A Sky News reporter was seen breaking 負かす/撃墜する in 涙/ほころびs as she remembered a mother whose life was tragically 削減(する) short along with five other shoppers during the horrific 集まり stabbing in a Sydney shopping centre.?

Laura Jayes, 40, was visibly distraught during her live cross from Bondi Junction's Westfield, in Sydney's east, while 報告(する)/憶測ing on the death of beloved osteopath Ash Good, 38.

Good, a first time mother, was の中で the five women and one man who were fatally stabbed by a knifeman, 40, at the busy shopping centre on Saturday afternoon in an attack that has 激しく揺するd the nation.

The osteopath and her nine-month-old baby girl, who was also stabbed, were both 急ぐd to hospital.

Tragically, the mother died in hospital on Saturday evening while her baby 報道によれば remains in a 批判的な 条件 after を受けるing 外科.

Jayes said Dr Good was a 'beautiful woman' in the prime of her life.

Dr Good, a first time mother, (pictured) was の中で the five women and one man who were fatally stabbed by a knifeman
Laura Jayes, 40, broke 負かす/撃墜する during her live cross from Bondi Junction's Westfield, in Sydney 's east, while 報告(する)/憶測ing on the death of beloved osteopath Ash Good , 38
Australian 警官,(賞などを)獲得する 視察官 Amy Scott (pictured) 直面するd the knifeman alone on the 最高の,を越す level of the shopping centre and 発射 him dead

'She has a beautiful circle of friends, she was an incredible 競技者 and she had the world at her feet,' an emotional Jayes told host Peter Stefanovic.

READ MORE: Hero 警官,(賞などを)獲得する who took knifeman 負かす/撃墜する identified as 視察官 Amy Scott

'Her family are on their way 急ぐing here now, so many family and friends 手配中の,お尋ね者 to be at the hospital this afternoon, they had to take turns going in and out of the waiting room.

'They both (Dr Good and her child) went into 外科, her husband not knowing if either had 生き残るd and now the worst possible news.

'I just can't really get my 長,率いる around it. It's just so cruel.'


Jayes, who is herself a mother-of-two, 追加するd that Dr Good was an 'incredibly smart' woman whose life was 'ripped away' in a 事柄 of seconds.?

Good was の中で the six shoppers at Sydney's Bondi Junction Westfield who were killed today, when a man, 40, dressed in a rugby league jersey, went on a stabbing rampage about 3.20pm before a 女性(の) police officer 発射 him dead.

A total of nine people, 含むing Ms Good's nine-month-old baby Harriet, 苦しむd knife 負傷させるs. The 幼児 is fighting for her life after 存在 急ぐd to hospital for 緊急 外科.

Just hours before the horror 広げるd, Ms Good 地位,任命するd a photo to Instagram with her daughter in her 武器.

'Only because I was walking past and happened to be wearing the same thing 9 months out vs 9 months in etc etc,' the caption read.

She also 地位,任命するd a short ビデオ of her daughter sitting in a car seat with the 誘惑s song My Girl overlayed.

The k nifeman, who killed five women and one man during a rampage in?Sydney today, was 'known to police'.

READ MORE:?Quick-thinking dad is 賞賛するd as he puts 注目する,もくろむ masks on his children to stop them 証言,証人/目撃するing the 広げるing horror of Sydney stabbing

One man was あられ/賞賛するd a hero for 急ぐing to 援助(する) Ms Good and her baby as he?told how he 猛烈に worked to keep the 幼児 alive using 蓄える/店 着せる/賦与するs.?

A 証言,証人/目撃する interrupted a Nine News reporter at the scene in Bondi Junction and pointed to his brother, 説: 'He's a hero - he saved the baby'.?

The 明確に shaken man said he used 着せる/賦与するs from a 蓄える/店 to try and 茎・取り除く the baby's bleeding.


'The baby got stabbed and, yeah, the mum got stabbed,' he said.

'The mum (機の)カム over with the baby and threw it at me. I just helped by 持つ/拘留するing the baby... and trying to compress the baby('s 負傷させるs).'

The brothers stayed with the mother and called 緊急 services.??

'(It was) very bad... a lot of the 血 on the 床に打ち倒す ... hope the baby's alright,' the other brother said.

The 負傷させるd mum had 血 coming out of her mouth, he said.?

The BBC 報告(する)/憶測d a man called Johnny, 33, was shopping when he turned to see a woman and her baby 存在 attacked.

He said: 'She was getting stabbed. Everyone was in shock (and) didn't know what to do.'

The 負傷させるd woman ran に向かって the Tommy Hilfiger 蓄える/店 and staff locked the doors once she was inside, he 追加するd.

The 攻撃者 was seen running in the 商店街 with a knife in his 手渡す - moments before he was 発射 dead by a patrolling police officer
The two brothers used 着せる/賦与するing and shirts from a shop to try and stop the baby's bleeding
The King and Queen have 問題/発行するd a 声明 非難するing the attacks in Australia - 説 they were 'utterly shocked and horrified'

READ MORE: Sydney knifeman, 40, who killed five women and one man in Westfield 大虐殺 was 'known to police' and 的d 叫び声をあげるing mum and her baby first?


He said people tried to stop the bleeding using 着せる/賦与するs: 'The baby only had a minor 負傷させる, but the lady was pretty bad - there was a lot of 血 and she was panicking.'

An 従業員 at the COS shop, Rashdan Aqashah, 19, said he watched a man 直面する the 攻撃者 on an escalator using a 政治家, the BBC 報告(する)/憶測d.

He said: 'I saw this one guy fighting with the 殺し屋. He was 持つ/拘留するing the 政治家, trying to throw a 政治家 at the escalator.

'I grabbed my 経営者/支配人 to shut the 蓄える/店 door. It was just in 前線 of our 蓄える/店.'

(映画の)フィート数 地位,任命するd to X, 以前は Twitter, shows a man pointing a 安全 政治家 at the 攻撃者 standing beneath him on the escalator.


One woman said she saw two dead 団体/死体s before she hid in the Lululemon sportswear shop.

She told ABC News: 'At the 反対する while I was as 支払う/賃金ing I heard this 叫び声をあげるing of kids, women and men outside the shop - as soon as I turned my 直面する to look I saw a guy who was wearing this green outfit, jersey 構成要素s, with shorts and a t-shirt with a very 大規模な knife on 手渡す.

Amy Scott 発射 the 攻撃者 with her service 武器
視察官 Scott sprinted through Westfield Bondi Junction to?選び出す/独身-handedly 直面する the knifeman

'Then I saw a dead 団体/死体 権利 in 前線.

'There was 大規模な (量s of) 血 around that 団体/死体, a few metres after there was another dead 団体/死体 同様に on the 床に打ち倒す which was pretty scary.

READ MORE:?王室のs 支払う/賃金 尊敬の印 to Sydney 犠牲者s - Charles and Camilla are 'shocked and horrified' by stabbings and Kate and William send thoughts to families in princess's first public 声明 since 癌 news

'He had already stabbed two and they were on the 床に打ち倒す and he was trying to turn 支援する, like a U-turn, 支援する to Lululemon shop, then I just 叫び声をあげるd 'where is the safest changing room in which I can go and lock myself'.

'I was really in 恐れる, I was thinking if they couldn't shut Lululemon door then I would maybe get stabbed - we locked 負かす/撃墜する inside Lululemon for 45 (minutes) to one hour as the police (機の)カム.'

労働者s at a hair salon 近づく the shopping centre 勧めるd in 'traumatised' older women.

A woman who 作品 at the salon told the same news 出口: 'We've had the older women coming into the salon who were in Westfield, traumatised, we had to sit them 負かす/撃墜する because they were running and they weren't fit enough to run.'

People were still 避難所d in the salon hours after the attack because their cars were parked in the shopping centre, she 追加するd.


Another 証言,証人/目撃する, a 労働者 at the shopping centre, 解任するd seeing a mother 叫び声をあげるing on the level above.

'I see a mother and maybe her partner with a baby in a pram,' she told Nine News.

The knifeman who killed five women and one man during a rampage in Sydney today was 'known to police'
The knifeman was 報道によれば 発射 dead by a 女性(の) police officer who was on patrol nearby
The 攻撃者 was in the 商店街 at 3pm but left and returned at 3.20pm with a knife. He attacked the mother and child at 3.30pm before police arrived at 3.45pm and the 商店街 was placed under lockdown at 4pm

'She's 叫び声をあげるing really, really loudly. She's running 支援する and 前へ/外へ not knowing what to do.

'Then she comes 支援する to the pram and 選ぶs up her baby and there's just 血 all over her 支援する.

'The 叫び声をあげる was unforgettable, it was the scariest thing I've ever seen.

'My co-労働者 took me, we locked all the doors, had to turn off all the lights and doors'.?

READ MORE: How hero 女性(の) 警官,(賞などを)獲得する 危険d her own life by 直面するing knifeman before she 発射 him dead


New South むちの跡s police commissioner Karen Webb told a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会: 'Later this evening we became aware of who we believe the 違反者/犯罪者 is and we believe that he is a 40-year-old man.

'However, we are waiting to 正式に identify him and we cannot 推測する yet on his 身元確認,身分証明.

'But let me 保証する you that we are 確信して that there is no 現在進行中の 危険 and we are 取引,協定ing with one person who is now 死んだ.'

She 追加するd: 'If in fact it is the person that we believe it is, then we don't have 恐れるs for that person 持つ/拘留するing an ideation - in other words, that it's not a テロ行為 出来事/事件.

'He is known to 法律 施行 but we are waiting to identify him 正式に.'

Speaking about the heroic 警官,(賞などを)獲得する,?Commissioner Webb said she was 'doing 井戸/弁護士席 under the circumstances'.

Webb 追加するd: 'She showed enormous courage and bravery… we just talked [and] she's 承認する, he r family is 承認する. She's got everything she needs for the time 存在.'


The officer will be interviewed 正式に tomorrow about what happened.

The baby is 存在 扱う/治療するd at?Sydney Children's Hospital at Randwick. Another 犠牲者 was 急ぐd to?St George Hospital and someone else to 王室の North Shore Hospital.

Three were taken to?St Vincent's Hospital in Darlinghurst and two mo re to the?王室の Prince Alfred in Camperdown.

Bystanders said they had seen 多重の people outside the shopping centre in the city's eastern 郊外s with 血 on their 着せる/賦与するs.?

Anthony Cooke, assistant commissioner of?New South むちの跡s Police, said: 'A man walked into Westfield at Bondi Junction, he left the centre very すぐに after and returned... as he moved through the centre he engaged with about nine people.

'It is (疑いを)晴らす that during that 約束/交戦 he 原因(となる)d 害(を与える) to those people, we believe by stabbing them with a 武器 he was carrying.

Earlier panicked people were seen running across the 歩行者 橋(渡しをする) outside the centre in ビデオ 地位,任命するd to social マスコミ
Several people took 避難所 in a supermarket, where they remained for about an hour. The sound of police サイレン/魅惑的なs and ヘリコプターs filled the 空気/公表する

'Very 明確に a 範囲 of 報告(する)/憶測s were made on the 出来事/事件, police …に出席するd 敏速に - a 選び出す/独身 部隊 officer, 視察官 of police, was nearby, …に出席するd, [and] went into the centre directed by a 範囲 of people.

'She 直面するd the 違反者/犯罪者 who had moved, by this 行う/開催する/段階, to level five.

READ MORE:?Bondi 救助(する) 星/主役にする Andrew Reid is 存在 あられ/賞賛するd a hero after 辞退するing 避難/引き上げ orders to go and help stabbing 犠牲者s at Westfield shopping centre - 'I have never seen so much 血'

'As she continued to walk quickly behind to catch up with him he turned to 直面する her, raised a knife, she 発射する/解雇するd a firearm and that person is now 死んだ.'

He 追加するd:?'I'm advised that there are five 犠牲者s who are now 死んだ as a result of the 活動/戦闘s of this 違反者/犯罪者.

'There are more than several other people who have been 伝えるd to hospital - a number of those are in serious and or 批判的な 条件s at this 行う/開催する/段階 and I do not have その上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in relation to descriptions of those people.


'I know one of them is a small child.'

It was later 確認するd that six people died in the attack.??

Mr Cooke said: 'I am content that there is no continuing 脅し; our police, as I said, have 開始するd 調査s into the 事柄 which will continue through the evening.

'I do not have 詳細(に述べる)s of 犠牲者s who have been killed by this individual, nor those who have been 伝えるd to hospital for 治療 - so I cannot 供給する you その上の (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) into relation to them, only to say very 明確に our hearts go out to all of them, as they do (to) anyone touched by this 出来事/事件 this afternoon.

'I do not have (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) in relation to the 違反者/犯罪者 - I do not know, at this 行う/開催する/段階, who he is, you would understand this is やめる raw.

'調査s are very new and we continue to make 試みる/企てるs to identify the 違反者/犯罪者 in this 事柄.

'That is it for the moment, ーに関して/ーの点でs of (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) that I have for you.'

The shopping centre has been locked 負かす/撃墜する に引き続いて the attack, which killed six people
Streets in Sydney's Bondi Junction area remain 非常線,警戒線d off as 地元の police make enquiries
Shoppers run though Bondi Junction as police lock 負かす/撃墜する the centre after the attack 広げるd
The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s said they were 'shocked and saddened', 追加するing that their thoughts are with those 影響する/感情d and the 'heroic 緊急 responders who 危険d their own lives to save others'
The stabbing happened at Bondi Junction Westfield shopping centre, which went into lockdown just before 4pm on Saturday

A man who 証言,証人/目撃するd the 攻撃者 を刺す a woman in her stomach as he ran out of the shopping centre with his girlfriend said he felt '権力のない' as he saw the knifeman 'taking the life of someone else and wasn't able to do anything'.

READ MORE: Tearful shoppers tell how they fled Sydney knifeman - and 賞賛する hero who helped save 負傷させるd baby?


Carlos Ferras, 32, told the PA news 機関: 'I was in the shopping 商店街 with my girlfriend when, very 近づく the 入り口, suddenly a (人が)群がる (機の)カム in running.?

'I started looking into the (人が)群がる trying to understand the commotion and very soon realised there was a guy に引き続いて them with a やめる long knife.


'At that point my girl pulled me to run into the 商店街, but I noticed we would be running in 平行の to the 攻撃者, as at that point he was literally next to us on the other 味方する of the 回廊(地帯).?

'The guy seemed 焦点(を合わせる)d on going 今後 so he didn't notice us.'

Mr Ferras, a ソフトウェア engineer based in Sydney, continued: 'I took my girl and led her に向かって the 商店街 入り口 while keeping an 注目する,もくろむ on the guy and it was at that moment that I saw him stabbing a lady ? he pretty much stuck the 十分な knife into her stomach.

多重の other shoppers have been 負傷させるd in the attack, it has been 報告(する)/憶測d
Paramedics have taken two people to hospital in 救急車s so far, while bystanders have seen 多重の people outside the shopping centre with 血 on their 着せる/賦与するs

'We made it out but outside was as crazy as inside, people running in all directions.?

'In the moment we didn't know how many 攻撃者s (there were) or anything else so we stayed vigilant and went to one of the parking 出口s hoping to get inside and get our car.

'Feelings are hard to 述べる during a 状況/情勢 like that. I would say I was definitely in 警報, 脅すd and worried of course, mostly about the 不確定 of not knowing how many 攻撃者s or if it was finished…I felt 権力のない, I had the guy in 前線 me, alone, saw him taking the life of someone else, and wasn't able to do anything.'

A 監督者 of a luggage 蓄える/店 in the shopping centre said he 証言,証人/目撃するd the 攻撃者 を刺す a woman and saw the 団体/死体s of four people on the ground, 含むing two 安全 guards.??

Yohan Francois Philip, 29, told PA he stayed inside the 蓄える/店 with several 同僚s and 顧客s as 'a growing movement of around 50-ish' ran past, before a woman approaching the shop, 'banged on the door and said 'let me in'.

A large police presence has remained at the scene of the 致命的な stabbing
Specialist police officers with ライフル銃/探して盗むs were seen in the shopping centre

'As I was letting her in, the 悪党/犯人 fell behind her with a knife and I saw him and so did the other 顧客s in the 蓄える/店 locked in with us and so we quickly pulled her in, locked the door, he got up and we realised he just stabbed two 安全 guards.?

'Then he ran across, to the corner part of the luggage 蓄える/店, to the 賞与金 section, and he stabbed a woman which I saw happen 権利 in 前線 of me.'

Mr Philips, who also 作品 as a lawyer, continued: 'There was a nurse in the 蓄える/店 who was 毅然とした she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to leave and help…she 手配中の,お尋ね者 to go help the 安全 guard and I said 'I don't know what's going to happen if I open this door' but on her 決定/判定勝ち(する) I let her out.

'We were still locked in the 蓄える/店 at that point... so we waited and waited until we had その上の 指示/教授/教育. The サイレン/魅惑的なs are going off at that point.

'We've got a 見解(をとる) of the 支援する of our 蓄える/店 の上に the public street and we saw people running out of the 蓄える/店 and then later on we saw 救急車s and 警官,(賞などを)獲得するs and 団体/死体s, people 存在 wheeled out.'

Police have 非常線,警戒線d off the shopping centre in Sydney
Shoppers enjoying a day out today were 避難させるd from the 商店街
明言する/公表する 放送者 ABC 報告(する)/憶測d some people remained 罠にかける inside. Two 証言,証人/目撃するs told Reuters they heard 発射s 解雇する/砲火/射撃d
One 証言,証人/目撃する said: 'Even 20 minutes after people were 急ぐd out of the 商店街, I saw SWAT teams of people 広範囲にわたる the surrounding streets'

As he was 結局 護衛するd outside by police officers, he 'counted four 団体/死体s' on the ground in the shopping centre and 証言,証人/目撃するd the baby that was attacked during the stabbing spree 存在 wheeled out of the building, he said.

Commissioner Reece Kershaw said Australia's 連邦の Police would support New South むちの跡s Police as they 調査/捜査するd the attack.?


He said: 'The AFP has (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd AFP members to the 罪,犯罪 scene and we've 申し込む/申し出d our 十分な specialist 能力s such as 数字表示式の 法廷のs,' he said.

'It is too 早期に to 決定する a 動機 and it would be unhelpful to 推測する.'

An 目撃者 述べるd the police officer 狙撃 the 攻撃者 to 明言する/公表する 放送者 ABC.

People at the scene said there was panic, with shoppers running to safety and police trying to 安全な・保証する the area
Police and 救急車 staff 急ぐd to the scene earlier today

'If she did not shoot him, he would have kept going, he was on the rampage,' said the man, who did not give his 指名する. 'She went over and was giving him CPR. He had a nice big blade on him. He looked like he was on a 殺人,大当り spree.'

A 広報担当者 for New South むちの跡s 救急車 told a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会: 'すぐに after 3pm today, New South むちの跡s 救急車 received 多重の calls for persons stabbed within Westfield Bondi Junction.?

'We've 答える/応じるd a total of 40 資源s to the scene who remain on scene still. That 含むd a total of four 医療の teams.

'New South むちの跡s 救急車 査定する/(税金などを)課すd and 輸送(する)d eight 患者s to さまざまな hospital 施設s across Sydney and 査定する/(税金などを)課すd a total of six 患者s who have been みなすd 死んだ on scene.'

After the stabbings, King Charles and Queen Camilla said they were 'utterly shocked and horrified' by the 'senseless attack' in Sydney and their 'hearts?go out to the families and loved ones of those who have been so 残酷に killed'.

The Prince and Princess of むちの跡s said they were 'shocked and saddened', 追加するing that their thoughts are with those 影響する/感情d and the 'heroic 緊急 responders who 危険d their own lives to save others'.?


People at the scene said there was panic, with shoppers running to safety and police trying to 安全な・保証する the area.?

Masked an 武装した police officers also 急ぐd to the scene
Anthony Cooke, assistant commissioner of New South むちの跡s Police, said: 'A man walked into Westfield at Bondi Junction, he left the centre very すぐに after and returned... as he moved through the centre he engaged with about nine people'
He 追加するd:?'It is (疑いを)晴らす that during that 約束/交戦 he 原因(となる)d 害(を与える) to those people, we believe by stabbing them with a 武器 he was carrying'
He said: 'Very 明確に a 範囲 of 報告(する)/憶測s were made on the 出来事/事件, police …に出席するd 敏速に - a 選び出す/独身 部隊 officer, 視察官 of police, was nearby, …に出席するd, [and] went into the centre directed by a 範囲 of people.

Several people took 避難所 in a supermarket, where they remained for about an hour.

The sound of police サイレン/魅惑的なs and ヘリコプターs filled the 空気/公表する.

安全 camera (映画の)フィート数 broadcast by 地元の マスコミ showed a man running around the shopping centre with a large knife and 負傷させるd people lying on the 床に打ち倒す.

A tearful 証言,証人/目撃する told Sky News: 'Who does that to people? I saw a woman lying on the 床に打ち倒す.

'I didn't see him 適切に, I was running. It was insane. I thought I was going to die.'?

証言,証人/目撃するs said the dark-haired man, wearing a Kangaroos?NRL?jersey, 削除するd at least eight shoppers before he was 発射 by a 女性(の) police officer. No-one else is 存在 sought by police.

Police ? 含むing the 戦術の 操作/手術s 部隊 ? and 救急車s have …に出席するd the scene, with people seen 叫び声をあげるing and crying out the 前線 of the コンビナート/複合体.

Pictures and ビデオs from the 出来事/事件 have been uploaded on X 含むing one photo showing the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 攻撃者 casually riding an escalator while 持つ/拘留するing a large knife.

Police ? 含むing the 戦術の 操作/手術s 部隊 ? and 救急車s have …に出席するd the scene, with people seen 叫び声をあげるing and crying out the 前線 of the コンビナート/複合体
Pictures and ビデオs from the 出来事/事件 have been uploaded on X 含むing one photo showing the 申し立てられた/疑わしい 攻撃者 casually riding an escalator while 持つ/拘留するing a large knife
A young 証言,証人/目撃する 現在/一般に locked inside a 蓄える/店 - said she has heard 射撃s and '血-curdling' 叫び声をあげるs

A young 証言,証人/目撃する 現在/一般に locked inside a 蓄える/店 - said she has heard 射撃s and '血-curdling' 叫び声をあげるs.

'We are 絶対 terrified,' she said.

Earlier panicked people were seen running across the 歩行者 橋(渡しをする) outside the centre in ビデオ 地位,任命するd to social マスコミ.

Others said they were 存在 避難させるd from the centre's car park.?

Police are …に出席するing the scene in numbers and Australian 連邦の Police are liaising with NSW 公式の/役人s in 事例/患者?the 共同の 反対する テロ行為 team is needed.


当局 are 調査/捜査するing possible 動機s for the attack and have 警告するd people not to jump to 結論s.?

(映画の)フィート数 of the 出来事/事件 showed the 攻撃者 running after large (人が)群がるs of people as others watched on from the 床に打ち倒す above.?

As the 攻撃者 の近くにs in one hero dad turns around to stop the man's and 保護する his wife and two children.

Another ビデオ 逮捕(する)d one man 武装した with a small metal 政治家 trying to fend off the 攻撃者.

The shopper was standing at the 最高の,を越す of an escalator 脅すing to throw the 政治家 at the 攻撃者 who was on his way up as the two held their ground.?

Eastern 郊外s 地元の Ted Helliar 地位,任命するd to X:?'Something just went 負かす/撃墜する at Westfields Bondi junction.'?

'We were up there and all of a sudden all these people running に向かって us. Next thing dozens and dozens of people all running a 叫び声をあげるing some bloke yells 'someone is stabbing everyone get out of here'.'

Another person whose friend had a daughter in the コンビナート/複合体 at the time of the 申し立てられた/疑わしい stabbing 株d screenshots of her messages online.

'We just heard 射撃s,' the daughter texted.

'Get to cover,' her parent replied. 'Please, please be 安全な.'?

Westfield Bondi Junction is in lockdown after the 出来事/事件 on Saturday afternoon
Shoppers 罠にかける inside the コンビナート/複合体 were 猛烈に messaging their loved ones to let them know they were alright

Another X 使用者 said hundreds of shoppers were hiding in the 支援する of the David Jones department 蓄える/店, which had pulled 負かす/撃墜する its shutters with 報告(する)/憶測s a man had been seen running with a gun in the centre.

証言,証人/目撃する Roi Huberman, an ABC sound engineer, told the 網状組織 that he 避難所d in a 蓄える/店 during the 出来事/事件.


'And suddenly we heard a 発射 or maybe two 発射s and we didn't know what to do,' he said.?

'Then the very 有能な person in the 蓄える/店 took us to the 支援する where it can be locked.?

'She then locked the 蓄える/店 and then she then let us through the 支援する and now we are out.'

One 証言,証人/目撃する said: 'Even 20 minutes after people were 急ぐd out of the 商店街, I saw SWAT teams of people 広範囲にわたる the surrounding streets.'

Another said they saw a woman lying on the ground and took 避難所 in a jewellery 蓄える/店.

証言,証人/目撃する Roi Huberman, an ABC sound engineer, told the 網状組織 that he 避難所d in a 蓄える/店 during th e 出来事/事件
SWAT teams with ライフル銃/探して盗むs were seen …を伴ってing police after the attack
Another 証言,証人/目撃する said they saw a woman lying on the ground and took 避難所 in a jewellery 蓄える/店

Several 地位,任命するs on social マスコミ showed (人が)群がるs 逃げるing the 商店街 and police cars and 緊急 services 急ぐing to the area.?

Australian 総理大臣 Anthony Albanese 地位,任命するd on X just after 6pm on Saturday に引き続いて the stabbing attack.

'I have been 簡潔な/要約するd by the AFP on the 破滅的な events at Bondi Junction. Tragically, 多重の 死傷者s have been 報告(する)/憶測d and the first thoughts of all Australians are with those 影響する/感情d and their loved ones,' he said.

'Our hearts go out to those 負傷させるd and we 申し込む/申し出 our thanks to those caring for them 同様に as our 勇敢に立ち向かう police and first responders.'

首相 of New South むちの跡s, Chris Minns, said he is is making '即座の 手はず/準備' to return to Sydney に引き続いて the shopping centre stabbings.

He said in a 声明 on X, 以前は Twitter: 'I am horrified to hear about the events at Bondi Junction this afternoon.

'I am making 即座の 手はず/準備 to return to Sydney.


'I want to thank NSW Police, 緊急 services and first responders and the community for their bravery in the 直面する of this shocking 出来事/事件.'

総理大臣 Rishi Sunak has said his 'heart goes out' to those 影響する/感情d by the 'truly 破滅的な' attack in Sydney that killed six people.

In a 地位,任命する on X, 以前は Twitter, he said: 'The horrific attacks at Bondi Junction are truly 破滅的な.

'My heart goes out to those 影響する/感情d by this abhorrent 行為/法令/行動する of 暴力/激しさ, and I pray for the 回復 of those left 負傷させるd and traumatised today.

'You are in the thoughts and 祈りs of the British people.'

A history of violent 罪,犯罪s in Australia?

An 攻撃者 who fatally knifed six people in a Sydney 商店街 on Saturday before 存在 発射 dead by police in Sydney's beachside 郊外 of Bondi.

Such violent 罪,犯罪s are rare in Australia, a country of about 26 million people, which 器具/実施するd one of the world's toughest gun 法律s more than two 10年間s ago.

This is a 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる) of some of the country's major violent attacks:

April 1996

孤独な 銃器携帯者/殺しや ツバメ Bryant went on a 狙撃 spree at a cafe and tourist 場所/位置 at the former 植民地の 刑務所,拘置所 of Port Arthur in the island 明言する/公表する of Tasmania, 殺人,大当り 35 people. He used 軍の-style 武器s that he had bought without background checks. The 出来事/事件 誘発するd Australia to 器具/実施する some of the world's toughest gun 法律s.

December 2014

Three people, 含むing 攻撃者 Man Haron Monis, were killed when police 嵐/襲撃するd a cafe in Sydney's ツバメ Place to 解放する/自由な 人質s held 銃をつきつけて for 16 hours. Monis, a self-styled sheikh from Iran who received political 亡命 in 2001, was 井戸/弁護士席 known to Australian 当局, having been 告発(する),告訴(する)/料金d as an 従犯者 to 殺人 and with dozens of counts of 性の and indecent 強襲,強姦.

January 2017

A man deliberately drove into 歩行者s, 殺人,大当り five and 負傷させるing more than 20, in Melbourne. Police said the 出来事/事件 was not テロ行為-関係のある. The 26-year-old had a history of family 暴力/激しさ. 当局 later 任命する/導入するd 140 固める/コンクリート 地位,任命するs in the city centre.

December 2017

Afghan former 難民 Saeed Noori, 32, deliberately sped up and drove into dozens of 歩行者s crossing the road at one of the busiest 交差点s in Melbourne's central 商売/仕事 地区, 負傷させるing 19. Police said they did not believe the 出来事/事件 was terror-関係のある.

November 2018

An 攻撃者 in Melbourne was 発射 by police after he 始める,決める 解雇する/砲火/射撃 to a 好転 トラックで運ぶ laden with gas cylinders in the city centre and stabbed three people, 殺人,大当り one. The 攻撃者 died in hospital. Islamic 明言する/公表する (人命などを)奪う,主張するd 責任/義務 for the attack.


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