EXCLUSIVEAmerica's Amish EXPLOSION: Why the buggy-riding 全住民 that doesn't use 科学(工学)技術 has DOUBLED in size since 2000 and could 攻撃する,衝突する one million this century

America's low-科学(工学)技術 Amish sect has 二塁打d in size since 2000 and will 攻撃する,衝突する 1 million members this century as it spreads far beyond its Pennsylvania 中心地域, new 研究 shows.

Steven Nolt, an 専門家 on the Amish, told DailyMail.com that its 378,000-strong US 全住民 was 二塁打ing every 20 years, thanks to families with lots of children who most often stick to the 約束.

Amish communities have spread beyond their 伝統的な areas of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana, with fledgling outposts as far afield as Maine, Florida, New Mexico, Texas, and Idaho, said Nolt.

The 拡大 強調するs the tightness of a group that eschews 科学(工学)技術 to 焦点(を合わせる) on family time, even as modern America grapples with 独房 phones and social マスコミ that may 害(を与える) kids' mental health.

Members of the Amish Brenneman family head home to Iowa after a vacation in Maine
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Members of the Amish Brenneman family 長,率いる home to Iowa after a vacation in Maine?

Members of the Amish community repair a destroyed barn in Fulgham, Kentucky

Members of the Amish community 修理 a destroyed barn in Fulgham, Kentucky

The Amish are spreading far beyond their established homes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana

The Amish are spreading far beyond their 設立するd homes in Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana

Still, the group remains dogged by 発覚s from runaways about an ultra-保守的な Christian lifestyle, most recently 含むing the adherent-turned stripper Naomi Swartzentruber, 43.

'We can 心配する 1 million Amish 井戸/弁護士席 before the end of the century,' Nolt, a history and Anabaptist 熟考する/考慮するs professor and director of the Young 中心 for Anabaptist and Pietist 熟考する/考慮するs at Elizabethtown College, told DailyMail.com.

Steven Nolt says the Amish are heading West

Steven Nolt says the Amish are 長,率いるing West

He foresaw その上の Amish 拡大 across 田舎の parts of the Mountain West and Southeast.

'There will be more Amish living in more places, with new neighbors,' he said.

'That does 提起する/ポーズをとる the 可能性 of 可能性のある 誤解. But also the 可能性 of keeping some 田舎の areas alive and 居住させるd in the 直面する of さもなければ 予報するd 田舎の depopulation in the next 50 years.'

The Amish, a Christian sect that migrated to the US from Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, typically 辞退する to 運動 cars, use computers or connect to a public electricity 供給(する).

They speak a German dialect and travel through their mostly 田舎の villages in horse-drawn buggies.

At a time when some other 民族の and 宗教的な groups 恐れる 薄めること through mixed marriages, the Amish have 上げるd their numbers by marrying within the group and teaching their kids at Amish-only schools.

Their 全住民 growth 率 has 加速するd in the past 20 years because they have an 普通の/平均(する) of five or six children per family, and have done a better 職業 of 保持するing their young people, and are having longer, healthier lives.?

Amish Trump supporters are seen raising flags in a clip believed to be shot in New York

Amish Trump 支持者s are seen raising 旗s in a clip believed to be 発射 in New York?

The Amish, a Christian sect that migrated to the US from Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, typically refuse to drive cars, use computers or connect to a public electricity supply

The Amish, a Christian sect that migrated to the US from Europe in the 18th and 19th centuries, typically 辞退する to 運動 cars, use computers or connect to a public electricity 供給(する)

America's Amish population doubles every 20 years and is headed toward 1 million this century

America's Amish 全住民 (テニスなどの)ダブルス every 20 years and is 長,率いるd toward 1 million this century?

Amish children are se
en on an Amish horse in the community's heartland of central Pennsylvania

Amish children are seen on an Amish horse in the community's 中心地域 of central Pennsylvania

A tenth of Amish families in the Pennsylvania 中心地域 have 10 or more children ― far above the 1.9 children of the 普通の/平均(する) US family.

Birth 支配(する)/統制する and abortion are frowned upon.

Unlike other 宗教的な groups, the Amish don't 変える, so 全住民 growth comes from children.

によれば Nolt, nearly 90 パーセント of Amish children stay within the church.

'The 10-15 パーセント who don't join rarely run away; they just never join ― maybe drift away, or 簡単に choose a different life path within the same geographic community as their family,' he said.

The group's 概算の North American 全住民 was 384,290 last year, a 116 パーセント jump from 2000.

That 含むs 6,100 in Canada.

Amish numbers more than 二塁打d in 10 明言する/公表するs, and there was an 82 パーセント 増加する in the number of Amis h communities throughout the US.

There are now Amish communities in 32 US 明言する/公表するs.

There are now Amish communities in 28 US states and a thriving community in Canada

There are now Amish communities in 28 US 明言する/公表するs and a 栄えるing community in Canada

A row of Amish buggies head home after church near Ronks, Pennsylvania

A 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of Amish buggies 長,率いる home after church 近づく Ronks, Pennsylvania

New outposts often spring up because members 位置/汚点/見つけ出す a 取引,協定 for 農地 ― the 経済的な 主要な支え of the group ― and are willing to relocate.

They can grow 急速な/放蕩な thanks to strong community 関係.

解決/入植地s have sprung up since 2000 in six new 明言する/公表するs: Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wyoming.

At the same time, Minnesota's Amish populatio n has 殺到するd by 230 パーセント.

In New York it has more than quadrupled, growing from 4,505 to some 21,230 people.

Though farming is a 主要な支え, many members work in construction, woodworking, blacksmithing, or start small 商売/仕事s.

A community that started in Brownington, Vermont ― 30 minutes from the Canadian 国境 ― in 2013, is said to be 栄えるing now.

But the group's 伝統的な ways are not beloved by all.

Their dress is characterized by straw hats and suspenders for men and bonnets and long dresses for women.

A Mennonite group enjoy the boardwalk in Ocean City, New Jersey

A Mennonite group enjoy the boardwalk in Ocean City, New Jersey

Amish people participate as US President Donald J. Trump host a campaign rally at the Lancaster Airport in Lititz, Pennsylvania, in 2020

Amish people 参加する as US 大統領 Donald J. Trump host a (選挙などの)運動をする 決起大会/結集させる at the Lancaster Airport in Lititz, Pennsylvania, in 2020

They 大部分は 避ける marrying outside their community because they know doing so would mean 存在 kicked out of the church.

政治上, the Amish lean ひどく 共和国の/共和党の.

Members have been seen at Donald Trump 決起大会/結集させるs in Pennsylvania, some even decorating their buggies with (選挙などの)運動をする 旗,新聞一面トップの大見出し/大々的に報道するs.

Swartzentruber recently 解除するd the lid on life inside a community that she fled when she was 17.

The 43-year-old was raised in one of the largest and most 保守的な subgroups of the Amish, known as the Swartzentrubers.

From the young age of five, Naomi Swartzentruber, 43, was thrust into the center of Amish life and was expected to wake up at 5am to help on the farm

From the young age of five, Naomi Swartzentruber, 43, was thrust into the 中心 of Amish life and was 推定する/予想するd to wake up at 5am to help on the farm?

She had to follow strict 支配するs on how she dressed and who she could talk to.

At the age of five, she was 推定する/予想するd to wake up at 5am to help on the farm in Michigan.

By the time she was 14, school was no longer considered a 優先 and instead she left her education behind to cook, clean, and do 世帯 chores 十分な-time.

'We'd get up at 夜明け and work all day until the sun went 負かす/撃墜する,' she said.

'Women would be 推定する/予想するd to do the cooking, cl eaning and washing the 着せる/賦与するs ― while men would do all the farming.'

However, her homemaker life became too mundane for her, and she 設立する herself wishing she could have a taste of the world outside the 解決/入植地.

'There wasn't much time for play ― and we had to dress modestly,' she said.

'When I asked my parents why we had to dress and work, they said it was 'just our way.'

Soon enough, she began rebelling in small ways by donning lingerie under her gowns, listening to the 無線で通信する through her neighbor's window and even 内密に dating 非,不,無-Amish boys, who were known as 'English' men.

Naomi explained: 'I started feeling really 反抗的な ― I decided I 手配中の,お尋ね者 to get a 職業, find an English boy, and wear whatever I want.'