Ex-Harry and Meghan 補佐官 Samantha 'the Panther' Cohen says palace staff struggled to find her 後継者 as 私的な 長官 - and would-be 交替/補充 やめる while '存在 shown the ropes' on 小旅行する to Africa

  • Ms Cohen as Queen Elizabeth's 圧力(をかける) 長官 for 17 years?
  • Went on to work as the 私的な 長官 to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex?

The former 王室の 補佐官 dubbed 'Samantha the Panther' who worked as Harry and Meghan's 私的な 長官 has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that her 交替/補充 やめる during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to Africa.

Samantha Cohen served as Queen Elizabeth's 圧力(をかける) 長官 for 17 years and then as her assistant and 私的な 長官.?

She stepped away from working for the 王室の 世帯 in 2019 after a stint as the 私的な 長官 to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex - a 職業 she took on at the request of the Queen.

Ms Cohen 辞職するd after 存在 '扱う/治療するd 厳しく' and に例えるing the 職業 to 'working with 十代の少年少女s', によれば historian Valentine Low in his 調書をとる/予約する Courtiers: The Hidden 力/強力にする Behind the 栄冠を与える.?

In an interview with Australian 出口 the 先触れ(する) Sun, she (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that she stayed in her 役割 three times as long as she had 初めは planned because 公式の/役人s struggled to find a 交替/補充 for her.

When a new 私的な 長官 was 設立する, they やめる during Harry and Meghan's 小旅行する of Africa in 2019, Ms Cohen (人命などを)奪う,主張するd.?

She said:?'I was only supposed to stay for six months but stayed for 18 ? we couldn't find a 交替/補充 for me and when we did we took them on 小旅行する to Africa with Harry and Meghan to show them the ropes but they left 同様に while in Africa.'

Samantha Cohen, the former royal aide dubbed 'Samantha the Panther' who worked as Harry and Meghan's private secretary, has claimed that her replacement quit during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to Africa. Above: Ms Cohen at Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018

Samantha Cohen, the former 王室の 補佐官 dubbed 'Samantha the Panther' who worked as Harry and Meghan's 私的な 長官, has (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that her 交替/補充 やめる during the Duke and Duchess of Sussex's trip to Africa. Above: Ms Cohen at Harry and Meghan's wedding in 2018

She claimed that she stayed in her role three times as long as she had originally planned because officials struggled to find a replacement for her. When a new private secretary was found, they quit during Harry and Meghan's tour of Africa in 2019, Ms Cohen claimed. Above: Harry and Meghan?meeting a group of da
ncers at the Nyanga Township in Cape Town, South Africa

She (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that she stayed in her 役割 three times as long as she had 初めは planned because 公式の/役人s struggled to find a 交替/補充 for her. When a new 私的な 長官 was 設立する, they やめる during Harry and Meghan's 小旅行する of Africa in 2019, Ms Cohen (人命などを)奪う,主張するd. Above: Harry and Meghan?会合 a group of ダンサーs at the Nyanga 郡区 in Cape Town, South Africa

Harry and Meghan's ten-day 小旅行する with their son Archie began in Cape Town, South Africa. They also visited Botswana, Angola and Malawai in what was their last 公式の/役人 trip before they やめる as working 王室のs.

In an ITV 文書の filmed during the trip, Meghan (人命などを)奪う,主張するd to 放送者 Tom Bradby that courtiers failed to ever ask if 'I'm okay' and said she struggled to 対処する with 激しい マスコミ scrutiny, 説 she was '存在するing not living'.

Ms Cohen 確認するd in the interview with the 先触れ(する) Sun that she was one of 10 courtiers who were interviewed over (人命などを)奪う,主張するs the duchess 'いじめ(る)d' Palace staff.?

It (機の)カム after a いじめ(る)ing (民事の)告訴 was raised by Harry and Meghan's communications 長官, Jason Knauf, in 2018.?

However, Ms Cohen 辞退するd to make any その上の comment about the (民事の)告訴, which was strenuously 否定するd by the Duchess of Sussex's 合法的な team.?

Ms Cohen was a guest at Harry and Meghan's wedding in May 2018 and is believed to have?helped play a 重要な 役割 in 準備するing Meghan for a garden party at Buckingham Palace, which was her first 外見 as the Duchess of Sussex.

Mr Knauff had 申し立てられた/疑わしい to the Palace's human 資源s department that Meghan いじめ(る)d two PA's 'out of the 世帯' within the space of a year and was 的ing other 女性(の) staff.

He said in an email 漏れるd to The Times he was also 関心d about Ms Cohen.

He 示すd that she was experiencing extreme 強調する/ストレス and said: 'I questioned if the 世帯 政策 on いじめ(る)ing and いやがらせ 適用するs to 主要な/長/主犯s (the 称する,呼ぶ/期間/用語 used to 言及する to a member of the 王室の family)'.

In his bombshell memoir Spare, Harry railed against the いじめ(る)ing (人命などを)奪う,主張するs, 説:?'It was so outrageous that even though Meg and I 論証するd their 嘘(をつく) with a 25-page 報告(する)/憶測 to human 資源s 十分な of 証拠, it was going to be very hard for me to ignore it.'?

The final 報告(する)/憶測 by the Palace was kept 私的な to 保護する those taking part.?

Ms Cohen said: 'I was only supposed to stay for six months but stayed for 18 ? we couldn't find a replacement for me and when we did we took them on tour to Africa with Harry and Meghan to show them the ropes but t
hey left as well while in Africa'

Ms Cohen said: 'I was only supposed to stay for six months but stayed for 18 ? we couldn't find a 交替/補充 for me and when we did we took them on 小旅行する to Africa with Harry and Meghan to show them the ropes but they left 同様に while in Africa'

Ms Cohen, who was nicknamed 'Samantha the panther' for her no-nonsense attitude, served as Queen Elizabeth's press secretary for 17 years and then as her assistant and private secretary.?She stepped away from working for the Royal household in 2019 after a stint as the private secretary to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Above: Ms Cohen is seen behind the Queen and Meghan at a ceremony to open the Mersey Gateway Bridge in Widnes in June 2018

Ms Cohen, who was 愛称d 'Samantha the panther' for her no-nonsense 態度, served as Queen Elizabeth's 圧力(をかける) 長官 for 17 years and then as her assistant and 私的な 長官.?She stepped away from working for the 王室の 世帯 in 2019 after a stint as the 私的な 長官 to the Duke and Duchess of Sussex. Above: Ms Cohen is seen behind the Queen and Meghan at a 儀式 to open the Mersey Gateway 橋(渡しをする) in Widnes in June 2018

Harry and Meghan's ten-day tour with their son Archie began in Cape Town, South Africa. Above: Meghan dancing with locals in Nyanga township, South Africa

Harry and Meghan's ten-day 小旅行する with their son Archie began in Cape Town, South Africa. Above: Meghan dancing with 地元のs in Nyanga 郡区, South Africa

によれば The Times, Mr Knauff told Simon 事例/患者 - who was then Prince William's 私的な 長官 and is now 閣僚 長官 - in 2018 that he was 'very 関心d?that the Duchess was able to いじめ(る) two PAs out of the 世帯 in the past year. The 治療 of X* was 全く 容認できない.'?

He 追加するd: 'The Duchess seems 意図 on always having someone in her sights. She is いじめ(る)ing Y and 捜し出すing to 土台を崩す her 信用/信任.?

'We have had 報告(する)/憶測 after 報告(する)/憶測 from people who have 証言,証人/目撃するd 容認できない behaviour に向かって Y.'?

The いじめ(る)ing 主張s 現れるd just days before Harry and Meghan's incendiary interview with Oprah Winfrey.

代表者/国会議員s for the duchess said the 主張s were '存在 used by Buckingham Palace to peddle a wholly 誤った narrative based on 誤って導くing and harmful misinformation'.

One former 従業員 told the newspaper that they had been 本人自身で 'humiliated' by the duchess.?

It was (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that staff would be 減ずるd to 涙/ほころびs. One 補佐官 told a 同僚 in 予期 of a 対決 with the duchess: 'I can't stop shaking.'

An 補佐官 was 報告(する)/憶測d 説 it felt 'more like emotional cruelty and 巧みな操作, which I guess could also be called いじめ(る)ing'.?

Sources (人命などを)奪う,主張するd that little appeared to have been done to 演説(する)/住所 the (民事の)告訴s.?

One was 引用するd as 説: 'The 会・原則 just 保護するd Meghan 絶えず. All the men in grey 控訴s who she hates have a lot to answer for, because they did 絶対 nothing to 保護する people.'?

Meghan's lawyer, Jenny Afia, said that the 主張s were '絶対 untrue' and did not match her experience of her.?

Meghan's friend Janina Gavankar said 'I have known her for 17 years and I have seen the way that she regards the people around her and I can say she's not a いじめ(る).'?

A 声明 from Buckingham Palace said after the いじめ(る)ing (人命などを)奪う,主張するs 現れるd : 'We are 明確に very 関心d about 主張s in The Times に引き続いて (人命などを)奪う,主張するs made by former staff of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.

'Accordingly our HR team will look into the circumstances 輪郭(を描く)d in the article.

'Members of staff 伴う/関わるd at the time, 含むing those who have left the 世帯, will be 招待するd to 参加する to see if lessons can be learned.

'The 王室の 世帯 has had a Dignity at Work 政策 in place for a number of years and does not and will not 許容する いじめ(る)ing or いやがらせ in the workplace.'?

A bullying complaint was raised by Harry and Meghan's communications secretary, Jason Knauf, in 2018. Above: Mr Knauff with Prince William on being made a?Lieutenant of the Royal Victorian Order in May last year

A いじめ(る)ing (民事の)告訴 was raised by Harry and Meghan's communications 長官, Jason Knauf, in 2018. Above: Mr Knauff with Prince William on 存在 made a?中尉/大尉/警部補 of the 王室の Victorian Order in May last year

Ms Cohen also told the 先触れ(する) Sun how Queen Elizabeth 'loved it' when things went wrong because it 'spiced her life up'.

She said: ' The Queen had no ego, she was so comfortable in herself, yet she loved it when things went wrong.?

'If a cake was not cutting, or a plaque didn't 明かす, because everything was so perfectly organised, it spiced her life up when things went wrong.'

Ms Cohen, who said the Queen was a 'special woman' whom she 行方不明になるs, 追加するd the 'best times' were …を伴ってing the 君主 on her two 王室の 小旅行するs to South Australia and Queensland in 2002 and 2011.?

初めは from Brisbane in Australia, Ms Cohen started her career as a 新聞記者/雑誌記者 on the 日光 Coast Daily in Australia before working for the Australian 政府.

She is now working as 長,指導者 of staff for the 全世界の 長,指導者 (n)役員/(a)執行力のある of the 採掘 巨大(な) Rio Tinto.