JANET STREET-PORTER: As the Sussexes reinvent themselves as Netflix TV 星/主役にするs, does anyone need Meghan the mop-(権力などを)行使するing 国内の goddess? No thank you. But give me Harry's insight into the world of polo - and all its sex, money and glamour - any day

Does the world need another lesson in how to make a delicious 下落する using 有機の 解放する/自由な 範囲 produce? As the Duchess of Sussex?開始する,打ち上げるs herself as the USA's answer to Nigella, will テレビ視聴者s be 急ぐing to 素早い行動 up her eco-friendly 軽食s?

As for 濃厚にするing our lifestyles, would you 支払う/賃金 extra for a Megan Mop? Or the chance to buy a blender made by happy 井戸/弁護士席 paid 労働者s in a factory 力/強力にするd by solar energy using only the purest water- chance would be a 罰金 thing. Would you make a 厚板 cake with the Sussex 調印(する) of 是認? I 疑問 it would have many carbs, but it will be very humble and worthy and 犯罪-解放する/自由な.

As brand Sussex 拡大するs, with Harry and Meghan 発表するing they will be producing two new television shows for Netflix, I know which one I'll be watching. Since 調印 a five-year 生産/産物 取引,協定 価値(がある) a という評判の $100 million in 2020, there's been 抱擁する 利益/興味 in how the 王室の couple would translate their personal experiences into entertainment for ordinary folk who don't 後部 their own chickens, have a 安全 詳細(に述べる) and celebrity friends on 速度(を上げる) dial like Oprah.

A spokesperson for their 生産/産物 company, Archewell, 明らかにする/漏らすs the pair are busy developing all sorts of 事業/計画(する)s, with a movie, comedy and all sorts of entertainment in the pipeline - but the first shows into 生産/産物 反映する their very different passions- sport and 国内の bliss.

Does the world need another lesson in how to make a delicious dip using organic free range produce, asks JANET STREET-PORTER? As the Duchess of Sussex launches herself as the USA's answer to Nigella, will viewers be rushing to whisk up her eco-friendly snacks?

Does the world need another lesson in how to make a delicious 下落する using 有機の 解放する/自由な 範囲 produce, asks JANET STREET-PORTER? As the Duchess of Sussex 開始する,打ち上げるs herself as the USA's answer to Nigella, will テレビ視聴者s be 急ぐing to 素早い行動 up her eco-friendly 軽食s??

Harry's 申し込む/申し出ing will take テレビ視聴者s behind the scenes at 最高の,を越す polo matches, with テレビ視聴者s 約束d '前例のない 接近' to a sp ort which is 支配するd by the rich, beautiful and supremely fit. The players, that is. 明白に the glamorous 観客s aren't the 肉親,親類d you'd 遭遇(する) on the terraces at Millwall or on the sidelines at a 地元の five a 味方する game.

It's thought the series may be 発射 at the US Open Polo 選手権s and other tournaments around the world- an insider 噴出するd 'it pulls the curtain 支援する on the grit and the passion of the sport'. Yes, I am sure, but 基本的に polo is about sex, muscle 力/強力にする and money. The money that is 要求するd to own and run a string of four ponies for each game. Even the grooms - the underlings of both sexes who look after the animals - are pretty good looking too.

For armchair sloths like myself, the 約束s of six hours watching blokes (and women) with perfect six packs rippling under tight polo shirts whacking a little ball with a long 政治家 (the mallet) is an exciting prospect. I've already sent off for my 調書をとる/予約する of the 支配するs, I'm going to wear a hardhat (or helmet as it's known) during play and the Pimms is 冷気/寒がらせるing. Polo was immortalised in Jilly Cooper's classic bonkathon (する権利を与えるd Polo) of 2007, featuring the antic of moody, macho, randy Ricky フラン-Lynch. 要求するd background reading to 準備する for Harry's new show. Polo is like Downton Abbey without the buildings and the dowagers.

I have only ever been to one actual match- a charity event at the Guards Polo Club on Smith's Lawn in Windsor 広大な/多数の/重要な Park, with 王室のs in 出席. The day didn't start 井戸/弁護士席- my ex-husband threw a tantrum because he wasn't 招待するd and chucked a box of eggs all over my Landrover. They quickly baked into a 動きやすい omelette which kitchen rolls couldn't 除去する.

Meghan's new lifestyle show will be offering insights into 'the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship'. ABove: A photo previously issued by Archewell of Meghan at The Welcome Project on February 10

Meghan's new lifestyle show will be 申し込む/申し出ing insights into 'the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship'. ABove: A photo 以前 問題/発行するd by Archewell of Meghan at The Welcome 事業/計画(する) on February 10?

As brand Sussex expands, with Harry and Meghan announcing they will be producing two new television shows for Netflix , I know which one I'll be watching

?As brand Sussex 拡大するs, with Harry and Meghan 発表するing they will be producing two new television shows for Netflix , I know which one I'll be watching

I wish Meghan well, but she's entering an over-crowded market too late. As for Harry's Big New Idea, he could be onto a winner

I wish Meghan 井戸/弁護士席, but she's entering an over-(人が)群がるd market too late. As for Harry's Big New Idea, he could be の上に a 勝利者?

The dress code 要求するd me to wear the 訂正する badge (just like 王室の Ascot), proper heels, a prissy 膝 length skirt, a nice jacket and 負担s of 構成- not something I've done since, but 支援する then neither 王室の Prince was married and one can always live in hope.

The match was 急速な/放蕩な and furious and 完全に 理解できない.

Buckets of シャンペン酒 were drunk before, after and during, so it all passed in a blur. The posh people stayed 井戸/弁護士席 away from the plebs, although we all had to walk over the grass and stamp bits of turf 負かす/撃墜する in the breaks between chukkas.

Polo is where Harry is really happy - he's been a keen player since his teenage years and still gets in the saddle at matches 近づく his new home in California. These days the women's ga me is 平等に 競争の激しい and glamourous too.

Contrast the thrill of the 'chukka' (one of the 7 minute periods in a polo match not a pair of boots- do keep up with the lingo!) with Meghan's new lifestyle show, which will be 申し込む/申し出ing insights into 'the joys of cooking, gardening, entertaining and friendship'. In the trailer, we see 煙霧のかかった soft 焦点(を合わせる) 発射s of the Duchess pottering away in a perfect kitchen, with 巡査 pans hanging 総計費, jazz burbling away in the background and gorgeous roses perfectly arranged in a vase. 自然に, she's in white.

Meghan has just launched a homeware brand - the clumsily named American Riviera Orchard - so a cooking show makes perfect sense as a vehicle to flog her wares

Meghan has just 開始する,打ち上げるd a homeware brand - the clumsily 指名するd American Riviera Orchard - so a cooking show makes perfect sense as a 乗り物 to flog her wares?

Harry's offering will take viewers behind the scenes at top polo matches. Above: Harry with his brother Prince William after playing in the Audi Polo Challenge at Coworth Park Polo Club in 2014

Harry's 申し込む/申し出ing will take テレビ視聴者s behind the scenes at 最高の,を越す polo matches. Above: Harry with his brother Prince William after playing in the Audi Polo Challenge at Coworth Park Polo Club in 2014

Viewers are promised 'unprecedented access' to a sport which is dominated by the rich, beautiful and supremely fit. Above: Harry? with his old friend Nacho Figueras in May 2019

テレビ視聴者s are 約束d '前例のない 接近' to a sport which is 支配するd by the rich, beautiful and supremely fit. Above: Harry? with his old friend Nacho Figueras in May 2019

Meghan has just 開始する,打ち上げるd a homeware brand - the clumsily 指名するd American Riviera Orchard - so a cooking show makes perfect sense as a 乗り物 to flog her wares, but how many handcrafted 維持できる 木造の spoons does any amateur need, even ones 本人自身で 認可するd by the Duchess of Sussex?

And how much undiscovered 'advice' about cooking still remains for 井戸/弁護士席 dressed perfectly made up rich women to give out to the 集まりs? Even Nigella Lawson seems to be tiring of the charade that there is anything left to say about chopping an onion or baking an apple.

If the 国内の Goddess now gets over excited about cooking with Coca Cola, Marmite and tinned sardines, where is the 甘い 位置/汚点/見つけ出す for Meghan to discover and make cooking enjoyable, sexy and 望ましい again and not just a 血まみれの chore?

Given that most lifestyle gurus-like Gwyneth Paltrow- and certainly the Duchess of Sussex- are mothers with plenty of money-spinning アイロンをかけるs in the 解雇する/砲火/射撃, from podcasts to 製品 開始する,打ち上げるs to flogging tips and recipes and 環境の advice ? it's やめる 理解できる they 雇う cooks, although they usually call the help housekeepers. Their notion of cooking is not ours.

Meghan supporting Harry at the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club in 2022

Meghan supporting Harry at the Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club in 2022

When it comes to making a television series, you might wonder how on earth can they relate to the everyday cooking 窮地s of their fans who don't have staff or a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 of 巡査 pans in the kitchen? Problems like how to get any 十代の少年少女 to eat a vegetable, get off their phone ーするために eat, or even sit at the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する with adults of another 世代.

The world doesn't need another cooking show, every night we are 砲撃するd with the 血まみれの things. Any recipe you want is online.

I wish Meghan 井戸/弁護士席, but she's entering an over-(人が)群がるd market too late.

As for Harry's Big New Idea, he could be の上に a 勝利者. Could the 王室の Misfit have finally 設立する a 役割 for himself, an area of 専門的知識 where he can 向こうずね and stop whingeing? I certainly hope so.