28 and if you ¹ðȯ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë¡¤¹ðÁʡʤ¹¤ë¡Ë¡¿ÎÁ¶â $14.

'Also, he sells a lot in America. In America the ²¦Â²s are ÀäÂÐ insane because they »Ùʧ¤¦¡¿Ä¶â a lot of money for Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ës in America. So he has made a ÊúÍʤ¹¤ë ÎÌ of money out of that Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë. So he's got money coming in.'

Osman also pointed out that while the only °æ¸Í¡¿ÊÛ¸î»ÎÀÊ-known ÌÌ of Meghan's »ö¼Â¾å¤Î¡¿ÂåÍý career has been ¹µÁÊs, the show had seen a resurgence in ¿Íµ¤.

The show ? which first ran from 2011 until 2019 - »Ï¤á¤ë¡¤·è¤á¤ë a new streaming µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ë in the US in 2023 ¤Ë¤è¤ì¤Ð Nielsen.?

The ¥Þ¥¹¥³¥ß ʬÀϲÈs said it was watched for a total of 57.7 billion minutes on?Netflix ? ¡Ê·Ù´±¤Î¡Ë½ä²ó¶è°è¡¤¼õ»ý¤Á¶è°èing The Office's previous µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ë of 57.1 billion minutes, from 2020.

And Osman said: 'Meghan, the only thing we really know her from »ö¼Â¾å¤Î¡¿ÂåÍý in is ¹µÁÊs. And ¹µÁÊs in the last year has become the biggest show in the world.?So, as a couple, they've essentially got the biggest Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë I the world and the biggest TV show in the world.

'Now I'm sure she's not making a ÊúÍʤ¹¤ë ÎÌ from ¹µÁÊs. But as a ÎÏ¡¿¶¯ÎϤˤ¹¤ë couple, forget Netflix and Spotify, that's not bad.?

A poster advertises the midnight opening of a WH Smith store in London to sell Spare last year

A poster advertises the midnight ³«»Ï of a WH Smith Ãߤ¨¤ë¡¿Å¹ in London to sell Spare last year

Data obtained by The Bookseller in January found that Spare sold more than 700,000 copies in Britain last year, making it the country's bestselling book of 2023 - ahead of Osman's titles

Data ÆÀ¤ëd by The Bookseller in January ÀßΩ¤¹¤ë that Spare sold more than 700,000 copies in Britain last year, making it the country's bestselling Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë of 2023 - ahead of Osman's ¸ª½ñ¤òÍ¿¤¨¤ës

'It's not?Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, but it's not bad having the biggest Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë in the world and ¸ºß in the biggest TV show in the world.'

Spare was the fastest-selling Èó¡¤ÉÔ¡¤Ìµ-fiction Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë in the UK since µ­Ï¿¡¤µ­Ï¿Åª¤Ê¡¿µ­Ï¿¤¹¤ës began in 1998, ¤Ë¤è¤ì¤Ð Nielsen BookData, ¤Ë¤â¤«¤«¤ï¤é¤º Ãê½Ð¤¹¤ës ¸ºß ϳ¤ì¤ëd online.

Harry used the tell-all Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë to make ¤µ¤Þ¤¶¤Þ¤Ê ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ës about his family ´Þ¤àing that William called Meghan 'difficult', 'rude' and 'abrasive', and that Charles ¼­Âह¤ëd to µö¤¹ Meghan to join Harry in Scotland as the late Queen was dying.

Data ÆÀ¤ëd by The Bookseller in January ÀßΩ¤¹¤ë that Spare sold more than 700,000 copies in Britain last year, making it the country's bestselling Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë of 2023.

¤É¤³¤«¤è¤½¤Ç in the ºÇ¹â¤Î¡¤¤ò±Û¤¹ five Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ës from last year were two Æþ¤ë¤³¤È¡¿»²²Ã¡Ê¼Ô¡Ës from Osman - The Last Devil to Die and The ÃÆ´Ý That ¹ÔÊýÉÔÌÀ¤Ë¤Ê¤ëd.

Harry has also been ÆóÎÝÂÇ-»Ø̾¤¹¤ëd at the British Ä´½ñ¤ò¤È¤ë¡¿Í½Ì󤹤ë Awards for Spare.

The ghost-written autobiography has been given nods in the ÉôÎàs of narration audiobook Èó¡¤ÉÔ¡¤Ìµ-fiction, which the Duke ¶¡µë¤¹¤ëd, and Èó¡¤ÉÔ¡¤Ìµ-fiction: narrative.?The µ·¼° takes place on May 13 in London.

MailOnline has ÀÜ¿¨¤¹¤ëd Archewell for comment over Osman's ¡Ê¿ÍÌ¿¤Ê¤É¤ò¡ËÃ¥¤¦¡¤¼çÄ¥¤¹¤ës.?

Listen to Richard Osman and Marina Hyde's podcast The »Ä¤ê¡¿µÙ·Æ¡Ê¤¹¤ë¡Ë Is Entertainment here