Meghan Markle 明かすs first 製品 from new lifestyle collection American Riviera Orchard with influencers sent her strawberry jam - 含むing fashion designer Tracy Robbins and Argentine socialite Delfina Balquier

Meghan Markle?has 開始する,打ち上げるd the first 製品 from her new 商売/仕事 American Riviera Orchard, sending influencers and friends a jar of strawberry jam.

Fashion designer Tracy Robbins and Argentine socialite Delfina Balquier are の中で those who have 地位,任命するd an image of the 製品 on their Instagram Stories today.

Mrs Robbins and her husband 最高位の boss Brian Robbins are friends with the Sussexes and 招待するd them to the (頭が)ひょいと動く Marley film 首相 in Jamaica in January.

The couple are also friends with Ms Balquier, who is married to Prince Harry's friend Nacho Figueras - with the four together at a charity polo match in Florida< /a>?last Friday.

This is the 最新の 開始する,打ち上げる まっただ中に a 傾向 of celebrities 転換ing their own food 製品s - with Julianne Moore, Will Ferrell and LeBron James の中で those selling honey from their own gardens through the Flamingo 広い地所 brand for up to $250 (£200) per jar.

Meghan could have 設立する inspiration from her father-in-法律 King Charles III who began selling 製品s such as jam from the Duchy of Cornwall 広い地所 in the 1990s.

Prince William took on the Duchy 広い地所 after Queen Elizabeth II's death in 2022, and Duchy 有機の strawberry jam is on sale at Waitrose?for £2.80 per jar - with sales from the 十分な 範囲 helping raise £30million for the Prince of むちの跡s's Charitable 基金.

Mrs Robbins 地位,任命するd a picture of Meghan's jam, which had the American Riviera Orchard logo and 'Montecito' underneath - the celebrity 飛び領土 in California?where Harry and Meghan live in a £12million home. The label also had the words '17 of 50'.

The photo on Mrs Robbins's Instagram Stories showed the jam in her 手渡す, and she said: '@AmericanRivieraOrchard Breakfast, lunch and dinner just got a little sweeter.'

Showing it in a basket with lemons, Mrs Robbins 追加するd: 'Thank you for the delicious basket! I 絶対 love this jam so not sure I'm 株ing with anyone. @American RivieraOrchard Thank you, M! #MontecitoGoodness #AmericanRivieraOrchard.'

Fashion designer Tracy Robbins posted a picture of the jam, which had the logo for American Riviera Orchard and 'Montecito' underneath. The label also had the words '17 of 50'

Fashion designer Tracy Robbins 地位,任命するd a picture of the jam, which had the logo for American Riviera Orchard and 'Montecito' underneath. The label also had the words '17 of 50'

Showing the strawberry jam in a basket with lemons, Tracy Robbins added: 'Thank you, M!'

Showing the strawberry jam in a basket with lemons, Tracy Robbins 追加するd: 'Thank you, M!'

Delfina Balquier also posted a photo on Instagram and said: 'Strawberry jam makes me happy'

Delfina Balquier also 地位,任命するd a photo on Instagram and said: 'Strawberry jam makes me happy'

Delfina Balquier's video also showed the strawberry jam spread on a piece of bread

Delfina Balquier's ビデオ also showed the strawberry jam spread on a piece of bread

Ms Balquier 地位,任命するd a 類似の picture on her Stories, 説: 'Strawberry jam makes me happy. And I love your jam, @AmericanRivieraOrchard.' Her label said: '10 of 50.'

The 地位,任命する also showed some of the jam spread on a piece of bread.?

Fans of Meghan have been left hugely excited by the 開始する,打ち上げる, with one tweeting: 'I don't eat jam that much but for you Meg I'm buying some. In fact hubby and kids will eat them on my に代わって.'

Another 追加するd: 'I remember learning to make jam in cookery class, so much fun, and all so yummy! I just know Meghan is 絶対 loving this new 時代 with ARO, with support from her amazing friends like Delfina.'

And a third said: 'It's all in the 詳細(に述べる)s, the ARO logo embroidery on the jam covering is exquisite.'

The Duchess is 推定する/予想するd to 公式に 開始する,打ち上げる American Riviera Orchard later this spring, with a source telling People magazine last week: 'Meghan finds the 指名する American Riviera Orchard perfect. It feels authentic to her.

'She can't wait for the website to 開始する,打ち上げる. She is excited about her 最新の, personal 投機・賭ける. This is something she's been wanting to do for a while. She is excited to 株 her style and things that she loves.'

Delfina Blaquier with her husband Nacho Figueras alongside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge for?Sentebale ?in Wellington, Florida, last Friday

Delfina Blaquier with her husband Nacho Figueras と一緒に Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the 王室の Salute Polo Challenge for?Sentebale ?in Wellington, Florida, last Friday

Delfina Blaquier and Nacho Figueras at Harry and Meghan's wedding in Windsor in May 2018

Delfina Blaquier and Nacho Figueras at Harry and Meghan's wedding in Windsor in May 2018?

Tracy Robbins with her husband Paramount boss Brian Robbins alongside Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the Bob Marley: One Love premiere in Kingston, Jamaica, on January 23

Tracy Robbins with her husband 最高位の boss Brian Robbins と一緒に Prince Harry and Meghan Markle at the (頭が)ひょいと動く Marley: One Love 首相 in Kingston, Jamaica, on January 23

The brand's logo is written in fine gold script above the word 'Montecito' - where Meghan lives

The brand's logo is written in 罰金 gold script above the word 'Montecito' - where Meghan lives

It comes after the Duchess 開始する,打ち上げるd her new 商売/仕事 投機・賭ける on March 14 with an Instagram teaser.

A vintage-style ビデオ of Meghan cooking and arranging white hydrangeas and roses was 地位,任命するd to the new American Riviera Orchard Instagram account.

The 簡潔な/要約する ビデオ was 始める,決める to Nancy Wilson's I Wish You Love and の近くにs with the brand's logo written in 罰金 gold script above the word 'Montecito'.

限られた/立憲的な (警察などへの)密告,告訴(状) has been 解放(する)d about American Riviera Orchard but a trademark 使用/適用 とじ込み/提出するd on February 2 this year showed the company wishes to 申し込む/申し出 downloadable and printed recipe 調書をとる/予約するs, (米)棚上げする/(英)提議する wear, 織物s, and jams and marmalades, によれば the 部隊d 明言する/公表するs 特許 and Trademark Office website.?

The account had 100,000 信奉者s just three hours after its first 地位,任命する ? a 人物/姿/数字 which is now up to 592,000.

Meghan has not run an Instagram account since the Sussexes stepped 支援する from 王室の life four years ago.

以前, they ran a 共同の account @sussexroyal but 発表するd they would stop 地位,任命するing in March 2020.

Fans of Meghan have been left hugely excited by the American Riviera Orchard jam launch

Fans of Meghan have been left hugely excited by the American Riviera Orchard jam 開始する,打ち上げる?

Last week an 排除的 調査する 設立する 68 per cent of Americans were not 利益/興味d in American Riviera Orchard.

いっそう少なく than a fifth of 投票者s said they were 利益/興味d in the 範囲, while 14 per cent said they were not sure.

Meghan hopes to sell 製品s from bird seed to pet 扱う/治療するs and gardening shears to napkin (犯罪の)一味s with American Riviera Orchard

She 名簿(に載せる)/表(にあげる)d a 範囲 of items in 文書s sent to the US 特許 and Trademark Office, also 含むing bath soaps, curtains and yoga 一面に覆う/毛布s.

And Meghan is hoping to sell scented oils, reed diffusers, fragrances and 非,不,無-medicated pet grooming 製品s such as shampoo and conditioner for dogs.

Meghan's trademark 使用/適用 also appears to 延長する to a physical shop where items could be sold.

Some believe such 商品/売買するing could 違反 Harry and Meghan's 協定 with the late Queen Elizabeth II not to commercialise their 王室の 関係s.

At the time of the 開始する,打ち上げる last month, an insider told the Mail: 'The brand is meant to 同時に起こる/一致する with the 開始する,打ち上げる of a new cookery show for Netflix.

The?American Riviera Orchard launch video starts with a video of a woman arranging flowers

The?Ame rican Riviera Orchard 開始する,打ち上げる ビデオ starts with a ビデオ of a woman arranging flowers

It then fades to reveal Meghan cooking in a kitchen, with copper pans hanging over her head

It then fades to 明らかにする/漏らす Meghan cooking in a kitchen, with 巡査 pans hanging over her 長,率いる?

The video continues with an image of a woman in a long dress, backlit through a corridor

The ビデオ continues with an image of a woman in a long dress, backlit through a 回廊(地帯)?

'Meghan will be making, and selling 製品s such as jams. At some point there will be a 調書をとる/予約する and a blog.'

In February, Meghan, who is mother to Archie, four, and Lilibet, two, 非難するd women '噴出するing hate' about other women while speaking at a festival in Texas to 示す International Women's Day.

She also 明らかにする/漏らすd that most of the 乱用 she received online was when she was 妊娠している.

She has not made many public speaking 外見s since the 取り消し of her podcast series Archetypes.

Spotify, which paid a 報告(する)/憶測d £15million for the 取引,協定, axed the series in 2022 after 12 episodes 'by 相互の 協定'. She has since struck a を取り引きする another 壇・綱領・公約.

Meghan 開始する,打ち上げるd American Riviera Orchard just one day before her sister-in-法律 the Princess of むちの跡s 解放(する)d an emotional ビデオ message 明らかにする/漏らすing she has 癌 and has started a course of preventative chemotherapy.

Kate's diagnosis was discovered in 地位,任命する-operative 実験(する)s に引き続いて her major 復部の 外科.

King Charles III is also を受けるing 治療 for 癌, which was 発表するd at the start of February.

Prince Harry and Meghan kiss at the Royal Salute Polo Challenge in Florida last Friday

Prince Harry and Meghan kiss at the 王室の Salute Polo Challenge in Florida last Friday

Last month Harry and Meghan wished Kate 'health and 傷をいやす/和解させるing', 説 they hoped the Princess and her family would be 'able to do so 個人として and in peace'.

In February, Harry returned to the UK after making an 緊急 dash from the US to see the King に引き続いて his 癌 diagnosis.

The Duke (疑いを)晴らすd his diary and made the 旅行 alone, with Meghan and their children Archie and Lilibet remaining at home in California.

But there was no 仲直り between Harry and his brother William during the visit, after the Duke spent around 45 minutes at Clarence House seeing Charles.

He last appeared と一緒に the Windsors and the Waleses at the King's 載冠(式)/即位(式), but hurried home すぐに afterwards to 示す his son's fourth birthday.

Since stepping 負かす/撃墜する as working 王室のs in 2020 and moving to California with their family, the Sussexes have 空気/公表するd 主張s and grievances against the 君主国 and members of Harry's family.

The Duke's 主張s against his family appeared unrelenting in the 影響 of Megxit with his Oprah interview in 2021, and, in the months に引き続いて the Queen's death in September 2022, his Netflix 文書の and memoir Spare.?

There were 告訴,告発s of 人種差別主義 in relation to Archie's 肌 トン before he was born ? with the 発言/述べるs in the end 申し立てられた/疑わしい to have come from two 上級の 王室のs ? and (人命などを)奪う,主張するs Kensington Palace lied to 保護する William over 報告(する)/憶測s he 恐らく いじめ(る)d Harry out of the 王室の family.

The Duke also (刑事)被告 William of 肉体的に attacking him and throwing him into a dog bowl in a 列/漕ぐ/騒動 over Meghan, teasing him about his panic attacks, and, along with Kate, encouraging him to wear a Nazi uniform at a fancy dress party.

While Charles and Harry were said to still speak, William has 報道によれば not been in 接触する with his brother for an 延長するd period of time.