White House says Iran 'utterly failed' in their ミサイル and drone attack shows they are NOT a 広大な/多数の/重要な 軍の 力/強力にする as Biden is 非難するd for not 存在 堅い enough on Tehran and イスラエル 脅すs 返答

  • White House 広報担当者 John Kirby talked about 大統領 Joe Biden's conversation with Israeli 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu
  • He 勧めるd him 'to consider the 衝撃 of that 広大な/多数の/重要な success not only in イスラエル’s 軍の 優越 but also that Iran had utterly failed in what they tried to do'
  • IDF 広報担当者 Peter Lerner on Monday morning 確認するd that there would be 報復 from イスラエル, 明言する/公表するing that this could 伴う/関わる 'a strike or no strike'?

The White House on Monday said Iran 'utterly failed' in its attack on イスラエル as it tries to 説得する イスラエル's war 閣僚 not to 報復する for the 350-ミサイル blitz まっただ中に 恐れるs the 衝突 will spiral into all-out war in the Middle East.

The White House has 強調するd that 大統領 Joe Biden is 押し進めるing 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu to take the 勝利,勝つ.

'The 大統領,/社長, in his conversation with 総理大臣 Netanyahu 称讃するd the amazing success that they had in 狙撃 負かす/撃墜する a 広大な, 広大な 大多数 of the ミサイルs and drones that were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d at them. Very few 衝撃s, no 死傷者s,' said 国家の 安全 会議 広報担当者 John Kirby on NBC's Today Show.?

'It was an incredible 業績/成就. And he 勧めるd 総理大臣 Netanyahu to consider the 衝撃 of that 広大な/多数の/重要な success not only in イスラエル’s 軍の 優越 but also that Iran had utterly failed in what they tried to do.'

White House spokesman John Kirby argued Iran 'utterly failed' and the White House is urging Israel not to retaliate

White House 広報担当者 John Kirby argued Iran 'utterly failed' and the White House is 勧めるing イスラエル not to 報復する

Biden is 直面するing 開始するing 圧力 to 含む/封じ込める the 危機, with 弁護 専門家s (人命などを)奪う,主張するing the 大統領,/社長 has 許すd the 衝突 in Gaza?to spread and that the 拡大するing 戦う/戦い lines 危険 pulling in 同盟(する)s 含むing the US.

Donald Trump last night (刑事)被告 Biden of '証拠不十分 and 無資格/無能力' as he railed against his 選挙 競争相手 for failing to 演説(する)/住所 the American public に引き続いて the attack by Tehran, its first ever direct 強襲,強姦 on イスラエル.

IDF 広報担当者 Peter Lerner on Monday morning 確認するd that there would be 報復 from イスラエル, 明言する/公表するing that this could 伴う/関わる 'a strike or no strike.'

He explained that 軍の 最高の,を越す 厚かましさ/高級将校連 had submitted 'a wide 範囲 of 選択s' and that there are 'a lot of different シナリオs' on the (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する.

The Israeli 政府 will 'decide on the steps 今後' as 早期に as Monday or within the coming days, Lerner told reporters.

Kirby said Monday morning it was 不明瞭な what イスラエル would 最終的に do.

'We don't have any 指示,表示する物 that they have made a 決定/判定勝ち(する),' he said on ABC's Good Morning America, 'or what they might do. 明白に, this is for them to decide and to speak to.'

And Kirby told the Today Show: 'The 大統領,/社長 made it (疑いを)晴らす to 総理大臣 Netanyahu that there was much to be proud of the other night ーに関して/ーの点でs of the 軍の success. The 大統領,/社長 has been very (疑いを)晴らす in 多重の 発生地s that we do not 捜し出す a war with Iran. We don't want to see a wider war in the 地域.'

イスラエル says it 迎撃するd 99 パーセント of the hundreds of ミサイルs and drones 解雇する/砲火/射撃d by Iran.

'Just because we were successful in 迎撃するing, we shouldn't underestimate what Iran did,' Lerner said. 'We can't take that lightly.'

Lerner told reporters that the Israeli government will decided on what steps to take forward as early as Monday. Rocket trails in the sky above Al-Aqsa Mosque are seen here

Lerner told reporters that the Israeli 政府 will decided on what steps to take 今後 as 早期に as Monday. ロケット/急騰する 追跡するs in the sky above Al-Aqsa イスラム教寺院 are seen here

Shortly after news broke of the attacks on Israel by Iranian f
orces, President Biden was rushed back to the White House from Delaware for a national security meeting, seen here

すぐに after news broke of the attacks on イスラエル by Iranian 軍隊s, 大統領 Biden was 急ぐd 支援する to the White House from Delaware for a 国家の 安全 会合, seen here

Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (C) during a War Cabinet meeting at the Kirya in Tel Aviv

イスラエル's 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu (C) during a War 閣議 at the Kirya in Tel Aviv

Biden urged Netanyahu not to respond to the attacks by retaliating against Iran during a phone call on Saturday evening. Netanyahu is seen her on the phone to Biden

Biden 勧めるd Netanyahu not to 答える/応じる to the attacks by 報復するing against Iran during a phone call on Saturday evening. Netanyahu is seen her on the phone to Biden

Iran bomba
rded Israel with hundreds of missiles and drones on Saturday in response to a drone strike in Syria that killed 12 Iranians

Iran 砲撃するd イスラエル with hundreds of ミサイルs and drones on Saturday in 返答 to a drone strike in Syria that killed 12 Iranians

As the Middle East stands on the brink of war...?

  • イスラエル 述べるd Iran's 350-ミサイル attack on the nation as a '宣言 of war'
  • The country 確認するd their 計画(する)s for '不快な/攻撃 and 防御の 活動/戦闘'
  • Biden met with G7 leaders and they 'unequivocally' 非難するd Iran's 活動/戦闘s
  • イスラエル's 外交官/大使 to the 国際連合 Gilad Erdan said that the Iranian attack had 'crossed every red line' and his country has the '合法的な 権利 to 報復する'
  • Trump told his 信奉者s that Iran must 支払う/賃金 for their 侵略 に向かって イスラエル?

Biden?is 個人として?恐れるing a 潜在的に '壊滅的な escalation' as the Israeli 政府 計画(する)s?their next move, 米国防総省 公式の/役人s told NBC News.?

上級の 米国防総省?公式の/役人s told the 出口 last night that they worry an?Israeli?返答 to the attacks would be 'frenetic.'

White House staff told NBC that Biden has also 個人として 表明するd 関心 that Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to draw the US into the 衝突.?

Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd hundreds of ミサイルs and drones on Saturday in 返答 to a drone strike in Syria that?killed 12 Iranians, 含むing two 最高の,を越す generals.?

Biden spoke with Netanyahu?in a late-night phone call on Saturday and made it (疑いを)晴らす that US 軍隊s would not 参加する any その上の.

Trump, however, has instead 公約するd that he would 'make Iran 支払う/賃金' for the attack - and (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that such an escalation on the world 行う/開催する/段階 would have never happened in the first place if he was in the Oval Office.

Biden has?勧めるd Netanyahu not to 答える/応じる to the attacks by 報復するing against Iran. The Israeli 総理大臣's war 閣僚 is in 好意 of a reaction - but is divided over the タイミング and 規模 of any such 返答, によれば 報告(する)/憶測s.?

The White House?is said to believe that the Israelis are not looking for a direct war with Iran.?An Israeli 公式の/役人 in Netanyahu's office said: 'イスラエル can't 許す such a large attack over イスラエル without some 肉親,親類d of 返答 be it small or large.'

US 軍隊s?補助装置d イスラエル in 狙撃 負かす/撃墜する dozens of drones and ミサイルs?解雇する/砲火/射撃d by Iran, in what was the first time it had 開始する,打ち上げるd a direct 軍の 強襲,強姦 on イスラエル.?

Israeli 当局 said 99 パーセント of the inbound 武器s were 発射 負かす/撃墜する without 原因(となる)ing any 重要な 損失.?

The 押し進める to encourage イスラエル to show 抑制 mirrored 現在進行中の American 成果/努力s to curtail イスラエル's war against Hamas in Gaza, which is now in its seventh month.?

On Saturday evening, Trump told a (人が)群がる of his 支持者s in Pennsylvania that the attack on イスラエル happened because '[the US] show 広大な/多数の/重要な 証拠不十分'.?

The former 大統領,/社長 told the 決起大会/結集させる in Schnecksville: 'It would not have happened if I were in office.?Today we are considered a joke. It's not going to be for long, believe me.'

In an email to 支持者s on Sunday, the former 大統領 wrote: 'Crooked Joe is asleep at the wheel! AMERICA IS NOT SAFE. イスラエル is UNDER ATTACK from Iran!

'This would NEVER HAVE HAPPENED, ZERO CHANCE if your favorite 大統領, me, was in the Oval Office.'?

Fawaz Gerges, professor of International Relations and Middle Eastern Politics at the London School of 経済的なs 非難するd Biden's ability to translate his 関心s into 影響(力) over イスラエル.?

He told NBC: 'The 戦略 of the Biden 行政 has failed miserably. Biden is sleepwalking the U.S. into another 壊滅的な war in the Middle East.?

'His overarching goal of 妨げるing the war in Gaza from 増大するing into 隣接地の countries has failed.?

'Biden has failed to 影響(力) Netanyahu's 決定/判定勝ち(する)s either in Gaza or に向かって Iran.'

Benjamin Friedman, 政策 director of the think 戦車/タンク 弁護 優先s, said: 'The Israeli 政府 has 法廷,裁判所d a fight with Iran, perhaps encouraged by the prospect of U.S. help in going after Iran.

'Instead of talking about 'ironclad' support for イスラエル, the 大統領,/社長 should have made (疑いを)晴らす the U.S. support is 限られた/立憲的な and does not 延長する to all circumstances.'

While the U.S.? were 準備するing for days for such an attack, the 開始する,打ち上げるs were at the 'high end' of what was 心配するd, によれば the 公式の/役人s.

Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in a late-night phone call on Saturday

Biden spoke with Israeli 総理大臣 Benjamin Netanyahu in a late-night phone call on Saturday

At a press conference on Sunday evening, IDF Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari (pictured) said Iran's plan had 'failed'

At a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 on Sunday evening, IDF 後部 海軍大将 Daniel Hagari (pictured) said Iran's 計画(する) had 'failed'

On Saturday evening, Donald Trump told a crowd of his supporters in Pennsylvania that the attack on Israel happened because '[the US] show great weakness '

On Saturday evening, Donald Trump told a (人が)群がる of his 支持者s in Pennsylvania that the attack on イスラエル happened because '[the US] show 広大な/多数の/重要な 証拠不十分 '

一方/合間, the New York Police Department said they would continue to 監視する 最近の events in イスラエル - with the Big Apple 住宅 the biggest ユダヤ人の 全住民 outside of イスラエル itself.?

The Los Angeles Police Department also said in a 地位,任命する to X that they would be 監視するing the 開発s in the Middle East.?

Over the 週末, イスラエル 述べるd?Iran's 前例のない 350-ミサイル attack as a '宣言 of war' and 確認するd it has 計画(する)s for '不快な/攻撃 and 防御の 活動/戦闘'.

The country's 大統領,/社長 Isaac Herzog 主張するd that イスラエル did not want a war but 示唆するd they would 報復する after Iran's audacious airstrike 早期に on Sunday.

He said it was 'about time the world 直面するs this empire of evil in Tehran' and makes it (疑いを)晴らす that its 行為 is '容認できない'.

イスラエル's 外交官/大使 to the 国際連合 Gilad Erdan said that the Iranian attack had 'crossed every red line' and his country has the '合法的な 権利 to 報復する'.? ?

At a 圧力(をかける) 会議/協議会 on Sunday evening, IDF 後部 海軍大将 Daniel Hagari said Iran's 計画(する) had 'failed' - as he 賞賛するd the 返答 from the '地域の 同盟'.

Hagari?(刑事)被告 Iran of trying to '点火(する) the Middle East and 増大する the 地域' by 解雇する/砲火/射撃ing 60 トンs of 自殺 drones, 巡航する ミサイルs, 弾道学の ミサイルs and ロケット/急騰するs at イスラエル 夜通し - but 主張するd his army was on 'high 警報'.

'Over the last two hours, we 認可するd 操作の 計画(する)s for both 不快な/攻撃 and 防御の 活動/戦闘,' he said.?

'We will continue to 保護する the 明言する/公表する of イスラエル, and together with our partners, we will continue to build a more 安全な・保証する and stable 未来 for the entire Middle East.'

The IDF 広報担当者 did not (a)手の込んだ/(v)詳述する on what 計画(する)s have been 認可するd, but it comes after a 会合 of イスラエル's war 閣僚.??

Biden and leaders of the G7?held 会談 on Sunday in which they?'unequivocally' 非難するd Iran's attack on イスラエル and 警告するd that the 危険 of an 'uncontrollable 地域の escalation' must be 避けるd.?

A G7 meeting took place this afternoon as leaders condemned Iran's air attack on Israel 'in the strongest terms'

A G7 会合 took place this afternoon as leaders 非難するd Iran's 空気/公表する attack on イスラエル 'in the strongest 条件'

Drones or missiles vying for targets at undisclosed locations in northern Israel on April 14

Drones or ミサイルs 争う for 的s at 公表されていない 場所s in northern イスラエル on April 14

Parts of a missile launched by Iran are found in Amman, Jordan, on April 14

Par ts of a ミサイル 開始する,打ち上げるd by Iran are 設立する in Amman, Jordan, on April 14?

After Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel, near Arad, this is the remains of a rocket booster which reportedly injured a seven-year-old child

After Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd drones and ミサイルs に向かって イスラエル, 近づく Arad, this is the remains of a ロケット/急騰する booster which 報道によれば 負傷させるd a seven-year-old child

Israeli President Isaac Herzog insisted that Israel did not want a war but suggested his country would retaliate

Israeli 大統領 Isaac Herzog 主張するd that イスラエル did not want a war but 示唆するd his country would 報復する

In a 共同の 声明 に引き続いて an 緊急の call, the countries said they 'stand ready to take その上の 対策 now and in 返答 to その上の 動揺させるing 率先s'.?

The G7 声明 said: 'We, the leaders of the G7, unequivocally 非難する in the strongest 条件 Iran's direct and 前例のない attack against イスラエル.

'Iran 解雇する/砲火/射撃d hundreds of dron es and ミサイルs に向かって イスラエル.?イスラエル, with the help of its partners, 敗北・負かすd the attack.?

'We 表明する our 十分な 団結 and support to イスラエル and its people and 再確認する our かかわり合い に向かって its 安全.

'With its 活動/戦闘s, Iran has その上の stepped toward the destabilization of the 地域 and 危険s 刺激するing an uncontrollable 地域の escalation. This must be 避けるd.'

Leaders from the Group of Seven 前進するd economies, which 構成するs Canada, フラン, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain and the US, 需要・要求するd Iran and its proxies '中止する their attacks,' 追加するing: 'We stand ready to take その上の 対策 now and in 返答 to その上の 動揺させるing 率先s.'

The 声明 continued: 'We will also 強化する our co-操作/手術 to end the 危機 in Gaza, 含むing by continuing to work に向かって an 即座の and 維持できる 停戦 and the 解放(する) of 人質s by Hamas, and 配達する 増加するd 人道的な 援助 to Palestinians in need.'

Netanyahu's war 閣僚 好意s a 報復 against Iran for its 集まり drone and ミサイル attack but is divided over the タイミング and 規模 of any such 返答, によれば Reuters.

The five-member 閣僚, in which Netanyahu, Defence 大臣 Yoav Gallant and 閣僚 大臣 Benny Gantz have 決定/判定勝ち(する)-making 力/強力にするs, was 推定する/予想するd to 会を召集する again for その上の discussions after 会合 on Sunday.

Hagari also told reporters on Sunday:?'Together we 妨害するd Iran's attack. This was the first time that such a 連合 worked together against the 脅し of Iran and its proxies in the Middle East.'

'Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd over 350 脅しs, 弾道学の ミサイルs, 巡航する ミサイルs, ロケット/急騰するs and 自殺 drones に向かって イスラエル and also other countries in the 地域 could have got that 脅し on the way.'?

Speaking to?Sky News, Israeli 大統領?Isaac Herzog said: 'There is an empire of evil in Tehran which has its proxies laid all over the 地域 and terror 独房s all over the world, and it's about time that the world 直面するs this empire of evil in Tehran and makes it (疑いを)晴らす to the Iranian 政権 that this cannot pass by.?

'Everyone should look at this and ask 'what would we do, had we been attacked in such an 積極的な way?'

He also said: 'イスラエル has undertaken all the necessary steps to 封鎖する this attack, which was a violent, 極悪の 違反 of all the 支配するs.?

Asked about the 全世界の 警告s not to 増大する, he said: 'The last thing イスラエル is 捜し出すing in this 地域 is to go to war. We are 捜し出すing peace, we are peace-探検者s.'

A missile is launched during a military exercise in an undisclosed location in the south of Iran, in this handout image obtained on January 19, 2024

A ミサイル is 開始する,打ち上げるd during a 軍の 演習 in an 公表されていない 場所 in the south of Iran, in this handout image 得るd on January 19, 2024

This map shows sites around Israel which the IDF has issued protective warnings to residents

This 地図/計画する shows 場所/位置s around イスラエル which the IDF has 問題/発行するd 保護の 警告s to 居住(者)s

People drive along a street in Jerusalem on Sunday after Iran's unprecedented attack on Israel

People 運動 along a street in Jerusalem on Sunday after Iran's 前例のない attack on イスラエル

People cross a street in Jerusalem on Sunday after the Israeli army said Iran's attack was 'foiled'

People cross a street in Jerusalem on Sunday after the Israeli army said Iran's attack was '失敗させる/負かすd'

People gather around a destroyed building targeted by Israeli air strikes on the village of Nabi Sheet in the Baablbek district in Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley on April 14, 2024

People gather around a destroyed building 的d by Israeli 空気/公表する strikes on the village of Nabi Sheet in the Baablbek 地区 in Lebanon's eastern Bekaa Valley on April 14, 2024

It comes after (映画の)フィート数 was 解放(する)d of the moment Iran began its attack, as the world 持つ/拘留するs its breath over 恐れるs of World War III.?

(映画の)フィート数 解放(する)d by Iranian 明言する/公表する TV shows 抱擁する clouds of smoke and blinding flashes as hundreds of ミサイルs were 解雇する/砲火/射撃d in 報復 to a drone strike at the beginning of April in Syria that killed 12 Iranians, 含むing two 最高の,を越す generals.

軍用機s based in Iraq and Syria had been (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to 迎撃する 空輸の strikes after Tehran 発表するd it had 開始する,打ち上げるd an 強襲,強姦 on Saturday.

John Kirby said the U.S. has communicated to Iran 'what we would do' if American 軍隊/機動隊s or 施設s are 的d まっただ中に rising 衝突 in the Middle East.

'The 大統領,/社長 has made it (疑いを)晴らす: We do not 捜し出す a war with Iran. We don't 捜し出す a wider war in the 地域,' Kirby told NBC host Kristen Welker Sunday morning.?

When 圧力(をかける)d by the 会合,会う the 圧力(をかける) host on whether Biden has 支配するd out a direct attack against Iran, Kirby 繰り返し言うd: 'We don't 捜し出す a war with Iran.'

He 追加するd: 'We are staying vigilant to 正確に/まさに that 可能性のある 脅し, but we have not seen any attacks on U.S. 軍隊/機動隊s or 職員/兵員 in the 地域 or our 施設s and nothing to 報告(する)/憶測 to this morning. But we're going to 明白に watch that very, very closely.'

A handout photo made available by the Iranian Army office on 19 January 2024 shows a missile being launched during a military drill in the Persian Gulf, southern Iran

A handout photo made 利用できる by the Iranian Army office on 19 January 2024 shows a ミサイル 存在 開始する,打ち上げるd during a 軍の 演習 in the Persian 湾, southern Iran

National Security Council Spokesman John Kirby said Sunday that the U.S. has warned Iran against 'what we would do' if American troops are targeted in the Middle East amid escalating conflict in the region

国家の 安全 会議 広報担当者 John Kirby said Sunday that the U.S. has 警告するd Iran against 'what we would do' if American 軍隊/機動隊s are 的d in the Middle East まっただ中に 増大するing 衝突 in the 地域

Majority Leader Steve Scalise said the House would move forward next week to consider a bill to help Israel

大多数 Leader Steve Scalise said the House would move 今後 next week to consider a 法案 to help イスラエル?

Senator Marsha Blackburn demanded Biden launch an immediate 'aggressive' strike on Iran

上院議員 Marsha Blackburn 需要・要求するd Biden 開始する,打ち上げる an 即座の '積極的な' strike on Iran

共和国の/共和党の 国会議員s have since 需要・要求するd that the US 開始する,打ち上げる a strike of their own against Iran.?

代表者/国会議員 Steve Scalise 発表するd the House would move 今後 next week to consider a 法案 that will 供給する イスラエル with an 援助(する) 一括.?

He wrote on X: 'In light of Iran's unjustified attack on イスラエル, the House will move from its 以前 発表するd 法律を制定する schedule next week to instead consider 法律制定 that supports our 同盟(する) イスラエル and 持つ/拘留するs Iran and its テロリスト proxies accountable.?

'The 衆議院 stands 堅固に with イスラエル, and there must be consequences for this unprovoked attack.?More 詳細(に述べる)s on the 法律を制定する items to be considered will be 来たるべき.

上院議員 Lindsay Graham 賞賛するd the House leadership and said that Iran must 直面する the consequences for attacking イスラエル.?

Graham said: '祈りs for our 同盟(する), イスラエル, who is under attack by the Ayatollah and his henchmen.?

'It is long past time for Iran to 支払う/賃金 a 激しい price for the terrori sm they (種を)蒔く throughout the world.?

'I'm glad to see the House will (問題を)取り上げる the イスラエル 援助(する) 一括 next week and hope they will do the same for ウクライナ共和国, making it a 貸付金 as 大統領 Trump 示唆するd.?

'The world is a dangerous place, and we have to show 解決する for our friends and 決意 against our enemies. God bless イスラエル and ウクライナ共和国.'

While 上院議員 Marsha Blackburn 需要・要求するd Biden 開始する,打ち上げる an 即座の '積極的な' strike on Iran.?

She wrote on X: 'Iran has begun 開始する,打ち上げるing drone strikes on イスラエル. POTUS - we must move quickly and 開始する,打ち上げる 積極的な 報復の strikes on Iran.'??

Smoke billows over the area of an Israeli air strike on the southern Lebanese village of Kfar Kila near the border with Israel on April 14, 2024

Smoke 大波s over the area of an Israeli 空気/公表する strike on the southern Lebanese village of Kfar Kila 近づく the 国境 with イスラエル on April 14, 2024

A bus, motorcycles, and other vehicles move across a pedestrian intersection along a street in Tehran Sunday following the attack on Israel

A bus, motorcycles, and other 乗り物s move across a 歩行者 交差点 along a street in Tehran Sunday に引き続いて the attack on イスラエル?

上院議員 Marco Rubio 非難するd the White House for '漏れるing it to the 圧力(をかける)' that Biden told Netanyahu to take the 勝利,勝つ and not 報復する.

Rubio told CNN's '明言する/公表する of the Union' that it was 'part of the White House´s 成果/努力s to appease' people calling for a 停戦 in Gaza.

The US had?sent the war ship Bataan 同様に as two support ships with 2,500 海洋s onboard into the Eastern Mediterranean?as part of their 返答.?

US 連邦議会の sources said the 水陸両性の war ship Bataan was 主要な a US 海軍の 仕事 軍隊 in the Eastern Mediterranean.?

The Bataan has two support ships and together they have about 2,500 海洋s onboard.?The US also has several guided ミサイル 破壊者s 含むing the Carney in the area.

US 闘士,戦闘機 jets were also brought in as part of the 返答, and 発射 負かす/撃墜する drones 開始する,打ち上げるd に向かって イスラエル.?

It also (機の)カム as the 最新の 試みる/企てる to reach a 停戦 in the war in Gaza appeared to 滞る, with イスラエル 告発する/非難するing Hamas of 拒絶するing a 一時休戦 提案.

Iran's foreign 省 召喚するd the 外交官/大使s of the UK, フラン and Germany to question what it slammed as a 'irresponsible 姿勢' regarding the strikes on イスラエル. It follows 報告(する)/憶測s of a number of nations helping to 迎撃する the 群れている of ミサイルs Iran 解雇する/砲火/射撃d last night.

Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, seen here in early April, vowed retribution in the wake of the Damascus attack, for which Tel-Aviv has yet to take responsibility

Iran's 最高の Leader Ali Khamenei, seen here in 早期に April, 公約するd 天罰 in the wake of the Damascus attack, for which Tel-Aviv has yet to take 責任/義務?

Iran has 脅すd the US if it gets 伴う/関わるd in the spat, (人命などを)奪う,主張するing that it is a 衝突 between Iran and イスラエル alone.?

Iran's 使節団 to the UN wrote on X: '行為/行うd on the strength of Article 51 of the UN 借り切る/憲章 付随するing to 合法的 弁護, Iran's 軍の 活動/戦闘 was in 返答 to the Zionist 政権's 侵略 against our 外交の 前提s in Damascus.?

'The 事柄 can be みなすd 結論するd. However, should the Israeli 政権 make another mistake, Iran's 返答 will be かなり more 厳しい.?

'It is a 衝突 between Iran and the rogue Israeli 政権, from which the U.S. MUST STAY AWAY!'

Iran's foreign 省, 一方/合間, said in 声明 to 地元の マスコミ: 'Iran, if necessary, will not hesitate to take その上の 防御の 対策 to 保護(する)/緊急輸入制限 its 合法的 利益/興味s against any 軍の 侵略s and unlawful use of 軍隊 while 再確認するing its かかわり合い to the 原則s of the 国際連合 借り切る/憲章 and international 法律.'

Objects are seen in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran launched drones and missiles towards Israel

反対するs are seen in the sky above Jerusalem after Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd drones and ミサイルs に向かって イスラエル?

Missiles entering Israeli airspace, with images from international media revealing missiles being intercepted by the Iron Dome system above Jerusalem

ミサイルs entering Israeli 領空, with images from international マスコミ 明らかにする/漏らすing ミサイルs 存在 迎撃するd by the アイロンをかける ドーム system above Jerusalem?

Iranian media reported Tehran has also launched ballistic missiles towards Israel

Iranian マスコミ 報告(する)/憶測d Tehran has also 開始する,打ち上げるd 弾道学の ミサイルs に向かって イスラエル

Iranians were seen taking to the streets of Tehran with ゆらめくs and Iranian 旗s, whooping and 元気づける as the ミサイルs and drones entered Israeli 領空.??

Surrounding countries appeared to 準備する for an escalation in 敵意s.?

Iraq 再開するd its 領空 on Sunday hours after 一時停止するing all 空気/公表する traffic as 隣接地の Iran 開始する,打ち上げるd an 前例のない drone and ミサイル attack on イスラエル, the Iraqi 航空 当局 発表するd.

Jordan, which neighbors Iraq 同様に as イスラエル, and Lebanon also 再開するd their 各々の 領空 on Sunday having earlier の近くにd them, as did イスラエル which said the Iranian attack had been '失敗させる/負かすd' with most 開始する,打ち上げるs 迎撃するd 夜通し.

The Iraqi civil 航空 当局 発表するd in a 声明 'the 再開するing of the 領空' and 再開 of flights to and from airports across the country, 説 there were no longer any '安全 危険s to 非軍事の 航空機'.

Kurdish マスコミ in northern Iraq 報告(する)/憶測d that Iranian drones had flown over the 自治権のある Kurdish 地域 夜通し.

イスラエル, which had の近くにd its 領空 on Saturday night in 予期 of the Iranian attack, had 再開するd it on Sunday morning, the Israeli airports 当局 said.

The IRGC has promised for increased violence if Israel responds to the attack

The IRGC has 約束d for 増加するd 暴力/激しさ if イスラエル 答える/応じるs to the attack?

Iranians celebrate on a street, after the IRGC attack on Israel, in Tehran

Iranians celebrate on a street, after the IRGC attack on イスラエル, in Tehran

Syria is also on high 警報, setting up its ground-to-空気/公表する 弁護 systems around the 資本/首都 Damascus and major bases in the event of an Israeli strike, army sources said.?

Sources said they 推定する/予想するd イスラエル would 報復する against army bases and 取り付け・設備s where プロの/賛成の-Iranian 民兵 were based after Iran's エリート 革命の Guards said they 開始する,打ち上げるd dozens of drones and ミサイルs against 明確な/細部 的s in イスラエル.

Qatar and Kuwait have both 問題/発行するd 指示的なs against the US 禁じるing the use of their 領空 for any 可能性のある 軍の 活動/戦闘 against Iran.?

US 軍の 航空機 are 駅/配置するd at the Ali Al Salem 空気/公表する Base and the Ahmed Al Jaber 空気/公表する Base in Kuwait, 同様に as the Al Udeid 空気/公表する Base in Qatar, the largest US airbase in the Middle East.?

Egypt's foreign 省 勧めるd both 味方するs to 演習 抑制, 説 in a 声明: 'Egypt 表明するs its 深い 関心 about the 指示する人(物)s of Iranian/Israeli escalation and 需要・要求するs the 演習 of the 最大の 抑制

'The Arab 共和国 of Egypt 表明するs its 深い 関心 regarding the 発表するd 開始する,打ち上げる of Iranian 不快な/攻撃 marches against イスラエル, and the 指示する人(物)s of dangerous escalation between the two countries during the 最近の period, calling for the 演習 of the 最大の 抑制 to spare the 地域.

Demonstrators wave Iran's flag and Palestinian flags as they gather at Palestine Square in Tehran on April 14, 2024

デモ参加者/実演宣伝者s wave Iran's 旗 and Palestinian 旗s as they gather at パレスチナ Square in Tehran on April 14, 2024

Iranians were seen celebrating as the missiles and drones began to hit Israel

Iranians were seen celebrating as the ミサイルs and drones began to 攻撃する,衝突する Isr ael?

A battery of Israel's Iron Dome defense missile system, deployed to intercept rockets, sits in Ashkelon

A 殴打/砲列 of イスラエル's アイロンをかける ドーム 弁護 ミサイル system, (軍隊を)展開する,配備するd to 迎撃する ロケット/急騰するs, sits in Ashkelon

The long-range air defense system called Arman is displayed during an unveiling ceremony in Tehran, Iran

The long-範囲 空気/公表する 弁護 system called Arman is 陳列する,発揮するd during an 明かすing 儀式 in Tehran, Iran

'And its people are more factors for 不安定 and 緊張.

'Egypt considers that the dangerous escalation that the Iranian/Israeli 円形競技場 is 現在/一般に 証言,証人/目撃するing is nothing but a direct result of what Egypt has 繰り返して 警告するd about, about the dangers of 拡大するing the 衝突 in the 地域 as a result of the Israeli war on the Gaza (土地などの)細長い一片, and the 挑発的な 軍の 活動/戦闘s 存在 practiced in the 地域.

'Egypt 強調する/ストレスs that it is in constant 接触する with all 関心d parties to try to 含む/封じ込める the 状況/情勢, stop the escalation, and spare the 地域 the 危険 of 事情に応じて変わる into a dangerous turn of 不安定 and 脅し to the 利益/興味s of its people.'

Iran had 脅すd to 攻撃する,衝突する 支援する at イスラエル over an attack in?Syria, which Tehran say was an Israeli airstrike on a Iranian 外交の building in Damascus.?

Iran's 最高の Leader Ali Khamenei 公約するd 天罰 in the wake of the Damascus attack, for which Tel-Aviv has yet to take 責任/義務.

The April 1 attack destroyed Iran's 領事館 building in the city and killed seven 革命の Guards, 含むing the two generals.